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April 09, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-09

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See Editorial Page


:4Ia itJ

Chance of a few light
snow flurries; warmer Sunday

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



u l e i firliigttu ttily'I

Haber Hears
Of Teachers




Agree That Study Is
Necessary, But Group IX
Must Call on Smith ,





THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT HAS replied to charges that
it is attempting to stifle dissent by its attempt to have the
W.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America declared a subsversive organi-
In a letter sent to Robert A. Sklar of the history depart-
ment, Francis X. Worthington of the internal security division
of Justice said, "In no way has the right of members of the
DuBois Club or anyone else to speak out in protest against action
in Viet Nam been infringed. The action taken was against the
organization not because it expressed dissent from our Viet Nam
policy but because an extensive investigation by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation disclosed it was a Communist-front or-
ganization, that is, one created, dominated and controlled by
the Communist Party and primarily operated for the purpose
of giving aid and support to the Community Party."
The letter was sent in response to a letter forwarded by
Sklar to Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach on behalf of
the DuBois Club's 13 faculty sponsors. The letter sought a clari-
fication of the Justice Department ruling on the clubs.
* * *
have told state and University officials that the AEC is anxious
to avoid hassles with property owners over the proposed $375 mil-
lion atomic accelerator. Ann Arbor is one of six major contenders
for the site.
The meeting took place during an official visit by AEC offi-
cials led by chairman Glenn Seaborg.
Although state officials reportedly told the AEC delegates
that although some persons owning land on the site were not
happy with the proposed site in Northfield Township, it was
believed the land could be secured without time-consuming prop-
erty condemnation.
AEC'officials yesterday examined possible sites near Madison,
Wis. and Chicago. Other sites to be visited by the group are at
Denver, Colo., Brookhaven, N.Y., and the Sierra Nevada Moun-
tain foothills east of Sacramento, Calif.
for at least another two weeks. Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, assistant
director of Student-Community Relations attributes the delay to
problems in printing.
When the brochure is ready it will be sent to all incoming
freshmen and will be distributed on campus.
* * * *
academic year are expected to be ready sometime in May, accord-
ing to an Office of Financial Aids source. The loan program for
next year is, however, contingent on congressional appropriation
of funds. In the original presidential budget request for the
1967 fiscal year, there was no provision made for NDEA. The
House Appropriations Committee is expected to add $190 million
for NDEA to the education bill. A tentative timetable calls for
the committee to report out the bill in about two weeks.
* * * *
emphasize centralization and bureaucracy during the coming year,
its new president Jay Zulauf, '67, says.
A split between UAC committees resulting from the era pre-
ceding donsolidation of the Union and the League will be allev-
iated by alternating board meetings between the Union and
League buildings, thus emphasizing the unity of the organization.
Zulauf says better intercommittee communications will help
UAC to serve students by responding to their needs and desires.
AMERICAN CONSUMERS ARE "guardedly optimistic" about
the nation's economy even though most of them believe prices
will continue to rise, University economists said this week.
"Early in 1966 the threat of inflation created some doubt and
uncertainty among consumers," George Katona and Eva Meller
of the University's Survey Research Center said in a report.
Despite this, they said, their latest quarterly survey of a
2,400 family national sampling led them to conclude that "con-
sumer attitudes and expectations continue to support a high level
of consumer demand." The survey was made during February and
of the University of Maryland for 33 years, has resigned in protest
of the Board of Regents' policy concerning Communist speakers
on the Maryland campus.
Mrs. Whitehurst said Tuesday she had sent a letter of resig-
nation to Gov. J. Millard Tawes on March 26. That was the day
after the board opposed a proposed Maryland House of Delegates
resolution asking that Communists and Communist sympathizers
be banned from state educational institutions.
The governor later accepted the resignation, which was ef-
fective April 1.
(Continued on Page 2)

Representatives of the group of
teaching fellows who are request-
ing-increases in salary and fringe
benefits said that Dean William
Haber and Associate Dean William
Hays of the literary college seemed
"sympathetic" to their demands at
a meeting" yesterday.
However, since "no concrete res-
olutions were forthcoming," the
teaching fellows said they will
"place their grievancesbefore
Vice-P'resident for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith at a meeting on
Haber only commented that "a
careful study" of the teaching
fellows' problems would be neces-
The group of about 150 teach-
ing fellows, who began organizing
last week, are asking for:
-status as academic staff with
library privileges, adequate office
space, staff parking and a channel
of informatior with the adminis-
tration, and
-a salary increase from $2400
to $3600, with a tuition exemption,
and lower class sizes.
Members of the faculty, asked
about their opinions on the or-
ganization of teaching fellows,
were generally sympathetic, but
seemed to be rather uninformed.
All were quick to admit that the
teaching fellows area necessary
group of teachers and that they
do a very good job, but few had
found it necessary to acquaint
themselves very fully with the
teaching fellows' problems or to
talk among themselves or with
the teaching fellows about what
was wrong and what could be
Prof. Daniel Suits of the
economics department said he
thought that teaching fellows were
"exploited by and large" and that
their demands for higher wages
were justified.
However, he added that such
demands as smaller class size
could not be quickly remedied
simply because of the unavail-
ability of space and time. I
Reasonable Grievances
Prof. Norman Thomas of the
political science department said
he felt that the teaching fellows
had reasonable grievances. He said
that the teaching fellow renders
a "vital and essential service in
undergraduate ed u ca ti10n and
without him we would be in ser-
ious difficulties."
Thomas added that he hoped
that the teaching fellows could
reach a satisfactory settlement
with the University without being
organized into a formal labor
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld, of the
economics department, said he saw
that many of the teaching fellows
"have a hard time getting by on
the fellowships they get." He also
said that he thought there were
''many things the departments
could do to help them in teaching
and learning.
Administrative Deafness
Prof. William Stubbins of the
music school said that the "ad-
ministration sees only what it
wants to see and hears only what
it wants to hear, but the teaching
fellows can be heard and listened
to if they present their case

Cule Gie Rpy oChreso
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Patenalim Lviedby SudetPrs
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By LAURENCE MEI)OW the fact" and constituted a vote of Cutler has asked that three involved in the proposed rush plan
and RANDY FROST "no confidence in the orderly mian- points involving the rush system before presenting its findings to
VicePresden or suden Afagement by students of their own be studied. These included: Cutler. H hnhsawe o
t f affairs." -The intense participation and e
fairs Richard L. Cutler answered Cutler said that he felt that Iemotional involvement of the for- sustain, veto or not rule further
yesterday recent criticisms of his in the new rush plan there was jmal rush system which might hurt on the matter.
decision to review Panhellenic As- not any consideration of the pres- the grades and emotions of fresh- Although the callirg of the com-
sociation's plans for a single an- sure rush places on students nor men in the fall; mittee operates as a stay on the
nual formal rush in the fall se- any evidence of changes within --The sorority rush structure it- SGC action, Panhdi will continue
mesters. the rush system itself. He em- self in its present form, and to work out its present plans for
Cutler said he felt he was "in- erphasized, however, his desire to I-The attitudes of faculty mem fall rush. Originally, different rush
sufficiently apprised of the facts" "draw on the opinions and exper- bers which have recently been! proposals were discussed and vot-
and that he called the Commit- ience of everyone involved and look voiced. ed on by Panhel rush committees
tee of Referral "to illumnate the at the questions carefully" before! The committee has three weeks! and Presidents' Council before the
facts so I can make a decision. he reaches any decision. for an examination of the issues present plan was set up.
lack ofs ailability egohis part
for consultation on the issue, Cut-
ganizationsechoice. That choice Professors: How Does the cUf
is prior consultation, which is
really pre-censorship,lo they = ca RenI ) crtu ten t adee o t h e my
theioalrus decisionsse-1ay wibdujc encroucaneswthi Tesrt uhemtand tK epi-GCatPahemilcotiu
decisions with the knowledge that e
review." By PAT O'DONOHUE the University's departing profes- may be less crucial because of
Cutler added, "I prefer to give .vsors leave to take offers from these alternate incme sources such as
them the freedom to operate on The professor strides nto the isame schools. fellowships and research gramts.

Troops TDig in
For Fight
At Da Nang
First Corps Officers
Denounce Ky Regime
As Lacking Support
By The Associated Press
SAIGON - In an emergency
move prompted by mounting poli-
tical violence, U.S. Navy craft
evacuated 400 to 500 American
civilians and scores of off-duty
U.S. military personnel from Da
Nang early today.
(South Viet Nam appeared to be
heading toward the precipice of
civil war, NBC News reported.
Marines loyal to the military junta
led by Premier Nguyen Cao Ky
reportedly have set up roadblocks
around Da Nang.)
No explanation of the evacuation
order was given but there were
reports that the' Saigon govern-
ment might be preparing to move
against rebellious elements in Da
Nang, a focal point of anti-
government, anti-American dem-
Backed Off
Premier Ky flew 1,500 Vietnam-
ese marines there Monday but
backed off from threats to use
them to restore order.
Yesterday, a group of Vietnam-
ese military officers issued a state-
ment saying the Saigon govern-
ment no longer had the people's
confidence and was going to fall.
The officers said the First Army
Corps personnel "no longer have
confidence in Ky and would
struggle to the last man until
there is a government elected by
the people."
Intimidation Attempt
In turn, fighter pilots loyal 'o
Ky buzzed the headquarters com-
pound of the First Corps, in on
apparent attempt to- intimidate
the officers.
The officers' statement added
that signers pledged to stand firm
by Viet Nam's allies, "especially
the United States," in the fight
against the Viet Cong.
It was not immediately deter-
mined how many officers signed
the statement against the Saigo{
government or what backing they
could expect from the military
Get-Tough Policy
Reports said Premier KY and
other generals on Viet Nam's 10-
man military junta had changed
from a policy of appeasement to-
ward street demonstrators and
dissidents to a get-tough policy.
Meanwhile, hopes for a truce
between Buddhist leaders and the
ruling generals faded.
The original goal of the week-
long politicaldemonstrationsin
Saigon, Da Nang, ue and other
Vietnamese cities was professed
See related stories, Page 3
to be replacement of Ky's military
regime by a civilian government.
But the tenor of the protests has
moved nearer anarchy.
New Demonstration
In Saigon, a lay leader of the
Buddhist Institute, Tran Quang
Thuan, declared the institute has
had nothing to do with the dem-
onstrations, but that a big one
might develop today unless the
government acts to meet Buddhist
Police and military forces were
on the alert in Saigon for the ex-
pected protest.
(Usually reliable sources said
the ruling junta had decided at a
saigon meeting yesterday not to
accept conditions for a truce in
the political conflict outlined In

a Buddhist communique Thurs-
day, The New York Times re-
(The sources said Ky told the
junta meeting. that the, commu-
nique allegedly based on an agree-
ment made in prior negotiations
between himself and Buddhist
leaders, contained conditions to
which he had not agreed.
(Ky, the sources said, assert-
PA ha+h 1a hAar4 ,roi in lyto


their own, but that does not im- room, students settle back, andI
ply an unwillingness to discuss notebooks are taken out. Studies
matters beforehand."_have shown where these students I


Nancy Angst, vice-president of
Panhel, maintained that a Panhel
delegation had on severaleocca-
sions attempted to see Cutler but
was refused appointments.
Criticisms of Cutler's action
have been voiced this week in reso-
lutions passed by Student Govern-
ment Council, Interfraternity Pres-
idents Assembly ?nd Interhouse
Assembly. These contended that
Panhel had taken steps to coop-
erate with the administration and
that since such cooperation had
been denied or delegated, Cutler's
action was an "intercession after

who flood the lecture halls have
come from and have pinpointed
them to a particular socio-
economic group. But where have
the professors come from, and
how did they get to the position
behind the podium?
According to William Hays, As-
sistant Dean of the literary col-
lege, the professors are usually
found within one academic circle.
Many professors come here from
Stanford, Harvard. Princeton, the
University of California, Wiscon-
sin, Ohio, and Illinois. Many of


Charges have often been leveled
that these institutions participate
in -"academic head hunting" with-
in each other's jungles. By at-
tempting to lure or retain out-
standing faculty members by of-
fering them very large salaries,
universities may have to lower
salaries of other personnel. This
often has the effect of lowering
the overall quality of an institu-
tion's faculty.
'Star System'
However, the "star system" is
not in operation here, Hays said.
He explained that if a professor
here is given a lucrative offer
elsewhere, and the University
wishes to keep him, an attempt
will be made to match the offer.
But, the rationale behind deciding
salary rates is to raise the salary
level of all faculty members, not
to lower the status of the rest
of the faculty while enhancing the
prestige of one member, Hays
The effect salary has on the
process of recruitment is an un-
certain factor. It is generally
thought that a well-paid faculty
is a good faculty. This is not
always the case but has some
For example, before World War
II, the University was regarded
as pre-eminent among state in-
stitutions in many circles because
of the high quality of its faculty.
In this same period its faculty
salaries were the highest of any
other state-supported institution.
'U' Loses Status
At the end of the war, with the
nr-nnmn nnm nt~har imn titutno

In cases of this sort, a shortage
of space and equipment is seen
as a disadvantage by Hays. The
equipment that the University is
able to buy depends on the funds
it receives from the State Legis-
lature. Some equipment -,an be
purchased with federal aid if the
University can match the govern-
ment's investment.
However, the University cannot
match those funds unless ,suffi-
cient funds are forthcoming from
the state legislature. The State
Legislature is also responsible for
providing adequate financial sup-
port to raise faculty salaries.
Recruitment of faculty is a con-
tinuous process. A request is sent
to the dean's office where it is
rejected or approved. If the go-
ahead is given, the department
gathers information on a can-
didate's background, recommenda-
tions, and his record of publica-
The candidates are then rated
and listed in order of preference.
The department then informs the
dean of their choices.
The top contender for the ap-
pointment, during his visit to the
campus, may conduct a class or
discuss research projects; he will
participate in endless conversa-
tions concerning his teaching in-
terests and experience. He will be
evaluated by as many department
members as possible.
Political Science
In the political science depart-
ment, for example, all or some
members of the department will
vote on the proposal of the de-
nartment and the executive com-

Students Must Ponder 'Ultimate Questions'

Second of a Series
Yesterday's article dealt with
the student's attitude toward the
church and how that attit 1e
changes during his stay at the
University. Today we look at the
other side of the coin and ask,
"How does the church view the
The spokesmen for the Church
were campus ministers from var-
ious faiths and denominations and
other religious workers. The ques-
+in -nn ifn-li ina "T t [n

It was generally agreed that the these are not thought of as re-

contemporary student is no less
religious than his immediate
predecessors, but his religious con-
cerns are often of a different na-
ture. Virtually every person inter-
viewed stated or implied that the
contemporary student is more con-
cerned with 'ultimate' questions,
the very basic religious questions
which had in past centuries been
left for solitaries in isolated mon-
asteries to ponder but which are
now being forced into the thinking
of the average layman.(

ligious questions. They may be
considered moral and ethical
questions or existential problems,
but not religious ones. Religious
questions are thought of as being
issues such as justification by
faith, salvation or the doctrine of
the Trinity, and it is from these
that the student is increasingly
turning away. Many of the reli-
gious workers indicated that one
of the great challenges to the
contemporary church is the dem-
onstration of the inherently reli-
gious nature of these great exis-

greater openness on the part of noticing the increasing involve-
most students combined with a ment of the church in social con-
greater degree of hesitancy; a cerns and are approving with what
feeling that all the facts are not he called "applauding aloofness."
yet in. Rev. Donald Postema at the
Rev. Malcom Brown at the First Campus Chapel explained that
Presbyterian echoed this thought many students don't know why
and attributed it to the over- they are at the University; they
whelming quantity of information lack purpose or motivation. Rev.
brought about by the knowlelge Bell continued in this same vein
explosion. He added that those when he said that students often
who are serious about a religious have tremendous problems which
commitment seem to display are actually religious in nature,
greater interest in the practical but they don't identify them as
application of their faith. I such and, hence, don't turn to the
. , - , . ,- . _ -- a. 1.....

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