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March 22, 1966 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-22

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M 22, 1966









NSA Delegates

REACH Executive Slate

Independent Executive Slate

Member of Student Government
Co-Chairman of Student Govern-
ment Council Bookstore Com-
Past President of UMSEU
Member of Executive Board of


Junior in Honors Political Science
Executive Editor of the Michigan
Former Member of the Literary
College Steering Committee'

AT 8:00'P.M.
Results Will Be
As Soon As
Final Tabulations
Are ,Mode

Teamwork is the trademark of
the experienced and well qualified
pair running for president and
vice-president of SGC: Robert
Bodkin and Neill Hollenshead, re-
I. EXAMPLE - The Student
Housing Association (SHA).
The ink is hardly dry on Ann
Arbor voter registration forms of
a number of students at the Uni-
versity. These new student vot-
ers for the Ann Arbor City Council
were drawn to the city clerk's
office between February 23rd and
March 7th -by a marathon effort
of the BHA in sending 10,000 let-
ters encouraging graduate stu-
dents to vote.
Soon the SHA will hold inter-
views with City Council candidates
and inform the registered stu-
dents of those candidates whom
the SHA deems most willing to
help solve the housing problems of
the campus community.
The success of a project of this
magnitude depended directly up-
on theJoint leadership of the SHA
chairman Robert Bodkin and the
leading vice-president Neill Hol-
There are many more examples
of the leadership that Bdkin and
Hollenshead have exemplified,
jointly and individually, during
their work on SOC; The SHA is
highlighted here because it stands
above .most other legislation and
projects of SGC this year and
shows most clearly the capacity
of Bodkin and Hollenshead to
work together and accomplish re-
Note that Reach is also running
four candidates for SGC besides
the Executive Slate. These people
are Margaret Asman, Michael
Dean, Fred G. Smith and Dick
Wingfield. (See Reach Candidates'
Policy Statement).
A. Robert Bodkin's 'work on'
SGC has been centralized in the
areas of academic reform, housing,
presidential selection, and func-
tional work such as election rules
Academics: In this area Bod-
kin sponsored the SGC motion
providing for the SGC-UAC Fac-
Fulty-Student Conferences, coor-
dinated that conference, and
sponsored the motion requesting
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith to assist in set-
ting up student-faculty commit-
tees at the departmental level.
--Housing: About a year- ago,
Bodkin submitted to SGC a de-
tailed economic study which was
a viable attempt to outline goals
for improved student housing, stu-
dent participation in planning of
University housing, and revision
of city zoning and building codes
to insure quality, high-rise devel-
opment. This was the beginning of

Bob Bodkin'
SGC member, 2 years
Chairman, Student Housing As-
Coordinator, SGC-UAC Academic
Engineering Honor Council
Triangles Honorary
a study made by Bodkin which
culminated in his sponsorship of
the SHA motion and his leadership
during the recent activities of
SHA. Bodkin has also shared in
the planning of University housing
with other students on the Stu-
dent Advisory Committee on Hous-
ing to Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard Cutler.
-Bodkin was co-sponsor of the
original motion calling for sut-
dent participation in the selection
of a new University President to
replace President Hatcher upon
his retirement in 1967. He also
served as a member of the Stu-
dent Planning Committee in be-
half of that student participation.
B. Neill Hollenshead, for about
a year, has served as Personnel
Director for SGC and, through his
sustained efforts, has added to the
SGC committee system 70 people.
It was necessary for him to build
his own office as personnel direc-
tor because prior to Hollenshead,
there had been no such position
for some time.
-As a special assistant to the
Administrative Vice-P r e s i d e n t
Charles Cooper, H o l l e n s h e a d
worked as a trouble-shooter and
coordinator in an attempt to cor-
relate the committee projects of
SGC with a strong personnel pro-
-Last summer, Hollenshead
was a representative for the U. of
M. to the National Student ,Con-
gress. He said, "This experience
was a fine training ground in all
facets of student governmient.It
gave me an opportunity to learn
how other students are tackling
problems similar to those at this
University. The knowledge gained
has been invaluable to me in my
work as a member of SGP."
III. Bodkin-Hollenshead goals
for SGC:
University Proposals
-Strengthen close coordination


Di e m b e r, Student Government
Student Housing Association
City Planning Chairman
Delegate, National Student Con-
SGC Special Assistant to the Ad-
ministrative Vice President
SGC Public Relations Board
SGC Personnel Director
of SGC and University projects
with the University President and
his executive officers.
-Encourage a system of stu-
dent-faculty committees at the
departmental level to foster
shared decision-making with the
-Stimulate planning for North
Campus through the two legiti-
mate student channels: Vice
Presidents Cutler's Advisory Com-
mittee acting as the arm of Uni-
versity Planning Subcommittee of
-Planning and Development
Committee. This committee, now
chaired by a member of the Reach
team, could work toward an SAB
on North Campus, an efficient
transportation link between Cen-
tral and North Campuses, and to-
ward bringing in low-price com-
petitive service stores.
-Actively work to insure the
implementation of the recom-
mendation of the President's
Housing Committee to establish
a Director who would be respon-
sible to the vice-president of stu-
dent affairs, and who would co-
ordinate all decision-making in
University housing.
City Proposals
- The SHA must be strength-
ened. Not only is more money
needed, but consensus support
within the student community
must also be won. Voter registra-
tion must be carried on during
this summer and next fall, a time
in which people must be trained
to assume new positions of leader-
ship within the organizations.
-With voter registration being
continued, SGC ought to be pow-
erful enough in the city to en-
courage discount stores and bet-
ter parking facilities.

LET'S was chosen as the slogan
for our campaign because it is a
word followed by action. The con-
cept of action is still a genuine
criterion to apply to potential
SGC members, and especially to
a potential president or vice-
To us action means having SGC
involved competently in all areas
which affect students. We do not
agree with those who would limit
SGC solely to matters such as aca-
demic reform and housing. We be-
lieve that these purely camppus is-
sue take a strong first priority,
but that Council members would
be far from being real leaders if
they neglected to confront import-
ant non-campus issues through
the appropriate SGC channels.
The means of approach would ob-
viously vary with the issue: in
some cases, a public declaration
would be adequate; in others,
commitment of resources and man-
power might be required. Both
methods would have value if ap-
plied in the appropriate areas.
To give an example of the kinds
of issues and areas of commit-
ment which we feel are relevant,
we cite three motions brought to
Council by Ed in the past two
months. The first concerned stu-
dent participation in the selection
of the next University president.
The original jointly sponsored
motion of principle was followed,
by appoiuntments with Regent
Power, Vice-President Cutler and
Prof. Morgan of SACUA, leading
to Ed's later motions. As a result,
a student committee has been
created, and the members are now
being picked. This is an example
of effective student involvement in
a purely campus affair.
The second motion was drawn
up to aid the Ann Arbor Human
Relations Commission in its de-
velopment of a police-community
relations program. We evaluated
their first draft with detailed cri-
ticisms aimed at making the pro-
gram strong enough that the
Office of Economic Opportunity
would finance a program in which
off-duty policemen would work in
recreation programs with children
from low-income neighborhoods.
This motion represented students
as residents of Ann Arbor, espe-
cially through the agency of the
Tutorial Project.I


Ed Robinson
Member SGC
UAC Executive Council
Chairman, U A C Contemporary
Discussion Committee
The third motion supported the
Young Democrats and College Re-
publicans in their work with state
legislators to lower the voting age
in Michigan from 21 to 18. This
would affect at least 10,000 U of
M students, as well as being high-]
ly desireable for the state as a
Just recently, Ed has started
legislation concerning: clarifica-
tion of the procedures and stan-
dards to be used in sending trans-
cripts information to the Selective
Service boards; support of Presi-
dent Hatcher's exercise of free-
dom of speech in spite of severe
criticism; and confidence in the
integrity of Eugene Power as a
Regent, with the hope that he
can be persuaded to remain in
Having used specific examples
from Ed's Council record to illus-
trate our general theory of broad
and competent Council involve-
ment, we should now point out
Cindy's qualifications to serve as

Chairman, Sesquicentennial Comm
Wyvern Junior Women's Honor-
Homecoming '64 & '65
SGC Student Concerns Commit-
Executive Vice-President. This
post obviously demands awareness
and imagination about campus
problems, as well as knowledge of
the functioning of SGC and the
rest of the University. The spe-
cific important tasks are two:
working individually with Coun-
cil members to help them develop
their approaches and programs
for the issues which interest them
and maintaining contact and in-
formational exchanges between
SGC and other campus organiza-
tions. Cindy's work as Chairman
of the Student Sesquicentennial
Committee has brought her into
working contact with top admini-
strators and student leaders, giv-
ing her the experience necessary
for the Executive Vice-President.
Our election will mean the in-
tegration of SOC's now firm foun-
dation to build it into an even
more effective student govern-


Schail .
1annenenic j;xecutive ±soara
63 t u, a e n; t°iousing .Association,
sopfl snow Central Committee
IAESTE - Michigan Secretary-
Homecoming Subcommittee Chair-
Economics Major
Member, Kappa Kappa Gamma
Wyvern -- Junior Women's Hon-


in your campus?

a A:
Nine candidates are running for five Student Government
Council seats. One is an incumbent. The candidates are, Marg
Asman, Ruth Baumann, Michael Dean, Cheryl Dembe, JohnM
Kelly, Dan Okrent, Bob Smith, Fred G. Smith, Dick Wingfield. 2
The incumbent is Ruth Baumann.
All five of the newly-elected Council member will serve full 14
year terms.
The candidates will be selected under the limited vote sys-
tem of voting. All students enrolled in the University may vote
on presentation of ID and Winter 1966 insert card. Each voter
has 1/2 (the number of seats open) plus 1 votes. The voter votes
for a candidate simply by X-ing the box next to the candidate's
name. Pen or pencil will be acceptable but only if clearly legible. 0
The cross of the (X) must fal within the box to validate the 0
vote. Each vote has equal weight. A voter may use less than
the number of votes alloted but not more. The winners are
tabulated by adding the vote totals for each candidate, and %
declaring those with the highest totals elected.
Write-in candidates are permitted and are subject to al
elections rules as enumerated in the Code of Election's Rules:
All required materials for write-ins must be submitted to the
Election's Director no later than 8 p.m.,on Election Day.
Rules & Penalties
(from SGC Code of Election's Rules)
adopted November 4, 1965
ISection 8k
(a) N' person serving at a poll while it is open shall give any
advice or instructions to a voter as to the candidates or ?
questions to be selected or resolved respectively.>
(b) No person shall in any way or form cast or cause or
encourage to be cast more than one ballot for each office
or question for each voter, or cast or encourage to be cast
any ballot not printed under the authority of the Com-
mittee. Nor shall any person interfere in any way with the
orderly and lawful compaigning and voting of students.
(c) Violators of part (a) and/or (b) of Section 8 shall be
subject to one or more of the following-imposed by Cre-
dentials and Rules Committee:
(a) disqualification from holding any office on the
Council or any related agency thereof;
(b) a fine not to exceed $100.00.
Seventeen places have been selected for polls. They are:
South, East and West Quads; Law Quad; Diag (2); Fishbowl;
, _' IA -" TTnA , .a...... ih 4a rv..-.,. F a ,.,.. Nr.vriolr Nh1


SGC has 17, polling stations locat-
ed over all of the central campus,
and at several of the dormitories.
All polling stations will open at
9:00 a.m. and will remain open un-
til 6:00 p.m.
The Polling Stations are as ,follows:




Jim all
Keen interest in NSA and SGC
International Co-ordinator f o r
IC program council
Member of men's chapter of Delta
Phi Epsilon (hon. prof. frat.)
Education Council

South Quad
West Quad
East Quad
Markley Hall
Palmer Field

Engine Arch
Law Quad
Bus Stop on North U
Frieze Bldg.

Other positions
Elections are:

open in

after that:

Board In Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics
Board In Control of Student
Senior Class Officers of the fol-
lowing schools:

Business Administration School

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