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January 13, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-13

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rv0h lrvArei Fre.420 MAYNARD ., ANN APBoR, MicH.

Nrws PhONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Win' -T

New Strike Settlement
Methods Sorely Needed


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THE DEADLOCKED New York City tran-
sit strike, now entering its thirteenth
day, Illustrates the urgent necessity for
the nation's major urban areas to insti-
tute new means to prevent future crip-
pling strikes of this type.
Nqw York has been afflicted by several
major labor crises in the past year. A
teachers' strike, a newspaper blackout,
and now a shutdown of the city's public
transportation system-which normally
carries six- million persons daily-have
made life a daily tribulation for the fif-
teen million persons who live in the me-
tropolitan area.
There is a law on the books to prevent
strikes by public employes-the Condon-
Wadlin Act, which is virtually unenforce-
able and thus has not been invoked dur-
ing the current emergency. On a national
level, the Taft-Hartley Act allows an 80-
day cooling-off period in labor disputes
deemed vital to the national interest,
but local and regional crises are not cov-
ered by the law.
The nation's sprawling urban areas-
which now comprise 70 per cent of the
total U:S. population-are faced by many
problems-poverty, water shortages, "ur-
ban blight," air and later pollution,
transportation snarls, which are not as
subject to workable remedies as the tran-
sit strike.
BUT A MECHANISM must be devised to
prevent strikes which are so detri-
mental to the public interest as to vir-
tually cripple a great city. The total esti-
mated financial loss for New York and
its inhabitants now totals close to one
and onedlalf billion dollars. The strike
is beginning to have a national impact
as well. Retail and wholesale orders from
New York are being delayed; the garment'
industry is virtually paralyzed at its most
important period of the year; thousands
of small businessmen are applying for
federal loans to tide them over the pres-
ent crisis, which shows no immediate
sign of ending.
In the future, the nation's cities must
consider the institution of a process of
binding, compulsory arbitration to han-
dle labor disputes which threaten to erupt
into a strike detrimental to the public
Major cities should elect a permanent
panel of arbitrators. The election process
would be vital to ensure impartiality and
the possibility of removing arbitrators
who demonstrate bias during critical ne-
gotiatiops. The elections might be con-
ducted each year, with panel members
running for re-election or bowing out
according to their personal choice. High
pay would certainly have to be an in-
centive for a job as grueling as that of
an arbitrator in disputes such as the New
York transit crisis.
THE PROCESS of collective bargaining
need not fall completely by the way-
side under this new system. Traditional
methods of labor-management negotia-
tion would proceed normally. Two weeks
before a strike deadline, if the arbitra-
tors decided tliat, no progress was being
made through traditional procedures and
that a strike seemed inevitable, the en-
tire dispute would be immediately sub-
tlHE BEANS have been spilled.
Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler will not recommend the
establishment of a University sponsored

bookstore but will advocate the rescind-
ing of the Regent's ruling prohibiting eco-
nomic competition between the Univer-
sity and private enterprise.
Many studentshave already displayed
bitter anger over Cutler's intended rec-
ommendations, but such wrath is prema-
ture considering Cutler's reasoning for
not recommending the bookstore is still
At today's SGC meeting the students
should pass a motion requesting that the
whole bookstore report be made public.
If Cutler's line of reasoning is cognent
in the report, fine. If, however, it repre-

mitted for binding arbitration. Labor
would remain on the job while the arbi-
trators' fact-finding studies are conduct-
ed, and all settlements would be retroac-
tive to the expiration of the previous
Naturally, city arbitrators would be ex-
tremely powerful and thus must be chos-
en by the electorate. Labor unions and
spokesmen for management might sub-
mit nominees to the public. Their quali-
fications would be thoroughly debated,
and the entire process would culminate
in the annual November election.
Naturally, there would be many diffi-
culties in creating the permanent arbi-
tration - panel necessary to avert strikes
such as the transit crisis. The arbitra-
tors would have to be empowered to
make the decision as to which labor dis-
putes constitute a clear threat to the
public interest and which can be settled
through traditional methods.
THE COST to the city of maintaining
an arbitration panel of, say, three men,
might run to $200,000 per year. But this
cost would'certainly be worthwhile if it
could prevent newspaper blackouts and
transit strikes which cripple the city's
economy and seem likely to recur in oth-
er cities as well as New York unless bind-
ing arbitration is instituted.;
In New York, Mayor Lindsay has al-
ready proposed a similar mechanism for
ending the transit strike. It may be too
late to settle this strike through these
means. But, for the future, it is impera-
tive that beleaguered cities like New
York immediately institute new processes
for settling thorny labor disputes which
make urban living uncomfortable at best
and disastrous at worst.
The traditional process of collective bar-
gaining has been shown to be manifestly
unworkable in many major labor dis-
putes. Now, a new and radical departure
in labor-management relations is neces-
sary in order to restore some measure of
sanity to New York and other, similarly
afflicted cities.
yesterday to fulfill its first Campaign
Promise by issuing Ann Arbor's own
"Guide Michelin," somewhat less osten-
tatiously titled "Ratings of Campus Res-
taurants."' One can only hope that they're
starting at the bottom of their of topics
and researchers and will work their way
up soon.
The relative quality of campus res-
taurants is, of course, a hotly debated
topic and in that sense it is nice that
Reach has issued this policy statement
dealing with it. Moreover it is interest-
ing to know that Reach feels Krazy Jim's
Blimpyburgers (**) "Lacks somewhat
in atmosphere." Indeed. Or that it feels
Drake's Sandwich Shop () is "Lacking
in variety" although "it's worth drop-
ping in to sample one of the 40 brands of
sandwiches and 20 types of tea."
But of course all that is irrelevant, pri-
marily because the report itself is ir-
relevant. Yet doubtless Reach will run
on the colorless issueless report in the
next election as it did in the last.
BUT CAN THIS SORT of meaningless
report be that which Reach referred
to as the solution to the campus' prob-

lems during its campaign? For the sake of
Reach's votes, one must hope not. This
"report" neither solves a problem (which
is granting the assumption, rather a lib-
eral act in this case, that one existed
there in the first place) nor raised stu-
dent welfare.
Reach must learn that "reports" and
"research" are not necessarily synony-
mous with campus issues, that toying
with irrelevancies is not the type of ac-
tion that boasts either aid or appeal to
students. There are important forces
bearing upon students on this campus,
there are significant things happenifgt
to them while they are here and as long

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Letters: Medical School


To the Editor:
AS AN ASSISTANT professor at
the Medical School, I read
with interest the criticisms made
by the medical students, and the
replies on the part of the faculty.
Both rather surprised me. The
studentsrcomplained about the
slowness in getting marks, and
the rotation system which de-
mands that students with different
amounts of preparation take the
same examination. These things
are manifestly unfair and should
be corrected, but do not seem to
ime to be all that important. They
represent a slipping of the cogs
in the complex machinery of a
medical school: so you get a some-
what lower mark in a course than
you deserved. In the course of
years this will really not make
much difference.
Of infinitely greater importance
is the generalrattitude of the
faculty toward the students. These
doctors of the future mentioned
the obligatory signing-in a cer-
tain number of autopsies in path-
ology, and the like, in their ob-
jection to being merely passive
recipients of a lot of predigested
information; but I think more
could be said along this line. Our
greatest asset-for both student
and teacher-is the students'
curiosity, his eagerness to learn.
his desire to be challenged, to
think for himself, and to form
patterns in this thinking which
will continue throughout his pro-
fessional life. I wonder if we use
these great resources to their
Do we get great things from the
students by freely giving of our
knowledge, and then challenging
the student to use this knowledge
when we ask him questions? Do
we judge his promise in the field
of medicine on the basis of how
he integrates his information and
ideals. or on the basis of how
well he can memorize things? Does
the student ever feel that his
standing in his class is judged not
so much on the basis of his future
as a thinking, feeling doctor, but

rather an evaluation of his stam-
ina at getting through a sort of
traditional obstacle course, com-
plete with a few oooby-traps?
These are the sorts of questions
which must be thought about con-
tinuouly in all medical schools,
and we must think of them here,
THE ANSWERS from a mem-
ber of the faculty rather sur-
prised me too. Dr. Gosling could
not have been a more fortunate
choice as a spokesman, in answer
to the students' accusation that
thee- are not heard, for there is
no one in the Medical School ad-
ministration who is more ap-
proachable than he. But Dr. Gos-
ling seemed to not quite answer
the questions. He said, if I remem-
ber' correctly (I seem to have lost,
my copy of the paper), that medi-
cal school is hard: we have to
sort of provide a kind of intellec-
tual library with all the informa-
tion now available, where the
student can pick different items
to suit his individual appetite.
I don't think the student is
complaining so much about the
number of books in the library-
about how difficult it is in medical
school. What he wonders about is
how these items are presented on
the shelves, and if he doesn't have
to positively fight to get some of
them. With our present system of
medical education, I think we do
have to have the library-full of
ideas; but we tend to neglect our
most precious asset, the student's
wish to think and choose for him-
self, as we force him to fill his
briefcase to overflowing.
In his last sentence, the writer
says that there seems to have been
a failure in communication be-
tween student and faculty. Failure
of communication? I really don't
think we need more telephones;
we might need an attempt at an
earnest self-appraisal-always a
difficult task-of what the student
wants, and how we can best give
it to him.
-Thomas N. Cross, M.D.

Viet Nam Protests
To the Editor:
sibly out of political expediency,
has come to the defense of our
campus vietniks, it is time to ex-
press an opinion that is probably
more clearly representative of the
majority of Americans:
The boobs who sat in at the
Ann Arbor Selective Service office
two months ago weren't too con-
cerned with the inconvenience
their actions caused others, from
paralyzing the functioning of that
office to tying up traffic for blocks
around. A violation of the law? A
mere technicality!
But now that the Selective Serv-
ice System is trying to enforce its
own technicalities the protestors,
aware that they haven't got a leg
to stand on, are frantically laying
down the "my constitutional rights
are being violated" smokescreen.
This seems to be a good gimmick,
and it has worked in the past, but
General Hershey, thank God, has
not been taken in by it and we
are fairly certain that most other
people haven't been either.
IT IS TIME that some of these
children realize that in the grown-

up world one takes full respon-
sibility for one's actions, whether
or not those responsibilities, in
all their ramifications, have been
contemplated beforehand.
It is apparent that the protes-
tors were willing to accept jail
and fines from the City of Ann
Arbor' to make it all look good,
but now that the Selective Service
System is unexpectedly enforcing
its code, they think they are en-
titled to be selective in their
acceptance of responsibility.
As one who spent three years
in the Army and disliked every
minute of it, I would be interested
in seeing some of these crybabies
try their "constitutional rights"
song-and-dance on the drill ser-
geants they encounter at their
basic training posts!
--David Catron, Grad
To the Editor:
THERE IS one facet of the "End
the War in Viet Nam" move-
ment which we find quite con-
fusing. In the past two years, a
great deal has been spoken about
free speech. Indeed, it is the
cornerstone of the "End the War"
campaign. Why then do those who
advocate "Surrender in Viet Nam,"

Hannah: Fascist,
Communist or Wrong?

"U S. Out of Vt Nam," or the
like, seem so eager to create a
situation that would lead to the
eventual loss of free speech in
Viet Nam?
It is only reasonable to assume
that United States' withdrawal or
a peace negotiated under the
terms presently set forth by Ha-
noi would result in Communist
control of South Viet Nam. This
domination would, in turn, deprive
the Vietnamese of the same right
to dissent that the protesters hold
so dgar to ,their hearts.
We would appreciate an ex-
planation of this seeming con-
-David S. Miller, '67E
John Sommella, '67E
A Transit Solution
To the Editor:
A DAY hardly goes by which
doesn't underscore the actual
inferiority of . our unjustifiably
snobbish East Coast countrymen.
For several days, New Yorkers
have been suffering from the ef-
fects of a disasterous transit sys-
tem strike and have been unable
to find any solution to the prob-
lem. Yet, using a little understood
power of government, in the pro-
cess of being affirmed right here
at Michigan, that strike could
probably be solved in a matter of
Certainly, it can be shown that
the crippling transit strike has in-
terferred with the normal opera-
tion of more than one of New
York's local draft boards. Almost
as certainly, there are enough
striking men liable for reclassifi-
cation'so that the appropriate
recognition of their deliquency
would bring af swift reversal in
the presently harmful transit situ-
Of course, the strikers will claim
that their action was not primar-
ily intended to disrupt the local
boards. Specifically, they will
claim that the purpose of their
strike was not to avoid military
service. The fact that the con-
tinued strike was in violation of
a court injunction and thus illegal,
however, should complete the
analogy to the Ann Arbor tres-
passing case.
ties need, thus, simply follow the
example of our pace-setting Mich-
igan draft boards to find and easy
answer to their current social
problems. We can be proud that,
here in Michigan, imaginative and
courageous leaders are pioneering
in an important use of the draft
system. Lesser men would have
been intimidated by some of the
more subversive clauses of the
federal Constitution.
-Ray Segal, '67E


PRESIDENT John Hannah of
Michigan State University sent
the following letter to George N.
Vance, Grad, in reply to an earlier
letter from Vance:r
I suppose I should be grateful
to you for your letter of Nov.
19, imputing a Fascistic atitde
to me.It arrived in thesame
mail as a letter, from Beverly
Hills, Calif.. accusing me of
Communist sympathies, again
for what the writer gathered
from news reports about my

position on civil rights. These,
two together encourage me to
believe that my position must be
a tenable one, attacked as I am
on both sides.
Said Vance in a letter to The
Daily, "If President Hannah is
being imputed to be both a Com-
munist and a Fascist, this does not
mean that his 'tenable' position is
somewhere in between. It means
something is wrong."
-George Abbott White

Refugees Blast Castro Airlift

(Third of a Series)
uary1 (the seventh anniver-
sary ofyCastio's victory) 500 dele-
gates to an "anti-imperialist" par-
iey of a group called the Tricon-
tinental Conference on African,
Asian and Latin American Revolu-
tionary Solidarity m e t a n d
harangued the United States, with
Castro sounding the keynote.
At the same time as Castro
was denouncing the U.S., thou-
sands of Cubans were waiting to
be airlifted to an "imperialist"
haven in the United States.
To many Cuban exiles in Miami
Castro's airlift means trouble. To
Jose Gonzalez, an ex-senator in
Cuba, the airlift is "another means
of infiltrating Communists to the
United States. These people have
been penetrating the country for
years; they are mostly active in
universities, and minority groups
such as civil rights movements
in which they work to gather
sympathizers. They work also to
weaken the free enterprise sys-
tem and to eventually destroy the
productive wealth of our nation,"
Puente said.
mayor of Havana, "the airlift can
only mean something bad; any

Alfredo Gonzalez, an ex-fighter
in the Bay of Pigs, said "Fidel
did not calculate the dimensions;
he thought only few peaple would
want to go out," (since the air-
lift began in December, 3,351 Cu-
bans have entered Miami; it is
predicted that during 1966, 40,000
to 50,000 will be flown from
Varadero to Miami. As the air-
lift continues, so do the clan-
destine small boat escapes. Eighty
five Cubans, mostly draft-age
males, escaped the island in eleven
small boats during December.)
"Now Castro is trying to put
a stop to these airlifts as they
have demoralized the country. He
did it as a show for the free world
as well as for the Cubans who
were beginning to become apa-
thetic about their fates in Cuba."
Gonzalez said.
GONZALEZ, who has traveled
to various American universities,
explained how he believed Com-
munists get into the various revo-
lutionary groups causing dissen-
sion by taking legitimate gripes
and creating conflict among the
group members themselves.
"They are able to create the
most dissatisfaction among civil
rights groups since many Latin
American are of Negro or Indian
blood." Gonzalez was quick to
uoint ouit the imno1'tancP of

ing them to rebel and helping them
to come to America.
At the present time, the Cuban
refugees are strongly in favor of
President Johnson's policy in Viet
Nam and see it as "the only solu-
tion." Cubans at the present time
also support President Johnson
One Cuban political science stu-
dent summed up a popular refugee

outlook, "Americans must pay a
price for being world leaders;
they must be able to back one
faction completely, they must have
a leader who is a statesman as
w'ell, one who can make a decision
and stick to it. So far the only
statesman the United States has
produced, is President Johnson."
Tomorrow: Exile groups
in Miami

Schutze's Corner: Come as You, Are

T HE DAILY'S insidious Wash-
ington gossip reporter, Jimmy
Foobah, crashed an exclusive
White House costume ball last
night and sent back the following
report to his incredibly extensive
President Johnson and his first
lady welcomed guests at the door
in their splendidly recreated cos-
tumes as Louis XVI and Marie
Antoinette. Their daughters. Luci
and Lynda Bird performed the
Watusi in the East Room while
wrapped together in a heavy metal
President Johnson later explain-
ed that they were dressed as a
chastity belt. Luci was escorted
by Pat Nugent, a GI, who wore
only reddish brown grease paint,

refused to speak to Vice-President
Humphrey, arrived clothed in a
spare loincloth with a large wood-
en cross strapped to his back.
President Johnson greatly anger-
ed King by stealing his cross and
adding it to his own Louis XVI
suit, but the two were later recon-
ciled when both joined forces to
throw Cassius Clay into the al-
most completed White House
swimming pool.
Guests were at first confused
by Gardner Ackley's somewhat
bizarre costume-he wore a mega-
phone glued to his face and an
on-off switch pasted onehis ear-
but Ackley later admitted that he
was dressed as a mechanized

and the last to leave was the gre-
garious entertainer, Sammy Davis
Jr., who crawled in on all fours
portraying an underdog. Davis
greatly angered President John-
son by stealing his cross and
adding it to his underdog suit, but
the two were later reconciled when
both joined forces to throw Martin
Luther King into the almost com-
pie ted White House ;pool.
Entertainment for the fete was
provided by the famous Unctuous
Brothers with Walter Jenkins
singing lead, backed up by Rock
Hudson and Johnny Mathis on
guitars, Liberace on piano, and
Pat Nugent on drums.
At party's end, almost all guests


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