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I Cv
Cloudy, mild today with
chance of thunderstorms
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
SHA Voter
5i""' .
Drive Shows,
Council Candidate
Warns: Students May,
Steal City Elections
The , efforts of the Student
Housing Association to get stu-
dents registered to vote in city
elections April 4 may be paying
Robert Bodkin, '67, chairman of
SHA, said one measure of the suc-
less of the campaign is that "nine
out of ten candidates for city
council have accepted invitations"
to be interviewed by students
March 30.
The candidates will be inter-
viewed by members of the execu-
tive board of SHA, and any other
students SHA invites. The meeting
w ll be open to the public.
Bodkin said that SHA will not
give any candidates "explicit en-
dorsement," but said that by pub-
licizing the views of city council
candidates on housing issues SHA
will be able to give "implicit en-
In a letter to voters of the sec-
ond ward, backers of James Rieck-
er, Republican candidate for City
Council from that ward, Warns
that all Republicans must vote,
event If by absentee ballot, "least
'non-residents' steal the elections."
The author of the letter, James
Brinkerhoff, chairman of the
committee backing Riecker, com-
mented last night that a "goodly
percentage," perhaps in excess of
200 of new registrants in the city
came from the second ward, which
includes' the central campus and
adjoining areas.
The letter noted that "nearly
1500 new voters" had registered to
vote before the close of the regis-
tration period and called this a
"most disturbing trend." Brinker-
hoff commented last night that
the letter was printed before the
close of the registration period,
and he estimated the actual figure
was about 1368.
Bodkin said he felt the figure
would, rise above that. He was
hopeful that between 600 and 1000
students had registered.
Brinkerhoff asserted that, his
figures were from the city clerk's
office but could not give a break-
down as to the number of regis-
trants who were students.
The recent surge in registration
is probably due in part to the ef-
forts of SEA which has, through
a mailing campaign and through
publicizing its activities before
groups like the City Council,
tried to increase the number of
registered students.
in, addition, SHA has aided
those who wished to register by
explaining the procedures and em-
phasizing the city regulations on
eligibility, Bodkin said.
However, it is impossible to es-
* timate the influence of other
groups in this increased registra-
tion. Organizations other than
SHA have also been urging stu-
dents to register and vote.
The registration is part of a
move by SHA and other groups to
assert student power in a desire
to have an influence over future
city housing projects.
Graduate Student Council, In-
terfraternity Council, the Campus
Republicans and the Young Demo-
crats have all endorsed the SHA
program, Bodkin said.
Although student interest in the
upcoming city elections, as meas-
ured by voter registration, is far
less than it was during the 1964
presidential campaign, some effect
has obviously been felt.
uNSc tn ailRE
Late World News
DA NANG, SOUTH VIET NAM ()-A general strike closed
down most stores in Da Nang today in continuing agitation
against the government of Nguyen Cao Ky.
About 2,000 persons gathered in a park where leaflets were
passed out calling for an end to military government and a
return to civilian rule.
There were no disorders. The strike and protest meeting
were the latest in a series of antigovernment moves since the
removal of Lt.'Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi as commander of the
1st Corps area earlier this month. It generally is believed that he
was ousted because of reluctance to go along with orders of the
Saigon government.
UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS sighted in this area will
be investigated by the United States government. The U.S.
Defense Department and the U.S. Air Force have been officially
"invited" into the widening investigation of unidentified flying
objects seen over Washtenaw County three times in the last
eight days.
Rep. Weston E. Vivian of the Second Congressional District
told Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey Monday night that the incidents
"certainly should be looked into by the U.S. government," after
Harvey told him that he had been ignored in repeated attempts
to contact federal officials about the sightings. Vivian said he will
make an official inquiry to the Defense Department and the
Air Force.
The Air Force said yesterday it was calling in H. Allen Hynek,
chairman of the Dearborn Observatory at Northwestern University
in Evanston, Ill., to investigate the sightings. Hynek is scientific
consultant to "Project Blue Book," the official program to track
down flying object reports.
March 30 and April 11 to determine the bargaining units for
University nonacademic employes. The State, County, and Muni-
cipal Employes, the Teamsters, the Operating Engineers, and the
Washtenaw County Construction. Trades Council are seeking to
represent the employes. The board will decide who is to be the
official representative.
The AFSCME claims strong support among University Em-
ployes. They say this support runs as high as 96 per cent among
workers in the University's laundry operations.
Benjamin Moore, president of AFSCME Local 1513, said
further organizational activities b his union are dependent upon
the State Labor Mediation Board decision. His union has joined
forces with the University Student Economic Union to organize
University workers.
* * *
A PRIVATE PEACE CORPS will send a representative to the
University Wednesday. Terry Holcombe, regional director of
Accion International, a nonprivate organization working in Latin
America, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Rm. 3511 SAB.
The organization sends trained workers from the United States
and other countries to urban slum communities in Latin America,
to stimulate community action.
* * * *
THE MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW has its first girl editor.
Sally Katzer, '67L, was appointed editor of the journal published
quarterly by the law school.
* * * *
PROF. WILLIAM B. HARVEY of the law school was named
dean of the Indiana law school yesterday. Harvey, who has served
on the University faculty for 15 years, gained International fame
two years ago when he was expelled from Ghana by President
' Comnmenting on leaving the law school that "has been almost
the entirety of my professional life," Harvey said his alma mater
"is a great school, and I'm sure it has an even greater future."
A BOOK DRIVE for Tuskegee Institute will be held on
campus through Friday by Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.
Books can be dropped off in all of the residence halls, the Union,
League, and all fraternities and sororities.
lican chapter yesterday afternoon passed a resolution, in the
form of a telegram to Gov. George Romney, that Alvin H. Bentley
of Owosso be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board of
Regents created by the resignation of Eugene Power.
- * * *
THE MICHIGAN MEN'S GLEE CLUB has announced its new
officers for the 1966-67 school year. President Donald Sanderson,
'68E, and Vice-President Robert Chapel, '69, were elected at last
week's regular Glee Club rehearsal.
Give Report
On Conduct
Executive Comnmittee
Investigation Shows
No Group Violations
A report released last night by
the Interfraternity Council Execu-
tive Committee into the case of
the alleged promiscuous activities
of a 20 year old girl indicated
that there was "no significant evi-
dence that any fraternity had
been guilty of a group conduct
Richard Van House, '67, presi-
dent of IFC, roughly defined the
term "group violation" as "any
deliberate action by a representa-
tive group of men in the house
with the consent of the officers."
The report went on to say that
although individual fraternity men
had been involved, the girl had
made the majority of her contacts
in bars and "there were no facts
presented to indicate that she had
ever spent the night in any fra-
ternity house."
Van House maintained that "the
Executive Committee as the
spokesman for the fraternity sys-
tem had an obligation to investi-
gate the situation and to bring the
results before the eyes of the
University and the public."
Sources have indicated that the
Office of Student Affairs does not
plan to release the results of its
investigation and would have pre-
fered that the IFC committee do!
likewise. Charles A. Judge, assis-
tant to the director of student
affairs had "no comment" on
the committee's action.
Included in the report was a
statement regretting that frater-
nity men were involved at all,
since "each fraternity is pledged
to the highest of moral values.''
In the absence of group violation'
however, "the Executive Commit-
tee can take no further action
on this matter.;
The investigation was conducted,
by a subcommittee of three mem-
bers of the Executive Committee
A member of the investigating
committee said that the commit-
tee talked to individuals in all 45
fraternities and found that "every-;
one was cooperative and frank.",
Two appeals by Zeta Psi and by
Delta Sigma Phi on their con-
viction of violating pledge rules
were also heard at the meeting.
The Executive Committee in both,
cases upheld the previous de-
cisions of guilt but reduced the
amount of the fines. In the case;
of Zeta Psi, the fine was reduced
from $230 to $115 and in the{
case of Delta Sigma Phi from;
$200 to $140.
The original violation involved
the wearing of gunny sacks during
initiation week, which was for-
bidden by the IFC pledging bylaws{
passed last fall.
-Associated Press
Lt. Col. Virgil I. Grissom (right) command pilot for the first manned Apollo space flight, explains
part of the program at a news conference. Two other members named by NASA are Lt. Roger
Chaffee (left) and Lt. Col. Edward White.
Israel's Harman Sees
Remains on
AEC's List
One of Six Sites for
Particle Accelerator
Still in Competition
A site near Ann Arbor in North-
field Township yesterday survived
as one of six possible locations
for the Atomic 'Energy Commis-
sion's 200 billion volt (BEV) nu-
clear particle accelerator.
A committee from the National
Academy of Sciences presented the
names of its final selections, nar-
rowing the field from 85 sites
originally competing for the $375
million accelerator, the world's
Competing with Northfield
Township are sites near Denver,
Colorado; Madison, Wisconsin;
Sacramento, California; Chicago,
Illinois; and the Brookhaven Na-
tional Laboratory on Long Island,
New York.
From 85 Cites
The narrowing of the field from
the 85 sites picked last September
does not necessarily mean that
the AEC will make its final choice
from these six.
AEC officials on March 10 said
they did not feel obligated to limit
themselves to the Academy's rec-
ommendations. They said they
reserved the right to expand the
list before making a final choice.
The choice of sites was based
on such criteria as geologic sta-
bility, accessibility, and availabil-
ity of water, necessary to the
operation of the plant.
The AEC has 'indicated it may
take several months more before
selecting the final winner of what
Gov. Roger D. Branigin of In-
diana has termed the "scientific
prize of the century."
The selection committee said
the major consideration in the
selections was the location of
"either the nucleus of a strong
accelerator design group or one
of the nation's outstanding uni-
versities nearby." If the North-
field site is selected, the Univer-
sity is expected to have a great
deal of connection with its design
and operation.
Airport Proximity
Other points mentioned in favor
of the Ann Arbor location were
proximity to Detroit Metropolitan
Airport and the moderate climate
of the lake region which would
hold down construction costs.
The BEV construction, however,
has yet to be approved by Con-
The machine would be designed
to explore the fundamental secrets
of 'matter for peaceful uses. It
would be shaped like a giant
merry-go-round or race track
nearly a mile in diameter.
It would take about eight years
to build, cost about $60 million a
year to run, aind employ about
2,300 scientists and technicians.
Another 1,000 scientists would be
expected to visit it annually for
research projects.
The AEC estimated the installa-
tion would employ about 2,000
persons and have an annual op-
erating budget of $60 million. Con-
struction time, after authorization
and appropriation of money, was
figured at six to eight years.
University President Harlan
Hatcher said yesterday, "We are
See LOCAL, Page 2
Hopes fo r
safe for diversity.
Harman said that he foresawl
Prospects for peace in the a trend in Arab opinidn reflected
Middle East have been improving in the speech last year by Habib
and should continue to do so, Bourgiba, president of Tunisia.
Avraham Harman, Israeli ambas- Bourgiba called the present Arab-
sador to the United States said Israeli situation foolish and said
last night. that the parties involved must sit
Harman, speaking on "Israel: down at the peace table, and work
The Next Phase," said that the out their differences.
road to peace would be "painful!
and nerve-racking," and could However. Harman described the
only come about if a situation of current situation as one of "no
mutual respect existed between peace, no war," with the purpose
disagreeing parties. of Israel's Arab neighbors being to
"Resistance to peace comes from "eliminate us, wipe us off the
people who believe order will come map." Therefore Harman main-
only if they dominate." These tained, Israel must maintain a
persons don't acknowledge the sufficient deterrent strength, sim-
right of others to be themselves ilar to the balance of terror tech-
and not to be dominated, Harman nique evident in American policy
said. Diversities must be maintain- with regards to Russia.
ed on a basis of mutual under- The feeling of hate, Harman
standing. maintained, is a "situation born
In emphasizing his point, Har- in the minds and fears of men,"
man alluded to the late President and these must change in order
John F. Kennedy's last speech be- for true peace to ensue.
fore the United Nations, where he Harman cited three reasons for.
described the role of that body the Israeli struggle for independ-
as being one of making the world ence:
-A desire "to have in Israel an
open door which could be used in
order to solve the Jewish migra-
tion problem."
-The necessity "to the future
of Jewish people, culture, and civ-
ilization for them to have a coun-
try in which they would be their
own masters."
-The wish to "achieve the in-
dispensable key to human pro-
gress, namely 'a condition of being
responsible for oneself."
Mass immigration has been one
of the major problems Israel has
had to face, Harman said.
Major problems ca sed by immi-
gration were: changing the occu-
pational structure of the immi-
grants to that of a viable devel-
oped economy, and integrating the
diverse elements to form a basis
for cooperation, understanding and
Harman identified a number of
unifying factors. Among these
were: the "challenge of pioneer-
ing," the necessity of having to
defend the country against attack,
the great strides in economic de-
velopment, and Israel's basic phi-
losophy of integration--discrimi-
nation in favor of the underpri-
vileged to enable them to attain
a position of true social and in-
tellectual equality.
Harman said the establishment
of Israel actually enabled Judaism
to find a new cultural and spir-
itual center, after the destruction
of the European one by the Nazis.
Without this center, Judaism's
very existence would have been
Campus Polls Open Today
ForSGC NSA Eletios
Stae Board Plans Distribution
Of Federal Funds for Teaching
At 9 a.m. today, 17 polling sta-
tions will open across central
campus for the Student Govern-
ment Council elections.
The polls will be open until 6
p.m. for student voters to choose
a new president and executive
vice-president for SGC, five new
council members, four delegates to
the National Student Association
convention and three student
members for the Board in Control
of Student Publications and one
for the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics.
All will serve one year terms.
Seniors in the literary college
and- the engineering college will
also select class presidents.
Polling Areas
Polls are located at the Union,
the Diag, the Fishbowl, the Engi-
neering Arch andhthe Frieze Bldg.
as well as several residence halls.
Other locations include the
UGLI, the Law Quad, the Busi-
ness Administration Bldg., Rack-
ham Bldg., Palmer Field and the
bus stop on North University.
Steve Brown, '69, chairman of
the SGC elections committee, said
six separate paper ballots would
be used in today's election instead
of the IBM ballots used last fall
gin at 8 p.m. in rooms 3R and 3S
of the Union and will continue un-
til final tabulations are made.
Brown said he expects the final
results to be ready by 3 a.m.
Presidential Candidates
SGC presidential candidates in-
clude independents Edward Rob-
inson, '67, and Cindy Sampson,
'68, for president and executive
vice-president respectively. REACH
candidates are Robert Bodkin,
'67E, for president and Neill Hol-
lenshead, '67, for executive vice-
Running for one of the five open
seats on SGC is Bob Smith, '67,
as an independent candidate.
REACH candidates are Marg As-
man, '68; Michael Dean, '67;
Fred Smith, '67, and Dick Wing-
field, '67. SCOPE candidates in-
clude incumbent Ruth Baumann,
'68; Cheryl Dembe, '68; John
Kelly, '68, and Dan Okrent, '69.
Candidates for the NSA dele-
gation to the convention this sum-
mer are Charles Cooper, '66; Lee
Hornberger, '66; Ronna Jo Magy,
'67; Donald Resnick, '68; Malinda
Schaill, '67; Jim Wall, '66; and
Bruce Wasserstein, '67.
Four delegates will be elected
today and an additional four will
be appointed by SGC.
Running for the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications are
Edward Herstein, '66; Bill Bullard,
'68L; Steve Schwartz, '68, and
Stephen Berkowitz, Grad. Bob
McFarland, '68, and Roger Ro-
sema, '68PE, are competing for
the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics seat.
A & D Professors:
Pressured To Quit?
Rumors charging that the ad-
ministration of the architecture
and design school is pressuring
certainfaculty members to resign
have become intense enough to
warrant an informal student meet-
The State Board of. Education
meets today in Lansing to dis-
cuss the rules for the distribution,
of $560,000 in federal funds grant-
ed to the state for the improve-
ment of undergraduate teaching
in state institutions.
The funds are part of this year's
$15 million national allotment of
the Higher Education Act. Thom-
as J. Brennan, chairman of the
board, said that the schools will
land Lane (D-Flint) calls for the'
creation of a higher education
building council to be comprised of
five senators and five representa-
tives which would have nearly ab-
solute control over all building
projects. The measure also calls
for the issuance of $500 million
worth of bonds to pay for con-
struction costs.
Brennan said that the bill "does
infringe on the autonomy of the
university, however, he refused to
comment on whether he was in
as well as public institutions.
Selecting Director
Brennan said that the selection
of a project director for the State
Master Plan is nearing completion,
and an announcement should be
forthcoming at the next meeting
in two weeks.
The Flint situation, Brennan
said, remains relatively deadlock-
ed. A committee which had been
established last month to work
out an agreement between the
Mysterious Bandits Rob Daily
ing yesterday at which several fac-
ulty members were present.
One professor termed this meet-
ing a "show of devotion for certain
faculty members."
Although the meeting seemed to
deny the accusation that pressure
was being exerted on certain pro-
fessors, questions still remain
about the relationship between the
administration and faculty.
Thursday afternoon the Stu-
dent-Faculty Committee will hold
an open meeting to investigate
some of the rumors. That same
night the faculty will meet to dis-
cuss the issues.
Most faculty members contact-
ed said that they wished to re-
frain from commenting until after
this meeting.
Some feel that Prof. R. F. Mal-
Almost 1,000 copies of yester-
day's Daily, containing endorse-
ments for today's Student Govern-
ment Council election, were stolen
early yesterday morning from four
Bundles of the paper were
taken from the entrances of South
Quadrangle, W e s t Quadrangle,
voting. Sp e cula t ion centered!
around the possibility that the
theft might have been perpetrated
by supporters of a Student Gov-
ernment Council candidate or a
contender for the Board in Con-
trol of IntercollegiatedAthletics.
But there was no solid evidence
to substantiate these reports.
by some of the candidates early
yesterday morning at The Daily's
offices before the paper was dis-
Copies of a column by Chuck
Vetzner, '67, Daily sports editor,
giving his endorsement for a can-
didate for the AthleticBoard had
been posted at Alice Lloyd, one of