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March 29, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-29

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See Editorial Page

C, r



Generally clear
and sunny.

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Athletic Control Board- Too Much Powi
By NEIL SHISTER best interests of the University. sports, and they are willing to pro- structure of the board of control college felt that the faculty should student affairs, both serve on the scrip
There has been criticism of the vide the necessary funds to do an "anachronism," feeling that it have more power on the board., board in an ex-officio capacity. P
Athletics at the University, an fact that the board, while operat- this. should . be brought under more The principal function of the It has been implied by some in m
operation which involved a $1.8 ing autonomously, still gets a size- Certainly nobody can argue with direct University administration board in control, as specified in University officials and faculty men
million dolla budget last yea, d- able allocation from the University a commitment to excellence unless control. the Regents Bylaws, is "to act as members that Crisler dominates boar
independent of the University ad- each year out of student tuitions, such a commitment, and the fi- Likewise, Executive Vice-Presi- the business and financial agency the board to the extent that the mak
ministration, and functions under as well as the inadequacy of intra- nancial obligation it entails, de- dent Marvin Niehuss, while feeling of the athletic department." Thus athletic department represents al- thus
the autonomous control of the 17 mural facilities and the extent to tracts from other University that the present structure caused all decisions invol#ing finances most his own personal barony. on C
voting members of the Boardhin which Director of Physical Educa- functions and responsibilities. no "chronic abuses" does concede and expenditures as well as ath- While recognizing that Crisler An
Control of Intercollegiate Athle- tion and Athletics Fritz Crisler Vice-President for Academic that it had created instances of letic policy are made by the board is a "strong personality," Marcus ber(
tics, a body directly responsible to dominates the board. Affairs Allan Smith says that he "minor fiction." Niehuss says and then subsequently approved by Plant of the law school, secretary poin
the Regents. It costs a lot of money to com- has never thought that the activi- that if "there is a move to have the Regents, with no intermediate of the board and one of its mem- ulty
There is little doubt that the pete big time: good high school ties of the board and the athletic a new look at the board and its involvement by University admin- bers since 1949, calls these charges are p
present system is a productive way athletes demand and receive fi- program in general detract from organization, it would be all right istrators. of personal dominance "unfound- man
of turning out winning teams and nancial aid regardless of financial the University's goals and pur- with me." The board is composed of 10 ed." He emphasizes that the ath- goal
establishing a first-rate athletic need, top-notch coaching is ex- poses. This views is also held by It is also worthwhile noting that members from the faculty Senate letic director "virtually forces" the to p
program. The University's record pensive and so is good equipment. Regent Paul Goebel, who has pre- only 40 per cent of those faculty chosen by University President board to make its own decisions Th
of excellence shows that it is. The board in control seems com- viously served on the board him- members polled in a study under- Harlan Hatcher, two students and calls Crisler "anything but ulty
But some administrators and mitted to the idea that University self. taken by the University in 1962 elected by the student body, and dictatori'al." the
faculty have questioned whether teams be sufficiently excellent to Another high-ranking adminis- felt that the board in control was three alumni named by the Re- A second member of the board, selec
the current system of running in- be able to compete favorably, with trator, however, takes issue with. doing a "good job" and nearly 60 gents. Crisler and Walter Rea, as- one of its student representatives, to p
tercollegiate athletics is in the all other schools in virtually all this view and called the present per cent of those in the literary sistant to the vice-president for agrees basically with Plant's de-

tion of Crisler's role.
ant recognizes, however, that
any areas of athletic depart-
t activity the members of the
d lack sufficient expertise to
e knowledgeable decisions and
they often rely very heavily
risler's advice.
other long-time faculty mem-
of the -board emphasizes the
t that most of Hatcher's fac-
appointments to the board
rofessors interested in sports,
y of whom feel that the sole
of the athletic department is
roduce winning teams.
ie 1962 study stated that fac-
members objected most "to
extent which the system of
tion of faculty members tends
ut persons actively interested
See ATHLETIC, Page 8

Housing Plan
Vetoed by
City Council
' Recommendation of
Housing Commission-
And Voters Rejected
A resolution intended to obtair
federal funds for a study of low
rent public housing was defeatec
by Republican city councilmen las
night in a vote which rejected th
recommendation of the Council'
Housing Commission as well a
sentiments expressed in a publi
referendum last year.
Council Democrats interprete
the action as a poiltical move t4
delay consideration of low-ren
housing until after the April4
election. Several Republican can
didates have adopted platformf
specifically refuting the federally.
subsidized housing proposal.
The Republicans passed a reso
lution which would provide tem-
porary emergency housing for 4{
out of 43 families currently des-
ignated by city authorities to re-
ceive aid. However, the emergency
housing is not in the low-rent cat-
at In the absence of Mayor Wendel
Hulcher, Mayor Pro Tem O. Wil-
liam Habel granted speaking priv-
ileges to Councilman Richard Balz-
hiser after cutting off discussion
by Councilman LeRoy Cappaert
Balzhiser then proposed a chang
of agenda shifting the order 0:
the three proposals dealing with
low-rent housing.
In another move, Councilman
John Hathaway attempted to post.
pone consideration of the low-rent
housing study proposal until a
public hearing could be held on
April 11, after the election. The
move was defeated.
Republican sentiment behind the
defeat of the housing study pro-
posal was based on a desire to an-
swer questions remaining even aft-
er the Housing Commission report
and the willingness of citizens to
accept low-cost housing not subsi-
dized by city taxes.
Councilman Paul Johnson ac-
cused Democratic councilmen of
holding back information on the
federal bill and city-need criterions
from the public. Johnson referred
to sections of the federal act which
called for demolition of substand-
ard housing with construction and
purchasing of subsidized housing.
Johnson was said to express fear
that stUdents would qualify to oc-
cupy low-rent housing, and was
quoted as calling students "the
dregs of the society."


IIAdU Called Too.
NEWS WIRE Mechanical
G d S dR



Late World News
n morning to students in Saigon. Demonstrators accused -Prime
- Minister Nguyen Cao Ky of puppet-like subservience to the United
d States and called for peace.
t Student leaders at 'the meeting in Trung Tam Ky Thuat
e School on the western edge of Saigon announced that more
schools would join a mounting protest against the Ky government.
c One student speaker complained that Viet Nam is "too
subservient" to the United States. In a reference to the Honolulu
d conference of Vietnamese and U.S. leaders last month, he said:
o "President Johnson invited Gen. Ky on one day and on the next
t day our leader is already in Hawaii. He showed too much haste.
4 Then, when he came back, he signed away large parts of our
- country as military bases for 99 years."
s -
THE LETTER SENT recently to former Regent Eugene
- Power by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs
said that the faculty generally "urged a search for a solution
0 that would have retained your service as a Regent, but they
- came too late to alter the course of events."
- I SACUA also selected fifteen of the sixteen faculty members
Y who are to sit on the Presidential Selection Committee, the
sixteenth member to be chosen by the new senate when it meets
I at the end of April. The fifteen members named are: Arthur M.
- Eastman, English department, acting chairman; Alfred F. Conard,
- law school, acting vice-chairman; Solomon J. Axelrod, public
- health economics director, Bureau of Public Health Economics;
a Harry Benford, naval architecture and marine engineering de-
partments; Kenneth E. Boulding, economics department; Jow
e John Bowditch, history department; J. Robert Cairns, English
f dept. at Dearborn; Angus Campbell, director of Survey Research
Center; Kenneth M. Keast, physics dept.; Oliver A. Edel, music
school; Paul W. McCracken, of the school of business administra-
- tion; Wilbur J. McKeachie, psychology dept.; William C. Morse,
t educational psychology dept.; James V. Neel, human genetics and
I internal medicine.
DIRECT POPULAR ELECTION of the United States Presi-
e dent and Vice-Presidnet was called for recently by Prof. Joseph
E. Kallenbach, of the University's political science department.
He expressed this view to the Senate Judiciary Committee's Sub-
Committee on Constitutional Amendments, which is currently
t conducting hearings on various presidential election reform
He said that the feeling now in Congress is that only a minorj
reform, which would little disturb vested political and sectionalI
interests, has a chance of passing and suggested that it might
take a "grave miscarriage of the process of the democratic.choice"
before enough Congressmen can be pushed into action.
met yesterday afternoon with architects, urban planners, private
builders and students to gather facts and make preliminary
policy aimed at creating an integrated city-University housing
plan. Proposals for such a plan will be presented at Wednesday's
City Candidates Night, a program sponsored by SGC at which
candidates for Ann Arbor city council will appear. The program is
scheduled for 8 p.m. in Aud. A.
.1 Not' Depends on s
Rabbi Brickner Sayst
"'The issue of sexual morality,"I of religious belief. What he objects

3tra uate mucents
Consider Education
Technically Oriented
The American system of gradu-
ate education in the humanities
has "little pertinence to the real
needs of men," and has succumbed
to "a long servile imitation of the
These are two of the complaints
made against graduate education
in the humanities by Prof. William
Arrowsmith, chairman of the
classics department at the Univer-
sity of Texas, in the March issue
of Harper's Magazine.
Arrowsmith went on to' say that,
the controlling elements of gradu-
ate education are "not humanists,
at all, but merely technicians of
dead and living languages" and
that the "sole purpose of our grad-
uate schools in the humanities is
almost to produce more and more
Charges Exaggerated 3
The majority of University fac-
ulty members and graduate stu- j

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi



Representative Robert P. Griffin of Michigan's ninth congressional district appeared in Ann Arbor
yesterday to discuss his upcoming junket to Viet Nam and his current campaign for the Republi-
can nomination for U.S. senator. Griffin, now in his fifth term in the U.S. House, centered his talk
at Republican district headquarters on smoother functioning of Vice President Humphrey's pro-
posed "people to people" program. He advocated federal subsidization of the cost of mailing material
goods such as drugs and farm implements to the South Vietnamese people, as well as private cor-
respondence to American military personnel.

Smith Plans
No Action on
A&D To Decide Status
Of Architecture
Department Chairman
No definite steps have been
taken or are planned as a result of
Friday's architecture faculty vote
of no confidence in its department
chairman, Jacques Brownson.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith said that his
office is not taking any action on
the matter. He added that al-
thouh he had talked with R. F.
Malqplnson, dean of the Architec-
ture and Design School, the prob-
lem of Brownson's status will be
completely resolved within that
Malcolmson refused to comment.
Some faculty members explained
that the resolution did not amount
to a demand for Brownson's resig-
nation as chairman.
Concern Over Policy
Prof. Stephen Paraskevoplulous
of the architecture department
added that the resolution express-
ed concern over the policy Brown-
son followed and his present way
of administering the department.
It did not, however, demand his
The precise reasons behind the
faculty decision, like its effect,
are still uncertain.
There seems to have been a gen-
eral disagreement between Brown-
son and the faculty over thead-
ministrative methods employed by'
the chairman in administrating
the department.
Disagreement Not New
This disagreement is not new
but it appears to have come to
light at this time due to wide-
spread concern on the part of
students as well as faculty over
the administrative policies in the
architecture department.
At a meeting last week, students
voiced their concerns over reports
of administrative pressure on fac-
ulty members and its apparent
suppression of diverse design phi-
The students complained that in
certain classes they were forced to
subjugate their personal creativity

dents in Englisi rejected Arrow- _ --__ _ __
smith's charges as being an exag-;
geration, but admitted that he QUEST FOR VALUES':
was getting at a real problem.

One instructor at the University
summarized the complaints of
graduate students by noting that
the basic premise of a graduate
education in English is the need
to be professional, and to gain
and maintain a position in' the
business-like academic world.
Many graduate students com-
plain that "most professors sim-
ply are not humanists," and that
t h i s "unhumanistic" viewpoint'
passes on to their students. They
feel that professors have "lost con-
tact with the fact that humanism
is supposed to deal with people."
Plain Bad Manners
I Furthermore, many graduate
students are prepared with stories
depicting boorishness, pedantry,
and just plain bad manners among
senior faculty members, and use
them to explain their disillusion-
ment with humanism as it is
shown by teachers of the hu-
Few University professors are
willing to make a blanket denial
of these .charges, but they do
argue that many c:itics reduce the
problem to a false simplicity and
cloud an already complex issue.
Prof. Herbert C. Barrows of the,
English department said that he
believes many graduate students
lose sight of the basic differences
between graduate and undergrad-
uate education, and allow them-
selves to become discouraged. He
went on to say that while under-
graduate education was designed
as part of a "liberal," humanistic
education, graduate training was
necessarily technical.
He also mentioned the lack of;
definite time limit on graduate
work, and the lack of easily de-
cerned goals as possible factors.
tending to create disillusionment
with the system.
The graduate is "not in school
just to develop his character as a
human being as is the undergrad-
uate, but to learn how to use the
best of the humanistic tradition
to teach others."
According to Barrows, it is the
job of a graduate education in

Hatcher Opens Lecture.Series
At. University of Missouri

By ROBERT JOHNSTON perate effort to ask more perti-
Editor nent questions and discover surer
Special To The Daily answers."
Out of these age-old contradic-
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Man is a tions "have emerged some of the
contradiction. . more dramatic developments of the

'Thou Shal
Situation, I
"The Playboy Philosophy tries to
be philosophical, but it is not,"
Rabbi Balfour Brickner, director
of the National Commission on In-
terfaith Activities for the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations,
and associate director of the Na-
tional Commission on Social Ac-
tion of Reform Judaism, told an
audience at the UGLI last night.
"The reason Playboy is not phi-
losophical is that it suggests that
sex is fine since sex is fun, there-

"Amos demanded in majestic
language that justice should roll
down as waters and righteous-
ness as an unfailing stream," that,
"in homely phrase, the needy
should not be sold for pair of
shoes," and, in dramatic form,
that "God hates and despises our
feast days and will not smell in
our solemn assemblies."'
In these terms, presenting some
of the age-old philosophical and
ethical problems in the modern
setting, President Harlan Hatcher
opened a series of three lectures
on "The Persistent Quest for Val-
ues: What Are We Seeking" at the
University of Missouri here last
. In the first lecture, "New An-
swers to Old Questions-Is There
a Difference?" President Hatcher,
speaking to an overflow audience
of students and faculty, implied
that there is indeed a difference
and said that, in any case, "We
are condemned, or redeemed, by
the necessity of continuing the ef-
Man's continuous attempts to
understand and reinterpret his en-
vironment have been given new
impetus by "the stupendous and
overriding influence and charac-
teristic of our times, the monu-
mental input of new knowledge
relating to every aspect of the
physical world in every form of
life upon it," President Hatcher
"Man's intellectual and spiritual
history is strewn with the ruined
sepulchers of his dead gods. Ex-
perience ceases to support a set of
halifc ,ew ,rm rctprlP ntifam

present century," he said.
While man "cannot escape the
slap of truth that Neitzche's devas-
tating phrase of degradation
wretchedness, and hopelessness:
human sand',' we have seen a
revolution in moral aspiration, a
"sudden prolific rise of new na-
tions seeking status, freedom and
"We have seen the applications
of science , and technology free
man from the age-old curse of
toil and sweat with human back
and human hands from dawn to
Yet we are burdened with "over-
crowded, overtaxed and completely
outmoded cities with all of the re-
sulting strain and degradation
upon the human personality. The
tempo of change ac'celerates and
the human condition worsens," he
Paul.Goodman has excited the
present generation "in a way rou-
tine college courses in psychol-
ogy, sociology and political science
fail to do" with visions of Uto-
pia, he said.
And President Hatcher implied
that Utopia is worth thinking
about in terms of the here and
now, that it is worth harnessing
to "the inescapably slow rhythm
at the heart of all change. We
now understand better than pre-
ceding generations the evolution of
values, and how they shift in re-
sponse to the changing human
In his on-going and "search-
ing reassessment of human values"
brought about by "the acute
a-raa- e of -- ne -n a"An-

the perfectability of man," he and adhere to the particular phi-
said. losophy of the professor.
WeleseyPresident Urges
New Birth Control Policy

could never be fully attained," he
Sartre saw that "there is no
supernatural revelation of truth,"
but man must nevertheless "as-
sume his freedom and accept the
burden of making free decisions.
"So," President Hatcher said,
"we roam amid certainties and
elusive visions, we seek stabiilty
and equilibrium as a desirable
state, but our nature and our con-
tinuing growth presume instability
and constant readaptation."
We have not resolved contradic-
tion; "we do not yet.know t9 what
extent we may rationally expect

the Rabbi continued, "is the ques-
tion of whether the situation has
the element of humanity in it.
The boy who brings a girl home
early on a first date because she
won't go to bed with him is im-
moral because his demand is ex-
ploitive; it does not have the ele-

to is the acceptance of law or the
adherence to belief on blind faith.
The value of the Situational
Ethic is that it forces each person
to think about the relative values
of each maxim in his set of max-
ims according to the demands of
the situation, and once decided up-

Ruth M. Adams, incoming pres-
ident of Wellesley College, recently
expressed her approval of the dis-
semination of birth control infor-
mation to students despite the
fact that such action is illegal in
According to Jean Glasscock,
Wellesley director of publicity, the
question arose at a New York press
conference when Miss Adams was
asked if she agrees with President'
Alan Simpson of Vassar, who ad-
vocates the distribution of infor-
mation in this area to students.
After answering affirmately, she
was told by a reporter that Massa-
chusetts law prohibits the dissem-
ination of birth control informa-
tion. When asked if she would like
+n amenr her statement in view

distribution of contraceptive de-
vices except "for medical reasons."
Miss Adams commented that the
college physician should serve as
an educator in the area of birth
control as well as in the areas of
drugs and mental illness. She ad-
vocates a policy similar to the one
followed at Douglass College,
where she is currently president.
At Douglass, she said, "the physi-
cian's function in these areas is
educational, and the medical staff
conducts one or two small semi-
nars a semester."
Student reaction to Miss Adams'
statement was varied. According
to one Wellesley woman, her re-
mark "may indicate that she will
be more liberal than the current
Some students were disapoint-

ment of caring in it. " on, to take the responsibility for
Rabbi Brickner, speaking on his action. The Situational Ethic,
"Confronting the Moral Changes by its very nature, absolutely dis-
of Our Present Society," presented courages blind faith.
an interesting, new philosophy for
determining one's moral action. "Religion claims to be the con-



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