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April 06, 1966 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-06

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. _._r . .e. a e.-,. w. F m


Doctoral Examination for Rosmarie
Sebald Waldrop, Comparative Litera-
ture; thesis: "The Discontent with
Language and Modern oPetic Tech-I
nique." Wed., April 6, 1210 Angell Hall,
at 3 p.m. Chairman, Ingo Seidler.
Doctoral Examination for Daniel

Across Campus

Francis McGrath, Library Science: thes- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 8 p.m.-The University Players
(Continued from Page 2) is: "American Colorplate .Books, 1800-wl rentH riIbn'"Pr
1900," Wed., April 6, 311 GeneralLi- 8 p.m. - Peter Taylor, novelist will present Henrik Ibsen's "Peer
be released, and no transcript of credits brary, at 2 p.m. Chairman, R. L. Kil- and short story writer, will speak Gynt" in Trueblood Aud.
wi All ssdents owing such aounts at a Hopwood Lecture On "That 8 p.m.-The Institute of Public
will not be allowed to register In any Cloistered Jazz" in Rackham Lee- Administration will present a
ssubsequent semester or summer ses- Doctoral Examination for Daniel ture Hall. seminar by Prof. D. N. Chester of
sion until payment has been made. Paul Maki, Mathematics; thesis: "The
Construction of Distribution Functions 8 p.m.-The University Players Oxford speaking on "An Appraisal
Law School Admission Test: Candi- for Some Polynomials Orthogonal over will present Henrik Ibsen's "Peer of the British Civil Service" in
dates taking the Law School Admis- a Denumerable Set," Wed., April 6, 336 Gynt" in Trueblood Aud. Rackham Assembly Hall.
Gin Tct Q+ Ari a- rniacf !W. ngg.Bldg. at 3 pm. Chairman,

sinTest on Sat.Arl9 r eus-
ed to report to 130 Bus. Admin. Bldg
at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.
Wanted: 20 graduate students to as-
sess tuition at Spring-Summer Registra-j
tion, May 3 and 4. $1.50 per hour. Re-
port to Room 3007 Administration Bldg.
as soon as possible.
Wanted: Eight male students to as-
sist in preparing WaterMan Gymnasium
for Spring-Summer Registration. To be
able to work the week of April 25,
$1.50 per hour. Report to Room 3007
Administration Bldg. as soon as possi-

'J. L. Goldberg.
Doctoral Examination for LouiseE
Rothmiind Russert Kraemer, Fisheries;
thesis: "The Mantle Flap in Three Spe-
cies of Freshwater Mussels, Lampsi-
lis," Wed., April 6, (Fisheries Seminar
Room) Natural Resources Bldg., at 9
a.m. Chairman. H. van der Schalie.
*rStudents: If you need to order a
transcript without grades for the pres-
ent term, you are urged to call in
person at Rm. 515, Administration Bldg.
not later than April 15.f
*--D.es not apply to students in
Law and Undergraduate College of En-1

8:30 p.m.-The University Choir FRIDAY, APRIL 8
and Chamber Orchestra, conduct- 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will
ed by Prof. Maynard Klein, will present "Kind Hearts and Coro-
present a concert in Hill And. nets" in the Architecture Aud.
THURSDAY, APRIL 7 8 p.m.-The University Players
THU -CD ne, A Gil wilwill present Henrik Ibsen's "Peer
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will Gynt" in Trueblood Aud.
present " Kind Hearts and Coro- 8:30 p.m.-The Michigan Con-
nets" in the Architecture Aud. sort of Voices, Viols, and Histor-
____1 ical Instruments will present a
work in truck assembly plant. Start public concert conducted by Prof.
first of May. Robert A. Warner in Rackham
Spend your summer in the NationalL
Parks. Yellowstone, Gliacier. Bryce, Yo- Lecture Hall.
semite. Zion, Grand Canyon. Start | SATURDAY, APRIL 9
General Motors Tech. Section, Warren,
firs ofMay. e4 Aug 25.Seto Wre 7 and 9 p.m.-Cineina Guild will
Mich. - 4 ground maintenance men present "The Bandits of Orgoloso"
needed. in the Architecture Aud.
Backus Farm, Sands Point, Port Wash- 8 p.m.-The University Players
on tn e plant en for outdoor work will present Henrik Ibsen's "Peer
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad, Gynt" in Trueblood Aud.
Detroit-Surveyor from April 27-August SUNDAY, APRIL 10
* * * 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will
Details & applications available at s,
Summer Placement, 212 SAB, Lower present "The Bandits of rgoloso
Level. in the Architecture Aud.


Organsky, Solomon, Stewart, Lattimore, Rapoport, Greene debate
the China policy of the United States.



U. S.-China Relationship

Wanted: 60- male and female students gineering,
to assist with Spring-Summer Rgistra-f
tion, May 3 and 4 at Waterman Gym-
nasium. Report to Room 3007 Admin- xtacement
istration Bldg. as soon as possible.
History 562: Will meet in Lydia Men- Bastille-Neiley Architects, Boston,
delssohn Theatre on April 6 only at 11 Mass.-Secretary for one girl office.
a.m. Handle bookkeeping, payroll, billing,I
typing, etc. No shorthand req. Will train
Doctoral Examination for Jasim uddin in bookkeeping duties. April grad for
Ahmed, Environmental Health; thesis: opening May 20.
"Portable Body Monitor: Some Design Johnny Appleseed School & Training
Chtaracteristics," Wed., April 6, 3042 Center, Ft. Wayne, Ind.-Psychologist.I
SPH, at 1:30 p.m. 'Chairman, G. H. MA with clinical etper. for day center
Whipple. Ifor 160 mentally retarded, ages 4-35,
United Fund of Greater Lima, Lima,
Ohio--Public Relations Director. April
or recent grad to handle news writing,
O RGA NIZATION radio & Tv promotion, general activi-
ties with public, etc. Exper. not req.
WENH-TV, Durham, N.H.-Producer-
NOT Director. Produce & direct both instrue-
J ; tionai & general-audience programs. All
around exper., bkgd. in cinematography
& musical production helpful.
USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- City of Columbus, Ohio - Attn.:
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially April Lib. Arts Grads-Trng. Program
recognized and registered student orga- leading to positions as city planner or
nizations only. Forms are available ir urban renewal technician. Degree in
Room 1011 SAB, physical or social sciences, some knowl.
* e eof principles, practices & trens in ur-
French Club, Le Baratin, Le Bara- ban renewal or city planning.
tin, every Thurs., 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze 4 * *
Bldg. Venez tous. For further information, please call
A:* 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
Joint Judiciary Council, Meeting. pointments, 3200 SAB.
April 6, 7 p.m. in the SAB. Cases will
ne heard at that time. Old members EDUCATION DIVISION:
may attend. Teaching Opportunities-Short-term
teaching positions available to Michi-
Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. al gan grads from April 25 to May 20 in
Forest Ave., Maundy Thursday serv- Van Buren County. Project sponsored
ices, 7:15 a.m. & 7:15 p.m., Holy Com- by Western Michigan Univ. through'
munion at both services, April 7. their Directed Teaching Office. Two &
* * * i four week periods available. For addi-
University Lutheran Chapel. 1511 tional information & applications con-
Washtenaw, Thurs., April 7, 7:30 p.m.t'act Buieau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
Maundy Thursday Holy Communion 764-7462.



by a long lease you can't fulfill?
Let a professional save you money
and work.
Ann Arbor's ONLY specialist in
sumimer subletting. We can rent.
your apartment FAST, do call or
conie in today to
1215 S. University

* * *t
Graduate Student Council, Monthly
business meeting, April 6, 7:30 p.m., E.
Conference Room,,Rackham Bldg.

212 SAB-
White Motor Co., Lansing Div., Lans-
ing, Mich.--Men for general assembly

Felix Greene tells a packed auditorium about his experiences in China.

why cart all those
clothes home?
Call Greene's Cleaners today!
We'll deliver a storage box-
Fill it with your winter garments-
We'll pick it up-clean your garments-
Store them in our air conditioned vault.
Next fall-give us a call. We'll deliver-
fresh and clean-beautifully pressed.
It's so convenient-and cheaper
than shipping. Still only $4.95 plus
regular cleaning charges. Call and
reserve your box today.
Greene's Cleaners
NO 2-3231
XNhen mama changes to
the Passover dishes,
Barton's changes to
Passover candy. once


(across from Campus Theater)
NO 5-4480 or NO 5-4489



Anatol Rapoport discusses the issues
with curious students.

Julien Gendell, Peter DiLorenzi, conference
coordinators, discuss the next item on agenda.

L is it true you re planning
to get engaged?
I'm on the brink
of giving Jane my
Beethoven sweatshirt.
3. What about money for your
children's education?
My Uncle Henry is
very fond of me.
lie owns a steel ill.
5. I know something that can
help you meet almost all
your financial needs.

2 how are you going to guarantee
security to your family when
you're married?
I have a rich aunt,
you know.
4. Whltod pay off your mortgage
if you should die?
You never can tell.
Every time I help
an old man across the
street I give him
my name and address
incase he doesn't
have anyone to leave
his money to.
6. Living Insurance from
Equitable can. It can even
give you a lifetime income

Pass over Favorites:
parve or milk and bitter
sw-et chocolates; filed with
cremes, truffles, nuts, exotic
cordials. 1 lb assortment, $2.39.
Plus other wonderful Passover candses
and cookies

Marshall Sahlins and Morton Freid
lead another seminar.

What mama does, Barton's
But Barton's does it on a
much larger scale. And a little
For 7 days and 7 nights, all
baking and candy-making stops.
Leavening agents, non-
Passover candy and cake and un-
used ingredients are cleared out
of the Barton's kitchens.
As are the pots, vats, scoops,
ladles, baking pans, all the ma-
chinery that isn't nailed down.
What is nailed down is seared,
by blowtorches. And the walls,

ceilings and floors are hosed
down with live steam.
When all is immaculate, the
-Passover utensils are taken out
of their special place.
And the raw chocolate, fruits,
nuts, honey, etc. that are Kosher-
for-Passover are brought in.
Barton's makes these Passover
preparations under the careful
scrutiny of The Union of Ortho-
dox Jewish Congregations of
Even mama
doesn't go thatB T
far. *09 "'. Z .
~~ @

Owen Lattimore and A.F.K. Organsky
hold a brief tete a tete.


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