Future May Bring Change in Chinese Foreign
By The Associated Press
There is substantial evidence
that Red China is worried about
recent setbacks and that it is tak-
ing a searching new look at its
relations with both the Commun-
ist and non-Communist worlds.
Despite the mounting signs of
nervousness, however, many West-
ern and Communist diplomats
agree that Peking is not yet ready
to unveil any significant foreign
policy changes.
For that reason, the Soviet-
Chinese breach is expected to
dominate the 23rd congress of the
Soviet Communist party opening
in Moscow next Tuesday. Some
Eastern European observers be-
lieve the split may even become
deeper because of differences fver
Viet Nam.
The Communist congress has fo-
cused attention on China policy at
a time when China experts every-
where are watching developments
with growing interest. This would
be a likely occasion for a policy
shift to come into play-if there
was one.
Some diplomatic observers be-
lieve that any changes in the im-
mediate future may be subtle and
perhaps even involuntary. They
may not be easily detectable.
Top U.S. experts on China, in
testimony before the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, have
suggested that the Peking gov-
ernment was being forced to pur-
sue a somewhat more cautious
foreign policy because of internal
economic problems.
And some British experts say
that successive Chinese foreign
policy reverses in Asia, Africa and
Latin America may have the ef-
fect of compelling Peking tem-
porarily to slow down its program
of promoting world revolution.
Such changes still are not ap-
It-is known, however, that most
top Chinese diplomats have been
called to Peking in recent weeks
for what analysts consider to be
a major foreign policy review.
' One of these was Wang Kuo-
chuang, Peking's envoy to Poland.
After his return, U.S. Ambassador
John A. Gronouski had a three-
hour talk with him in Warsaw
last week. Gronouski obviously was
seeking clues to any possible
change of policy, but indications
are that he found none.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
said this week that all attempts
by the United States to narrow
its differences with Red China had
met intransigence.
This seems to fit Peking's re-
action to a recent feeler by Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey.
He suggested that the United
States must maintain its present
policy of containment, but must
not try to isolate the Chinese
people. The reply of the Peking
paper Jenmin Jihpoa was that
such a statement cannot fail to
disgust the Chinese people and
make them maintain the utmost
Officially, there has been no
change of U.S. policy toward
Peking but the Humphrey gesture
and other less obvious moves have
indicated that the United States
may be ready for unbending to
some extent if any signs appear
of a shift in Red China's policy.
One of the main factors which
has given rise to reports of pos-
sible China policy changes has
been a series of recent articles in
the Communist party paper show-
ing clear signs of worry and in-
dulging in unusually frank self-
Some statements have stressed
that setbacks on the road to revo-
lution must be expected. Some
even hinted at poor leadership
as a possible reason for losses
suffered by Red China in Cuba,
Ghana and Indonesia-all of
which were major reverses in its
program for world revolution.
One article said "sometimes the
leadership of the revolution itself
may make a mistake of one kind
or another."
Taken in context with other
articles, this statement could be
interpreted as a hint of a change
in China's leadership itself. No
names were mentioned but the two
most prominent figures in China's
foreign policy dealings have been
Premier Chou En-lai and Foreign
Minister Chen Yi.
Some of the experts believe that
no major changes will come in,
foreign policy until the leadership'
in the Peking government is
changed. Because of the age of the
top leaders, including Chairman
Mao Tze-tung, this cannot be far,
Harvard Prof. John M. H. Lind-'
beck, one of the China experts who
appeared before the Foreign Re-
lations Committee, said Peking's
aging leaders may have been stun-
ned by the failures of their ambi-
tious undertakings and that they
now "seem to be uncertain of the
direction in which they should
move." .
The theory is that new leader-
ship, like that which followed the
death of Stalin in the Soviet
Union, may be more flexible and
more ready to patch up relations
with the rest of the world.
That is in part, at least, the
reasoning behind the wave of
pressure from U.S. China experts
for the United States to end its
isolation of China, accord it diplo-
matic recognition, agree to its
admission to the United Nations
and otherwise indicate a readiness
to get along. The feeling is that
this may have its effect eventually,
when new leadership comes. if
not immediately.
Political Unrest Increases
Indonesia Russia Rejects Treaty Banning
Strengthens 'Spread of Nuclear Weapons
Recoil at Ky
U.S. Forces Score
On Trucks, Junks
And Gunboats by Air
SAIGON (A)-Fresh antigovern-
ment demonstrations in Saigon,
Da Nang and Hue though peaceful
in nature, have added to the pol=
tical ferment touched off March
10 by the government's dismissal
of a Buddhist favorite, Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Chanh Tri, as commander
of South Viet Nam's 1st Corps'
Buddhists took umbrage at a
weekend speech by Ky in Dalat,
charging he had accused them
of being traitors, unreasonable
and generally suspect. Ky denied
the charge. He said he had never
accused the Buddhists of any-
The Buddhist Institute-cam-
Spaigning for a new constitution, a
national election and a speedup
in social and economic reforms-
issued a communique complaining
about these quotes:
"Any form of disturbance, street
demonstration, strike or walkout
will have no influence on the
government. The armed forces
and the administration will notj
yield to unjustified claims which
are'contrary to the interest of the
nation and the people. This is a
Ky declared in a widely publi-
cized denial that he had "never
'i0 thought the Buddhist wishes were
illogical and unpatriotic." He said]
his Dalat speech was aimed at:
"feudalists, colonialists and Com-
munists" who were seeking to1
disrupt national unity and weaken
South Viet Nam's fighting spirit.
Meanwhile, U.S. Marines have
killed at least 204 Communists in
expanding ground operations in1
South Viet Nam's northern pro-
vinces, a spokesman reported.
Their own losses were reported
However, 10 Marines were killed
in the crash of a helicopter flying
in support of Operation Texas in
Quang Ngal Province, 330 miles1
northeast of Saigon. The only sur-1
vivor, the pilot, was thrown clear1
of the flaming wreckage. He was
critically injured. k .
Targets of the day included a
convoy of 50 trucks stalled by un-
repaired bomb craters on Route
15 near Mugia Pass, 60 miles south
of Vinh. U.S. jet pilots said they
destroyed or damaged 27 of the
canvas-topped vehicles. Subjected
I to heavy flack, they said they
also knocked out 14 antiaircraft
Five gunboats and three junks
were reported destroyed or dam-
aged in waters between Dong Hoi
and Vinh by Navy fliers from the
carriers Ranger and Enterprise.
A spokesman said that, among
other strikes in 38 missions, they
wrecked two bridges and a ferry
Other military highlights:
--Elements of the U.S. 25th In-
* fantry Division ambushed a squad
of 10 or 12 Viet Cong in the cen-
tral highlands 35 miles north of
Ban Me Thuot and killed four.
They captured two automatic
rifles of Red Chinese make.
-A patrol of the U.S. 101st
Airborne Division's 1st Brigade, a
.rn a f taO1evae 19 mies
'Senate Votes
Added Funds
M A-k wi T u ,h-t XTL1 1l1
War With Malaysia
May Be Ended To
Increase Needed Trade
SINGAPORE (A) - Indonesia's
military regime may call off Presi-
dent Sukarno's undeclared war
against Malaysia and Singapore
for economic reasons, diplomats
reported yesterday.
GENEVA (AP)-A new U.S. bid
for a world-wide treaty banning
the spread of nuclear weapons was
rejected out of hand by the Soviet
Union yesterday.
Soviet delegates Semyon K.
Tsarapkin turned thumbs down on
a revised American draft treaty
presented to the 17-nation disarm-
ament conference by U.S. negotia-
tor Adrian S. Fisher.
The new American plan was de-
signed mainly to allay Soviet fears
that West Germany may gain con-
trol over atomic weapons in the
envisaged Western nuclear force.
The new draft treaty text does
not provide any substantial change
from the previous American plan/
repeatedly rejected by Tsarapkin
as unacceptable. It is reworded to
include some of the expressions
contained in the rival Soviet draft
treaty and spell out in greater de-
r orv 1V leiINan Indonesian tin and rubber ship-
ments to Singapore and Malaysia
Senate Hopes To were a main source of foreign ex-
Senat Hops Tochange until Sukarno began his
End War Through policy of confrontation about
three years ago. This source then
Spending Step-Up was cut off.
During this time, both tin and
WASHINGTON (gP)-The Senate rubber plantations-the main for-
voted yesterday to give the ad- eign exchange producers-have
ministration an extra $13.1 billion been allowed to run down. But now
to fight the war in Viet Nam. Jakarta radio says rubber plan-
tations have been directed to step
Passage of the appropriation up production.
bill was accomplished by demands
from Sen. Richard B. Russell (D- New Strongman
Ga) for a stepping up of power Lt. Gen. Suharto, the new strongj
to "bring this war to a close." man of Indonesia, has said Su-j
Johnson Turns Downi
France's NATO Plan
tail the nuclear powers' under-
taking to retain full control over
their nuclear arms within a mili-
tary alliance.
Tsarapkin said the revised
American proposal "is nothing
new and does not advance our
negotiations here by one inch."
The American plan "changes
nothing," he said. "It is a little
closer to the wording of our own
draft agreement, but it still leaves
a loophole to permit sharing" of
Western nuclear weapons with
The revised draft agreement
spells out more clearly than the
previous text that no single non-
nuclear nation or group of nations
would be allowed to use atomic
weapons without the agreement of
the state which owns them.
It also lays more stress on a
nuclear weapon state's :obligation
not to encourage or assist a state
without such weapons to make or
acquire its own atomic arms. Andy
it would pledge the nuclear pow-
ers ''not to take any other action
which would cause an increase in
the number of states and associa-
tions of states having control of
nuclear weapons."
--Associated Press
MICHAEL RAMSEY, Archbishop of Canterbury, arrives in Rome.
Anglican Archbishop
Confers with Pope
ROME (P-Dr. Michael Ramsey,
Archbishop of Canterbury, arrived
from London yesterday "full of
hope" for his historic meeting
with Pope Paul VI. The trip was
marred at both ends by denun-
ciations of the Anglican leader as
a traitor to British Protestantism.
On the jetliner that brought
Dr. Ramsey to the first official
meeting between an Anglican pri-
mate and a Pope since 1534, were
four protestant ministers who
called the visit an act of "treach-
Two of the ministers were bar-
red from entering Italy. Three
hours after their arrival, the Rev.
John Wylie and the Rev. Ian Pais-
ley, both Free Presbyterians from
Northern Ireland, were bundled
onto another plane by Italian
police and flown back to England.
Shouts of "Traitor!" had risen
at London Airport at Dr. Ramsey's
departure. The four ministers then
boarded the same plane. During
the flight, British security men
blocked the entrance to the first-
class compartment, preventing the
protesting ministers from addres-
sing the archbishop.
The archbishop meets today
with Pope Paul in the Sistine
Chapel, where Paul was elected
spiritual leader of the world's
Creative Arts Festival
by Alfred Jarry
I :ia T rr*i- .: ltn r.
half-billion Catholics . three years
On Thursday, the Pope and Dr.
Ramsey, who represents the
world's 45 million Anglicans, will
pray together and embrace in a
symbolic kiss of peace.
The dissenting ministers called
the kiss of peace "an insult to the
glorious stand of the Reformers."
Dr. Ramsey requested the meet-
ing with the Pope in November.
No startling results are expected
from the talks, but the archbishop
has said he wants to discuss
"practical matters which can hurt
feelings." These are e'xpected to
include mixed marriages, priestly
orders and doctrine.
Russell, chairman of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, said
present tactics may require 10 orI
12 years to bring the Viet Cong
to their knees and "the American
people are going to be very un-
happy about it" unless the Com-
munists are forced to the peace
table soon.
Close Haiphong
Sens. Stuart Symington (D-Mo)
and Hug Scott (R-Pa) joined
Russell in demanding that the
North Viet Nam port of Haiphong
be closed by bombing, mining or
Voting against the bill on the
final roll call were Sen. Ernest,
Gruening (D-Ala), who protested
against an escalating war and "the
increasing slaughter" of Americans
and South Vietnamese, and Sen.j
Wayne Morse (D-Ore) who fre-
quently joins Gruening in criticiz-
ing U.S. foreign policy.
The measure won House passage'
by a 389-3 vote last week but it
must be returned there for action
on Senate amendments limiting
the defense secretary's authority
to transfer funds in support of
South Vietnamese and other allied
There was no argument between
the House and Senate over the
amount of funds.
karno's confrontation policy will
be continued, but diplomats say
the general is a realist.
Suharto knows his regime can
head off trouble only by improving
living conditions. Diplomats noted
that one of the quickest ways to
improve the economy would be to
reopen trade with Singapore and
One diplomat notd that one
reason for the anti-Communist
student demonstrations that broke
Sukarno's power was the economic
chaos in the country and added:
"The people of Indonesia are tired
of going hungry."
Radio Jakarta also announced
that Suharto was making progress
in his campaign to bring down
prices. The broadcast said mer-
chants in Indonesia were obeying
Suharto's orded to lower prices
on some commodities as much as
10 per cent.
The radio also reported Sukarno
had met with the new anti-
Communist Cabinet presidium at
Merdeka Palace for three hours
during the morning to discuss var-
ious problems.
Previously, however, Sukarno
had been reported taken under
heavy guard to his summer palace
at Bogor, south of Jakarta. I
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Johnson sent a personal message to
President Charles de Gaulle yes-
terday spelling out U.S. rejection
of France's plan for dismantling
the North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
zation's integrated defense struc-
In reporting this, informed
sources said Undersecretary of
State George W. Ball handed
Johnson's message to French Am-
bassador Charles Lucet at the
State Department.
It was reported also that John-
son will speak on the NATO ques-
tion in what was termed a major
~address today to a meeting of sen-
ior U.S. Foreign Service officers.'
The 9:30 a.m. EST speech is slated'
for national radio -, television
At a news conference late yes-
terday, the President affirmed
that he may comment on De Gaul-
le's proposals. Johnson's message'
to De Gaulle was a second, more
detailed reply to a March 7 letter
from the French leader stating
France's intent to withdraw her
forces from NATO and expel
NATO bases from her soil if they
are not placed under her sover-
5hAn earlier Johnson reply was in
the nature of a short acknowledg-
ment pending consultation with
the other 13 NATO allies. The 14
publicly reaffirmed last Friday
their belief in the need for a uni-
fied military system.
In his message yesterday John-
son is understood to have empha-
sized to De Gaulle a U.S. deter-
mination to stand with the other
allies in carrying on an integrated
NATO structure even if France
pulls out of it.
World ZNew
By The Associated Press
STORRS, Conn.-Sen. J. W.
Fulbright (D-Ark) suggested last
night that the United States with-
draw its forces. from Southeast
Asia if China will agree to refrain
from military intervention and
respect the political independence
of countries in that area.
He said a lasting peace in South-
east Asia depends far more on
a setlement between the United
States and China than on who is
to participate in a South Viet-
namese government and how it is
to be formed.
"It seems to me possible that
the crisis in Southeast Asia can
be resolved on a lasting basis by
the withdrawal of American mili-
tary power to the islands and
waters around the coast of Asia
coupled with a political arrange-
ment for the neutralization of the
small countries of the Southeast
Asian mainland-Thailand, Ma-
laysia and Burma."
* * *
TOKYO-Four eadthquakes, one
Lucet was in to see Ball in com-
pany with Maurice Schumann,
chairman of the French National
Assembly's Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, who is currently on a
Washington visit, the informants
Lucet and Schumann also paid
a call at the White House and
talked with the President, it was
of great intensity, shook north
China yesterday apparently not far
from the city of Singtai, hit hard
by two earth shocks this month.
The shock waves rolled north-
ward to Peking, sending people
fleeing into the streets, Japanese
cordespondents in the Red Chinese
capital reported
SUEZ, Egypt-President Gamal
Abdel Nasser last night pledged
new support for Republican forces
in Yemen and threatened destruc-
tion for anyone who tries to
thwart the Yemeni revolution.
* * *
PRETORIA, South Africa-U.S.
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY)
has been granted a visa to visit
South Africa, long a focal point
of the struggle between white su-
premacists and African nation-
Kennedy had previously ac-
cepted an invitation by the Na-
tional Union of South African
Students to address a mass multi-
racial rally in Cape Town in May.
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