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March 25, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-25

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Seventy-Sixth Year

HowTo Humanze The Multiversiy
v Occurrences b rc asrIi
by Bruce Wgssgrslgbi


Nrws PHONE: 764-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Arab-Israeli Cooperatio: The Key
ToN A Middle East Renaissance

THE PROLONGED situation of hatred,
fear, and non-cooperation in the
Middle East has hindered progress there,
and has become a great stumbling block
to world peace. This situation must not
be allowed to continue. Both sides must.
come to an accord based on mutual un-
derstanding and respect.
THE UNITED STATES and Russia must
assume responsibility for bringing
about this accord, and must take the
blame for any worsening of the situa-
Instead of giving greater impetus to
the existing arms race in the Middle
East as they have done in the past, the
U.S. and Russia must push the two sides
together and thus further reduce the
chances of an East-West confrontation,
as it was reduced in the accord between
India and Pakistan.
For example, the function of the cur-
rent U.S. Food for Peace program should
be to bring true peace, rather than its
current function of freeing funds for the
purchase of arms. Russia should similar-
ly link her aid on the Aswan dam and
other projects to non-aggression and
guarantees of peace, instead of being the
major instigator of the arms race by
supplying the Arabs with vast quantities
of materiel.
THE POSITION of the Arab leaders is
totally unrealistic. They refuse to rec-
ognize Israel, consistently harass her bor-
ders, maintain an economic boycott
against her, and refuse to allow Israeli
merchant ships to use the Suez Canal-
in direct violation of international agree-
The Arab-Israeli hatred has been per-
petuated and caused mainly by demagogic
Arab leaders who need a scapegoat for
their failures, and a rallying point for
the masses. Leaders with more of la de-
sire to help their people would not have
instilled hatred of Israel, but rather would
have emphasized the need for cooperation.
ONE ISSUE that Arab leaders continual-
ly point to in their attacks on Israel
is the situation of the Arab refugees from
Israel. During Israel's War for Independ-
ence, Israel asked the Palestinian Arabs
to remain in Israel and build the coun-
try together with the Jews. The half mil-
lion, and not one million as the Arabs
claim, who left, did so out of their own
free will. Therefore, the refugee situation
is the fault of the refugees themselves,

and of the Arab governments who are
using them as pawns to discredit Israel.
The Arab nations have been given mil-
lions of dollars to the UN to resettle the
refugees, yet they have not done so. The
refugees live in filth and squalor, with
the money meant for their benefit being
used to build armies and to increase
hatred. The refugee camps are purpose-
fully kept as eyesores to incitepeople to
further hatred and to promote unrest.
They are also used as bases for.guerrilla
attacks against Israel. Everything is be-
ing done without concern for the well-
being of the refugees involved.
IN SPITE of Israel's many calls to Nas-
ser and many other Arab leaders to
meet and iron out their differences, the
Arabs have constantly refused. Yet more
fervent and continuous appeals by Is-
rael may finally be taken seriously, and
should be continued. The people of all the
countries concerned must indicate a de-
sire for peace, yet the Arab policy of in-
stilling hate makes this extremely diffi-
UST HOW MISTAKEN the Arab stand is
can be seen by envisioning the progress
that could ensue in an atmosphere of
friendly cooperation.
Israel has the highest physician to pop-
ulation ratio in the world. Thus coopera-
tion with the Arabs could help eradicate
much of the disease so prevalent in these
The Arabs have vast natural resources;
Israel has few. With Israel's technical aid
and the Arabs' wealth, the Middle East
could achieve a remarkably high stand-
ard of living. Israel's per capita income is
around $1000 a year, while the Arabs' is
around $200. Cooperation would raise both
of these figures and bring them closer
to equality.
Cooperation would lead to a fluorish-
ing and intermingling of the two cultures,
and possibly lead to a renaissance of Fer-
tile Crescent intellectual activity.
Cooperation would free funds not spent
on arms for use in education, health, and
in wiping out illiteracy."
HATRED CANNOT be allowed to grow
further. Cooperation on a basis of mu-
tual respect is the only true solution, and
it is imperative that both sides realize
this. Israel and the Arabs must come to-
gether and explain their differences, and
attempt to better understand each other.

HOW DO YOU humanize the
This is the question which
Berkeley professors have tried to
answer in the recently issued Mus-
catine report.
The 200-page report, issued by
a Berkeley faculty committee
headed by Prof. Charles Muscatine
of the English department, con-
tains 42 recommendations which
would help to bring students and
faculty closer together by draw-
in, "the students closer to the ex-
citement of real scholarship, the
faculty to the needs of students."
AIMED AT eradicating the ba-
sic causes which set off the Berke-
ley riots of 1964, the Muscatine re-
port's prime thrust is to make the
multiversity flexible enough to be
The bureaucracy of the multi-
versity naturally resists change,
yet change is needed to integrate
students fully into the university
system. The Muscatine report's
solution to this dilemma is to
set up an institutional arrange-
ment which would promote inno-
vation at Berkeley.
The Report recommends set-
ting up at Berkeley a Board of

Educational Development consist-
ing of six faculty members pre-
sided over by a new vice chancel-
lor, whose function would be to
devise, implement and sponsor in-
Muscatine's committee sug-
gested that the Board of Educa-
tional Development have fund
raising authority and be able to
administer programs it innovates
for up to five years. If the inno-
vated program has not been
adopted by a regular organ of the
University during that period it
will be dropped.
SINCE THE BOARD would have
its own degree granting authority,
it could experiment in new cur-
riculum programs in addition to
working along with other experi-
mental programs on campus.
Examples of the types of pro-
grams the board would support
are: extensive freshman seminars,
extensive independent study pro-
grams, ad hoc courses on topics
of interest such as Viet Nam, and
a new doctorate program which
would eliminate the dissertation.
THE MAJOR recommendations
of the Muscatine report will prob-

ably be endorsed by the faculty
senate when it is brought up next
Wednesday. But apparently there
is fear among some of the tradi-
tionalists on the faculty there
that the new Board would upset
the present faculty curriculum
committee system.
Hopefully the fears of the
faculty establishment are valid.
Faculty committees, which were
originally designed to be the well
springs of reform, too often re-
tard innovation.
There are, perhaps, two prime
reasons for this. One is the prob-
lem of faculty members losing the
spirit of reform by the time they
reach a powerful position in the
committee structure, and the oth-
er is the lack of financial backing
the faculty have for any given in-
The system recommended in the
Muscatine report will primarily be
effective because of its proposed
budgetary autonomy. With its own
direct source of funds it can cut
across layers of committees and
implement reform.
DESPITE ITS potential of being
a prime innovation force, the
Board concept has some distinct

For example, although the whole
concept of having an innovative
force, according to the Muscatine
report, is to establish a closer rap-
port between faculty and stu-
dents and to alleviate some of the
tension which caused the riots,
the report seems to ignore the
concept of student participation.
Since the idea of student parti-
cipation in the formulation of
Berkeley policy was ai major is-
sue in the riots, it would seem
that, to alleviate the underlying
tensions at Berkeley, a higher
degree of student participation
should be inaugurated.
One of the best ways to get
the students more meaningfully
involved would be to have them
on the Board of Educational De-
velopment. Yet, the Muscatine re-
port does not look into this possi-
bility, so once again another fac-
ulty committee is being proposed
whose aim is to help adjust uni-
versity life to student needs with-
out student advice.
Rather than the structure pro-
posed by the Muscatine report, the
Board should consist of students,
faculty and administrators, but
still retain its budgetary autonomy.

Such a Board could be a major
force in making the multiversity
THIS CONCEPT of implementing
innovation to offset the negative
qualities of the multiversity is as
applicable to the University as it
is to Berkeley. The Muscatine re-
port should certainly be looked
at seriously by members of this
community as a possible key to
some of the problems posed by the
sprawling University.
* * *
BOB McFARLAND'S smashing
victory Wednesday, over Fitz
Rocky Rosema in the contest for
the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics, is indicative
of student indignation at the cur-
rent University athletic policies.
If students are to bear the brunt
of higher ticket prices, and still
suffer from inadequate athletic
recreational facilities, they should
know the reasons why.
It is high time that the student
interest in their own athletic pro-
gram be acknowledged and ath-
letic policies made behind closed
doors be made public.
This is only logical unless
someone has something to hide.


The, "New Economit'cs" and a Miracle

who watch and deal with the
management of the economy are
engaged in earnest discussion of
how to preserve and promote the
unprecedented prosperity which
the country is enjoying.
It is now 20 years since the
Employment Act of 1946 declared
that "full employment" was a
national objective, and it is five
years since President Kennedy in-
augurated the fiscal and monetary
measures which have produced
the great expansion of the econ-
omy. This great expansion was
managed successfully under the
direction of Walter Heller and.
supported by a consensus of the
preponderant majority of the lead-
ing economists in the country.
The story of this expansion, for
which there were few tested pre-
cedents; is very heartening to
those who dare to believe that
reason and rational method and
rational discussion can be made
to prevail in human affairs.
Forty years ago none except
perhaps a few solitary thinkers

in Europe believed that the capi-
talist system of private property
and free enterprise operating in
markets could proceed without
severe ups and downs. The busi-
ness cycle of slump and boom was
regarded as being, like the cycle
of the seasons, beyond human con-
trol and something to be accepted
as inherent in the human condi-
first challenged effectively in the
western world by John Maynard
Keynes, though he himself drew
on the teachings of others, not-
ably Knut Wicksell of Sweden.
Keynes began to write in the 20s--
between the depression after t4e
first world war and the greh t
depression of 1929. Keynes was
long regarded as heretical, sub-
versive, even sacrilegious in that
he refused to bow with the ac-
cepted nature of things.
However, Keynes' teachings
made their way here and abroad in
the universities and from them
into the finance ministries of every
advanced industrial nation. In the
past five years a new generation

of American economists, all of
them descended in one manner or
another from Keynes, has been at
the center of policy making and
The economic policy which they
have directed during the Ken-
nedy and Johnson administrations
has been in its over-all results a
dramatic success. The objective of
"full employment" laid down by
Congress in 1946 is within sight of
being achieved.
own past or by comparison with
any other country, the expanding
American economy in the past
five years has been a miracle. In
these five years the gross national
product has increased by $190 bil-

lion. The average annual rate of
growth of real output over this
period has been 5.5 per cent. The
rate of real growth has been near-
ly twice as big as it was in the
1950s before the "new economics"
became the guide of U.S. policy.
Although this 'dramatic ex-
pansion has brought big increases
of real wages to labor and of pro-
fits to business, there has as yet
been no real inflation. From 1960
through 1965 consumer prices rose
less than 2 per cent a year. The
wholesale price index remained
stable until last year. Over-all
labor costs rose on the average by
less than 1 per cent a year.
In these five years the expan-
sion did something, though not
nearly enough, to improve the lot
of the poorest people in the coun-
try. The number of persons and
families below the poverty line
($3,000 a year) has fallen from
over 22 per cent to less than 17
per cent.
The gap between Negro andr
white income has narrowed. Adult
Negro unemployment is down
from 9 per cent to 5.6 per cent
in the last quarter of last year.

Prof. Otto Eckstein, formerly of
the Council of Economic Adviser,
was amply justified in saying that
"when firing on all eight cylinders,
our economy is a mighty engine of
social progress, the greatest man
has so far devised."
fore the economists and before the
country is how to manage this
marvelous economy now that full
4employment is in sight and now
that there is the added infla-
tionary pressure from the Viet-
namese war.
We have reason to be confident
that the management of the econ-
omy will be successful in this new
period. For one thing there has
never been a time when the tech-
nique of measuring a boom was
as highly developed or the com-
mon property of so. many highly
expert men.
These economists have now
achieved such high authority and
public respect that politicians will
not easily overrule them, not will
they be easily obscured by the
propaganda of special interests.
(c),1966, The Washington Post Co.


"Obu Cocutatus ": Obscenity Is Not Art

City Council Candidate Attempts
To Discredit Student Voters

THE ANN ARBOR city clerk and his
staff registered a total of 1,342 appli-
cants for voting during the 15-day voter
registration period. However, James
Brinkerhoff, director of plant expansion
in the,.Office of Business and Finance and
campaign chairman for 2nd Ward Re-
publican City Council candidate, had some
figures of his own, apparently designed to
panic long-time residents over threats of
student voting power.
In a letter to Second Ward Republi-
cans, Brinkerhoff said, "Nearly 1500 new
Acting Editorial Staff

voters registered during one day for the
April 4th city election. A majority were
from the - Second Ward-your ward-a
majority are students - not permanent
residents of Ann Arbor."

Not only is Brinkerhoff's figure
sect, but it appears intended to
fear in the hearts" of Republicans.


Managing Editor

Editorial Director

JOHN MEREDITH......Associate Managing Editor
LEONARD PRATT........Associate Managing Editor
BABETTE COHN ......... Personnel Director
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .... Associate Editoral Director
ROBERT CARNEY.......AssociateEditorial Director
ROBERT MOORE ................... Magazine Editor
Acting Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS ........ Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH . .........Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL........Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH RHEIN .............. Personnel Director
VICTOR PTASZNIK.............. Finance Manage
CHARLES VETZNER .................. Sports Editor
JAMES LaSOvAGE.......... Associate Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL............Associate Sports Editot
GIL SAMBERG ............... Assistant Sports Editor
Kohn, Dan Okrent, Dale Sielaff, Rick Stern, John

BUTBRINKERHOFF will "save Ann Ar-
bor for Ann Arborites." "Lest non-
residents steal the April 4 election, every
effort must be made to support our out-
standing candidate for City Council..."
The use of such anti-student propagan-
da in the election points to a prevalence
of an anti-student attitude in other areas
such as quality housing as well as voting.
This attitude, one which encourages abuse.
of students in economic matters; is in-
excusable and is only reinforced by pleas
like Brinkerhoff's.
Lest the April 4th election become the
last battle in the defense of Ann Arbor
from the student "voting vandals" -- no
real election at all--voters must realize
that students who were registered had to
prove their residency, by no means an
easy matter.
EVEN UNDER restrictive and antiquat-
ed state laws, some students were de-
clared eligible voters. And once students
have qualified for voting, their University
attendance is disregarded by the city
clerk, who omits any mention of it in
working voting records. Surely any stu-
dent who qualifies for voting at City Hall
should not suffer discrimination at the

To the Editor:
THE CAMPUS that spawned. the
teach-ins and since became a
veritable haven for radicals, beat-
niks, and phonies, has at last
gone too far. In view of the limits
placed upon freedom of speech
in the recent Supreme Court rul-
ing on obscenity, I feel compelled
to speak out. I am referring to the
contemptible PAP production of
"Ubu Cocutatus," to be shown
here this week.
Attending a rehearsal of this
obscene piece of trash, put on by
supposedly respectable members
of the English department, I was
shocked to see faculty members
using obscene language, grovelling
on the floor with each other, and
flushing themselves down imag-
inary toilets. To give you an idea
of the profound literary content of
this play, the chorus came on-
stage, announcing (in one of their
more printable lines), "We get
our eats through platinum teats,
And pee through a faucet without
a handle." After which one of the
players announced he was going
to "carry a pot of s--t" to me,
deliberately using my name be-
cause he knew I was in the au-
dience. And if oral obscenities
abound, visual ones are nit lack-
ing. Where else but Ann Arbor
could you see (without mentioning
names) a poet-in-residence wear-
ing an indecent costume that
flaunts, among other things, the
infamous padded appendage of
Aristophanic comedy? A tmore
self-respecting member of the de-
partment resigned his role be-
cause he reportedly refused to
wear the obscene costume design-
ed for him. Needless to say, I
walked out before this grisly farce
was over.
If "Ubu Cocutatus" is a "work of
art" (as is claimed by John Bar-
ton Wolgamot, the producer),
then I am Tom Sawyer. The joke
of it is that it is being presented
as part of the Cultural Arts Fes-
tival-to which it no more belongs
than does (to use one of the play's
phrases) the stools of a middle-
aged man.
Clearly, the joke has been car-
ried too far. I call upon all con-
cerned students to boycott this
play and to support its legal sup-
pression as a piece of obscenity.

following note may hold some
subtle meaning.
April 3 is a Sunday. On that
morning a large number of this
University's China, Japan, South
and Southeast Asia-area profes-
sors (and graduate students) will
leave Ann Arbor and travel to New
York City to attend the annual
meeting of the Association of
Asian Studies.
In some departments, the en-
tire faculty will attend; there will
be no classes in some of the Asian
courses for four days (April 4-7).
HENCE one is left with a cur-
ious situation in which a teach-in
is being planned to examine our
knowledge of China on the day
when many of this nation's better
--although not always best known
--experts will be unavailable and
when this University's own com-
munity of Asian students will be
I will be most interested to see
who our guests will be on April
3-or do "the organizers" reason
that the dialogue on China will
be more exciting when conducted
by professors of chemistry, phi-
losophy, sociology et. al.?
-H. Bryant Avery, Grad
Republican Delusions
To the Editor:
that the pressure of student
votes is being felt, with pain, in
the right places. The local Re-
publicans are well supplied with
delusions; through no fault of my
own, one of them is that I am a
Republican. So I received the fol-
lowing form letter in the mail
"Dear Fellow Republican:
Monday, March 7 marked a most
disturbing trend in Ann Arbor
Nearly 1500 new voters register-
ed during one day for the April
4 city election. A majority were
from the Second Ward-your ward
--a majority are students-not
permanent resident of Ann Arbor.
the April 4 election, every effort
must be made to support our out-
standing candidate for City Coun-

keroff worried, and that's good.
Your votes can bury him and his
candidate, and that would be even
better. Do you really want on the
City Council a man whose cam-
paign uses hostility to students as
a device for getting out his party's
-Ward Edwards
Professor of Psychology
Letter to a Bigot
To the Editor:
Like, consider this open letter-
poem to a not-so-open bigot:
Hail, of autonomous Great White
Dearborn is again in the eyes of
the nation .. .
Led by Negroes the Mustangs won
Cazzie's 23 and Darden's 21
"Against the Gibble Gas team"
the headlines did scream
"Dearborn outgunned, out-
rebounded, and badly
out-CLASSed the players of
Gibble Gas!"
Cheers, Oh Paternal Protector of
-it's just a basketball game-
Yet I wonder when the next Negro
attempts to move into Dearborn
--Will you hang your head in
-Marty, Most
jazz poet,
Viet Nam
To the Editor:
I, FOR ONE, have long awaited
a justification of the morality
of the U.S. war in Viet Nam.
Since the supporters of this war
usually consider themselves as
realists and their moralistic op-
ponents as naive, they tend to
avoid discussion of the possible
moral aspects of the war as a
waste of time, and, thereby, have
tended to implicitly deny there
'are such aspects.
Thus, Mr. Won (c.f., his letter of
March 12) is to be commended for
taking up the gage proffered by
the "special interest pleaders," and
for providing us with a devasta-


IF PEOPLE could actually eat the
words they say, and the ways
in which they say them, I am
convinced that most of today's
rhetorics would choke themselves
to death or suffer verbal indiges-
".: . .The, conceptualization of
today's subliminal automation is
entirely an extrapolation of con-
sumer deterioration." The horn-
rimmed scholarly speaker of such
things should be complimented on
his agility of tongue muscles, yet
questioned on his singleness of
meaning as opposed to the more
apparent result: double talk.
berers, are several of their spe-
cialized colleagues who speak in
pat phrases pertinent to the sub-
ier+ matter in niptinn There will

of reason," etc.
But perhaps the worst offenders
of language have been the amateur
student psychologists who delight
in discussing their latest neuroses
and manifest repressions: "I fear
my oral tendencies and inhibi-
tions spring from my maternal
complex and my repressions of
diaper rash . .. today I realized
that I view the world as a moth-
THOSE WHO ARE ; fortunate
enough to know which words to
use, often manage to abort lan-
guage with their practiced elocu-
tion techniques. "Hey-luuu," an-
swered a female friend of mine,
picking up the phone. I imagined
her tongue becoming looped
around the receiver. "Well, how
isss everything with youuu?" she
continued langouring around her
"l's," spewing out her "u's" and
hissing forth her "s's."
I waited until she became com-
pletely puckered, nearly swallow-
ing mouthniece. wire. etc.. then

manner of our response to it. Mur-
der or atrocity in our system does
not justify immediate formation
of vigilante committees.
The last three he "answers" by
actually admitting them! "It is
conceded that the U.S. presence
in South Viet Nam constitutes
violation of the agreements." "It
is conceivable . . .that the U.S.
would not allow an election at
this time even if the North Viet-
namese people had a free choice
because its fears that Viet Nam
would go Communist." And fin-
ally in answer .to the question
"should the U.S. sacrifice South
Vietnames autonomy for defense
against the Communist threat" he
asserts an unequivocal "yes."
by further asserting "A new in-
ternational order and, harmony
can be built up only on the basis
of an ascendancy which is gen-
erally accepted as tolerant and

He is correct in stating the
ascendant power has a moral task,
but I submit it is one of self-
restraint. For a liberal interna-
tional order cannot be built on
the basis of arbitrary, unilateral,
military action which brutalizes
the very "tradition of liberalism"
which h'e contends justifies
American World Megemony.
As Woodrow Wilson pointed out:
"once lead this people into war
and they'll forget there ever
was such a thing as tolerance. To
fight you must be brutal and ruth-
less, and the spirit of ruthless
brutality will enter into the very
fibre of our national life, infecting
Congress, the courts, the police-
man on the beat, the man in the
IF THIS OCCURS will our su-
perior moral fibre then justify a
Pax Americana?
-David Lane '67

Inanity: Verbal Insanity
watercress .And fWords

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