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January 13, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-13

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10 arv m

THE MICHIC4%l 1)~ILV - A r, U, ~

1'A(.ik, THREE


Massive 1

U. S.-Australian

Drive 'Transit Strike Mediators


4Officials Plan
Viet Teams
For Villages
Program To Replace
Early Hamlet System
Of Rural Pacification
ed States aid officialsloutined
yesterday a long-term plan aimed
at permanently wiping out Com-
munist control in the South Viet-
namese countryside in coming
The new "rural reconstruction"
or pacification program, as it was
termed, is a successor to the ill-
fated strategic hamlet program
of the early 1960s.
Core of the new effort is to be
the assignment of specially trained
teams of 60 to 80 South Viet-
namese to villages which have
been freed from the threat of
large-scale Viet Cong military at-
Village Cells
The teams are being trained to
ferret out hidden Viet Cong cells
remaining in the villages, nurture
respected local governments based
on the existing village council
A' system, establish good police,
health, schoolinghand other com-
munity facilities and maintain
About one half of the team
members are to be armed and the
teams will be prepared to stay in
each village a year or as long as
necessary, it was stated.
This contrasts with the strate-
gic hamlet concept which proved
unable to withstand continued
pressure and techniques of the
Red guerrillas, the officials said.
They underlined this difference:
The strategic hamlet operation
tended to destroy the existing
village governmental system. Sai-
gon government cadres would
move people into alocation, give
pep talks and distribute a few
pigs, see that limited fortifications
were constructed, and thenemove
on to another site. This failed to
destroy underground Communist
cells, and when Saigon military
control weakened the Reds moved
back in command.
Officials said the Saigon gov-
ernment has grown in strength
and stability and methods for
identifying key Viet Cong cell
members remaining in the villages
have been greatly improved.
Eventual success of the new pro-
gram hinges on the success of the
South Vietnamese, U.S. and other
government armed forces in their
fight against Viet Cong military1
Important Effort
The outcome of the pacification
effort is regarded as highly im-
portant. Estimates currently vary
on how much of the countryside
is Viet Cong controlled. Some say
the Reds hold sway over more
than one half.
The new program is starting off
fith small beginnings-in about
400 villages comprising less than
10 per cent of the countryside, the
officials said. These villages cur-
rently are relatively clear from
attacks by large Viet Cong.
The Saigon government is now
training about 12,000 political ac-
tion specialists and 4,000 others to
help in the schooling, health and
agricultural work and the like, for
duty on the village teams, it was
reported. The goal is to build to
30,000 to 40,000 by the end of
this year.
American help figures heavily
though the program itself was
drawn up primarily by the South
Vietnamese, it was stated. The

Agency for International Develop-
ment is stepping up its personnel
in South Viet Nam from 700 to
more than 1,000 with plans to
send many more into the country-
The program is expected to
climb from a current U.S. AID ex-
penditure rate of about $55 million
to perhaps $70 million this year,
the officials said.
However, this is a relatively
small amount compared with the
more than a billion dollars-
some $500 to $600 million in over-
all U.S. economic aid and about'
$500 million in U.S. arms aid-
which is going to South Viet Nam
under this year's sharp set-up.

Rice CacheI
*Oerat1in in1
$f rpe 1 e
4$ s
Ir n T ria n g le,.::.:..
Gets Resultst
Harriman Scheduled
To Meet Vietnamese
Leaders in Saigon c

Give Proposals to Lindsay
NEW YORK (AP-A three-man strike leaders amounted to about another day. There must be give
panel of nationally known media- $100 million, and take. That give and take must
tors submitted yesterday its own Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, (D- take place today," Kennedy told
formula for settlement of New N.Y.), flew in from Washington
York's billion dollar.12-day tran- Wednesday afternoon for a meet- newsmen.
sit tieup. ing he requested with Lindsay at Before he returned to Washing-
With peace talks at a standstill City Hall. ton after his brief visit, Kennedy
in the prolonged bus and subway "I urge the union as well as the added:
strike, Mayor John V. Lindsay Transit Authority to accept the "This strike has been very harm-
studied the mediators' blueprint, findings of the mediation board. ful to organized labor across the
based on long hours they have de- The strike simply cannot go on country."
voted to the deadlock. The mayor -~
did not immediately make the pro-
pAs Lindsay kept his own coun-Jolm son s 10 Poi ts
sel, an estimated 800,000 motorists
fought traffic jams and punishing
cold in an evening rush hour exo- -
dus from Manhattan. Fo, hlreieomeeFront
Earlier Meeting

SAIGON. (A/)-A massive Unit-

' ed States-Australian arive noith- In an earlier meeting with the
west of Saigon began paying divi- mediators, Lindsay had directed
dends yesterday. New fighting them to submit their views "as to
brought guerrilla dead to 107 and'thembtsbmitatfireqtablatd
Americans overran what appeared tebasis r f equitamletand
to be an underground war room
and seized a big rice cache. Such mediation pressure was
U.S. officers' disappointment over one of thrt e alternatives suggested
the results of Operation Crimp by Lindsay in a Monday night
theresltsof pertio Crmpspeech, when he vowed the city
was replaced with a feeling of sat- "hwill not caitulate before the
isfaction as the oush against the lawless demands of a single power
Viet Cong Iron Triangle. 25 miles ss
from Saigon, entered its fifth day. group.
The three-man Transit Authori-
There was little action else- ty was believed prepared to ac-
where. But B52 heavy bombers cept recommendations from medi-
from Guam plastered two areas in ators Nathan Feinsinger. Theodore
South Viet Nam. one 300 miles Kheel and Sylvester Garrett.
northeast of Saigon and the other TWU Opposed
west of Pleiku, 240 miles north of However, the striking AFL-CIO
the canital, where the U.S. 1st Transport Workers Union went
Cavalry Airmobile Division is on record as opposed to a media-
hunting the Viet Cong. The Iull tors' settlement immediately after;
in the bombing of North Viet Lindsay's Monday night castiga-'
Nam continued into its 20th day.-I tion of the union.
Envoy Harriman Acting TWU strike leader Doug-
las MacMahon said upon learning


(Continued from Page 1)

ly into military needs.
Officials said the defense budg-
et will go up from about $54.4
billion this year 'to $58.3 bililon
in the next fiscal year starting
July 1. The nonmilitary budget
tIill increase by only $600 mil-

year, officials said, but of course
taxpayers would pay no more in
the long run.
Johnson laid down these other
10 points for the home front:
-To carry forward health and
education programs enacted last

lion, they s
itate to as
tions and
sities of Vif
The Pres
up in corp
called for
auto and


-Associated Press
SOUTH KOREA'S TIGER DIVISION soldiers capture a Viet Cong guerrilla, one of 800 taken in
action 240 miles north of Saigon,
New~~l Delhi:,* The King Is Dead,
Long Live the King'; Possibly
NEW DELHI/Pi)-The eldest son from Tashkent, in Soviet Asia, tri's seat as leader of his party's
of Lal Bahadur Shastri, torch in where Shastri died, apparently of huge majority in Parliament. The
hand, three times circled the plat- a heart attack, early Tuesday. majority leader is asked to form
form on which his father lay, Kosygin had presided over a con- a new government.
and then set it afire. ference aimed at restoring peace bNanda, as senior Cabinet mem-
Within hours after the flame between India and neighboring ber, automatically took over as
died out, a new political era had Pakistan. prime minister under the con-
started. President Kumaraswami Ka- stitution. But no law guarantees
New Delhi buzzed with reports maraj of the ruling Congress party him the party leadership also.
of political maneuvering, and scheduled a meeting for today t --l
Shastri's immediate successor as pay Shastri respect. And this will
prime minister, Gulzari Lal Nanda, give him an opportunity to assess;
conferred with political advisers. the political maneuvering. W orld N
Nanda faced possible challenges tion, "After Nehru Who," never
There appears to be considerable heir should be.w h p i Gu
sentiment that Nanda earned a Workhorse
term as prime minister, if only un- Nanda was Shastri's workhorse-
til next year's election. anda a Shastri's wo se F
and, probably, one of his closest By The Associated Press

Saigon awaited the arrival of
presidential envoy W. Averell
Harriman for talks with Vietna-
mese leaders. He had been ex-
pected yesterday but went from
Australia to Bangkok, Thailand,j
While Radio Hanoi continues
to assail Johnson's peace bid, the
absence of any formal public re-
jection stirred some hope among
congressmen in Washington that
peace talks still might be held.
A State Department spokesman
said yesterday that the U.S. atti-
tude toward engaging in peace ne-
gotiations with the Communist
Viet Cong Liberation Front in
South Viet -Nam has been amply
recorded and stands unchanged.
Times Story
He gave this reply in comment
on a New York Times story from
Algiers. The dispatch said Viet
Cong authorities there had "Hint-
ed strongly" that direct negotia-
tions with the front might mean
dropping of Communist demands
for withdrawal of American troops
as a precondition for peace talks.
Early in the present U.S. peace
offensive, Ambassador Arthur J.
Goldberg sent a report to the
United Nations setting forth U.S.
policy on negotiations but leaving
open the question with whom the
U.S. would be willing to sit down.

of Lindsay's decree to the media-
tor for a settlement formula:
st"As far as settlement of the
strike, it can be settled if the
Transit Authority and the mayor
I put sufficient money on the table.
,When they are ready to do this,
we'll be willing to settle this."
Lindsay's Estimate
By Lindsay's estimate, the Tran-
sit Authority's last offer to the
strikers was in excess of $40 mil-
lion over two years in wages and
Ibenefits. He said the demands of

took effect
The resto
taxes wou
billion in
next fiscal
in corpor
about $3 bi
As for i
said we "sh
holding sys
can more r
go "
This evi
The wit]
to 14 per
posals to
per cent on
The grad
tem would
$300 millk

aid. -To provide funds to "prosecute
said he would not hes- with vigor and determination our
k for more appropria- war on poverty";
revenues "if the neces- --To take what he called a "new
et Nam require it." and daring direction" in the for-
ident proposed a speed- eign aid program;
rate tax collection, and --To make it possible to ex-
oremposingte ctin ndpand trade between the United
reimposing the cuts in States and Eastern Europe and
telephone taxes that Russia;
on Jan. 1 of this year. 'rebuild on an unprecedent-
oration of the two excise ed scale central and slum areas
ld produce about $1 of several cities;
extra revenue in the I -To attack poisoning of rivers
year and the speedup and to "clean completely entire
ation tax collections large river basins":'
llion, officials said. --To meet the growing menace
income taxes, Johnson of crime in the streets;
iould improve our with- -To take added steps to in-
stem so that Americans sure non-discriminatory justice to
ealistically pay as they all people;
I-To fset up a federal depart-
dently would mean a ment of transportation-the 12th
system of withholding. Cabinet department, and
hholding now amounts -Finally, to amend the Consti-
cent of income, after tution to provide a four-year term
There have been pro- for House members coinciding with
raise it as high as 20 the presidential term, to "make
some income brackets. it possible for members of the
uated withholding sys- House of Representatives to work
bring in an estimated more effectively in the service of
on in the next fiscal the nation."

--- - -_il

in time for the start
of classes at other Universities.
Get the highest possible price

A crowd estimated to number
a million or more jammed the
funeral route and the side of the
holy Jumna River to witness
Shastri's cremation. The funeral
appeared as large as that of Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in May
At a vantage point near they
pyre stood United States Vice-,
President Hubert H. Humphrey
and Soviet Premier Alexei N.
"The world mourns the loss of
a statesman who died serving the
cause of world peace," Humphrey
said in a eulogy later at a cere-
mony conducted by foreign digni-
taries in New Delhi.
Kosygin came to New Delhi

collaborators. Nanda is expected'
to benefit from this.
There was talk that a challengeI
might come from Defense Minis-
ter Y. B. Chavan, a professional
politician strong in the important
Bombay area and a known as-
pirant for power.
Information Minister Indira
Gandhi, Nehru's daughter, was
being watched for signs that she
might be gathering support for
a power bid from he party's left
Morarji Desai, former finance
minister and a member of the
party's right wing, was considered
a darkhorse candidate. He was
the first to publicly express hope
for a smooth transition period.
At stake immediately is Shas-

BELGRADE - Soviet trouble
shooter Alexander N. Shelepin will
talk with the Communist Chinese
on a 24-hour stopover in Peking
en route home from Hanoi, the of-
ficial news agency said last night.
Quoting what it called reliable
sources in Peking, the Tanjug
agency's correspondent said "the
Soviet delegation will receive semi-
official treatment and have talks
on a corresponding level."
SALISBURY-Three British La-
bor members of Parliament were
roughed up and manhandled yes-
terday at the close of a rowdy
public meeting they had called to
discuss the Rhodesian situation.
None of the MPs was injured.

761-0700 -

1215 S. University

"Uniting and Divisive Factors in tht Church
of the Reformation and Enlightenment"
Speaker-TIMOTHY GREGORY, History Department
Date: THURSDAY, Jan. 13 TIME: 7-8:30 P.M.
(First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw
Sponsored by: Newman Student Association and Ecumenical Campus Staff

lperation -trigue

"A': iii :-:?::


is coming

You won't get it

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