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March 24, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-24

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'PA#Iv, u


rat~i THREU


Peking Cites
'Dirty Deals'
I Refusal
Decry Cooperation
Of Soviets with U.S.
In Viet Escalation
TOKYO (P)-Peking accused the
Soviet Union of plotting with the
United States to encircle China
and to sell out the Vietnamese
people. The Chinese denounced
Soviet "dirty deals," "tricks," and
"chauvinism" in a letter to Mos-
cow broadcast by Radio Peking
There was no reaction in Mos-
cow to the stinging letter, whicha
Peking said was sent Tuesday. I
But a Soviet official at the United
Nations in New York said the
Chinese refusal to attend the 4
Russian Communist party con-
gress was "aimed at underminingn
the solidarity of peoples" strug-
gling to maintain peace.
Diplomats in Moscow said the
Chinese boycott of the congressh
puts Communist North Viet Nam
on the spot. North Viet Nam has THE RAL
tried to stay neutral in the Mos- yesterday
cow-Peking quarrel because it gets
help from both sides.
The Chinese said the Russians V iY
distributed an anti-Chinese letter
to the world Communist parties'
recently and asked: "In these cir-
cumstances, how can the Chinese
Communist party which you look
upon as an enemy, be expected to
attend your congress?" By Th
The letter, as published in West
Germany this week, accused the Student d
Chinese of trying to involve the and Da Nan
Soviet Union in a war with the States yestex
United States, of stirring up in- Femier Ngu
4 cidents on the Soviet border and government.
blocking Soviet arms aid to North American ba
Viet Nam. The Russians said the a revival of c
Chinese had rejected united action A general
to resist the United States in Viet cent of the
Nam. the site of
Peking answered: "Despite the Marine hea
tricks you have been playing to northeast of
deceive people, you are pursuing Studentst
U.S.-Soviet collaboration for the radio station
domination of the world with your elections to
whole heart and soul. ernment.
These charges, together with "Is thisa
one that "China has been en- Viet Nam t
croaching on Soviet territory," all demanded o
show that the Soviet invitation handed out
to the Moscow congress "is merely in Da Nang.
a gesture and is sent with ulterior Banners of
motives," the Chinese said. ed an anti



Johnson Censures France
Calls For Stronger NATO




o cott Call
Shows Rift
In Alliance
Communist Leaders
In New Situation; May
Have To Take Sides
AP News Analysis

WASHINGTON (4) - Clashing
with French President Charles de
Gaulle, President Johnson declar-
ed yesterday that America will
push for a strong, unified Atlantic
defense system with or without
"The United States is determin-
ed," Johnson said, "to join with 13
of her other allies to preserve and'
to strengthen the deterrent
strength of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization."
Calling on de Gaulle for "consul-
tation, not isolation," as the best
way to bring about any NATO re-
form, Johnson held the way open
for the 15th ally, France, "to re-
turn to the common task."
Johnson outlined the U.S. po-
sition in a major speech on the
growing NATO crisis, delivered to

i anr nw fnwn4 rv nn-"n.. nffi....w.. 1.


senior ioreign service oficers at the reconciliation of Western Eu-
the State Department. rope with the people of Eastern
Noting that "some say that new Europe."
circumstances in the world today De Gaulle
call for the dismantling of NATO," While the President did not
Johnson contended that: once mention de Gaulle by name
-The very fact that the Soviets and used the word "France" only
have not launched an attack on sparingly, the 15-minute nation-
Europe is a measure of NATO's ally broadcast and televised speech
success, and weakening NATO was clearly designed as a public
would only invite a revival of the presentation of the American po-
threat. sition in the face of Paris' move
-The experience of two world to pull out of an integrated NATO.
wars has shown that advance col- De Gaulle says the alliance
lective planning and organization formed in the shadow of the So-
by allies is needed for successful viet threat to Europe in 1949 is
deterrence of an aggressor. stlil acceptable but the need for
-Fragmenting the alliance now an integrated NATO military
would dim the long-range pros- structure under the alliance is past.
pects for arriving at a . peace ful A strong advocate of national
solution with the Communists for sovereinty, de Gaule served no
,a general European settlement - tice this month that France will
pull her forces out of NATO and
1 lEOthat he wants NATO bases and
"14 Q heaqdnuq t~r nff Frnh h il .


Vzi a Pi' A ""nia1

-Associated Press
LY ABOVE IS part of a round of demonstrations held by students in Hue and Da Nang
in protest of the government of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky.
" "
tnarnese S'tudents Criticize
r*5* Support of K Regime

V Ault11Ai.- O V
MOSCOW-Angry words Wed-:
nesday from Peking showed how es i
biterly irreconcilable the dispute T a X . RC'e, e cC1S10 1s
between China and the Soviet T
Union has become.
Essentially, the Peking blast WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary, tax contingency planning-includ-
changed little in the two great of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler ing controls over investments-but
Communist powers' relationship, has fixed late April as the ear- he indicated he favors retention
but the refusal to attend the party liest possible time for an admin- of the 7 per cent investment credit
conference could have an effect istration decision on whether an which some economists say should
on other Communist p a r t i e s anti - inflationary tax increase be suspended now as a hedge
caught in the struggle for leader- should be proposed to Congress. against inflation.
ship of the Red world. F"The investment credit now
CoFowler told a National Press serves a useful function and it
The angry words explained Club luncheon yesterday that mix- ought to be considered a perma-
China's reasons for rejecting an e eno m s o soabts nent part of the tax structure,"
I ivittin t te cngrssof heyear leave room for "reasonablej Fowler added.
invitation to the congress of the doubt" that further restraint F lrade.
Soviet Communist party, opening doub tat ft erai tCongressional Reaction
next Tuesday. should be allowed to emerge. The secretary also said it is un-
Implicit Stand "But the time for decision is certain yet whether Congress will
The new situation was created coming near-and the period im- appropriate more money this year
for other Communist parties which; mediately ahead should tell the than the administration requested
received invitations to the con- story," he added. but if it does, this factor will be
gress. By attending, they will in! Follows Rejection taken into account in any tax posi-
effect take a stand on the Soviet Fowler's speech followed by less tion.
side in the Moscow-Peking dispute. than 24 hours President Johnson's In setting late April as the ear-
There has been much specula-news conference .comments of liest date for a tax reduction,
Te re hasc s u- Tuesday rejecting suggestions for Fowler said corporate tax receipts
tion in the past two years, since an immediate anti-inflationary tax for 1965 are now being totaled
the dispute degenerated into pub- boost, but leaving the door open for and receipts from the personal in-
lic name calling, that it would an increase later. come tax won't be known until the
lead to a formal split of the Com- The back-to-back statements re- end of next month.
munist world, emphasized the administration's The latter part of April, he
The Soviet party congress could determination to stick by its wait- added, will also provide accurate
now be interpreted as forcing a and-see position on the question statistics on first-quarter econom-
split on the issue of other parties of inflation and taxes despite pres- ic indicators and for March, after
attending. sures from out-of-government two months of mixed signals.
But the Soviet attitude in the economists and some members of With this information, and per-
recent past would appear to rule Congress for immediate action. haps a better indication of con-
I this out. In his talk, Fowler said labor gressional action on nonmilitary
Unity Appeals and management must share the spending for the next fiscal year.
Repeated Soviet statements, primary responsibility for avoid- "we will have a firmer basis than
while criticizing China, have end- ing inflationary wage and price we now have for deciding whether
ed with appeals for unity and rises by adhering voluntarily to or not further fiscal action is re-
optimistic expressions that dif- the administration's guideposts. quired," Fowler said.
ferences can be overcome. No Punitive Action

t 0 eaer enc so uJs1r I 011n-
less put under French control.
In his speech, which followed on
a personal message he sent to de
Gaulle Tuesday, Johnson said:
Stability in Danger
"If our collective effort should
falter-and our common determ-
ination be eroded-the foundation
of the Atlantic's present stability
would be shaken.
"The mightiest arsenal in the
world will deter no aggressor who
knows his victims are too divided
to decide and too unready to re-
spond. That was the lesson of two
world wars."
"Yet a nation-not by the action
of her friends, but by her own
decision to prepare and plan alone
-could still imperil her own se-
curity by creating a situation in
which response would be too late
and too diluted," Johnson said.
War Deterrent
"It is our firm conviction that
collective action through NATO is
the best assurance that war will
be deterred in the Atlantic world.
"We are hopeful that no mem-
ber of the treaty will long remain
withdrawn from the mutual affairs
and obligations of the Atlantic. A
place of respect and responsibility
will await any ally who decides
to return to the common task."
In diplomatic maneuvering with
Paris, the United States is tak-
ing the position at this point that
the next. move is up to France
U.S. officials said de Gaulle has
only signified his intent to pull
out of the NATO structure-and
what is awaited from the French
now is a specific plan on how this
will be accomplished.

e Associated Press
emonstrators in Hue
d criticized the United
rday for its support of
yen Cao Ky's military
They contended the
acking of Ky hinders
civilian rule.
strike closed 95 per
shops in Da Nang,
an airbase and U.S.
dquarters 380 miles
took over the city's
briefly and called for
create a civilian gov-
a conspiracy to sell
o the Communists?"
ne of many leaflets
at a gathering of 2,000
similar import mark'-
government. rally of

10,000 around the Municipal Hall
in Hue, the old imperial capital 40
miles farther north. Hue was .the
springboard of the Buddhist-led;
uprising that toppled President
Ngo Dinh Diem's regime in 1963.
But not all the banners were
critical. Others read: "We thank
our American friends for helping
us fight the Viet Cong."
The demonstrations at Hue and
Da Nang were part of a series
set off March 10 by the govern- ,
ment's ouster of Lt. Gen. Nguyen,
Chanh Tri from his command of
that area and his government seat
in Saigon.
Demand Reforms
Students and Buddhists de-
manded Tri's reinstatement and
a speedup in governmental, social
and economic reforms.
Action along these lines was
pledged in the Feb. 8 declaration
of Honolulu. Ky has promised a
new constitution in November and
a national election in 1967.
At the Viet battlefront, U.S.
Marines battled Monday with two
battalions near the village of
Phon Dinh, 70 miles south of Da
Other soldiers closed out Opera-
tion Oregon, a sweep on the north-
ern flank of the main force. They
said they killed 99 and captured
eight. American losses in both
cases are described as light.
Bill Passed
Meanwhile, in Washington the
House accepted a technical Sen-
ate amendment to assure congres-
sional scrutiny of Pentagon spend-

ing and sent to President Johnson
an emergency $13.1-billion appro-
priation to help finance the Viet
Nam war.
The House had originally passed
the bill last week and the second
approval was by voice vote with-
out discussion except for a brief
explanation of the amendment.
The Senate had passed the bill 87
to 2 Tuesday.
The money total, exactly what
Johnson requested, is to provide
extra funds to pay for the stepped-
up pace of the fighting during the
remaining 3%12 months of the fis-
cal year which ends June 30.
The amendment would limit
Secretary of Defense Robert S
McNamara's authority to transfer
funds in support of South Viet-
namese and other allied troops, as
was done during World War II
and the Korean conflict.
The bill includes $415 .million
of economic aid for South Viet
Nam and other Asian and Latin-
American trouble centers.


In the absence of information
from the spokesmen of Soviet
communism, most outsiders here
think this Kremlin attitude is
likely to be maintained at the
It is possible that the Soviet
collective leadership will choose
to denounce the Chinese. But with
the Chinese absent, the chance of
an explosive confrontateion is elim-
Thus any formal split seems4
just now to depend more on Pe-
king than Moscow.

Asked later what sanctions the
administration might I m p o s e
against violators of the guideposts,
Fowler said no punitive action
will be taken.
The secretary said the Treasury
had eliminated no possibility in its
Read and Use
Daily lassi fieds


TODAY: 4:10 P.M:
ARENA THEATRE, Frieze Building


selected scenes from

World News Roundup

Department of Speech
Student Laboratory Theatre
Admission Free

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Workers in1
the airline and soft coal industries
seeking wage increases in excess
of White House guidelines took
preliminary strike action yester-
day. But no stoppage is imminent
in either industry.
The National Police Committee
of the United Mine Workers of
America. Ind. gave union officials
the right to strike any time after
expiration of, a 60-day notice to
mine owners who employ some
* 100,000 union workers in 25 states.
At almost the same time the
mine union took its action, the
AFL-CIO International Associa-
tion of Machinists served notice
that 34,000 mechanics will strike)
five major airlines a month hence
unless a deadlock in negotiations'
is broken.
KARACHI, Pakistan - Presi-
dent Mohammed Ayub Khan yes-
terday paraded tanks and jets ob-
tained from Red China and said

India must come to terms with
Pakistan or face a continued
arms race.
In New Delhi, India's Foreign
Minister Swaran Singh told Par-
liament India has sent a protest
note to Pakistan accusing it of
"deliberate and sustained violation
of the letter and spirit of the
Tashkent declaration" signed last
January at a meeting under Soviet

Withdraw U,S. Troops from Viet Nam No w!

and the
University of Chicago Contemporary Chamber Players
New direction in classical music performed by one
of the world's foremost conductors and composers
SATURDAY-March 26, 8:30 P.M.
Union Ballroom FREE

9:00 a.m.
12:00 noon
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
7-12 p.m.

Vig il
March to draft board
Picket and petitioning draft board
Viet Nam Open House
3rd floor conference room, Michigan Union

FATHER BERRIGAN has been ordained a priest for ten years, eight of which have been
spent in the South. He is noted nationally for his lectures on race, peace, and the
Christian layman. He is a member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, co-founder of
the Catholic Peace Fellowship, and has worked in civil rights with the Urban League,
NAACP, CORE and SNCC. His first book, "No More Strangers," was published in
April and deals with race, peace, lay witness, and ecumenism. His other works have
appeared in Commonweal, Jubilee, Worship, Continuum, The Catholic Worker, and
Inter-racial Review. Currently, he is a parish priest in the Baltimore inner-city.


2:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Bus to Detroit
March to Downtown Detroit
Tom Hayden

SPONSORED BY Ann Arbor Viet Nam Committee
* 10 - A IN*

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