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April 05, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-05

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See Editorial Page

Sir~ i!a

Cool and windy with
occasional snow flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Teach-In Stresses Cinese, American Roles n

n Asia

"The one thing that would bring
the deepest sigh of relief in the
world would be the containment
of U.S. expansionism without
this country also returning to its
isolationisnmof the 1930's."
These are the words of the
noted China scholar Prof. Owen
Leds who spoke Sundayrs after
noon to a crowd of 2500 in Hill
4Auditorium attending the Emer-
gency Conference on China.
Speaking in addition to Latti-
more were Felix Greene, British
author and producer of the film
"China"; anthropologist Morton
Freid of Columbia University, and
Alexander Eckstein of the Univer-
* sity economics department, a
leading authority on the Chinese
Later iii the evening there was
another round of addresses, a de-
bate on U.S.-China relations fea-
turing Prof. A. F. K. Organski of
th~e political science department,
* and a round of late evening semi-
The conference generally main-
tained an educaitional atmosphere,
although in the evening seminars
a heated exchange between Or-

ganski and Prof. Thomas Mayer is, we have it to grant, and China
of the sociology department re- must ask for it. Between two great
suited in Organski's walking out nations it is a two-day proposi-
of the session. tion. Is China ready to recognize

Greene, in his afternoon ad-
dress, described China as a "con-
fident people." who have made a
remarkable recovery from the war-
fare of the 1940's and the dis-
astrous attempt at economic
growth of the Great Leap Forward.
He said China's primary inter-
est lies in the Viet Nam war, whose
outcome is crucial toatboth China
and te Uied Saes because
of its effects on the world posi-
tion of both countries.
China, he said, would enter the
war as a result of any of these
three developments: American
bombing of any Chinese cities, in-
dications that Hanoi was losing
the war, or U.S. invasion of North
Viet Nam.
Lattimore, who was attacked by
the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy,
who called him a leading Commu-
nist, criticized the "condescending,
arrogant" attitude the U.S. has
regarding the recognition of Chi-
"There seems to be a feeling in
this country that recognition of
China is a one-way street. That

The evening part of the confer-
ence featured speeches by Fried
and Lattimore on China's rela-
tions to the U.S. and American
policy in Asia.
Fried declared, in his address
that "whether our military men
admit it ornt, it s cii a
going on in Viet Nam, an ntil
they are willing to admit it, there
will be no end."
Fried said "the entire concept of
containment is a myth," because
what the U.S. is trying to con-
tain in Viet Nam is a "system of
ideas-the least containable part
of a culture." "Certainly the use
of military force'to prevent the
spread of ideas is ridiculous."
"The first way to end the war
is to recognize it as a revolution
and take it over." He advocated
stopping the bombing of North
Viet Nam and taking the troops
out of the south. Ideally, the Unit-
ed Nations could be called in to
handle the situation.
"Our present policy toward Chi-
na plays into her hands," he said.

By ROGER RAPOPORT had lived for many years in China.
Owen Lattimore emerged from A former Far Eastern advisor to
the Northwest Orient fan ,jet President Roosevelt, Lattimore was
looking like Dean. Rusk on the also this country's political ad-
way to a high level policy confer- visor to Chaing Kai-shek in
ence. 1941-42.
Seconds later it was time to He sounded like the diplomat
shake hands and the resemblance who had been deputy director of
became even more uncanny. He the State Department's Pacific
had the same stocky build and Operations and the author of 16
nearly as much hair as Dean Rusk. books and hundreds of articles on
The greeting was a polite one, with the Far East.
the kind of British reserve one Explaining further about U.S.
might expect from the director of non-recognition of China,-he told
Chinese studies of Leeds Univer- about a State Department spon-
sity in England, sored conference on China held in
After two minutes of small talk 1949. Present were leading Amer-
the inevitable subject popped up, ican scholars, as well as business-
as Lattimore and his small band men with interests in China.
of hosts were weaving their way IThe chairman of the conference
through the Metropolitan airport was surprised to learn that many
terminal, people present spoke in favor of

According to Lattimore the bus-
inessman told the State Depart-
ment official, "No, sir, American
business is for the recognition of
China, but the recognition of
China is your business."
"We talk about this business of
recognizing China as if it was a
unilateral decision for the United
States to make, But how do we
want to know China wants to
recognize us'
In the Ford Galaxie, Lattimore
explained that he was against giv-
ing interviews and then answered
questions freely.
His sense of hostility toward the
press was not difficult to under-
stand. Any man subjected to head-
linies proclaiming. "McCarthy says
Lattimore is Top Communist in
State Department," for 'nearly
three years Is bound to be a bit
In 1950 when the junior senator
from Wisconsin made Lattimore,
the director of John Hopkins Uni-
versity's Page School of Interna-
tional Relations, public enemy
number one, the charges always
made the press, but the facts were
usually absent.
The Page School was giving a
small bit of advice to the State
See MANY, Page 2

-Daly-Thomas R. copi
attacked United States policies toward China and in South Viet
Nani. He scored America's "arrogant, condescending" attitude
that its recognition of China is a gift to be given out at its
pleasure. Felix Greene, speaking in the afternoon, said that signs
that Hanoi is losing or American escalation of the war-bombing
China or sending troops into North Viet Na n-would cause
China to enter the war. Morton Fried, of Columbia, also assailed
U.S. policy in Asia.

1U t e n~t e ~a~t es.1 a tU
recognize China in 1949 because
of pressure from American busi-
nessm en?"
Lattimore thought for a mo-
ment and said, ''No as a matter of
fact I think that if the United
States had had as much economic
interest in China as Britain did
in 1949, we might well have recog-
nized China."
Lattimore spoke authoritatively,
as one might expect of a man who

recognzng~1ll naIIL, a more ex-
plained. As a result he put the
conference off the record to go
around the room to ask how each
participant felt about recognizing
A representative of the Ameri-
can Foreign Power Co., which had
utility interests in China, said he
favored recognition. The chair-
man said that he would be grate-
ful if the businessman would help
to publicize that position.

Governor Names Bentley

o oer ~s Regent Post

Given 5-3










Board Edge
Formner Congressman
To ere ntil Term
Alvin M. Bentley, of Owosso,.
Mih. a econgresma n d
catuion wsp nameedg ov Georg
board. He will serve the remainder
of Power's term, which expires
Poe reigned March 11 after
Attorney General Frank Kelley
found a "substantial conflict of
* interest" existing between the Uni-
versity and Power's company, Uni-
zen and alumnus" whose experi-

2e (Idsga Badi.~ "' Wil XV11



Late World News
L M A N M I S S h A t P L A A Ne O h i g h a y t p t r o l m e
barea lharg force of Negou schoo childrenand adulrtslstu h
frenterint gtesofAconA&ollege,mssdathgts wher e bout f
about 100 Alcorn students ran in huge circles on campus: chanting
and singing.
Commencement Ceremonies April 30. The Harvard University
economist will discuss "Foreign Policy, Politics and the Uni-
a. with Yost Fed House th alteri V site in case of ran.
ourses fo hcleg uniors is May 20, the Peace Corps 'has an-
Peace Corps officials advised that students enroll immediately
because of the time required to process the applications. The
courses are designed to enable future volunteers to integrate
Peace Corps training with their senior year of college.
public premier Saturday at the Men's Glee Club spring concert
in Hill Aud, The song, entitled "Go Blue," was composed by Prof.
Philip A. Duey, Glee Club director. The song, dedicated to all
University athletic teams, is the first college fight song written
for the University in at least 20 years.
dedicated the faculty golf course, Radrick Farms, located at
Geddes and Dix. Regent Frederick C. Matthai, who was called
out of town and unable to attend the ceremony, donated the land
for the course. Sinking a 20-foot putt on the first hole, President
Hatcher noted, "I helped design these greens."
Also attending the dedication were Peter Dye, architect;
Lynn Fry, former University architect; Wilbur Pierpont, vice-
president in charge of finance; Dean Tom Rowe of the pharmacy
school; Prof. Douglas Hayes of the business school; John Thoss,
of the University architect's office; James Brinkerhoff, director
of plant extension; Gilbert Lee, controller of the University; and
Bill Richards, professional golfer.
program for the 88th concert season.
The Choral Union Series will include appearances by the Chi-
cago Symphony, the Detroit Symphony and the Boston Symphony
Orchestras. The Toronto Symphony Orchestra will appear for the
first time in Ann Arbor in November. Appearances by pianist
Guionar Novaes, the American Ballet Theatre, the New York
City Opera Company, the Winnipeg Ballet Company, the Stock-
holm University Chorus and mezzo-soprano Shirley Verrett are
also scheduled.
The Extra Series will present the National Orchestra of Bel-
gium, Russian pianist Emil Gilels, flamenco dancer Jose Greco and
the Minneanolis Svmohonv Orchestra.

iJ le


lUraft IlnfOrulatioll
To Be Released Only
Upon Student R equest
rda clarfe ther spoy ore
lesin ifateionr on stuents'
gnfra n to af boards o whenad r
unsrequested ot horbyindbivdualIO OIEODE WYABUDITMN wowswthagopo tgvr-
diilstudents. ieaycleefc
utyhme atyinghs.eae et eosrtr etrayi rn ftedwtonsuethaqatrs eosrtosc
Prisouton ysteray'sg meetingd it! ne h..ottedy n ih gis h gvrmn f uhVetms rme gyn
hnoadentought wthat Unverssity y a ela teUie Sae.-
policyt wastd tmatially release
ed informa rtion tedaft oad -A caers
The facultn h tuser ered E E T O E U S
as an encouragement of present!
University policy rather than ae
requst fr a chang in policy, as Democrats Win Thllree Seats
A spokesman from the regis-
trar's office pointed out at yester- BNELB SS'adicmetadPo.RbrDmcaicpontenDo
day's meeting that under present RobeLBRSSwrt Weeksmofnthend nglis. Doe-t haortc p et, byaDevymag n D
University policy a student must Unofficial results of yesterday's Rbr ek fteEgihD-ht yahaymri-
give his authorization to the Uni- ICity Council race returned two partment had beaten his OPPO- -In the highly conservati
versity before information on his Democratic incumbents and seated Inent, Donald Kenney, an Ann Ar- fourth ward, Republican cand
rank in class or information on two new Republicans. Voters in bor lawyer, by two votes. A POssi- date Robert Jagitsch beat Dem
the number of hours he is carry- the five wards also passed both bility of a miscast absentee ballot cratic incumbent Dr. Edwa
ing can be released to the draft Ithe highway construction and rec- led observers In the election head- Pierce by a margin of slightly ov
board.reation bond proposals. quarters at City Hall to anticipate 100 votes.
In the past, students have filled jBefore yesterday's election, the Ia recount. -Democratic fifth ward incur
out a form, usually at fall regis- lineup on the City Council was IFirst WXard bent LeRoy+ Cappaert mustered
tration, that constitutes both a re- five Republicans and five Demo- I-First ward Democratic incum- majority in excess of 400 votes
quest for student deferment and crats. In yesterday's voting the Ibent Mrs. Eunice Burns defeated the predominantly Negro secoi
sit atorerti the indviua Uisar- Republicans made a net gain of her Republican challenger, Mal- precinct to cancel out and surpa
sit tocerifythemdiidul i aone seat, giving them a 6-4 ma- lory Thomas, by clear margins in the winnings in the other fo
pat thi has involved telling the it onteCucall four precincts. - precincts of his opponent, Ds
draf bord hatthestuentre- Several developments occurred -Ann Arbor Hills voters gave Boyd.
questin deerm httsent ismeey e-fl during the counting: second ward Republican candidatei-
timestungdent.en ismrl ul -After three counts, it was de- James Riecker a margin of over Student 1Voters
time sudent'termined that Democratic third 300 votes enabling him to beat his The power of recently-registe
Since the draft board has start- i ed student voters could best
ed to consider rank in class as a!Iseen in the first and second pr
1 actor inflencing rafto status, FINA L E EC I N RE U T ard ea
ize the release of transcript in- FRTWRD Student H o u s I n g Associati
formation. assstRMs.EuicWBrn D . .. . . . . .149 chairman Robert Bodkin, '66
Ean t Ztmheasst r.Enc urs()..... ......... 1 said that he felt the ten-day st
antto hevice-president for aca- Mallory Thomas (R) ... .. . ... . ... . .. . ... ... . .. . . ..917 dent registration drive was pa
demic affairs, said that next fall's SECOND WARD tially responsible for this. Ho
draft forms will allow students to; James Riecker (R) . . .... . . . .. . . .. . . . . ...1191 ever, he felt that the ten-d

ii Da Nang
Oppositi on Marshals
Forces for Final
Armed Confrontation
By The Associated Press
SAIGON - A virtual state of
guyen Cao KY flw tote re
lis cit of Da Na t tak
The commander of VietNa'
Sdecided to back Ky's antag-
nists, drove to the Da Nang air
ase to confer with Ky.
The purpose of the conference
.s not immediately clear.
Opponents Strengthened
A~s airborne troops loyal to Ky
atinued to land at the big U.S.-
uth Vietnamese air base 'on the
ge of Da Nang, Ky's opponents
ads leading to the air base.
rhere were reports that ousted
an. Nguyen Chanh Thi, a popu-
SBuddhist leader, was prepar-
g to lead troops against forces
tal to Ky. Thi's ouster from the
>uth Vietnamese ruling military
nta Is considered to have spark-
Sthe current civil unrest.
A dispatch from Da Nang said
bel authorities appeared confi-
int they could withstand an as-
,ult by government troops.
In Saigon, also torn by severe
itigovernment rioting yesterday,
curfew was imposed on all Viet-
mnese beginning tonight and ex-

ence and understanding will be
most useful to the University in
mieeting the challenges and oppor-
tunities of the next few years."
Gov. Romney said that "many
people encouraged me to appoint"
* Bentley, adding that he did not ex-
pect any major shift in Univer-
sity policy resulting from the ap-
pointmnent since "'it should be
deah with above the partisan lev-
Bentley served in the Congress
from 1953 to 1960. He subsequently
was defeated in elcogran r US
large in 1962, and the State Board
of Education in 1964.
Bentley holds both a bachelor's
and a master's degree in history
from the University. He received
the latter by commuting between


See Related Stories, Page 3


tending indefinitely. The curfew
covers the surrounding Gia Dinh
Province. Antagonism toward the
United States. appeared to be
S. personnel at the Da Nang
air base were on red alert with
,orders to stay clear of any Viet-
namese showdown fight. The red
alert, which under war conditions
.means that an attack Is immi-
nent, requires all military person-

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