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April 01, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-01

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See Editorial Page

ilir 43a


Cloudy and warmer
with occasional rain or snow

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Daily News Analysis busi
Candidate A. Mallory Thomas
will attempt to unseat incumbent Be
Eunice Burns from her first ward resid
City Council seat in the April 4 efitJ
election. Thomas, a Republican, hous
has based his campaign partly on cand
the issue of civil service hiring sidiz
practice. Mrs. Burns, a Democrat, issue
has offered her record in city M]
planning and building standards a un
study to first ward electors. yond
The ward itself is comprised of beE
several economic and social groups. woul
Included are student voters in acqu
University housing on North Cam- dwel
pus and the hospital district, low- prog
er-income minority, group repre- dent
sentatives from the North Central hous
city. district, senior citizens own- prog



homes west of City Hall, and
nessmen and their families in
s scattered through the ward.
cause they feel low-income
tents in their ward would ben-
from any low-rent subsidized
ing authorized by Council, the
idates consider federally sub-
ed housing a major campaign
rs. Burns said she hopes for
aified program of housing be-
the emergency dwellings to
acquired by the city. This
d include quality housing
ired by the city and new
lings built specifically for the
ram. She felt that those stu-
s who qualified to live in the
ing "could be an asset to the
ram," though she did not be-

lieve housing should be filled with
student residents.
Mrs. Burns said she felt the
University has a responsibility to
provide low-rent housing and sub-
sidize moderate-rent housing sim-
ilar to that provided by the city
in the Platt Road development.
Thomas said that specific in-
formation on the kind of subsi-
dized housing to be supplied, eligi-
bility, and location should be given
intensive study by Council.
Mrs. Burns said the Council
could enter many areas of build-
ing supervision. She said that
there was no comprehensive qual-
ity control from limited-story
apartments, including the so-call-
ed "cash-register apartments."

irs: 1st
High-rise construction has a role
in Ann Arbor, but could be over-
done, according to Mrs. Burns.
She fears apartments which "over-
power" streets and apartments by
their size. A member of the Cen-
tral Business District High-Rise
and Parking Committee of city
a n d University administrators,
Mrs. Burns said she felt that the
laws resulting from the commit-
tee's report should be given fre-
quent evaluation to make sure
they fulfill current and changing
With a high percentage of grad-
uate students in her ward, Mrs.
Burns said she is "all for student
voter registration." She said that
she had aided students in seeking



counsel during past registration
periods. She theorized that when
students are granted voting power,
political parties will be able to
represent them in expressing their
views and desires.
Thomas thinks that students
who live in Ann Arbor most of
the year should be granted voting
rights in Ann Arbor rather than
in their parents' home town, to
encourage concern with "civic
operations and responsibilities."
He said efforts should be made
by Council to urge businesses such
as junk yards and slaughterhouses
to leave residential neighborhoods.
He felt this could be done by offer-
ing certain fringe land parcels to
middle-size industries and approp-
riately zoning such areas to en-
courage future growth. Such

action would raise tax revenues
by increasing the tax base, he
Mrs. Burns said that she had
once supported a Police Review
Board proposal before Council but
because police relations had im-
proved since then, the .need for
such a board had diminished.
Thomas agreed with Mrs. Burns
that their is insufficient need for
a board and that the work could
be handled by the City's Human
Relations Commission.
Thomas, however, said that
some Council members including
his opponent had advocated low-
ering standards used for police re-
cruitment. The move had been
suggested to encourage admission
of Negro candidates to the force,
Thomas said that such a policy

was not desired by the Negro com-
munity and ran contrary to the
equal responsibility demands of
the civil rights movement.
Thomas said he favored a pro-
posal that police take on-duty
training courses in human rela-
tions and felt the program in
police work studies to be offered
at Washtenaw County Community
College could fulfill local needs.
He also advocated studying re-
cruitment of police among men
leaving army military police divi-
While both candidates offer pro-
posals in such areas as tax reform,
Council procedure, transportation,
and recreational service; housing
and police affairs appear as cen-
tral issues in the first ward Coun-
cil race.
To day







(.1 r Atrigau Daily
resolution endorsing Dean Douthat for Ann Arbor City Council's
Second Ward seat.
In a statement released by SGC after an executive session,
the Council explained that as a result of two months work by
the Student Housing Association in areas concerning the city and
the University, culminating in the interview with Council candi-
dates Wednesday night, it feels Council "must endorse" Douthat
because he is "so committed to representing community needs,
including those of the students." -
The Council further authorized SHA "to release position
statements in regard to candidates running for City Council from
all wards."
teach-in on China Sunday night must obtain permission from
their housemothers, the Office of Student Affairs said yesterday.
Permission to stay out until 2:30 a.m. will be granted only
through action of the housemothers, the OSA emphasized.
* *
SEN. PHILIP HART WILL ADDRESS a rally on "Dissent and
the Draft" this afternoon at 3:15 p.m. in Aud. A. The rally is
sponsored by the student legal defense committee. Hart, along
with Regent Irene Murphy and Prof. Ross Wilhelm of the
business school ' will discuss the Selective Service reclassifi-
cation of ten University students who were arrested at a local
draft board sit-in last October as well as the validity of current
draft policies.
cosponsors for a University chapter of the W.E.B. DuBois Club,
recently placed on the "subversive" list by the Justice Depart-
ment.."We have acted in response to a local and immediate con-
cern, but we also recognize that there may be more effective
ways of responding to the national and long-range issues raised
by the Attorney General's powers under the Subversive Activities
Control Act of 1950, and we would welcome the initiative and
energies of other faculty members in meeting this larger problem,"
the faculty group stated.
The group affilmed that it is "our responsibility as educators
to encourage and assist students freely to associate for the free
investigation of political and social ideas, whether or not we
agree with their opinions."

Appeals Unit
Orders Bail
Court Action Ends
2-Day Student Vigil
Three Michigan State University
students and one non-student are
to be released from the Ingham
County jail today pending the ap-
peal of their convictions for tres-
passing on MSU property last
The jailing of the students on
Monday and Tuesday resulted in
a vigil on the lawn of MSU Presi-
dent John Hannah in protest of
the fact that the four were not
allowed to post bond. The Mich-
igan State Court of Appeals ruled
yesterday on an "emergency mo-
tion" that bail be set for the four,
and directed the Ingham County
Circuit Court to set bond "com-
mensurate with the situation but
not in excess of $300."
The three students, Fred Janv-
rin, Albert Halprin and James
Dukarm, and the non-student,
Howard Harrison. were arrested
Oct. 12 while passing out anti-war
literature during MSU's October
"Career Carnival" at the MSU
Union building.
The four were found guilty of
trespassing and causing congestion
by Judge Marvin Salman who sen-
tenced Harrison and Halprin to
30 days in jail and Janvrin and
Dukarm to 10 days. Judge Sal-
man's decision not to accept bail
from the four - resulted in swift
reaction on the part of MSU's
Students for a Democratic Society
chapter and the Committee for
Student Rights. The two groups.
and other unaffiliated students
protested the situation - which
they claimed was in violation of
due process - to MSU President
Hannah claimed that he had no
say in the situation. But MSU
students charged the MSU admin-
See RELEASE, Page 2
















-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
SEN. GARLAND LANE (D-DETROIT), chairmanof the Senate Committee on Appropriations is shown above with University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher, right, and Executive Vice-President Marvin Niehuss, left, following the University's budget presentation before
Lane's committee.

Student' Apathy Claims

'U' Says Tuition Rise
Not Planned Now, But
May Be Necessary
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The Senate Approp-
riations Committee, in hearings
sparked by heated debate over the
prospect of another tuition in-
crease and the percentage of out-
of-state -students, heard University
administrators ask for sizeable in-
crease in funds over Gov. George
Romney's budget requests.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith presented the
University's case for a $16 million
increase in its portion of state
funds over last year. The, Univer-
sity for the fiscal year 1966-67
had requested over $66 million in
state support. Romney, in his
budget thit he sent to the Legis-
lature last January, had only
allocated $54.2 million.
Sources in Lansing indicate that
a sizeable majority of the approp-
riations committee are favorable
to at least equaling Gov. Romney's
budget recommendations, with the
possibility of increases over these
Considerable controversy arose
early in the committee session,
when Sen. Jan Vanderploeg (D-
North Muskegon) asked Smith if
the University was threatening the
committee with a tuition increase,
if increased appropriations, of the
size asked by the University, were
not granted.
Smith indicated that the Uni-
versity had no plans for a tuition
increase at this time and was not
attempting to threaten the Legis-
lature, but that if sufficient rev-
enues cannot be raised a tuition
increase might be assessed as a
last resort.
Debate also centered around the
enrollment of out-of-state stu-
dents. Sen. Garland Lane (D-
Flint), chairman of the Approp-
riations Committee, pointed to an
"agreement" in 1963 between the
Legislature and the University
that "the figure of out-of-state
students would not rise above" the
'64 figures. He questioned whether
the statistics indicated that this
agreement had been kept.
The committee also criticized
the 39 "deficiency" states, which
send mnr etudents to Michigan


Newly-Dedicated ISR Fills
Dual Research, Training Role

In Recent All-Campus Elections

The new building at 426 Thomp-
son is not just four walls and six
floors. It houses the' Institute for
Social Research, one of the big-
gest university-affiliated social re-
search centers in the nation. The
new building will be officially ded-
icated this week.
ISR is distinctive for more rea-
sons than just its size. Being an
integral part of the University but
receiving only approximately 10
per cent of its income from it, ISR
is essentially self-supporting, Gov-
ert van den Bosch, assistant to
the director of ISR, says. ISR col-
laborates internationally in much
of the research done.
Twenty years old this year, ISR
has expanded from an original
center "in the field of public
opinion survey," as stated in the
original Regental action that es-
+ahlihad +his GQareph fareilit

search on the Utilization of Sci-
entific Knowledge-each under its
own director.
CI Personnel
Since many personnel of ISR
are also faculty members of theI
University, salaries are similar to
departmental levels and determin-
ed by University policy.
SAsfor a yearly budget, Stephen
'Withey, SRC's acting director, not-
ed that the staff budget mainly
comes from "income to be obtain-
ed during a year from research
projects. We don't start the year
with money in the bank; we fi-
nance our work as we go along."
As Govert van den Bosch, assist-
ant to the director of ISR, pointed
out, there is also a small reserve
fund to finance the continuity of
the staff. Some of the fund was
used to finance the new building.
If the vear's nroiect do nnt nrn-

times the temperatures will vary
from 60 to 90 degrees, iWthey not-
For two months, delicate mech-
anisms such as elevator doors have
been receiving constant attention.
Since ISR used to be spread
out in various houses and old
buildings, these minor problems
have been overlooked when the
ISR staff considers the efficien-
cy in having the whole organiza-
tion together-"It's wonderful to
have everybody under one roof,"~
van den Bosch beams,
The 22 program directors of ISR
are in charge of conceptualizing
and securing support for the var-
ious research projects. Private con-
cerns, foundations and the federal
government are the financial sup-
porters of ISR.
Withey said, "We go to them
and sell our ideas for their sup-
port. Sometimes someone comes to

The perennial victor of Student
Government Council elections, stu-
dent apathy, scored another re-
sounding victory last week, and
remained the overwhelming choice
of 85 per cent of the student body'
A vocal 15 per cent minority
elected Ed Robinson, '67, and
Cindy Sampson, '68, president and
vice-president of SCC for the com-
ing year.
Last fall's elections showed a
voter turn out of 4,268, or about
13 per cent of the eligible student
voters. Though inclement weather,
confusing voting procedures and
various other explanations are
often given for poor voter turn-
outs, records for the past four
years indicate " a range of from
nine per cent in the fall 'of '64
to 27 per cent in the f all of '62,
with the majority of the elections
showing about 15 per cent of the
student body voting.
The number of candidates seek-
ing Council seats has varied dur-
ing this period from six candidates

By contrast, the largest voter
turnout was recorded for the elec-
tion in the fall of '62, when 7,193,
or about 27 per cent of the stu-
dents voted. The big issue of that
election was a referendum to de-
cide whether or not the University
should continue its membership in
the National Student Association.
The referendum passed by the
slight margin of 180 votes.
In the past few years, SGC elec-

tions have brought with them the
rise (and usually rapid decline) of
various campus political parties.
The spring '64 elections saw the
emergence of SGRU (Student
Government Reform Union),
SURGe (Students United for Re-
sponsible Government-eventual-
ly), and Voice, the only one of
these three parties still active on
Group political party first ap-

peared in spring '65, running nine
Council candidates. The candida-
cies of seven of them was con-
tested when they' were charged
with campaigning in University
buildings in violation of electionI
rule's. Charges w e r e dismissed
when it was determined that the
literature was being distributed
under the auspices of Group as a
recognized student organization
and not by individuals.

'U' Students JoinSleep-In Vigil
At Micigan Senate Chambers

The Michigan State Senate
chambers were the sight of a
sleep-in last night and today by
angry members of an ad-hoc group
banded together to protest block-
age of minimum wage legislation.
University students were among
those protesting the failure of

bills with needed amendments to
the Minimum Wage Act. The
groups vowed not to leave the
chambers of the Senate, which is
meeting in a night session until
proper action had been taken.
Their sleep-in is to continue in-

raise the minimum wages of all
people who work."
Ron Koenig, CORE's represen-
tative at the sleep-in, stated that
minority groups make up the ma-
jority of the depressed class. He
stated, "CORE has been involved
in' many sit-downs trying to estab-

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