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March 22, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-22

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Seventy-Sixth Year

2 POWER The University: Operettas, Power and Reality


here Opinlionis Are Free, 42_ANR TANABR IH
Truth Will 'Prevail 42 ANRSTx RBMI.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SGC Endorsements:
President .. .

Edward Robinson, '67, for Student Gov-
ernment Council president and Cindy
Sampson, '68, for vice-president.
Since both presidential candidates have
shown notable talents as well as flaws,
the choice was not easy to make. But we
teel that the Robinson ticket will be in
the long run better for SGC and the com-
LOOKING AT the Robinson-Sampson
ticket we note the following factors:
4 The vast majority of people who
are most familiar with Robinson's and
Bodkin's comparative performance on
SOC have endorsed Robinson. These peo-
ple include the present president of SGC,
Gary Cunningham, '66, the rest of SGC's
executive board, most of the ex-officio
members, and even some menmbers of
REACH-Bodkin's own political party.
* Robinson seems- to be able to work
with people from all ends of the political
spectrum. Conservatives like John D.
Evans of WCBN and activist liberals such
as Mickey Eisenberg have all endorsed
* Robinson seems to be able to bridge
the gap between the campus independents
and the fraternity-sorority set. If SGC is
to move it must have the support of both
these campus elements. Robinson's con-
cept of a broad-based constituency is the
only practical way to give SGC the grass-
roots support it sorely lacks.
" Robinson seems to be able to funnel
the ideas of other student leaders into
SOC. One of the major problems of stu-
dent government was that talented stu-
dent workers in such areas as academic
reform have deliberately avoided any con-
nection with student government, and we
feel Bodkin would not improve this situa-
Many key people such as Robert Gold-
en, chairman of the literary college steer-
ing committee, have indicated that they
find Robinson receptive to their ideas and
that they could work with him-but not
with Bodkin.
* Robinson is knowledgeable about the
overall workings of the University. His in-
terests and knowledge range from student
economic welfare to academic reform.
* He has, it is true, only been on Coun-
cil for one semester and his concrete
accomplishments there are limited. His
motions to Council-most notably those
dealing with the 18-year-old vote and the
draft-have been well thought-out and
well-researched, however.
His excellent work as contemporary
discussions chairman for UAC-he orga-
nized both last year's Symposium on Pov-
erty and this year's Symposium on Indi-
vidualism, two highly successful and well-
attended large-scale programs - show
that he is an able administrator and or-
ganizer, and, above all, quite willing to
* His vice-presidential running-mate
is not very knowledgeable about the work-
ings of the University, but has shown as
sesquicentennial chairman a willingness
to work and an ability to help revamp
the committee structure of SGC. This
chairmanship has also offered her much
valuable experience.

LOOKING AT the Robert Bodkin, '67E,
and Neill Hollenshead, '67, ticket, we
note the following characteristics:
* Bodkin has done a good job with the
Student Housing +Association. Although
we do not agree with all of his tactics,
his voter registration drive must be con-
sidered a concrete accomplishment.
0 Vice-presidential candidate Hollens-
head has shown himself extremely cap-
able in working with the committee struc-
ture of SGC.
* Unfortunately, however, Bodkin
seems unable to get along with the vast
majority of student leaders who have ob-
served the two candidates in action. Some
of this hostility is more personal rivalry,
but most is rather an antagonism to Bod-
kin's method of getting his way.
Perhaps the best example can be found
at last week's SGC meeting. Bodkin wish-
ed SGC to approve a large sum of money
for the printing of a pamphlet describing
student rights in apartments. No one ob-
jected to the idea of such a pamphlet, but
Bodkin advocated that the council mem-
bers approve a good deal of money for
the pamphlet sight unseen. As one REACH
party candidate has said, "Bodkin was in-
sulting the intelligence of the Council
Such an attitude on SGC will only frag-
ment that body and alienate students-
and the rest of the community-from
working with it, something which SGC
can ill afford.
* Bodkin has a spotty record in SGC.
Although we reiterate that his record in
SHA is fine, his performance in other
areas is lacking. His attendance record in
Cutler's Student Housing Advisory Board
was quite irregular.
* When Bodkin was supposed to be
working on the Academic Conference, a
major item in his campaign pitch, he in
fact let the lead slide to the other work-
ers on the project. Moreover, his motion
on student participation at the depart-
mental level in academics seems to have
come more from patient explanation of
University administrators rather than
from an understanding of academics,
which he views in shallow and unreal-
istic "power play" terms.
Bodkin's thoughts seem largely concen-
trated on the area of housing. He seems
to lack the broad overview an SGC presi-
dent must have on all campus issues.
Thus a Bodkin administration would
have an effective vice-president, but
would probably split student government
internally and would also alienate SGC
from the rest of the campus. The scope
of SGC would be far narrower as well,
with respect to both its personnel and its
On the other hand, the Robinson ad-
ministration, if elected, would be able to
fuse diverse elements on campus into a
broad movement which would give SGC
new vitality. As president, Robinson would
both mediate interest groups and work
with them to lead SGC in support of con-
structive ideas; as vice-president, we as-
sume Miss Sampson will bring the talents
she has shown elsewhere to bear on SGC

last week finally had a chance to
laugh and get a rest from reality.
"I think we all were grateful
for that operetta," one top ad-
ministrator told a visitor recently.
"Some of us haven't really laughed
in months. We almost forgot what
it was like. It was good to find
put again."
The operetta, "Rosalinda," an
adaptation of Strauss' concoction
of mirth and music set in Old
Vienna, was indeed a relief. The
past several weeks-for that mat-
ter, the past year or so-have in-
deed been hard ones for the Uni-
versity community. It was indeed
a relief to laugh.
THE DAILY, the resignation of
Roger Heyns, the campups Viet
Nam demonstrations, the legisla-
tive snooping, the University's dif-
ficulties with the legislature, the
tuition hike, the slow pace of the
residential college, the University
theatre controversy, the bookstore
issue, the residence halls' financial
chaos, and-just last week-Re-
gent Powers' resignation have giv-
en the community little cause for
The upcoming selection of the
University's next president, the
possible resignation of at least one
present vice-president, the fate of
the residential college and Novem-
ber's elections-the Regents,, the
Board of Education and the legis-
lature-don't either.
SOME OF THE community does
does not yet seem to have grasped
what a newspaper is, or how it re-
lates to the questions it ought to
fact, and that is its first problem.
The rabid anti-Daily letters this
writer has received, most of them
anonymous, are startling in their

lack of understanding of journal-
ism. "The Daily is a pretty de-
structive influence in this Univer-
sity's embattled efforts to sur-
vive?!" one such modest writer
To go through what has appar-
ently escaped these anonymous
worthies once more: The Daily is
a newspaper, not a bulletin-board
or a public-relations handout. It
must ask the embarrassing ques-
tions and print the hard truths
about the University as well as the
happy ones, or it ceases to be a
The Power story is a case in
point. The Daily's story and edi-
torial suggested a possible tech-
nical conflict - of - interest, and,
while adding emphatically that
Power's integrity and character
were unquestionable, urged that
his dual role as a businessman-re-
gent be re-examined.
Despite all the claims most
of them unfair or inaccurate, that
The Daily misstated the facts, the
report of the Attorney General of
the State of Michigan supported
each of the four instances cited in
The Daily's story. That may not
be revealed truth, but it is at the
very least a fairly important item
of substantiation.
Such criticisms of The Daily,
despite such obvious facts, are the
first element of the community's
unreality. It is hard to discuss
matters with those who do not
know what a newspaper must. be.
It is harder to do so when they
cannot or will not read what The
Daily and the Attorney General
have said. It is harder still when
their reaction to The Daily is that
of the king who, when a mes-
senger brought him bad news, be-
headed him.

Such an inability to accept or
even understand The Daily's role
in the University suggests a se-
vere lack of realism in the com-
munity's understanding of the
University itself. That is its sec-
ond difficulty.
THERE WERE three possible
alternatives open after the Attor-
ney General declared there was
indeed a technical conflict-of-in-
terest in Power's dual role as
regent and businessman: an end
to his role as Regent, a change in
his relationship with University
Microfilms, Inc., or a change in
UMI's relationship with the Uni-
Power, it is fairly clear, did not
want to resign, but felt that he
had to-that he could return to
the board only if the community
and his colleagues on the board
urged him to and gave him an
opportunity to try a combination
of the latter two approaches to
the conflict-of-interest problem.
Some in the University, despite=
their noble sentiments of respect
for Power and regret at his resig-
nation, quite clearly did not hope
for such an opportunity. One
reader, in a private communica-
tion, indicated he and others have
at least an inkling of ugly reality
lurking under the noble facade
when he wrote: "Do you know
personally if there is any truth to
the rumor that The Daily was used
by certain administration enemies
of Power to lever him into an un-
tenable position?"
THE DETAILED answers to that
question-whether, once the story
was printed, it was used as a ve-
hicle to pry Power from the Board
of Regents-cannot possibly be

given in the short space one has
here. Yet in broad outline they
seem to be much. the same as
those about the resignation of
Roger Heyns..
For despite very clear and
strong expressions of concern from
students and faculty-who are
rarely either clear or strong--
some administrators and Regents
were obviously undismayed by
either man's impending resigna-
tion and scarcely disposed--or un-
unable--to do anything about it.
able--to do anything about it.
In both cases, various adminis-
trators, some of them extremely
important, made obvious their
distaste for the man in question
and their reluctance to retain him.
And, in both cases, nothing suc-
cessful was done; in Power's case,
nothing at all.
Of all the University's adminis-
trators, the 'only one who made
any public statement urging.Pow-
er be given the chance to stay was
Dean Haber of the literary col-
lege--the noble twaddle of other
administrators, high and low, not-
withstanding; and some of them
didn't bother to say anything at
all, even privately.
, Despite all the memorials, con-
dolences and sugary regrets the
Regents had to offer, none of
them seemed overly concerned
about losing the talents they were
supposedly lamenting save Regent
IN SHORT, it is fairly clear that
Power could indeed still be a Re-
gent and Heyns a vice-president
had enough of those in positions
of power and influence cared
enough to do something about
It is simple delusion to suggest

that The Daily is responsible in
some way for the reluctance of
such individuals to provide the
opportunity for an acceptable an-
swer to important questions The
Daily raised. And it is sheer folly
to ignore what they did.
This, in turn, suggests the final,
and by far the most important ele-
ment of unreality in the com-
munity's view of. itselfl' its mis-
understanding of power and its
reluctance to accept it; its re-
luctance to use power to change
its lot.
For as all the crises descend on
the University, from the resigna-
tion of a vice-president and a
Regent to the possible loss of an-
other executive officer, from rela-
tions with the legislature to the
chaos in academics, the commun-
ity, bewildered, makes a few in-
effectual efforts at groping with
the problems and then seeks
refuge in operettas and unreality.
But it is not eloquence of opera
or poetry which, in the last an-
;alysis, will seize the day and
change the University. Not by at-
tacking its newspaper but by at-
tacking the problems it discusses
will the University solve its prob-
lems, which are arrayed before it
in frightening profusion and dif-
ficulty. ; Not by avoiding reality
but by confronting it will the Uni-
versity change it. It is a hard
and bewildering time, but the way
out lies in an understanding of
power and the willingness to use
it--wisely and often.
"Poetry and power is the
formula for the new Augustan
age," Robert Frost wrote John F.
Kennedy. President Kennedy
sent back to Frost a reply which
has some significance for the Uni-
versity: "Power all the way."


Dear Counselor, Would You Believe...

WHEN ONE FINDS oneself in
an academic morass, especial-
ly if one is a Daily senior editor
and prone to such difficulties, it is
customary to turn to that Good
Samaritan of the multiversity
wasteland, your counselor.
He is the one who will replace,
any number of institutions (the
computer, the teacher, your moth-
er) and to circumvent every ob-
stacle and knot of red tape on
the path to success.
But when someone is supposed
to help you, you assume that he's
on your side. Unfortunately, this
is not always the case.
We both stepped in to see our
counselor the other day--to drop
something, of course-and he ex-
plained that, while the atmosphere
at The Daily was unique and val-
uable, our views on academic
achievement were a little off-base.
The conversation on the edduca-
tional system began to get inter-
* * *
THE FIRST major fault of this
system is not obvious: it's com-
partmentalized areas of study with
little relevance and a great deal
of animosity toward one another.
It is easy to assign people' and
ideas to these various areas, but
it is neither valid nor valuable
for the student today.
No wonder, then, that the stu-

dent is angered or bored by the
limiting choices offered by this
university. Who cares, really,
about "the demands of a techno-
logical society" - specialization,
educational efficiency, profes-
sional manpower-when one feels
that he has something unique to
offer, something that cuts across
conventional lines to look at a
problem in a different light, some-
thing that may refute his profes-
sor's pet theory, something of his
own creation?
The second fault of this system
is far more serious. Within this os-
sified structure, the student's al-
ready limited creativity is fur-
ther smothered by an essentially,
numerical system of evaluation:
grades. It is the greatest paradox
that the means for measuring a
student's performance determines
the material and the areas in
which he must achieve.
Just the necessity that a grade
be reported for his work in a cer-
tain time period seriously limits
the material that may be taught,
the teacher's means of communi-
cating to the sutdent, and the
teacher's methods for evaluating
the student.
One of the sorriest examples of
this is the recent elimination of
the informal College Honors 149
seminars. Here, groups of stu-
dents, interested in studying a

The Associates
by carney and Wolter
particular problem, met with a
teacher familiar with and equally
interested in this area.
Because one teacher considered
the work of the group unfinished
at the end of the semester, and
gave incompletes to the whole
class for a limited time, the whole
concept of College Honors 199 met
with "official disapproval."
What did our sympathetic coun-
selor have to say about all this?
It was a refreshing view. One
can get used to saying that grades
are meaningless, that attendance
means nothing, or that the courses
have little relevance.
He offered, instead, the views
that knowledge itself was a good
reason to work in these courses,
that knowledge was, after all, in-
directly related to grades, and ef-
ficiency was a means to excellence.
But maybe it was just refresh-
If knowledge is indirectly re-
lated to grades, then one should
not have to re-state all the facts
and exams that one could remem-
ber in an hour on an exam. But

the counselor would not accept
Knowledge, he thought, was
more. It was the ability to synth-
size and relate these facts and
events, as they were only tools in
a more complicated process.
Did the mark on the paper or
final really count, then, apart
from the process of thinking? Does
a hurriedly-written "C" paper rep-
resent anything less, if it was
preceded by what the student con-
sidered a satisfactory period of
thought and reflection (if he
didn't think the extra effort and
time of writing and re-writing was;
worth one grade point, or, if he
didn't have the time)?
Knowledge, the counselor for-
gets, is much more than that pro-
cess of synthesis. Thought must be
motivated by more than just a
test or a paper. There must also
be periods of recollection and ex-
amination on the professor, his
teaching methods, his viewpoint
on the subject matter, and his
process of evaluating students.
These thoughts will never be
measured for a grade and they
might never be written. Neverthe-
less, they are the only means the
student has for relating his four
years here to himself.
The counselor's remarks seem
favorable to-and in fact stimu-
lated - much of the above

thoughts. But the supposed corre-
lation of grades and knowledge,
we're' afraid, statistically-based or
not, is not for him to establish. It
is up to the individual student's
judgments, and the student who
does the sort of thinking described
above may often be the exception.
Excellence is somehow related
to respect by others, the counselor
Respect, however, is too often
based on one's grade-point, his
mark on the last test, his ability
to' beat the system and do well on
the final rather than the thought
or evaluation that went before.
The question is, of course, why
should one value this kind of re-
spect if one does not accept the
relationship between grades and
One is left, then, only with his
own ability to evaluate his per-
formance.?The i n t r o sp e ti v e
thought about his work and that
of the professor is not a constant
state of mind, not a process that
one automatically goes through.
The -student may forget most of
the facts he has acquired shortly
after the test, forget the course
entirely or even the university that
decided it was relevant. Yet the
process of evaluation must con-
tinue. If that is abandoned, then
the student himself has failed.


Cunningham Endorses Robinson



... and Councilmen

THE FOLLOWING, in order of prefer-
ence, are our evaluations of candidates
for the six (possibly seven) SGC seats:
Fred Smith, '67 (REACH)-Has already
demonstrated his ability to work during
his term with the University Activities
Center. He is a logical, independent think-
er, and regardless of his affiliation with
REACH, it is clear that he is not a party
hack. He seems to be quite assertive, rela-
tively knowledgeable and quite promising.
Mike Dean,'67 (REACH)-Has had con-
siderable experience in working with SGC
both as a member of various council com-
mittees and as a Daily reporter covering
student government. He is independent
in thought, personable and promising.
Ruth Baumann,-'68 (SCOPE)-Is an in-
cumbent who has already shown her in-
terest and ability on Council. Interested
in student economic-welfare and academic

has been one of the prime driving forces
behind REACH's campaign.
Bob Smith, '67 (Independent) - Since
the last time he ran for SGC, Smith has
expanded his knowledge of the Univer-
sity considerably. He is also a hard work-
er, but there is still some doubt whether
he might not be better off heading com-
mittees rather than being a Council mem-
Dan Okrent,, '67 (SCOPE)-Although
Okrent is only a freshman and lacks ex-
perience, he shows considerable promise.
If he does not win this time, he should be
a prime candidate next fall.
Marg Asman, '69 (REACH)-Although
Miss Asman seems rather naive about the
workings of the University and SGC, she
has potential as a hard worker and a
good thinker. The areas in which she can
particularly contribute are in developing

To the Editor:
Government Council, I have
felt it to be to the benefit of
the; smooth operation of the or-
ganization to maintain a position
of neutrality regarding the pres-
ent campaign, that we might con-
tinue to operate effectively as an
organization in spite of the ten-
sions and pressures of the election.
Further, I have worked at length
with both candidates and have
seen both operate effectively as
council members. I had, therefore,
until this time no intention of
publicly endorsing one or the
other of the eandidates.
However, events over -the past
weeks have convinced me that Ed
Robinson ought to be the next
President of Student Government
Council, and I urge you to examine
with me his qualifications.
must, above all, have specific
knowledge of this campus and
University. He ought to have a
concept of what goes on here :
the major problems faced by this
University in terms of its relations
with the Legislature, the people of
the State, and the people of Ann
Arbor. He needs to recognize and
have some ideas for coping with
the major internal problems
which must also be faced: growth,
curriculum revision, effective in-
teraction between faculty, students
and administrators. He must have
an intimate knowledge' of where
decisions are made. This is funda-

and his sensitivity to the sources
of power is far superior to that
of Bob Bodkin's. Mr. Bodkin knows
housing inside and out. This is
certainly a vital area of concern
to SGC, and I will be the first
to acknowledge a fine job with
his initiation of the Student Hous-
ing Association. However, in the
two hours I spent with him last
week discussing just those things
I have just mentioned, we talked
about almost nothing but housing.
We discussed the SGC committee
system briefly and at some length
student involvement in North
Campus planning and the develop-
ment of recreational facilities
Nevertheless, such major items
as the Residential College, the
public image of the University, the
implementation of a revised and
strengthened academic counseling
program, the examination of the
policy of the University regarding
the release of student records to
the Selective Service and other
persons, the need for an examina-
tion of our student activities and
students' participation in activities
were left unmentioned.
If Mr. Bodkin failed to recognize
these even as areas of concern,
you know little thought has been
given to developing an organiza-
tion which could effectively oper-
ate in these areas. I spent a sim-
ilar two hours with Ed and was
impressed with his perspective and
his approach to the pressing issues
of our campus. It is unfortunate
for Mr. Bodkin, that experience

SGC a cohesive body which can
work effectively as a unit recon-
ciling differences rather than em-
phasizing them and combining
ideas rather than cherishing them
in isolation for the possible in-
dividual credit which they may
Here I would only point on Ed's
behalf to the overwhelming ma-
jority of Council members who
support him in this election and
to the entire Executive Committee
of SGC-all members of which
will vote for Ed Robinson tomor-
row. All these are people with
various political views who know
both candidates well.
As for Ed's rapport with faculty
and administrators, this can hard-
ly be questioned. As chairman for
the past year as UAC's Contem-
porary Discussion Committee and
as a member of SGC, Ed has
taken it upon himself to meet not
only the Vice Presidents, as may,
I think; be a valid criticism of
Mr. Bodkin, but also to consult
actively with all members of the
office of Student Affairs (neces-
sarily a vital area of concern to
SGC) and with several members
of the Board of Regents. Consul-
tation with the Regents was done
as part of a follow-up on a co-
sponsored motion regarding Presi-
dential selection. Consultation
with other groups was done out
of interest and concern and re-
sulted in other of Ed's motions
which will be summarized when
the candidates platforms are

trators, and students in the role
of coordinator. This kind of work
parallels the two main functions
of the Executive Vice President
working with individual Council'
members to develop their ap-
proaches to problems; and serving
as liason with the Presidents of
various student organizations to
keep them informed of the work
of SGC and its'releyance to them.
* IN BRIEF, I can conclude by
saying that we need a concept
and a practical approach to spe-
cifically defined goals. We need
a creative leader with the ability
to inspire a free flow of dialogue
at the Council table. We need Ed
-Gary Cunningham
President, Student
Government Council
Comment on Housing
To the Editor:
TrHERE IS little question that,
of the progress made by the
University in housing, the Ad-
visory Committee to Vice Presi-
dent Cutled and Pierpont is a
potential central driving and
working force. This rare channel
to the administration is a chance
to directly express the viewpoint
and impliment the ideas of the
students in the area of University
participation in housing.

one of the seven meetings. He was
appointed to one subcommittee
dealing with a proposal for a con-
tinuous research facility. He had
no part in the writing of that
preliminary proposal, and attend-
ed no subcommittee meetings.
LET US SUPPOSE, as has been
suggested, that attendance is "ir-
relevant" or,not a valid indication
of performance. We must then
consider the work of the commit-
tee, which has most recently dealt
* a project statement of need
for more low-rent housing;
* a project statement for mar-
ried student housing on north
campus, and
0 a proposal for financing such
housing. Bodkin had no part ,in
the formulation of any of these
We feel that a severely mis-
placed emphasis is evident here.
If Bodkin's major interest is hous-
ing, then he seems to have ne-
glected one channel through
which concrete progress can be
AS STUDENTS who have work-
ed with, and unfortunately without,
Bob Bodkin in the area of hous-
ing, we would like to express our
deep concern over his perform-
ance on the Vice Presidents' Ad-
visory Committee.
-Georgia Berland, '67
-John Bishop, Grid
Q+turat ..w _ 'agll



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