, . ,
Harold Herman: Hockey's'Cool' Netminder
There are certain things you
have to accept: David will always
say "good night" to Chet; stay-
pressed pants will wrinkle; and
goalies will have hives. Perfect
predictions-as sure as finals and
tuition payments.
But this has not been a good
I headache pills since his goalie!
problems have been solved, com-3
mented on Herman's play by say-
ing, "He's just been terrific. As
a sophomore he has done a great
job. You know, a good goalie gives
confidence to a team and con-
fidence allows it to take a few
chances. Harold gives this con-!
fidence. He has been the heart ofj
This includes pretty strong
company since Bob Gray, an All-
American in the nets, played for
the Blue and led them to an
NCAA championship in 1963-4.
Russian Roulette
"Herm's" motive for spending'
weekends looking down the barrel
of the enemies' sticks is quite
simple-he thrives on it. "I love
being out there," says Herman,
"even though it gets a little nerve-
wracking. On Fridays and Satur-
days I see pucks in my sleep, but
I always wanted to be a goalie."
Usually a goalie embarks on his!
career when he is the only kid
in the neighborhood without;
year for predictions, as witnessed'. the team and I would compare
in the football bowls, and now one him favorably to any goalie we
more can bite the dust. There is, have had."
at least, one goalie who does not
have so much as a nervous twitch.
Harold Herman, Michigan's
sophomore netminder, is the1 1op
spoiler. "Heim" manages to sleep
at night and his locker is free
from tranquilizers, both important o
reasons for the icers' current hotskto r Ticrd
streak of three straight victories.
While other goalies worry about CHAMPAIGN. Ill. ( -Illinois
whether or not thei'r ulcers are took over the Big Ten basketball
getting properly fed, Herman lead with an T06 victory
make savs (32 in11 gmes lead with an 80-64 victory over
makes saves (302 in 11 games), icni atngt
and he has firmly established Wisconsin last night.
himself as Michigan's No. 1 goal- The Illini, pulling away 'when
tender necessary, grabbed a 39-29 half-
C As thetime lead and went on to score
calsofthe their third conference triumph
CwithoAtl Rnfrfet
Since the fre, earn does
not play a schedule. last
. year was Herman's first year of
,etivity since 1956. "It's a real'
,ad situation, and it hurts being
out of competition. It's good to
get back in th' groove," sail Her-
man and competition sure agrees
with him. He concedes that col-
lege hockey "is a lot faster. and
a lot better brand" of hockey than
what he has been used to, but'
he seems up to the challenge.
In a league where it is tough
to win away from home. Herman
has been in the nets for three
conference victories-all on the
road. His best game, according toI
Coach Renfrew, was against Den-
urpiising "quickncss and the
ity to make the key save," re-
ulting 'n 52 saves last weekend
i nst Minnesota.
Team Show
C rtainly much of the improve-
nent of the puckmen the last few
weeks must be ciedited to Harold
errran, but, according to him, it
ha:: not been a one man show:
"I think we're surprising everyone.
It has been a complete team
effort with everyone giving over
100 per cent. It's our spirit."
"Herm" is reluctant to talk
about the team's future, prefer-
ring to play them one at a time,
but it is obvious that he is gun-
ning to play for another national
championship team.
Even though Michigan Tech is
6-0 in the conference without
having played a home game, and
most of the sportswriters have al-
ready given them the title, with
a guy like Harold Herman who
thinks goalies lead normal lives,
the "M" icers might destroy an-
other forecast.
held scoreless for some seven"
The Badgers battled back to
pull within five points at 60-55
late in the second half but again°
Illinois sped ahead to insure its1
Don Freeman led the Illini with HAROLD HERMAN
21 points and sophomore Rich
Jones followed with 25. High for skates. Since sneakers tend to cut
the Badgers was Ken Barnes with down skating speed, he is placed
15. in the goals with the instructions
"Out there, he was fantastic in
the clutch." Herman, a little
reticent on what his finest game
was, agrees that the Denver game
was the turning point for him,
and readily admits that he is,
"playing the best hockey" of his
life. His "best hockey" includes aj
1 W1b11VUtt a ucluaI+.
I WCHA Standings
Michigan Tech
Colorado College
North Dakota
Michigan State
Minnesota, Duluth
6 0
3 1
3 1
5 3
2 4
2 4
2 5
0 5
The victory lifted Illinois one-
half game ahead of defending'
champion Michigan and Michigan
State, both of whom are tied for.
second place with 2-0 records.
The Illini actually sealed the
game near the halfway mark when
they built a 31-29 lead into a 42-{
29 advantage as Wisconsin was
Toin Rank'pd fluUv
Illinois travels to Purdue toi
face the Boilermakers this Satur-
day. Purdue is winless on the;
season. Michigan, meanwhile, isi
also on the road at Northwestern
in a bout with the high-scoring
Wildcats on Saturday.{
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Office of Religious Affairs
Beginning Thursday, January 13:
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Beginning Tuesday, January 18:
Religious Thought in Contemporary Europe.
Twelve weeks, Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Busi-
ness Administration Building, Rcom 76. In-
structors. N. Patrick Murray, Ph.D. and Charles
Minnemann, EMU. A $25.00 registration will
be required for this course only, as it is being
offered under the auspices of the University
Center for Adult Education as a pre-requisite
for any who wish to participate in the "Euro-
pean Study Seminar" in the summer of 1966; j
this seven-week travel-study program through
England and the continent will feature visits
with Emil Brunner, John A.T. Robinson, HansI
Kung, Oscar Cullman, Kenneth Cragg, Helmut
Thielicke, Thomas Torrence, Eberhard Bethge,
W.A. Visser't hooft, and Helmut Gollwitzer.
For application forms and or further infor-
mation, contact the Office of Religious Affairs,
2282 Student Activities Building, 764-7442.
Big Ten
to stop everything in sight. j ---"+' ' v
But Herman took to the nets
at the age of ten, skates and all,-
under his own free will, and he mOT
did stop everything in sight. Play-
ing in his hometown Detroit inj
the Park and Recreation League, By The Associated Press ball victory last night.
he compiled an impressive dossier, Vacendak, the game's highest
including membership on two state CLEMSON, S.C.-Steve Vacen- scorer with 28 points, shoveled in
and one national championship dak's underhand layup with two the layup from about five. feet
team. His last year in prep hockey seconds left snuffed out a fine after Duke worked some 50 sec-
was spent with the Junior RedClmo ralan gaeDksndfrthfilso.
Wings, where he played with , Clemson rally and gave Duke's onCleson called e out with
rent Michigan icers Lee and Mike top-ranked Blue Devils an 87-85 Ceo c ed t ime out with
two seconds to go, but Randy Ma-
Martilla and Bruce Koviak. Atlantic Coast Conference basket- haffey's overhand heave from be-
yond midcourt hit high on the
right side of the backboard and
East All-Stars Crush West; bounded away.
Ten Straight
The victory, Duke's 10th in a
S thNamed Most Valuable row, ran the Blue Devils' record to
Smit Nam d Mot Vauabl12-1 over-all and gave them the
Michigan State
Ohio State
W L Pct.
3 0 1.000
2 0 1.000
2 0 1.000
I1 I ..4
1 1 .500
1 2 .333
0 1 .000
0 1 .000
0 2 .000
0 2 .000
(P)-The for an examination.
Saturday's Games
Illinois at Purdue
'Indiana at Minnesota
MICHIGAN at Northwestern
(9 p.m.)
Ohio State at Michigan State
to Please !!
U of M Barbers
(Near Michigan Theatre) j
East turned the 16th annual East-
West National Basketball Asso-
ciation All-Star game into a
shambles last night as it romped
to a 137-94 victory with a second-
liner-Adrain Smith of the Cin-
cinnati Royals-leading the scor-
Smith, who wasn't selected for
the starting line-up, scored 24
points and won the most valuable
player award by a vote of sports-
writers covering the game.
The West never was ahead and
any faint hopes it had for victory
died when Jerry West of the Los
Angeles Lakers, its principal of-
fensive threat, suffered an eye
injury in the second quarter and
had to leave the game, watched by
13,653 fans.
West was taken to a hospital
Jerry Lucas of Cincinnati and
John Havilcek of the Boston Cel-
tics, former teammates at Ohio
State, combined to shoot the East
into a 4-0 lead at the start of the
game. West and Guy Rodgers of
San Francisco had the West only
two points behind at 6-4, but
from then on, it was no contest.
East Coach Red Auerbach of
the Boston Celtics left his start-
ers in until near the end of the
first quarter and at the first in-
termission the East was coasting
along with a 33-18 lead.
Eddie Miles of the Detroit Pis-
tons, another nonstarter, led the
West in scoring with 17 points.
West got only four points in the
11 minutes of action he saw.
Engineers and Scientists:
Let's talk about a career at Boeing...
50-year leader in aerospace technology
Bowling Green 86, Kent State 83
Providence 86, Rhode island 79
Central Michigan 83, Northern
Illinois 64
Todelo 77, Marquette 71
Davidson 81, The Citadel 77
John Carroll 88, Case Tech 62
Texas A&M 75, Arkansas 72
Duke 87, Clemson 85
Illinois 80, Wisconsin 64
Baylor 89, Texas 74
East All-Stars 137, West All-Stars 94
ACC lead at 4-1.
Clemson, down 45-42 at the half,
cut the Duke lead to three, 60-57,
with about 14 minutes left and
keptsthe pressure on the Blue
tDevils to the end,
Gary Helms, whose 24,points led
Clemson, scored 14 of them in the
second half, and got yoeman help
from Mahaffey with 23 points and
a game high of 17 rebounds.
Close Shave
Duke led 76-70 with 6:15 left,
but Mahaffey and Jim Sutherland
combined to haul the Tigers with-
in one, 78-77, at 4:03. Clemson
finally tied it 85-85 on Suther-
land's jumper from the corner.
Then Duke called time out and
played for the last shot.
Koufax Wins Award
Sandy Koufax, the sensational
southpaw pitcher who overwhelm-
ed opposing batters while setting
a major league strikeout record,
was the overwhelming choice yes-
terday as the Male Athlete of the
Year for 1965 in the Associated
Press year-end poll.
On a basis of three points for a
first-place vote, two for second
and one for third, Koufax had 778
points. Bill Bradley, Princeton
basketball star, was a distant sec-
ond with 153 points and South
Africa's Gary Player. winner of
the U.S. Open golf title, was third
with 152 points.
Koufax also was named the
outstanding male athlete in 1963.
Koufax struck out 382 batters
last year, topping the mark of 348
established by Cleveland's Bob
Feller in 1946. The Dodger left-
hander won 26 games and lost
eight, and led the National League
in earned run ai rage for the
fourth consecutive year with 2.04.
The top three were followed by
Jimmy Brown, veteran Cleveland
Browns' fullback; Gale Sayers,
sensational rookie halfback of the
Chicago Bears, and Willie Mays of
baseball's San Francisco Giants.
JAN. 10 thru 17
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