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April 01, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-01

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McNamara Says Four
Divisions Unprepared




Heath Does
Not Concede
Labor Win
Prime Minister
Thanks England for
'Great Victory'
LONDON ()-Labor Prime Min.
ister Harpld Wilson rolled to a
massive victory today over Edwarc
Heath's Conservatives in Britan's
national election.
Wilson triumphantly told part
supporters in his Huyton electora
district.near Liverpool: "This has
been a great victory."
Three top-ranking Conservative
conceded Labor's win, althoug
Heath himself declined to ac-
knowledge defeat for the time be-
302 Laborite Seats
Incomplete returns of yester-
day's voting gave Wilson's Labor-
ites 302 seats, Conservatives 149
Liberals 5, with one to a Repub-
lican Labor candidate and one t
non-voting House Speaker Horace
Wilson has been prime ministei
for the past 17 months.
He fought the campaign that
was climaxed with yesterday's bal-
lot partly on his record, partly on
a pledge to rule with firmness.
'The election was called by Wil-
son to strengthen Labor's frail
grip on parliamentary power.
In the now-dissolved House of
Commons, Wilson's margin was
three votes-less than 1 per cent
in a chamber with 314 Laborites,
303 Conservatives and 10 Liberals
in it.
Wilson now has a mandate to
achieve these aims:
-To steer Britain clear of the
rocks of bankruptcy that menace
the country.
-To galvanize the nation's in-
dustries, working methods, human
and material resources so that it
can begin riding again on the old
prosperity trail it used to know
before wars and lethargy brought
hard times.
-To find new outlets for British
political skills evolved out of the
experience of centuries in a world
of superpowers led by men such as
Presidents Johnson and Charles
de Gaulle, Soviet Premier Alexei
N.dKosygin and Mao Tze-tung,
leader of Red China.
No Punches
Wilson and Heath, in pledging
to work toward these goals, have
pulled no punches.
The prime minister has told the
people this is their "make-or-break
year." He has hammered on the
need for firm government. Few
pie-in-the-sky promises studded
his program . Tough times lie
ahead, he has said.
The word "socialism" rarely fig-
ured in Wilson's speeches but his
party remains committed to so-
cialize 12 steel firms which form
85 per cent of the privately own-
ed steel industry. Other state take-
overs have been hinted at in sec-
tors where the government is the
major participant.
Heath has warned somberly that
"national bankruptcy" stares Brit-
ain in the face as a consequence
of Labor "muddle." He has oppos-
ed the sort of national planning
favored by Labor as interference.
His recipe, true to Conservative
tradition, is to rely on "competi-
tive market forces" to do much of
the work of righting the economy
even if this leads to competition
for jobs. He has urged a shakeup
of Britain's labor unions as one
way of crushing restrictive prac-
tices that deaden enterprise and

> r

Order Issued
To Strikers
Railroad Union Head
Gilbert Refuses To #
Have Work Resumed
bert, president of the AFL-CIO
Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire-
men and Enginemen, said last
night he has not ordered his men
back to work on eight strikebound
railroads despite a federal court
order to go back to work.
"No, sir," Gilbert said when ask-
ed whether he had issued a return-
to-work order some five hours
after U.S. Dist. Judge Alexander
Holtzoff issued a restraining or-
der against the striking firemen.
Gilbert's comments were made
to newsmen as he was about to
enter a conference with Secretary
of Labor W. Willard Wirtz.

WASHINGTON W)P) - Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
said yesterday the only four com-
plete Army divisions in the United
States are not combat-ready, but
he insisted that the nation's over-
all fighting fitness has not de-
The defense secretary spoke at
a news conference a day after Sen.
John Stennis (D-Miss), chairman
of the Senate preparedness com-
mittee, said in a statement that
McNamara had assured a Senate
appropriations subcommittee last
August that "all divisions are
ready to go to combat."
Asked to comment on this, Mc-
Namara refused to get into an
# open argument with the senator.
Appeal for Unity
Appealing for unity in a time of
war, McNamara said "I want to
avoid personalities" and praised
Stennis as "a man of great per-
sonal integrity."
But the defense secretary, un-
der fire increasingly from Con-
gress, obviously was concerned
about Stennis's statement, which
went at length into findings of
subcommittee investigators that
the four divisions were, in some
cases, as low as 55 per cent of
strength last summer.
The defense secretary wrote
Stennis that the four regular Ar-
my divisions are being used to
train rookies in order to build up
the regular forces and save the

will increase by another 97,000 to Aides of Stennis said that he
a planned total of 1,036,000 by had received McNamara's letter
the end of June. but would have no immediate com-
"By this summer," McNamara ment.
said, "the Army will have the cap- In addition to the four ground
ability to deploy trained replace- divisions, the Army has two air-
ments to Viet Nam at a rate borne divisions. But the 82nd Air-
equivalent to more than one divi- borne of Ft. Bragg, N.C., has about
sion each month in addition to 6000 men in the Dominican Re-
the capability, under emergency public and the 101st Airborne of
conditions, to deploy a nine-divi- Ft. Campbell, Ky., has a brigade
sion force in 90 days. in Viet Nam. The 101st also is
The four Army divisions at is- training about 3000 recruits.
sue are the 1st and 2nd Armored The Army has just formed the
at Ft. Hood, Tex., the 4th Infan- 9th Infantry Division at Ft. Riley,
try at Ft. Lewis, Wash.. and the Kan., but it will not be in any
5th Mechanized Infantry at Ft. kind of combat shape until late
Carson, Colo. this year.
Johnson Asks Industries
To Put off Plant Expansion

SAM BOWERS, JR. (right), imperial wizard of the Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,
was escorted to FBI headquarters at Hattiesburg, Miss., yesterday morning after turning himself
in in connection with the fire-bomb slaying of a Negro civil rights leader. His attorney, Charles
Blackwell, is at his left.
Viet Cong Demolish U.S. Billet;
AntiKy Agitation Continues.

SAIGON (M)-Viet Cong terror-
ists wrecked a 10-story U.S. offi-
cers' billet in Saigon before dawn
today with automatic weapons,
grenades and an explosive-laden
vehicle that set off a huge blast.
Five persons were killed-three
Americans and two Vietnamese.
Sixty-six were reported wounded.
The big blast--delitered with
tactical precision behind a ma-
chine-gun attack as in some past
attacks-shattered the first three
floors of the Victoria Hotel billet.
It splintered furniture and broke
open a roof-top water tank, flood-
ing the interior.
The three Americans reported
killed were said to have been mili-
tary policemen. One of the Viet-
namese dead was a military po-
liceman and the other an em-

ploye of the billet.
Capt. Archie Kuntze, head of
the U.S. Navy Support Command,
which runs Saigon billets, said the
list of wounded was expected to
rise to perhaps 100.
He 'said 10 American wounded
were believed in serious condition
and added that that probably was
a conservative estimate.
"Nobody on the first floor could
have lived through that," an eye-
witness said as ambulances filled
with wounded raced to the two
major U.S. hospitals in the city. .
Eyewitnesses said the Viet Cong
opened the attack at about 5:15
a.m. by exploding a Claymore mine
at the well-guarded ground floor
entrance to the Victoria officers'
Meanwhile, Buddhist-led crowds

ranging from 3000 to 6000 demon-
strated in Saigon, Hue and Da
Nang against Premier Nguyen Cao
Ky's military government and
against the United States.
On the battlefront, a Commu-
nist flight yesterday for sanctu-
ary from counterattacking U.S.
cavalrymen swung the Chu Pong
hills battle to the frontier of Cam-
bodia, raising a possibility the ac-
tion would spill over into that
avowedly neutral nation.

Cleveland IReserves for possible future emer-
Gilbert came here from the un- gencies.
ion's headquarters at Cleveland McNamara acknowledged that
and before leaving the Ohio city, the four divisions now are man-
he said he had been invited to ned about 50 per cent by men
Washington by President Johnson. with less than four months train-
But at the White House, deputy ing. Under law, a man may not be
press secretary Robert H. Flem- sent overseas until he has had at
ing said, "There are no plans for least four months of training.
Mr. Gilbert to see the President. I "They are trained divisions."
don't know how the confusion the secretary told reporters.
Prior to meeting with Gilbert. In his letter to Stennis, he said
Wirtz scheduled a meeting with that as a result of the vast ex-
railroad representatives. pansion of the Army's training es-
Gilbert would not say whether tablishment, the number of train-
he had been served with the court ed Army troops has risen by 68,-
order to end all strike and picket- 000 in the past five months and
ing activity against the eight rail- - -
roads in 38 states.
To Appeal? --
Asked whether he planned to
appeal Holtzoff's order to the U.S.
Court of Appeals, Gilbert said, "I'll1Th u
be talking to our attorneys." He;
would not elaborate.
(OU i
* *a


WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson said yesterday that he
won't let spiraling costs wreck the
national prosperity but he empha-
sized he has made no decision to
seek an anti-inflationary tax in-
Instead Johnson called on indus-
try leaders to. postpone some $6
billion of plant expansion, mayors
to cut back public works and build-
ings, and housewives to shun the.
higher-priced groceries.
Prices have been climbing "much
too fast for comfort-and if I
haven't done enough about it, I
will," Johnson told the National
League of Cities.
But the economy is not "shoot-
ing off into outer space" in a
wage-price spiral, he told the city
leaders, and the, effect of major
anti-inflationhmeasures already
remains to be measured.
So the proper course now is cau-
tion, he said, adding: "We are
touching the brakes, not clamping
them on, not risking a skid into
recession or depression."
Johnson thus sought to calm
some business nerves that had

been jangled into a stock market
sag by his disclosure on Tuesday
that a $5-billion to $7-billion tax
increase was being considered, if
there is need to douse inflation-
ary fires.
In an hour-long closed-door ad-
dress to the Business Council at a
White House dinner Wednesday
night, Johnson asked and obtained
assurances that a number of front-
rank industrialists will cut back
their postponable outlays for new
plant and equipment.
The company with the greatest
of all capital spending programs,
American Telephone & Telegraph
Co., issued through a spokesman
a statement saying it would try
to hold 1966 construction to a
level "comparable to our 1965 pro-
gram"-about $3.9 'billion =- de-
spite the upsurge in long-distance
service and demand for new tele-
"We will do everything we rea-
sonably can to curb inflation,"
the spokesman added. AT&T's
board chairman, F. R. Kappel, is
a former chairman of the Business


oral Union Series




world News.Roundup

Children of the Damned!

Saturday, April 2
8 P.M.-ADM. 50c

Ticket Sales
7:15 P.M.


ORCHESTRA.....................Saturday, October 8


By The Associated Press
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
launched a rocket yesterday in an
attempt to put scientific instru-
ments into orbit around the moon
several months before the United
States tries the same thing.
An official announcement said
Luna 10 was rocketed toward the
moon carrying an automatic space
station "to test a system insuring
the setting up of an artificial moon
satellite." It is expected to reach
the vicinity of the moon Sunday
night or early Monday.
The new Soviet stepcame al-
most two months after Luna 9
made a controlled landing on the
moon and transmitted photos of
the landscape before its batteries
went dead.
The United States Surveyor pro-
gram for a soft lunar landing is
running behind schedule witl the
first of 10 launchings now sched-
uled for this year.
WASHINGTON -- An estimated
million American senior citizens
who have not acted on the gov-
ernment's $3-a-month medical in-
surance offer were virtually assur-
ed last night of another chance.

President Johnson asked Con-I
gress to extend the deadline for
two months-from midnight yes-!
terday to May 31.
Congress was considered certain
to comply, possibly setting an even
later date than May 31. The Re-
publican leadership has proposed
Aug. 31.

NEWMAN CENTER, 331 Thompson
- - - - - - - - - - - - _ __ -



The number of persons who have
signed up for the insurance edged
toward 17 million, or 90 per cent'
of the estimated 19.1 million eli-
The program goes into effect
July 1. It covers 80 per cent of Pr(
doctors' bills, after a $50 deduc-

"Mother's"-Student Nite Club
and The Detroit Wheels
"Little Latin, Lupe Lu"
MONDAY-April 4. . 8:30-12.. . 223 E. Ann



ale Tickets:

Discount Records, 300 S. State-$2.00




802 Monroe
Friday, April 1
Prof. Anatol Rapoport
"Concerning China and the World"
Friday Evening, 6 P.M.
Cost dinner-American Cuisine
Phone: 662-5189 for reservations

a Parting gesture for this semnester , .
Jhe, 6anter tr J4ot~e
presents the film classic
the soul satisfying story of a poverty stricken Kazoo
player who gets his big chance to try out for the
Pinckney Recreation Area Syinhony Orchestra, but
he gives it up for a female delicatessen.
betweeuzreels !

GUIOMAR NOVAES, Pianist ...................... Wednesday, October 12
TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.......... ..... Thursday, November 3
SEIJI OZAWA, Conductor
AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE........................Thursday, November 17
"THE CONSUL" (Menotti)-New York City Opera Co. .. (8:00) Sunday, November 20
DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.............. (..(2:30) Sunday, January S
WINNIPEG BALLET COMPANY ..... . . .... Saturday, February 4
SHIRLEY VERRETT, Mezzo-soprano........................Monday, March 13
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA............ ..... . . Saturday, April 8
Season Tickets: $25.00-$20.00-$17.00-$14.00-$1 2.00
Extra Series
NATIONAL ORCHESTA OF BELGIUM.. . . . . .........Wednesday, October 19
Andre Cluytens, Conductor
EMIL GILELS, Pianist ............. .:.... .. ... ... . .........Tuesday, November 8
"TOSCA" (Puccini) New York City Opera Co. . ... (2:30) Sunday, November 20
MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA........ ...(2:30) Sunday, February 26
JOSE GRECO AND SPANISH DANCE CO..,........ .. . Wednesday, March 8
Season Tickets: $12.50-$10.00- 8.50-$7.00-$6.00
Chamber Arts Series
CHAMBER ORCHESTRA OF PHILADELPHIA...............Saturday, September 24
MOSCOW CHAMBER ORCHESTRA......................Saturday, October 22
CHRISTIAN FERRAS, Violinst ........................Monday, November 14
ANDRES SEGOVIA, Guitarist................ ........... Monday, January 9
MUSIC FROM MARLBORO (instrumental). .,.. Monday, January 30
JACQUELINE DU PRE, Cellist; and STEPHEN BISHOP, Pianist ...... Monday, March 20
BOSTON SYMPHONY CHAMBER PLAYERS .. . . . ............ (2:30) Sunday, April 9
Season Tickets: $1 8,00-$15.00--$12.00




UPA-@%t l


classical guitarist
and composer

folk guitarist

readings from
English Comedy

At the HONORS and AWARDS Program
This Sunday, April 3, at 2 P.M.
1. DR. JAMES H. ROBERTSON, Assoc. Dean,
("Mara f e r..A

TfdiN 1,1T 1

Orders accepted now for all three Series
The above season ticket prices, prorated, are at the low rate of $1.20
to $2.50 per concert. Prices for single concerts will be $1.50 to $5.00.
Save up to 50% and secure better seat locations by ordering your







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