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April 08, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-08

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Seventy-Sixth Year
When, Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552
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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The Dilemla of the Drf:
Someone Has a Solution

OcurenesRaw Power Beats S ystem Every Time
by BuceWasserstein

HOW DO YOU beat the system?
After listening to Professor
Organski's discourse on the reali-
ties of power politics at the China
Teach-In, I was inspired to think
of some tactics which would help
advance the student's cause.
FOR EXAMPLE, students want
a voting voice on tenure com-
mittees, and the faculty establish-
ment is opposed to the idea. What
do you do?
First, you pick a department
in which a high percentage of stu-
dents are liberals such as sociol-
ogy. Then you get the students to
boycott any class which is taught
by a professor hired aftera given
date on which students demanded
to be included in tenure selection.
Then you get people from Voice
to picket the class so that wishy-
washy students will be dissuaded
from attending.
Then, you set up a picket line
at the professor's house including
all of the grubbiest students on
campus. Assuming that the teacher

AS THE WAR in Viet Nam continues,
recognition of .a draft dilemma has
been growing in many areas outside the
offices of Gen. Hershey and Co. Solutions
to the problem abound as every type of
group imaginable has its own pet solu-
tion. Few of them are adequate; in fact,
few will ever be considered, much less
It is dangerous to hail each new reme-
dy as THE drug to cure the current draft
disease. The present system is, admit-
tedly, unfair in many of its policies, yet
it appears to be the best means of in-
duction available--until time allows its
EN. PHILIP HART (D-Mich) voiced the
doubts of many when he stated that
he had "serious questions about the fair-
ness and equity of the present concept of
deferment for those who can afford a col-
lege education, as long as a college educa-
tion is not economically within the reach
of all who might be academically quali-
A possible answer to this problem was
described in the petition drawn up by a
number of professors in the literary col-
lege calling for random induction.
While this solution may be acceptable
to an egalitarian, some argue that the
Armed Services, through the draft, take
many "off the streets of Skid Row" and
give them an education and set of values
which may have been otherwise unobtain-
able. It has also been said that such a
process would entail an unnecessary waste
of resources; college-trained inductees
could be better used elsewhere.
PROF. ROSS WILHELM, of the econom-,
ics department in the Schdol of Busi-
ness Administration, has described the
draft as "a waste" from an economic view-
point. He has suggested that the military.
should fill some of their manpower needs
by calling on the Reserves and the Na-
tional Guard. By leaving the Reserves
and the National Guard at home, we are
in the position of drafting the poorest
trained civilians to fight, while the best
remain behind.
Once again, a system of this sort has
the potential to waste resources. The

same men who fought in the past wars
have not been idling their time waiting
for the next one to roll around.
Many of them have taken up careers
and now have family responsibilities.
They have conceivably aged some, and
though the Reserves and members of the
National Guard are required to attend
weekly training meetings, this is not
equivalent to the training one encounters
in an Army Boot Camp. The fighters of
the past may not qualify as the fighters
of the future.
SENATOR HART, along with Paul Good-
man and many others, advocates the
adoption of a system which would give
the inductee an option to serve his coun-
try either militarily or diplomatically; "a
new system of broad national service to
supplement the service one could give
his country through the Armed Forces.
None disagree that a Peace Corps worker
in a remote village is making a significant
contribution to his country at some per-
sonal sacrifice. This can well be true in
other areas of foreign or domestic service
as well."
Senator Hart's solution appears to be
the most logical step towards the concept
of fairness in the induction process. It
provides for a system of national defense
on the diplomatic and military front, and,
at the same time, gives the inductee a
choice as to how he will defensively serve
his nation.
TfHESITUATION in Viet Nam at this
time prevents a rational review of the
inductive system. The war requires a large
number of military personnel, and the
past formula for success is seen as the
present panacea. One may argue the need
for such a war to be waged, but, once war
has been declared formally or informally,
one cannot argue the need for personnel.
The value of the present system, while
appearing to be the best solution now,
must be questioned in the future. It
should be answered with a system com-
parable to Hart's option system for for-
eign, or domestic service.

lives in a nice, quiet, middle class
neighborhood he will begin to
feel pressure from his neighbors.
Of course, the home of the de-
partment chairman would also
have to be picketed.
THUS THE sociology depart-
ment would have hired a man
who has no pupils to teach and is
having one hell of a bad time in
Ann Arbor. And, sure enough, he
will take up that offer to teach
at Berkeley.
Although it is unfortunate that
any individual has to suffer, that
is the nature of politics. As Or-
ganski would be the first to point
out, power is raw.
THIS TYPE of technique was
used with great effectiveness by
Saul Alinsky in the Woodlawn
area of Chicago. Instead of picket-
ing the slumowner's office, he
would take the ghetto Negroes and
go picket the landlord's house in
the suburbs.
And of course, in addition to
using these techniques for pur-

poses of academic reform, students
too can pick on specific slum land-
ample if students picked a given
cardboard apartment building and
instructed all potential customers
to go to the cardboard box down
the street which charged the same
prices. Obviously all those mort-
gages on the boycotted apartment
would be in for real trouble.
Students could send letters
around to all landlords who
charged exhorbitant prices for in-
adequate dwellings and warn
them, "you may be next." Then
the question for the landlord is
whether it is worth the risk of
being boycotted and going bank-
rupt to squeeze a few more dollars
from students.
Another idea in this area would
be to have rent strikes a la Jesse
Grey. For example, a majority of
the students in University Towers
could demand that the manage-
ment repair the torn elevator

doors or they will not pay their
rent. What can the management
do but repair the doors?
Or the University of Michigan
Student Economic Union could or-
ganize wildcat strikes to protest
low wage level.
IF THE ONLY WAY students
can win a better way of life for
themselves is through pure power,
the only solution is to organize.
The only effective organization
can, of course, be accomplished
through a popular student front
with groups ranging from Young
Republicans to Voice Political
THANK YOU Mr. Organski.
. . .
FR SEVERAL weeks members
of Voice have been picketing
local stores which sell Schenley
liquors, because of Schenley's re-
fusal to recognize an agriculture
union as the bargaining unit for
Wednesday, Schenley capitu-

lated and recognized the grape
pickers union.
As William L. Kircher, national
director of organization for the
A.F.L.-C.I.O. said, "Labor history
was written here today."
THE SCHENLEY settlement
marked the first time in the his-
tory of California that a union of
field workers had gained official
recognition from the grower.
There are 500,000 people em-
played in California's agricultural
industry. According to the New
York Times the "average family
income of seasonal farm workers is
estimated at about $2,500. It is
about time that these people had
a fair shake in the "Great So-
There is little doubt that the
boycotting of Schenley products
throughout the country by groups
such as Voice was instrumental in
bringing about the settlement by
discrediting Schenley before a na-
tional audience.
NOTCH ONE for the activists.



Secret Sex Becomes the, "Big Deal"


SINCE MY OWN youth-I was
born in 1911-there has been
important progress toward free-
dom, naturalness, and honesty in
sexual matters. In child care, as
taught by Dr. Spock or the De-
partment of Labor Manual, there
is a widespread relaxation of toilet
training and a reasonable toler-
ance of masturbation.
There has been a remarkable
liberation from censorship of so-
called pornography, so that it is
now possible to write plain Eng-
lish about most human problems.
Information about contraception
and venereal diseases has become
publically available and useable.
Psychology, whatever its merits
or demerits, has squelched a lot
of superstition. And, by and large,
religion has let up on hellfire.
ever, there has been no improve-
ment. Practically, parents leave
their young out on a limb with
their "freedom"; they are permis-
sive and even sentimentally ap-

proving of sexuality, but they do
not provide space, moral support
or practical information.
Police law is as barbarous as
ever, despite the fact that moral
legislation with regard to sexual
matters like marriage and divorce,
abortion, statuatory rape, or
homosexuality (just as with regard
to gambling, alcohol or drugs) in-
variably does more harm than
And the school systeis persist,
as they did in my childhood, in
the fiction that sexuality simply
does not exist.
AT PRESENT, in my opinion,
the attitude of the schools does
the worst damage. In the first
place, there is a terrible waste of
opportunity-as is true, of course,
also with the rest of the schooling.
At the elementary level, it would
be a great thing if the wasted
training would include psycho-
somatic exercises and eurhythmics
to unblock and harmonize the
anger, grief and sexuality that are

damned up in the average child;
but this is impermissible because
of the school board, the mayor,
the church, and the yellow press.
High school and college would
in principle be ideal environ-
ments for exploration in the risky
field of sex, under the protection
of benevolent teachers; but that
will be the day! I have even found
it impossible for a college to adopt
a course of group therapy for
seniors, so they can gain some
awareness of themselves and one
another before they graduate, to
marry or not to marry, to choose
careers, to vote.
BUT THE WORST damage is
done by the school's denial of the

existence of sex for this creates
a schizophrenic unreality. Since
sex does not exist for the children,
the schools become in so far un-
real environments: there is no
doubt that this is a chief cause
of inattention and dropout.
More important, since the
school is overwhelmingly the
unique public and official environ-
ment of the young, children and
adolescents begin to take their
sexuality itself as not quite real,
for the chief-property of reality is
to be publicly expressible and to
affect and be affected by other
dent in the reality of American
life and the sexuality that is part
and parcel of it. For the young, sex
exists only in their peer-group; it
is therefore ignorant and insulted.
It must not interfere with home-
work, nor can it energize writing,
art, sport, career, or any other
cultural pursuit. But as a part of

the youth "sub-culture," divorced
from community or grown-up
meaning, it necessarily becomes
False privacy results in timidity
and conformity, and prevents true
solitude and individuality. Instead
of each youngster developing ac-
cording to his own disposition,
situations, and luck, and even-
tually learning to cope with the
demands of society, all are forced
into conformity to an uncultured
and jejune perr group.
Conversely, insulated from the
rest of life and yet obviously tre-
mendously important, sexuality
becomes a glamorous big deal.
AS FREUD pointed out, sexual-
ity is co-equal among half a dozen
other major human functions, like
knowing, making a living, art,
citizenship, God, being a parent,
to all of which it contributes a
color and value. But if it is either
inhibited or isolated, it becomes
destructive and trivial; it is over
rated or it vanishes.



Romney Clarifies Speaker Ban Policy

Williams vs. Cavanagh:
Mudslinging Can Be Fun, But...

Editor's note: In late February
Mr. Leonard M. Schwartz, '67.
sent Governor George Romney
a copy of a column written by
James W. Schutze on the Senate
speaker ban resolution. His reply
was a clarification of his posi-
tion on the controversial speaker
policy issue. The following is a
copy of Gov. Romney's letter:
Dear Mr. Schwartz:
THANK YOU for sending me
your comments on the recent
appearance of a communist speak-
er at three of our state universi-
ties. I welcome the opportunity to
amplify my personal views on this
controversial subject.
First: I "support the principle
of university autonomy as spelled
out in our state constitution. The

governing board of each institution
has final authority over all mat-
ters of internal policy, including
the policy on outside speakers. I
therefore oppose efforts to inter-
fere with the independence of uni-
versities in this area.
Second: I am in basic agree-
ment with the existing uniform
policy on outside speakers which
was adopted by the Michigan Co-
ordinating Council for Public
Higher Education in 1962. The
Coordinating Council's "Report on
Speaker Policy" spells out the in-
tention of the institutions "to
foster a spirit of free inquiry and
to encourage the wide discussion
of a wide variety of issues, pro-
vided that the views expressed are
stated openly and therefore are
subject to critical exaluation."

THE REPORT also includes this
important provision: "The speaker
must not urge the audience to take
action which is prohibited by the
rules of the college or university,
or which is illegal under federal
or Michigan law. Advocating or
urging the modification of the
government of the United States
or of the State of Michigan by
violence or sabotage is specifically
prohibited. It is the responsibility
of the student organization to in-
form speakers of these prohibi-
I BELIEVE that this policy
achieves a proper balance between
the right of student organizations
to invite speakers representing a
wide range of viewpoints, and the
responsibility to exercise this right

THE APPARENTLY unbeatable George
Romney is driving potential Democrat-
ic gubernatorial contenders away from
the electoral lists in droves. An obscure
Republican congressman, Robert Griffin,
is certain to lose to the Democratic sen-
atorial nominee. So the contest between
Detroit's Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh and
former Gov. G. Mennen Williams for the
Senate nomination has been the only
thing that's happening so far in state
BUT WHAT HAS BEEN happening? The
most notable event thus far in the
whole campaign occurred Wednesday. "It
is a matter of record that people hold-
ing nonpartisan city (of Detroit) jobs
have been used on political junkets to
out-state Michigan" for Cavanagh, Wil-
liams stormed, noting Cavanagh announc-
ed his candidacy for the Senate "only 76
days after he was inaugurated" as De-
troit's nonpartisan mayor.
Pointing out he had removed his own
face from the Democratic ballot vignette,
Williams called on Cavanagh to "make
this a truly fair election by removing his
face from City Hall and taking his cam-
paign workers off the city's payroll." In
short, he said, Cavanagh ought to resign
as mayor.
Cavanagh counterattacked at once. "I
am delighted that my opponent has ex-
hibited a concern for nonpartisan gov-
Acting Editorial Staff

ernment," he said, because "he never ex-
hibited such an interest in the 12 years
he was governor."
Claiming that Williams had been cam-
paigning for the Senate post ever since he
got the job of assistant secretary of state
for African affairs in 1960, Cavanagh said
he'd "be most happyto resign if I had
family millions (as does Williams), but
I have eight children to support." The
employes? Oh, yes, some had indeed been
working for him-=but on their vacation
OF COURSE, there are other issues that
might be discussed during the race,
such as the war in Viet Nam, the spectre
of inflation, the war on poverty and oth-
er matters. But such knotty questions
pall before the present-and virtually the
only--issue. It even appears urgent, since
Cavanagh may have to resign anyway,
if he is elected to the Senate in Novem-
Here, however, is a dramatic oppor-
tunity for a constructive dialogue which
might even revitalize the whole demo-
cratic process. Cavanagh started out his
candidacy by asking that he and Wil-
liams "debate the great issues of this
campaign face to face in communities
across the state." If Cavanagh can un-
tangle himself from his eight children and
Williams can withstand debating with a
nonpartisan mayor, they should indeed
IN FACT, they should do more than
that. For example, they might offer a
public accounting of their respective fi-
nances and the number of their children
and other dependents. Since Cavanagh
hinted darkly that Williams was too busy
campaigning to bother "when several
governments in Africa were under at-
tack and were in fact in revolt," per-
haps the Senate Foreign Relations Com-

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according to the reasonable re-
straints spelled out in the policy.
-George Romney
Good Intentions
To the Editor:
H tAVE RECENTLY been reim-
pressed with a strange though
familiar phenomena. A man or
mbn so consumed by a desire that
they misinterpret the reality in'
which their desire must be actual-
ized, thereby frustrating its actu-
Some time ago, in William Wy-
ler's movie The Collector, I saw a
young man wanting so desperately
to be loved by a girl that he was
unable to understand that by im-
prisoning her, he removed any
possibility of his desire being re-
alized. Motivated by the most no-
ble and understandable of emo-
tions, he insanely destroys what he
strives to possess.
Herakles by Archibald Macliech
and again saw a man distort re-
ality through the intensity of his
good intentions. Herakles at-
tempts to serve God and man by
perfecting the world, cleansing it
of all human misery. But in the
process of destroying the evils of
the world, he mistakes his seven
sons for monsters and slays them.
. In his enthusiastic direction of
power towards a beneficial objec-
tive, he somehow looses his ability
to discriminate between men and
monsters. The attempt to perfect
the world results in senseless des-
truction. In the case of both Her-
akles and The Collector, our
awareness of the ruthless irony
causes us to sympathize with the
men, but we cannot condone their
I HAVE ALSO watched our pre-
sent political and social situation.
I have seen men who for the most
part are motivated by the most
moral of motives. I have seen men
desiring America to be loved and
respected, but in their enthusiasm
failing to comprehend that love
and respect are not engendered by
power and intimidation.
I have seen men intensely de-
siring to rid the world of evil and
suffering, but in their enthusiastic
use of power, they have destroy-
ed monsters which in fact are their
brothers. Our awareness of the
irony may cause us to sympathize,
but it cannot allow us to con-
done thsains.

if you try hard enough" results in
many atrocities. We must learn to
dream in terms of existing condi-
tions, and these conditions must
be perceived and evaluated cor-
rectly. We must learn to avoid
strangling the child in our loving
embrace. We should have long
since learned that blood letting is
an ineffective method of purging
-Douglas C. Sprigg, Grad.
At Last
To the Editor:
FIND THIS a difficult letter to
. write since I am so Iempted to
simply accept the Zioiist's view-
point as true and d.scount the
Arab's stand as false :propaganda.
This attitude of mina or of other
Zionists or the reverge one of the
Arabs has been held ever since
Jews were officially ad!n tted te
Palestine in accord with the !!r-
four Declaration and has been in-
tensified since the formation of
the state of Israel.
I feel it is time for a change in
these attitudes and the charges
and countercharges which have
been seen in the Daily recently
have convinced me how necessary
this change is.
BOTH SIDES should realize that
they are probably equally quilty
of breaking all legal as well as
humanitarian laws. The military
attacks made by both sides on
each other, the unwillingness to
try and solve the Palestine refugee
problem, the Jordan River de-
velopment dispute, as well as the
continual arms race, are just some
of the stumbling blocks to peace.
However, no real effort has been
made in order to bring about a
solution to some of these problems.
THEREFORE, the energy being
wasted on trying to justify the
position of either one side or the
other (and it is wasted since noth-
ing constructive occurs), should
be channelled into a means of
bringing the two sides together.
Peace will be an impossibility in
the Middle East until the Arab
and the Israeli 'or Zionist come
down from their position of self-
acclaimed innocence, look closely
at their own records, admit their
faults, and then finally come to
grips with the existing problems.




Managing Editor

Editorial Director

JOHN MEREDITH ......Associate Managing Editor
LEONARD PRATT.........Associate Managing Editor


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