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January 12, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-12

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Light snow,
changing to rain

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom








Winter is freezing the ground
and pools of water on North Cam-
pus, but construction of new fa-
cilities there is proceeding as it
has since North Campus develop-
ment began several years ago.
The most recent construction,
however, is of a different type,
and the character of the location
will be changed when it is com-
Initially developed as a center
for scientific research, North'
Campus was later expanded to
include apartments for married
students. Now, with construction
of three housing projects under
way, the University is clearly
committed to developing under-

graduate instruction on North two Cedar Bend projects, but the Eugene Haun, said arrangements

Almost at the foot of Cedar

athletic facilities for the complex.

This,,hopefully, will significant-
ly relieve conditions on central
campus, which now has only a
limited potential for further ex-
pansion. Its educational, housing,
transportation and service facili-
ties are overworked, and, with
ever-increasing University enroll-
ments, a functional division be-
tween the Central and North
Campuses seems a logical solution
to the growth problem. Two cam-
puses new in character would be
the result of the process.
Present construction on North
Campus focuses on housing facili-
ties. Not only is a new concept
in upperclass and graduate stu-
dent housing being undertaken in

most imaginative University dor- will be made for Cedar Bend resi-
mitory is being realized in Bursley dents to use facilities in Bursley
Hall. Hall, when it is completed, en-
Slated to be completed by this abling them to purchase ,single
August, Cedar Bend "A" will con- meals at University dining halls.
sist of five units, each housing Haun added that Cedar Bend
120 students. The accommoda- residents will also be allowed to
tions will be suites, doubles and use library and recreation facili-
singles. ties at Bursley.
Cedar Bend was designed to The five Cedar Bend units are
provide efficiency living and study nearly completed. They are situat-
space for unmarried upperclass- ed on a hill overlooking the music
men and graduate students, par- school; their architecture is plain
ticularly those who will use North and modern.
Campus facilities. While the sep- Cedar Bend "B" has been start-
arate rooms will not have kitchen ed on the east side of North
units as do Oxford suites, vending Campus. It is expected that the
machines will be installed inside "A" unit will be in operation be-
each building. fore the "B" unit approaches any
The University housing director, stage of readiness.

Bend "A," Bursley Hall is being If quality can be maintained in
constructed. Wooden framework is construction, Bursley Hall may be
being erected for the dormritory the most complete dormitory at}
and the foundation is nearing the University.
completion. A Bursley Hall was planned at
Like Cedar Bend, Bursley Hall Least seven years ago, but a fiscal
will be coeducational. It will be problem delayed it. This contribut-
a structure similar to Mary Mark- ed to overcrowding at the Univer-
ley Hall, but the basic "H" shape sity. When the dormitory is open-
of the existing building will be ed, crowded conditions will be
elaborated in the new building. relieved, and Haun said prelim-
Bursley, in addition to providing inary consultation has begun on
usual dormitory facilities for dormitory facilities to be con-
North Campus students, will have structed after the completion of!
the largest dining facilities and Bursley Hall.
the largest library in the dormi- An undergraduate community
tory system. Recreational and on North Campus appears in-?
study space have been planned creasingly imminent. It will be
for the building, and plans are a community created almost out
being formulated for outdoor of the wilderness by the Univer-

sity alone. It is, however, not a Ann Arbor City Council has dis-
community that University hous- cussed developing the Huron River
ing can sustain,- and' when it Valley and has expressed concern
begins to function on a full scale, about the future of the natural
it will confront the University and resources in this area.
the Ann Arbor community with

several new challenges.
* Existing apartments on North
Campus may only be a few years,
old, but some already appear worn
and shabby. This may be the re-
sult of poor workmanship, but
Upkeep, too. can be a problem.
* One of the most significant
features of North Campus is the
area's geographic f-eatures. Haun
has stressed the natural beauty of
North Campus, adding that the
University has built to take ad-,
vantage of this and employed
landscapers to maintain this. The

* Haun has stressed the pro-
vision being made for automobile
parking on North Campus. How-
ever, even now, around University
Heights and Northwood Apart-
ments, parking lots are filled. The
roads that approach and serve
North Campus are scenic but not
large and easily reached.
* Furthermore, parking on
Central Campus continues to be
a problem. An increase in traffic
from North Campus would only
See NORTH, Page 8

Winter Term!
Hits 33,000
'Groesbeck Reports
Figures Lower than
Last Semester' s

What's New
At 764-1817

Hershey, Hart Disagree on
Reclassification Statement

Total enrollment at the Univer-
sity and its branches for the win-
ter term has been estimated at
more than 33,000, according to
Registrar Edward G. Groesbeck.
This compares with last semester's
record enrollment of 34,453.
Students at the main campus
number 22,740, along with 1,455
law and medical students who
were registered separately. Last
semester, 27,856 were enrolled at
the Ann Arbor campus.
A breakdown of figures on
school, class and in-state, out-
of-state lines for the present se-
mester's enrollment was unavail-
able yesterday.
Out-State Students
Last semester, after six years of
decline, the ratio of out-state stu-
dents rose to 27.2 per cent on the
Ann Arbor'campus.
In the fall of 1951, University
enrollment was 17,266. In the past
five years, enrollment has in-
creased by 6,270. Enrollment has
increased about 1000 per year
through the early sixties, with an
increase of 1700 last year.-
Projections released in Decem-
ber, 1964 by the Office of Aca-
demic Affairs predicted an in-
crease in enrollment to 41,797 by
1970 and 50,186 by 1975. These
figures anticipated a proportion-
ally much higher enrollment in-
crease at non-Ann Arbor centers.:
An increase of 63 per cent was
expected by 1975 for the Ann Ar-
bor campus, one of 153 per cent
for the Dearborn, Flint and
Graduate Study Centers, and
more than a 500 per cent rise in
enrollment at Flint College.
Growth predictions released in
the fall of 1963 anticipated an in-
crease to only 36,000 by 1968 and
47,500 by 1975. These were revised
after the unprecedented flood of
students in the fall of last year:
caused severe dormitory over-
Groesbeck said that he hopes to
extend advance classification pro-
cedures to graduate students next
year. The system was used to pre-
register 14,793 undergraduates forl
the winter semester.
Groesbeck predicted that event-
ually all student records will be
maintained on computer tape to
simplify registration and that
student fees will be assessed by

The Student Legal Defense Committee has collected about
$1200 from faculty members for funds to appeal the cases of the
students who draft status was changed because of last October's
draft board sit-in. Jim McEvoy, Grad, chairman of the com-
mittee, said he expects the majority of the faculty will contribute
by the end of the week.
The goal of the committee is to raise $5,000-$10,0000 for the
court appeals. They will expand their campaign to students next
week, probably in the form of letter soliciting or a bucket drive.
McEvoy stressed that the committee, an ad hoc one composed
of four students and four faculty members, is not taking a stand
on the war or the draft. "We are only concerned with the viola-
tions of the civil liberties of students," he said.
Approximately 500 men attended the fraternity mass rush
meeting last night. Attendance was below last semester's, but
Richard House, '67, Interfraternity Council rush chairman, attri-
buted the decrease to the large number of men who are rushing
for the second time and are thus already familiar with fraternities.
At the end of the second day of rush registration, 725 men
had signed up for this semester's rush. The number of registered
rushees may drop somewhat this semester, IFC Executive Vice-
President Kelly Rea, '66, predicted, "but the number pledging
should be about the same or greater." Last semester, 1425 men I
registered for rush and 625 pledged in the largest rush in IFC
At the end of the first set of Panhellenic rush parties, 750
of the 1127 who registered are still participating, according to!
Linda Koehler, '66, chairman of rush counselors. Miss Koehler
said that about 100 girls dropped because they did not have 2.0
or better grade point averages last semester, and she attributed
the other drop-outs to "disinterest, finances and other reasons."
* * *
In response to a "strong surge of audience interest" in the
American Conservatory Theatre product'ion of Edward Albee's
"Tiny Alice," three non-subscription performances have been

Protest Planned on:
By DAVE KNOKE campus would be along lines sim-
ilar to what the American Federa-
VOICE political party last night tion of College Teachers is doing
announced its intentions to sup- at other universities, according to
port and participate in nation- Locker. Although there dissenting
wide demonstrations February 10- debate upon the importance and
15 protesting the reclassification possibility to reaching high school
of University students arrested students and teachers, the attempt
for a sit in at the Ann Arbor will be made not so much because
draft board in October. of possible success but to "expose
Specific plans for the demon- and identify the needs and aspira-'
strations have not been formed as tions of new groups," according to

U.S. justice
Gives Views
Constitutional Rights
Cannot Be Violated
By Selective Service
Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich)
and Selective Service Director
Lewis B. Hershey both claimed
yesterday that a Justice Depart-
ment statement on draft reclassi-
fication sulpo1 ed their own diver-
gent viewpoints on the issue.
The statement, issued by Asst.
Atty. Gen. Fred Vinson Jr. in reply
to a request from Hart, stated in
"I am satisfied as a matter of
both law and policy, that sanctions
of the Universal Military Training
and Service Act cannot be used
to stifle constitutionally protected
expressions of views.
of "In short, where opinion is ex-
n- pressed, if there is no transgres-
n- sion of law, then no sanctions can
he be imposed. If there is a trans-'
gression, then the sanctions which
attach to it are all that should be
'U' Students

yet, but VOICE chairman Eric'
Chester, '66, indicated that no
civil disobediance actions are being
Chester gave no indication as to
when specific plans will be formu-
lated and publicized.
It is known, however, that{
VOICE members may travel to
participate in demonstrations in1
key cities around the nation in
addition to holding some form
of protest in Ann Arbor.j
Information Program

Committees are to do intensive;
investigation and return with re-
ports in two week's time for study
and further action.,
Concerning the reclassification,!
Raymond Lauzzana, '65A&D, re-
ported that his appeal had been
turned down at his local draft
board VOICE and the American
Civil Liberties Union are seeking
financial contributions to support
the appeals of the reclassified

THOMAS HAYDEN, former Daily editor ('61) _and founder
Students for a Democratic Society, returned Sunday from an ux
authorized trip to North Viet Nam and other Communist cou
tries. Hayden reported that the Hanoi government distrusts tt
present U.S. peace offensive.

In the meantime, VOICE is
initiating a local program to in-
form students unaffiliated with

added to the schedule, Robert C. Schnitzer, executive director Students for a Democratic Society, Hart's request for a statement
of the Professional Theatre Program, announced yesterday. "Tiny a national student organization of N o r th V iet from the Justice Department was
Alice" premiered yesterday at the Mendelssohn Theatre. which VOICE is a part, of VOICE's inspired by the reclassification of
activities that do not fit in with several University students who
W Lr p its current "crisis-oriented image" participated in a sit-in at the Ann
Acrdi i rftaMichael Locker, Grad, outlined Arbor draft board last October.
According to a preliminary draft of the Office of Student the LorramGrtea c e O ff nWfeH ad0 The students were reclassified 1-A
icar, Cutler will not recommend to the Regents the estab- It calls for bringing to the at-j bythei locl boads ater Mich
Affaid bookstore report, Vice-President for Student Affairs the pror rsidnt the "t- *1 by their local boards after Mich-
tention of Ann Arbor residents the igan Selective Service Director
lishment of a student bookstore, although he will ask that the economic effects of the war in Arthur Holmes had recommended
Regents' ruling prohibiting economic competition between the Viet Nam; looking into the prob- By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER starving and could not even use take to think that North Viet that such action be considered be-
University and private enterprise be rescinded. Cutler is expected lem of organizing university fac- the alphabet, that it has been at Nam is unwilling to talk because cause, he said, the students had
to give his recommendations when the Regents meet in private ulty along the lines of a faculty "The present peace offensive war for 25 years and has been it has not yet responded. interfered with operation of the
Thursday, Jan. 20. Thirteen thousand students signed a petition union; and similar iquiries in the does not appear at this point gen- torn apart by other countries and Hayden also wished to clear up Selective Service system. Holmes
last fall supporting establishment of a student bookstore which local high school. uine to the North Vietnamese divided so that the political think- some issues that were still un- had consulted with Hershey before
could handle new textbooks. The petition was submitted to the On the first point, VOICE would because they see inconsistencies ing is at the most basic level," clear concerning the North Viet- ssuing his directive. Under the
Regents who remanded it to Cutler for further study, attempt to make people aware of beten acefuls," ad ter- Hayden.said. namese position. On the question Selective Service Act, this carries
Rdthe cutback in government spend- ven, aons," si Thoas r Attitudes of withdrawal he said "it is now a nalty of immediate reclassi
- ~ing in such things as welfare Hayden, founder of Students for 14oi example, peace means the clear that they do not require a fication.
It has been rumored that apartment rents will increase again s a Democratic Society and former "Hatprotesed the
building, research, and loans to H end of '5 years of fighting on physical withdrawal of U.S. troops prt action by the
next year by as much as $5. One landlord who charged a rent students in order to finance Viet editor of The Daily. Hayden just their own soil, independence means prior to negotiat'ion but that they draft boards. He wrote the Justice
of $62.50 per person this year is raising the cost of next year's Nam military operations. returned from a trip to Commu- keeping Vietnamese in control of want a clear decision by the U.S. Department for its views on a
rent to $65 for the same apartments. In addition landlords are Teacher Organization mst countries that included a two Viet Nam and everyone goes to not to partition Viet Nam into claim in a letter to him by Her-
not willing to issue eight month leases to students. Organization of teachers on week stay school and has food, and reunifi- two states. shey that he is authorized by
3_In an interview with The Daily, cation means bringing together "Secondly ,the premier denied presidential executive order to re-
Hayden said that the purpose of families and relatives that were the presence of North Vietnamese classify men "found to be delin-
E the trip was primarily to clarify divided by the Geneva Agreement." forces in the South. I do not think quent under the Selective Service
the approach to peace of the oth- Beyond their primary purposes the denial was made so complete- Act."
er side, particularly that of the of satisfying the basic needs of ly before by government authori- "No court ever ruled that the
National Liberation Front and!Viet Nam, Hayden said that the ties and I see little reason for Selective Service Act was violated,
Hanoi. Hayden was accompanied leaders of the country had more hi to make suc a statemnt only Gen. Hershey," Hart said
yHerbert Aptheker, Communst long-range political goals. it can be proven false by the U.S." yesterday. "And he cites as his
theoretician and historian, and "After they were able to otain authority an executive order that
A r-FreeElectionsthe Justice Department says is
E activities which they have offer- toward us," he said. "They have Women's League., feels that the Staughton Lynd, professor of so- a peace settlement, the NLF would
ed," Feldkamp cotinued. let us go ahead with an idea un- University Activities Center has ciology at Yale University. mThirdly, it has been assumednonexistent."
form -a broad coalition on a tem-I that te r olne pnt ese iare
' Merger Develops hampered to try it and see if it made a good organizational be- ( During the trip, Hayden said, porary basis to include groups who r they are no longer open toI Hershey Disagrees
The actual merger culminated works." ginning, but that "this beginning the group talked to people from nwere patriotic, who put Viet Nam ification by free election, but However, Hershey said "the fine
a period of intensive planning "Another problem, one common was necessarily forced to devote all aspects of North Vietnamese first. This would include middl the premier referred to part of anpot" is that "people say if you're
which began when Associate Dean to any new organization," he add- large amounts of time to the society, including: Premier Pham class, working class, peasants, re- o al statement which said there reclassifying someone you must be
James H. Robertson of the lit- ed, "is one of recognition by the paperwork of structural organiza- Van -Dong, the attorney general ligious groups and political par- would be free general elections." punishing him,
tion Now the center must grow of North Viet Nam, negotiators iFourth, on the issue of recon- Sen. Hart was probably think-
erary college submitted a four- student body. The students ms in Nwtener mus rw"oFotoVeuareoitoste. eigtheGnteassuCoferen,"tenin.term s foguilty nthgilty
teen page report in May, 1963, become acquainted with the cen- and become more streamlined." for the Geneva Agreement, repre- "They would then hold free -ggth en a Conference, tes sdgity or not it
recommending that a special im- ter if they are to participate in Mrs. Davenport would like to Bendiso all polic pates elections for a national assembly prier said hi cuntd for fo theses s B adclassi,
plementation committee direct the the activities and take advantages see more professional programs of Bhuddists and Catholics, womens which would then elect the presi-, then it would be possible 'to re- fication process is administrative,
creation of the new center, The of the services offered." organizations, National Liberation' dent and several other officials,"no legal-and there's no question
depth, and possibly the creation Front soldiers, student and youth Hayden continued. "Their pro- convene the same type of confer- I about who makes that law.
originl tphroposal t sthe aL as- Walter B. Rea, an assistant to of another committee to inter- groups and ordinary people in Ha- gram would be one of basic eco- ence. "Our law provides that anyone
pedtssofsUnion anthe Lmeague the vice-president for student af- , but would Hayden said that he, Lynd and who does something contrary to
was narrowed in the following fairs, is exteremely optimistic cific concerns. Considerations Aptheker had cabled ate Fr- their deferment - and the state
mnnt.-4 +n o i4- nncA .-.- f - .- , Icfcones.C sirais not o as far as socialism." A.ptheker.had.cabled. ...te.For-.their




The University Activities Cen-
6er, created last year in a mergerj
of the Women's League and Mich-
igan Union activities organiza-
tions, has completed its first se-
mester as a coordinated body and
is looking forward to an expand-
ilug program of service to Univer-
sity students.
UAC has emerged ask "a clear
succeas" John C. Feldliamp, as-
sistant to the vice-president for
student affairs, commented. "It
has gene ated much response from

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