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April 02, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-02

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Order Legal
Says Holtzoff
Unions Will Settle
If Officials Promise
To Meet Conditions
WASHINGTON (M--A two-day
railroad firemen s strike, which
disrupted segments of the nation's
economy, appeared to be nearing
an end last night under the gun
of a judge's back-to-work order.
H. E. Gilbert, firemen's presi-
dent, said he would call off the
walkout if certain conditions were
met by the railroads. They in-
cluded: no reprisals against the
strikers, 'no damage suits against
the union.
J. E. Wolfe, chief negotiator for
the railroads, pledged there would
be no reprisals against individual
"We feel that these men were
' misled by the union officers," he
told newsmen in Chicago.
He added that the question of'
filing damage suits, or of seeking
contempt action against union
leaders, would be up to each rail-
road, president.
Earlier in the day, a federal
appeals court declined, 2 to 1, to
stay a restraining order issued
against the strike by U.S. Dist.
Judge: Alexander Holtzoff in
Results of Disruption
The strike, conducted by 8,000'
S'firemen against eight railroads in
38 states, disrupted service on
43,000 miles of line, with these
-Layoffs or shortened worktime
for some 100,000 workers including
65,000 auto workers, highway traf-
fic jams, tie-ups in freight move-
* ments, stranded passengers, de-
lays in the mails.
-The Interstate Commerce
Commission acted to give truckers
and bus operators emergency
authority to help fill the gap. ICC
field offices were empowered to
grant temporary permits for move-
ment of passengers and property
beyond present authority.
Eight Railroads Affected
The strike is against eight rail-
roads in 38 states: the Union
Pacific, the country's longest; the
Missouri Pacific, Illinois Central,
Seaboard Air Line, Central of
Georgia, Grand Trunk .Western,
Boston & Maine, and thePennsyl-
vania Railroad west of Harrisburg,
The AFL-CIO Brotherhood of
Enginemen reported they decided

Wilson Gets
British Vote
Predicts Immirediate
Changes in Cabinet
And Increased Budget
LONDON (RP) -Prime Minister
Harold Wilson won a sweeping
victory yesterday over Conservative
candidate Edward Heath. Compu-
ter analysis of the general election
returns predicted Wilson's Labor
Warty would have a majority of ic
least 95 seats in the House of
The formal concession of Ed-
ward Heath and his shocked party
came early yesterday.
"The British people," said
Heath, "have given their verdict.
It is clear that the Labor party
will form the next government."
Things To Come
From Wilson's own entourage
came word that the shape of!
things to come will begin to un-
fold almost immediately:
First, a major shakeup of the
Labor Cabinet seems imminent.
Second, Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer James Callaghan already
is preparing an annual budget ex-
pected to be the toughest since
World War II, with the prospect
of higher taxes and a variety of
measures to galvanize industry.
Crackdown on Rhodesia
Wilson also hinted at a tougher!
crackdown on the breakaway white
minority regime of Rhodesian
prime minister Ian Smith, saying
he now knows the governmentI
he has to deal with for the next
five years."
Laborite left wingers sounded a.
warning for Wilson that they will
step up attacks on Britain's sup-
port for U.S. action in the Viet
Nam war.
"Due to Wilson's slender major-
ity in the last Parliament, we had
to hold our punches a bit on issues
like Viet Nam," said Ian Mikaroo.

SAIGON-The political crisis in
South Viet Nam appeared to be
growing by the hour last night as
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky issued
another stern warning against
demonstrators, United Press In-
ternational reported.
U.S. officials acknowledged for
the first time there was some
danger for American citizens. Civ-
ilians and soldiers were warned
to stay off the streets because
demonstrations had taken an anti-
American tone.
"Manifestations and other civil
disturbances have taken on an
anti-American tone," U.S. Consul
Samuel Thomsen said in Da Nang.
"This situation provides the oppor-
tunity for Communists or other
dissident forces to attempt to act
against Americans."
Predict Ky Downfall
Many knowledgeable Vietnamese
were predicting the Ky govern-
ment would fall, but there were
no predictions as to when this
might take place.
Buddhist and Roman Catholic
leaders who have demanded an
end to Ky's ruling junta and a re-
turn to civilian government were
joined yesterday by the powerful
Cao Dai religious sect which has
a 50,000-man army of its own in
the Mekong Delta.
In Hue, anti-government dem-
onstrators detained Lt. Gen. Pham
Xuan Chieu, the third most pow-
erful government leader, and held
him as hostage under virtual house
arrest in another attempt to top-
ple the Saigon regime.
The current political crisis was
set off when the military junta
dismissed Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi.
a popular Buddhist leader.
Ouster Damaging
Meanwhile, officials in Washing-
ton would regard the ouster of Ky
and his colleagues as far more
damaging than any of the suc-

cession of government changes would be strengthened and anti-
that occurred between the over- Americanism in South Viet Nam
throw of President Ngo Dinh Diem would become far more severe.
in 1963 and the accession of the Administration policy is thus
Ky regime last June, the New centered on an effort to lend Ky
York Times reported. whatever moral and covert sup-
Attention is being given to the port and advice it can. Ambassa-
question whether the United States dor Henry Cabot Lodge and other
could afford to let the Ky govern- Americans in Saigon are working
ment fall. overtime to convince dissident

Ky Issues New Warning
To Viet Nam Protestors

Overthrow of Ky and his col-
leagues would be considered a
stunning South Vietnamese repu-
diation of the United States, since
the Johnson administration pub-
licly embraced the junta at the
Honolulu conference in February
proclaimed its leaders as partners
in winning the war and rebuild-
ing South Viet Nam, and gave
strong endorsement to its plans
for pacification and other reform
Reform Programs
Furthermore, the administration
is said to believe that the reform
programs of the Ky government
are sound, that the major figures
in the military junta are strongly
committed to them and political
stability is vital if these efforts
are to: have any chance of suc-
The administration is thus des-
perately anxious for the Ky gov-
ernment to survive its troubles.
the Washington officials say.
If the situation reaches an acute
stage, the administration would
have to answer the hard question
whether to move openly to keep
the Saigon regime in power.
Labeled Puppet
But if the U.S. moves overtly
to sustain' Ky, it is felt the Saigon
government, would be labeled a
"puppet" of the U.S., and the U.S.
position on the world scene as the
defender of an invaded country,
would be eroded. Furthermore.
congressional critics of U.S. policy

elements that, whatever their
problems are now, they are likely
to become worse if a change of
government is forced at what the
administration believes is a criti-
cal stage of the war.
A major question that no one
in Washington seems able to an-
swer at this point is the nature
of any government that might suc-
ceed the military junta. In all
likelihood, it is believed, such a
government could be "lived with"
and would prosecute the war, de-
spite the setback to social and
economic programs that might be
caused by the upheaval.
Reports from the central high-
lands said that elementary and
secondary schools were closed yes-
terday as students in Kontum,
Pleiku, and Ban Me Thuo boy-
cotted classes, protesting the mili-
tary government. Some students
barricaded themselves inside their
compounds, ready to defend them-
selves "if necessary."
Students in Dalat managed to
take over the radio station in that
town, while another group in Ban
Me Thuot failed in a similar at-
tempt. Nha Trang students were
reported to have stolen Vietnamese
army trucks and jeeps to patrol
the area around their school. Most
student demonstrations were mild,
but at Qui Nhon, students com-
plaining about the presence of
American troops wired a motor-
cycle for sound to air their com-

-Daily-Thomas R. copi
SHOWN ABOVE ARE SOME of the 100 people who staged a sit-in at the State Legislature. The sit-
in ended yesterday when House and Senate committees released a minimum wage bill for which the
protestors were demonstrating. The sleep-in was believed to be the first such protest in Michigan his-
tory. The bill reported out of committee failed to raise the minimum wage as the demonstrators had

demanded; but had many other;
enced by the sit-in.

sought-for revisions. Legislators denied that they had been influ-

Minimum Wage Bill Released:
Prntostnzre nt Cannrto flcrAo,

By The Associated Press
The sit-in at the Michigan Sen-1
ate chambers came to a close yes-1
terday, when House and Senate3
committees released a revised
minimum wage bill. The bill fail-
ed to increase the minimum wages
as the protestors had wanted. !
The sleep-in began at the night
session of the Senate with the
hope of forcing the blocked revi-
sions to the minimum wage bill;
out of committee. The sleep-in was
believed to be the first such over-
night vigil in Michigan state cap-
itol history.
The House Labor Committee re-1
ported out a bill that would elim-
inate the 13-week waiting period,
before a new employe is covered,
exempting seasonal employers who
operate 10 weeks a year or less.,
The bill would allow the state la-
bor department to sue for unpaid'
wages, a chore that now rests with
the aggrieved worker. The bill.
would reduce the amount of gra-
tuities that may be deducted from
the minimum wage from 40 per
cent to 25 per cent of the total.
Finally the bill would disassociate
the state law from the federal law,
in case certain contemplated
changes in the state law were
lower than state provisions.

with the Senate committee on the sleep-in, Marshall Brudenow, '69,
bill said the Legislature "would said the students were under the
be setting a dangerous precedent impression that the Democratic
if it lets actions like this influ- leaders of the Senate meet after
ence legislation." the session of the Senate to decide
Sorely Overdue the fate of the demonstrators.
Mrs. Myra Wolfgang, one of the They decided not to forcibly evict
organizers of the sit-in, stated, the protestors. The people were not
"We are extremely happy that the treated antagonistically by the of-
House of Representatives has re- ficials in Lansing, and one con-
ported out of committee sorely gressman came upstairs to join
overdue amendments to the act." in some debate and discussion with

l ',',,,.

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She said the union will continue
to push for changes in the lawI
this year, but through more con-
ventional means.
Almost 100 people remained in
the Senate galleries throughout the
entire evening. People read, played
cards, and slept in hastily brought
sleeping bags.I
Protestors Not Evicted
One of the students at the

the students, Brudenow said.
Other bills which were reported
out of committee in time to meet
the deadline set for all bills ex-
cept appropriations were the con-
troversial County Home Rule Bill
and a bill to permit refinancing
of the Peoples Community Hospi-
tal which has already been declar-
ed illegal by the attorney gener-
al's office.

Defense Minister Boasts of
Russian Military Advances
MOSCOW (fP)-Soviet Defense ; increase in the amount of atomic
Minister Rodion Y. Malinovsky j weapons and the means of their
yesterday boasted of growing So-I delivery to any point of the globe.
viet military might and reported All the achievements of Soviet!
comrnletion of a "blue bolt" of de- science and technology are being1

CHICAGO (MP-The chief ne-
gotiators for eight struck rail-
roads turned down a union re-
quest last night that any pend-
ing lawsuits be discontinued as
one of the terins for calling off
a crippling railroad strike.
to strike a selected list of rail-
roads, rather than all, in order
to weaken the arguments for fed-
eral action. Most other rail union-
ists are reported respecting picket
Essentially, the walkout involves
the question of the future of fire-
men in the era of the diesel. The
walkout was called for 12:01 a.m.
Thursday on the expiration of a
1963 ruling by an arbitration board
that the carriers could eliminate
up to 90 per cent of their yard and
freight firemen. Since the ruling,
approximately 18,000 firemen's
jobs have been wiped out.
Reason in Dispute
The exact reason for the strike
is in dispute. Gilbert said it is
because the carriers declined to
negotiate on a union demand for
a program of apprentice training
to fit firemen for engineers' and
other jobs.
Industry officials contend the
real reason is to compel the car-
riers to bargain to restore the jobs
lost by the arbitration award.
Judge Holtzoff granted the tem-
porary restraining order Thurs-
day against the strike, saying:
"We have a war, and also the
entire public is affected, aside from
the war."
Stay the Order
Yesterday, the firemen asked a
U.S. Court of Appeals here to stay
the order. Attoiney Joseph L.
Rauh said the order would "bust
the strike." He contends the walk-
out is legal and that Holtzoff's
order amounts to a finding of con-
tempt without trial.
Justies- Walter M. Bastian and

Influence of Sit-in Denied fense around the Soviet Union. used to create a military weapon."
Legislators denied that they were His remarks, to the 23rd con- The report gave no indication
influenced by the sit-in when they Th eotgvIoidcto
reoedout the bill. nthey gress of the Soviet Communist par- of the type of weapon or its pur-
reported othty, as reported by official Soviet pose. The wording was also such
Sen. Sander Levin (D-Berkley), news media, left unclear whether that the defense minister could
chairman of the Senate Labor the world was being given its have meant weapons, not a single
Committee, said, "This method of first intimation of new weaponry. weapon.
trying to influence legislation can It was impossible to obtain any In another unexplained refer-
do moretharm than good. A leg- explanation from Soviet sources. ence, reported by the Soviet news
platuere that his improved unem-
ployment compensation and work- Moscow radio reported from the agency Tass, Malinovsky said: "We
menclosed session: "Comrade Malin- stand calmly and confidently on
bargaining rights for many em- ovsky spoke in detail about the guard, especially now that the es-
ployes doesn't need irrational ap- capacities of our armed forces, tablishment of a 'blue belt' in the
peals like this to draw attention which are ready at any moment defense of our state has been com-
to the needs of the people." to defend our native country, and pleted."
'to defend friendly and fraternal The "blue bolt" was mentioned
Rep. James Bradley (D-Detroit), countries abroad. 'while the defense minister was on
chairman of the House Labor "In the Soviet Union, for exam- the subject of rocketry, which led
Committee which was working ple, there has been a considerable to speculation that it is an anti-
missile system. But a Communist
source who attended the congress
I session said he understood the
W. o T T 'blue belt" to refer to an under-
Wewowater world cruise made by a
group of Soviet submarines.
Malinovsky boasted that such a
By The Associated Press Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La). trip had been completed "several
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Judge chairman of the Senate Finance days ago." An American nuclear
Murray O. Reed refused yesterday Committee which handled the leg- submarine made the first such trip
to allow Atty. Gen. Bruce Bennet islation, told the Senate that one in 1960. He added that "the num-.
to attack the theory of evolu- reason some people have not been ber of long cruises by Soviet sub-
tion durinkg trieochlu-heard from is because private in- marines, ranging from the arctic
lenging the Arkansas law against urance companies are modifying to the antarctic, had increased
theaching the theory in public the programs to take account of five-fold in recenttimes.
theol~ new government coverage. The 6000 delegates at the con-
scReeds * * * gress earlier in the day gave stor-
ed'stattitude blocked Ben- BOSTON-Politicians who aren't my applause to Miss Nguyen Thi'
nel' strategy of defending the making speeches, sellouts of Irish Binh, the chief of the delegation
law by disproving the theory, and newspapers and the comics by from the South Viet Nam National
the hearing endedquietly after television are among the effects Liberation Front.
2h s t- of Boston's four-week newspaper She said the Viet Cong will go
WASHINGTON-With about a strike. on fighting the Americans until
Telephone switchboards install- Victory is achieved. She called
frlonmthe Snp rsonsie thruha ed in movie houses and more tele- the Soviet Union "the true combat1
stheSrday a two-month extension vision watching are other effects. friend of the people of South Viet
of the deadline for enrolling in The strike of union printers and Nam" and gave thanks for the!
the doctor's bill part of the new mailers halted press runs March 6 "spiritual, political and material
medicare program. of the morning Herald and Globe, support for the national libera-
The Senate passed and sent to the afternoon Traveler and the tion front."
the House a bill carrying out Pres- Record-American, and they've She said peace in South Viet
ident Johnson's recommendation been off the newsstands since. Nam could come only if "the
that the time limit be extended The Christian Science Monitor United States withdraws its troops
from Thursday midnight until is publishing. and recognizes the National Lib-
%Ar-.0 --.- - . l. , ",_ nt .- eration Front :as the only true

1833 Washtenaw Ave.
For transportation call 665-21 49
9:30 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from
2 to 20 years of age.
11:00 a.m.-Sunday morning church service.
infart care during service.
11:00 a m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2
to 6 years of age.
A free reading room is maintained at 306 E.
Liberty. Open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.;
Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Presently neeting at the YM-YWCA
Affiliated with the Baptist General
Rev. N. Geisler
9:45 a.m.-Sunday Bible School.
11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Gospel Hour.
An active University group meets each Sunday
for the 9:45 service.
Coffee is served at 9:30 a.m.
W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
Rev. V. Palmer, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Bible School
11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship.
6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship.
7:30 p.m.-Bible Study.
Transportation furnished for all services-Call
NO 2-2756.
1501 W. Liberty St.
Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein,
Fred Holtfreter, Pastors
Worship Services-8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Holy Communion - Second Sunday of each
Church School & Adult Bible Class-9:35 a.m.
Holy Baptism-First Sunday of month.,
Nursery facilities during worship services and
church school.
502 & 512 E. Huron 663-9376
9:45 a.m.-Campus Classes, Baptist Campus
1 1:00 a.m.-Morning Worship, First Baptist

8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion with Sermon
and Confirmation. Breakfast following at
Canterbury House.
11:00 a.m.-Morning'Prayer with Sermon and
7:00 p.m. - Evening Prayer-Special Music
7:00 and 10:15 a.m.-Holy Communion.
8:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 and 10:15 a.m.-Holy Communion.
8:00 p.m.-Litany and Sermon.
7:00 and 10:15 a.m.-Holy Communion.
8:00.p.m.-Evening Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 and 10:15 a.m.-Holy Communion.
8:00 p.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon.
12:00-3:00 p.m.-S rvice.
8:00 p.m. - The' Passion in Readings and
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Theodore L. Scheidt, Asst. Pastor
9:45 and at 11:15 a.m.-Palm Sunday Serv-
ices, Sermon by the Pastor, "Don't Sell
Your Birthright!"
6:00 p.m.--Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Organization, Supper and Program, with
Wayne University's Gamma Deltans as
10:00 p.m.-Holy Week Wednesday Tenebrae
Service, with Holy Communion.
7:30 p.m.-Maundy Thursday Holy Commun-
ion Service.
7:25 a.m.-Good Friday Communion Matins.
1:00 p.m.-A 50-minute Good Friday 'Serv-
ice, with the Rev. Arthur Spomer as the
guest preacher.
331 Thompson
NO 3-0557
Msgr. Bradley, Rev. Litka, Rev. Ennen
SUNDAY-Masses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:15, 10:45,
12:00, 12:30.
MONDAY-SATURDAY - Masses at 7:00,
8:00, 9:00, 1 1 :30 - a.m. and 12:00 and
5:00 p.m. Confessions following masses.
WEDNESDAY-7:30 p.m. - Evening Mass.
Confessions following.
SATURDAY-Confessions-3:30-5:00; 7:30-
9:00 p.m.

At State and Huron Streets
Phone NO 2-4536
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Eugene Ransom, Campus Minister
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Wdrship Services, Dr.
Rupert: "What Jesus Thought About Him-
6:00 p.m.-Supper, Pine Room. Open to all.
7:00 p.m.-Program, Wesley Lounge. Con-
temporary Worship and Meditation, "Why
Was Jesus Crucified?"
7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel.
7:30 am.-Fellowship Breakfast, Pine Room.
Out in time for 8:00 a.m. classes.
5:10 p.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel.
6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads, Pine Room. Supper
5:30 p.m.-Kappa Phi Meal in the Upper
Room. Meet in Chapel.
National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at Forest Ave.
Henry O. Yoder, Pastor
PALM SUNDAY - 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. -
Worship Services.
MAUNDY THURSDAY -7:15 p.m.-Service
with Holy Communion.
GOOD FRIDAY-12:45-1:45 p.m.-Service.
7:15 p.m.-Tenebrae Service.
1236 Wshtenow
Donald Postema, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Service. Ser-
mon: "King of the Kingdom."
7:00 p.m. - Special Palm Sunday Worship
Service including Choral Music, Poetry
Reading, and Chancel Drama: "A Dream
of the Rood," an adaptation of an old
English poem by David Huisman, graduate
student in English.

Corner State and Huron Sts.
Dr. Raymond H. Saxe, Pastor

NO 3-0589

9:45 a m.-Sunday School.
11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship.
6:00 p.-,-Training Hour.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Service.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Nursery facilities at all services.
If it's Bible you want, come to Grace Bible-
Fundamental, Pre-Millenial, Biblical.

423 S. Fourth Ave.
Rev. E. R. Kloudt, Rev. A. C. Bizer, and
Rev. A. G. Habermehl, Pastors
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.-Worship Service.
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.-Church School.

1001 E. Huron at Fletcher
Pastors: Malefyt and Von Haven
10:30 a.m.-Worship Service. "The Triumphal
Fntv. Sn, k " R . o v n,,nl.,mefv+

1917 Washtenaw
Erwin A. Gaede, Minister
Church School and Service at 9:00 and 11:30
a.m.-Sermon: "The Rosenberg & Sobell
Case: a Study in Contemporary Crucifix-
Church School and Adult Discussion--10:1S
a.m. A documentary film of the Rosenberg
-4Chl c r nca- ill p Sa n b , Adult

C' ,




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