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April 02, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-02

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Seventy-Sixth Year


ions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN APEtOR, MICH.
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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SGC Election:
Apathy Takes First

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IT WAS THE SAME old story retold again
last week-just as dull, overworked,
and non-stimulating as ever. The topic
of the story was student apathy.
The University is known throughout
the country as an "active" campus, a
leader in student participation and, re-
form, and a campus famous for its lead-
ership and wide support of the student
activist movement. Yet only 15 per cent-
less than 5000 students-of the student
body took the time or the interest to vote
in the Student Government Council elec-
tions last week, hardly a sign of "activ-
At the same time, students are demand-
ing a more direct and meaningful voice
in the important decisions and policy-
making roles of the University. They have
asked for a voice in the selection of a new
University president, and the Regents
have broken with the past and allowed
a student role in the presidential selec-
tion process.
IN AUTHORIZING students, through
SGC and Graduate Student'Couneil, to
set up an advisory committee on the
same level with faculty and alumni ad-
visory committees, the Regents have gone
farther than any of the nation's major
universities in allowing the students a
voice in presidential selection.
Students are also demanding increased
representation in the committee struc-
ture of the University, especially in the
area of academic reform. Many commit-
An I l1
AMONG THE MYRIAD honors showered
on University students yesterday was
the Branstrom Prize, an award given an-
nually to those freshmen who ranked in
the top seven per cent of their class for
the first semester.
The individual awards, consisting of
books chosen by the winners from a list
of selected titles, were to be made avail-
able at 2 p.m. at Lydia Mendelssohn
First, of course, there was a ceremony
inside the theatre. Proud parents, well-
scrubbed younger brothers and sisters,
arid about half of the nearly 400 winners
combined to fill the lower floor.
Speaker for the assembly was E. Jack
Petoskey, director of orientation, the man
charged with the responsibility of intro-
ducing to University life the more than
5000 freshmen who arrive here, impres-
sionable and eager to please, each fall.
ETOSKEY OPENED his talk by recit-
ing the number of winners from each
college (LS&A, A&D, and so on), and
pointing out 'the minimum grade-point
required to win the award within each
Moments later, the tone of his speech
shifted from the functional to the philo-
sophical. "You'll notice we didn't let you
just take your book and leave," he said.
"This way we get a sort of captive audi-
"But there are still several hundred
who were so conscientious about it that
they aren't even here. . . ." Petoskey's
scorn, however, obvious was not limited;
he continued by touching on the desir-
ability of other groups ...

Acting Editorial Staff


tees already have students sitting on
A recent example of meaningful stu-
dent participation on a committee is the
proposal for a series of courses on con-
temporary affairs developed by a subcom-
mittee on the literary college Curriculum
THE COMMITTEE was composed of fac-
ulty and students, and in several in-
stances the faculty committee members
admitted that the students had put in
more time and work and had come up
with more concrete suggestions than had
the faculty members.
The election records show, however,
that' student participation at the polls has
not increased in proportion to student
demands for increased participation in
Increased authority demands increased
interest and responsibility, and students
cannot rightly expect a larger voice with-
out accepting the corresponding responsi-
IF THE WHOLE student body, and not
just a vocal minority, is really serious
in its demands, the first, simplest, and
most direct way to prove its interest would
be to vote. SGC is theoretically the rep-
resentative voice of the students, but it
cannot be a strong voice, or a representa-
tive voice, if it does not have in reality
the support it claims in theory.
"ONE THING you'll see if you look
around: we don't have many of these
'beards,' or other people with long hair
in here ... Petoskey paused and smirked
as laughter and then serious applause
emanated from the audience, most notice-
ably from the parents) . . . People like
that just don't seem to fit in with this
kind of students....'
Oh yes, a few prizewinners did hiss
mildly-but whatever hissing they did
was taken as a joke by the adults. For
Petoskey had voiced the old, irrational
cry of "wolf!"-saying that the "sheepdog
Commie immoral atheist Vietniks"are
ruining our nation's campuses-but had
then erased all the audience's fears that
these people's evil influence could long
prevail, since obviously they had little
intelligence going for them.
Petoskey's philosophy is not a rare one;
the majority of his audience yesterday,
like the majority of people in this coun-
try, accept it. Nor is it a surprising trend
of thought; as Thucydides pointed out
long ago, the presence of war causes even
the natural fear of the alien, the unusual,
to grow stronger.
BUT PETOSKEY'S statements are sin-
gularly inappropriate for a man whose
duty it is to introduce students to this or
any other university.
Chinese Trade
ropean trade with China has nearly
doubled to over $600 million. Just recent-
ly, West Germany's largest steel manufac-
turer completed negotiations to construct
a steel-rolling plant in China.

Meanwhile, the United State's sits com-
placently behind a total embargo on trade
with mainland China, enforced since the
end of the Korean War.
In the light of an incipient reassess-
ment of American policy towards the gi-
ant whose legitimacy they refuse to ac-
knowledge, one of the first facets of the
relationship to be considered should be
trade. In view of a persistent U.S. balance
of trades deficit, China represents a vast
an unopened market for American goods.
In addition, Chinese trade could be ar-
ranged on a hard cash basis, as China
nar-.Pivcq -,f'livmcr finr the Lynnuit sunnlies


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U.S. Must Face Reality on Europe, China


dence we have been forced
recently to begin discussions of
two of our principal foreign poli-
cies-the isolation of China and
the function of NATO in Europe.
It is a coincidence that Gen.
Charles de Gaulle has raised the
European question just when Sen.
J.W. Fulbright was raising the
China question. But it is not a
mere accident that the two cen-
tral policies should be showing all
the signs of a breakdown at ap-
proximately the same time.
For the two policies were fash-
ioned at about the same time. The
China, policy was adopted when
Mao Tse-tung drove Chiang Kai-
shek out of mainland China in
1949. The European policy was
adopted in 1948 when the United
States rallied Western Europe with
the Marshall Plan and a year later
with the military guarantees of
the NATO alliance. These two pol-
icies were the main American con-
tribution to the problem of the
disorders and dangers of the post-
war era.
IT SHOULD NOT astonish us
today, some 18 years later, that
both policies are up for revision.

For both of the policies are now
out of date. Both have been over-
taken by events. Both have served
their original purpose, and both
will have to be re-examined and
resived if this country is to have
a foreign policy which works in
the wodld as it is today.
For the world today is a very
different world than it was in
1948. In Asia the Communist revo-
lution has consolidated its grip on
mainland China. Japan is well on
the way to the recovery of its
position as a world power. Red
China,instead of being a weak
satellite of the Soviet Union as it
was in 1949, is in fierce conflict
with the Soviet Union.
In Europe there has been a
spectacular recovery of the nations
prostrated by occupation or de-
feat-this is true of both Eastern
and of Western Europe. The
American monopoly of nuclear
weapons, which was unchallenged
when NATO was formed, has been
broken. 'The Soviet Union is a
nuclear power and at the same
time, as even Dr. Konrad Adenauer
has now pointed out, a nation
which has a paramount interest in
the preservation of peace.

IT WOULD BE surprising, there-
fore, if there were not a demand
that the old postwar policies be
re-examined and revised. It is 'a
petty and shallow view to thing
that but for a few dissenting
scholars and senators our Asian
policy today would be unchalleng-
ed, that but for Gen. De Gaulle
our European policy would stand
intact. Those who talk and write
in this vein should try to realize
that after every great war there
comes a time-some 12 to 20 years
later-when the postwar settle-
ment breaks down.
The breakdown of the postwar
settlement came 15 years after the
end of World War I when Hitler
came to' power in 1933. The re-
construction era broke down after
the Tilden-Hayes election, some
13 years after the end of the
War Between the States. The

European settlement after Water-
loo broke down by 1830. It always
happens. The postwar settlement
breaks down because about 15
years after the end of a war a
new generation of men has grown
up and taken power.
YET THE extraordinary thing
is that, instead of anticipating the
Inevitable revision of the postwar
policies, the Johnson administra-
tion has merely defended the post-
war policies. The result is that the
Johnson administration has lost,
indeed has renounced, the initia-
tive in foreign affairs and is ag-
grieved because so many people
at home and abroad are asking
troublesome questions.
In this posture the administra-
tion finds itself engaged not in
tackling the problem of the post-
war era but, as Gen. George Mar-
shall used to say, in "fighting the
problem" rather than trying to
deal with it.
forward with proposals to bring
the western alliance up to date and
to make it consistent with the
realities of today, the administra-
tion complains about Gen. De

Gaulle forcing the problem into
the open.
Why have we not made pro-
posals of our own for the moder-
nization of NATO? Why do we
sit back sullenly and demand that
Gen. De Gaulle expound his pro-
The reason we sit back and do
nothing but complain is that, un-
fortunately for the country, at a
time when wise and resourceful
diplomacy is most needed, the
State Department is looking only
The President will find all too
soon that his .problem is not how
to get the better of Sen. Fulbright
or even of. Gen.? De Gaulle, but
how to master the realities about
which they are talking.
THE PRESIDENT can overcome
the arguments with his domestic
opposition. But the argument will
not stay won because the realities
in Asia and Europe are not under
his control. The realities will not
yield to his arguments and his
briefings and will continue relent-
lessly on their course.
(c),1966, The Washington Post Co.



Councilman Calls Housing'Story 'Biased'

To the Editor:
March 28th meeting of the
Ann Arbor City Council includes
several misrepresentations and ob-
vious bias which I feel should be
pointed out to readers concerned
with Ann Arbor's housing prob-
lems. It represents quite a contrast
to the objective reporting of the
Ann Arbor News of the same meet-
1) " . . Republican city council-
men . . . rejected the recommenda-
tion of Council's Housing Com-
mission as well as sentiments ex-
pressed in a public referendum."
It was the Democrats who again
opposed proceeding with the Sec-
tion 23 Leasing Program, a pro-
gram capable of producing Fed-
eral help in 2-3 months.
Two of the five Democrats did
support the Republicans in their
move to authorize the commission
to proceed with hiring a director.
Republicans clearly indicated a
desire to take up the PHA loan
application following a public
hearing which the Democrats
voted down.
Before a city borrows $35,000 it
is necessary to determine clearly
how it will be used and what
commitments must be made. Ques-
tions such as these were not an-
swered by the commission as they
had just started consideration of
a PHA application when they were
told by the Democrats that the
"23 leasing program" would not be
approved without the other.
The referendum was on a Hous-
ing Commission not public housing
as was repeated over and over by
Democrats and Republicans be-
fore the vote.
2) "EMERGENCY housing (Sec-
tion 23 housing approved by Re-
publicans) is not in the low rent
category." This statement repeat-
edly mouthed by the NAACP and
Democrats because of their mis-
understanding of the lease pro-
gram was corrected by me on the
floor of council and not refuted.
Zero rent could be charged if
Their failure to understand the
functioning of this program might
be attributable to both the fast
rate at which we are moving in
the housing area and their cam-

reasons the committee-of-the-
whole had been suggested.
Cappaert could have requested
a committee of the whole session
following rearrangement of the
agenda. In no way did my motion
pre-empt any move on his part.
4) "REPUBLICAN ... defeat ...
based on desire to answer ques-
tions remaining even after the
Housing Commission report ...".
In our joint meeting the preceding
Saturday they admitted time had
not permitted them to study this
program in detail and that many
questions remained unanswered.
Again Bruss' reporting reflects
the "Democratic interpretation."
It did not reflect their obvious
pessimism about being re-elected.
5) The last sentence, a quote
attributed to Councilman Johnson
was really uttered by Weeks as
his interpretation of what John-
son had meant in an earlier meet-
ing. Again an obvious attempt to
influence student sentiment.
I HAVE made it quite clear to
both press and students that we
in the city welcome responsible
student involvement in govern-
ment such as displayed *by Bob
Bodkin and others active in the
SGC housing program.
I speak for all Republicans, I'm
sure, in encouraging students to
use those governmental channels
open to them to express their con-
cerns, whether they be within the
University or at the city state or
national level.
-Richard Balzhiser,
City Councilman, Fifth Ward
Dorm Service
To the Editor:
ard Schaadt, the Residence
Halls Business Manager, announc-
ed to Inter-House Assembly that
dormitory services will be dras-
tically reduced next year to main-
tain costs at their present level.
He proposed
1) the elimination of one Sun-
day meal,
2) student busing of dishes at
all meals,

3) only two meals are provided
on Sunday.
HE SEEMED to imply that even
after the indicated reductions,
Michigan students will still enjoy
better dormitory living conditions
than State students. We have con-
tacted Mr. Lyle Thorburn, Resi-
dence Halls Manager at Michigan
State, in an attempt to verify Mr.
Schaadt's claims.
He informs us that:
linen service provides two sheets,
a pillowcase, and two towels each
week, rather than one sheet and
one pillowcase as at Michigan.
-lighting adequate for study is
provided in all rooms,
two meals, breakfast and mid-
day dinner, are provided on Sun-
-room and board fees for all
rooms are $275 per quarter, or
$825 for a nine-month year,
-busing of dishes is provided,.
-table linens are restricted, to
Sunday dinner,
-seconds are available at all
meals, with the following excep-
tions: meat at breakfast, dessert
at lunch, meat and dessert at
Thus MSU students are receiv-
ing a month longer service for
$125 less than the student in a
double at Michigan and are re-
ceiving services at least as good
as those proposed for next year.
WE WONDER how it is possible
for Michigan State to provide
more services at a 25 per cent
lower monthly cost to students. An
explanation is' in order.
-Bernard R. Baker, '69
-Alan G. Carroll, '69
-Alan L. Kaufman, '68
-Paul A. Berneis, '69
-William W. Hastings, '69
-Steven S. Muchnick, '67
Panhel Reform
To the Editor:
University campus are f or-
tunate to have a Panhellenic or-
ganization which is progressive
and far-sighted enough to con-
stantly re-evaluate its system, and
the procedure for perpetuating

hel, which will be harmful to the
freshmen involved, and which will
prove deleterious to our whole
Greek system.
BECAUSE of general dissatis-
faction with the previously adopt-
ed system of two rushes (fall and
spring, it has been decided that
we again return to one rush. But
Panhel has passed a proposal to
make this one rush in the fall.
The vote in Council on this show-
ed 10 houses in opposition.
It took the eight votes of Panhel
Executive Council to amass the
necessary two-thirds majority.
This is, remember, not two-thirds
of the participating houses, and
is not reflective of the general
feelings on the change.
The reasons for opposing such
measures are apparent, and com-
pelling. They fall into three cate-
Reasons as seen from the point
of view of sorority members:
1) 95 degree weather with 150
girls in a living room can not be
fun, and can not do justice to
either rushee or active.
2) Sorority houses cannot be
organized and presentable for rush
"tours" within one week of moving
3) A period of re-adjustment is,
necessary (to house, friends, new
roommates, etc.) before time can
be devoted fully to rush.
4) Committee organization, song
practices, etc., cannot be com-
pleted by the first week after
5) Last semester's pledges have
no orientation to the house, and
cannot be well integrated into this
large-scale rush.
Reasons'as seen from the point
of view of rushees:
1) The first weeks of a fresh-
man's time is best devoted to
knowing herself in relation to
classes, friends, dorm, etc . . .
she need not be burdened with two
hectic weeks of rush.
2) The freshman is inexperienc-
ed about sororities at the Univer-
sity, and preconceived notions may

2) Fragmenting of the dorm
system will occur as cliques form,
hard feelings develop.'
3) The sorority system will be-
come generally unstable, due to
the impossibility of working out
quotas, and due to increased de-
pledging as girls adjust into their
own lives.
4) An increased burden on the
first semester freshman may lead
to academic difficulties.
These reasons are compelling.
With such oposition, as has been
reflected by the Council vote, it
can only prove fatal to go ahead
with the proposed changes.
-Nancy Holleb,167
Children of the Damned
To the Editor:
are rendered in response to
the many inquiries about the
movie, "Children of the Damned."
It's author, Jack Briley (Mich.
Ortly Review-'65), comments as
"Basically, my message was that
in the competitive atmosphere of
our one world the resources given
to us (be they atoms, brains etc.)
are seized upon to beat our broth-
ers in the head, rather than being
grappled to our hearts and shared.
The "Damned" Children repre-
sented races of man and, to me,
the oneness of humanity.
story the issue of cold war as the
representation of our competitive-
ness seemed inevitable and to me,
enriched the parable. Consider the
use of money and brains in the
cold war--turned to the realization
of the solutions to the real prob-
lems of mankind."
The Daily review (3/11/64) com-
mented, "It ("Children"), is in
fact, an exploration of the funda-
mental issues at stake in our age."
International Student-Advisor,
James Montgomery, has stated,
"Children" serves well to point out
that "time" as such (in this case
a million years) is in itself truly
neutral. What we do now to act



Managing Editor

Editorial Director

JOHN MEREDITH"........Associate Managing Editor
LEONARD PRATT........Associate Managing Editor
BABETTE COHN .,........... Personnel Director
CHARLOTTE WOLTER . Associate Editoral Director
ROBERT CARNEY_ .. . . Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT MOORE .............. Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER ................. Sports Editor
JAMES LaSOVAGE .. Associate Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL " .,.,,.. Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG .............. Assistant Sports Editor
Acting Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
*n..nnO7 wfl~lC *.....,.4., fl.,,in Atut MannaprCI


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