TUESDAY, MARCH 22'$ 1966
Common Market Becomes Election Issue in.
By The Associated Press -
LONDON-Britain's possible en-
try into the European Common.
Market has suddenly become one
of the hottest issues in the cam-
paign for the March 31 parlia-
mentary election.
Opposition leader Edawrd Heath
has made Britain's entry into the
market one of the Conservative
0 party's main election planks. And
he has been saying that the way
is now much clearerhforBritain
to make another attempt to enter
the economic community.
The Laborite minister of trans-
port, Barbara Castle, speaking
, Saturday at West Harlepool, ac-
cused Heath of introducing the
Common Market issue in despera-
tion. Nothing could show greater
subservience to 'foreign gove'n-
ments, she said, than to go into
the Common Market.
There was a difference of opin-
ion over a controversial speech at
Bristol on Friday by Prime Min-
ister Harold Wilson.
"Given a fair wind, we will
negotiate our way into the Com-
mon Market, head held high, not
crawl in, and we shall go in if the
conditions are right," he declared.
"Those conditions require that
we must be free to go on buying
food and raw. materials, as we
have for 100 years, in the cheapest
markets-in Canada, Australia,
New Zealand and other Common-
wealth countries-and not have
this trade wrecked by the levies
the Tories are so keen to impose."
Wilson went on to say that the
Labor government's attitude was
that, "We are ready to join if
suitable safeguards for Britain's
interests and our Commonwealth
interests, can be negotiated."
Some Conservatives charged
that Wilson was slamming the
door on the Common Market-
since France is insisting Britain
can join the six "without reserve."
But Laborite sources Saturday
denied Wilson had slammed the
door in this speech and insisted
that in fact he had opened the
door. They claimed the prime
conditions for entry, including in-
sistence on access to cheap food
markets in the Commonwealth,
were a reasonable basis for nego-
It was also made known that if
re-elected, Wilson planned to ap-
point a minister for Common
Market affairs who would be a
senior minister directly respon-
sible to the prime minister.
Wilson, it was said, would per-
sonally take part in a series of
meetings with European leaders,
including President Charles de
Gaulle of France and Chancellor
Ludwig Erhard of West Germany,
to probe the prospects of Britain
joining the Common Market.
The Common Market issue caus-
ed another row Saturday after
Wilson had accused former Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan of be-
ing responsible for the door being
slammed on Britain the last time
she negotiated for membership.
Wilson claimed Macmillan had
not dealt squarely with the French
and failed to tell President de
Gaulle that Britain was about to
ask America for Polaris-firing
submarines after the Skybolt war-
rocket scheme broke down.
Macmillan, now 72, broke his
silence on the election scene Sa-
turday to issue a denial of Wil-
son's charges. He said no doubt
official records existed to support
his contention that De Gaulle was
told that if the Skybolt plan was
abandoned, Britain would have to
get a satisfactory substitute from
the United States.
With Britain's general election
nine days away, bread and butter
issues are commanding the atten-
tion of most voters. But the re-
sponse to the barnstorming politi-
cians has been generally apathetic.
The public opinion polls put
Prime Minister Harold Wilson's
Labor party far out front.
The Conservatives, led by Ed-
ward Heath, say their soundings
tell a different story. They con-
tend that in marginal districts-
the evenly balanced areas where
the majority in the next House of
Commons will be decided-Labor's
advantage is far less marked than,
the polls suggest on a national
No one has any illusions that
the outcome will have any great
impact on the outside world. The
54 million Britons have come to
accept that they no longer are a
major world power.
The welfare state created after
World War II is here to stay. This
is pegged to one of the most lib-
eral health plans in the world,
nationalized coal mines, road
transport, airlines, electricity and
Both Wilson's socialistic Labor
party, which has ruled since Oc-
tober 1964, and the Conservatives,
who were in power for 13 years
before that, go along with these
One change the Torries favor
is a small fee for medical pre-
scriptions that are now free. And
they want to put a stop to any
further nationalization.
Wilson for the past 17 months
operated with a majority of only
one to three seats in the 630-
member House of Commons.
The slim margin forced him to
go slow on some issues-chiefly
the nationalization of the steel
The small Liberal party, seeking
to gain the balance of power in
the new Parliament, has made its
biggest campaign plank a warning
that more more sweeping nation-
alization is in prospect if the
Laborites get a big majority.
F x .
NY Newspapers
Johnson Asks Congress to Consider
Legislation to Protect Consumers
Obscenity- Standard S
tiffened motivated by
., , Economics
Iy up reme (Jourt's iiuungs
WASHINGTON (M)-The cen-,
sor's hand was upheld yesterday
by the Supreme Court as it ruled
sexy tracts designed to exploit
their ."salacious appeal" may be
banned from the mail as obscene."
The effect of the court's deci-
sion in three cases is to give broad-
er sweep to its, obscenity standard,
and possibly open new avenues to
suppress erotic literature.
Publishers "who would make a
business of pandering to the wide-
spread weakness' for titillation by
pornography" are''liable to impris-
onment, Justice William J. Bren-
nan, Jr. said as the court upheld,
5 to 4, conviction of Ralph Ginz-
burg, publisher of Eros magazine,
under the federal obscenity law.
"Eros was created, represented
and sold solely as a claimed instru-
ment Of the sexual stimulation it
would bring," Brennan said.
With similar reasoning, the high
court voted 6 to, 3 to affirm con-
viction of Edward Mishkin, a book
dealer from Yonkers, N.Y., under
a New York State obscenity law.
In the third case, the court
reversed, 6 to'3, a decision by the
Supreme Judicial Court of Massa-
New Regime Stops
Sukarno Departure
chusetts banning "Fanny Hill," the
story of an 18th century London
But even here, Brennan said -for
the majority, "evidence that the
book was commercially exploited
for the sake of prurient appeal
might justify the conclusion that
the book was utterly without re-
deeming social importance."
Fourteen separate opinions were
filed by the nine justices. Three
Hugo L. Black, William O. Doug-
las and Potter Stewart, called
separately for reversal of the
Ginzburg and Mishkin convictions.
Justice John M. Harlan, the
fourth dissenter, in the Ginzburg
case, charged the majority with
"an astonishing piece ofjudicial
By the action he said, "the First
Amendment, in the obscenity area.
no longer fully protects material on
its face nonobscene, for such ma-
terial must now also be examined
in the light of the defendant's
conduct, attitude, mhotives."
Ginszurg, publisher of Eros
magazine and two other banned
publications, was, convicted in a
United States District Court in
Philadelphia of violating 28 counts
of the federal obscenity law. He
was sentenced to five years in
prison and fined $28,000.
SINGAPORE (AP)-The new mili-
tary regime in Indonesia has re-
jected President Sukarno's request
to return to his birthplace in east-
ern Java, possibly to retire, in-
formed sources in Singapore said
These informants said they were
unaware of Sukarno's reasons but
that possibly he wanted to retire
from politics, or to make contact
with pro-Communist remnants in
an effort to whip up resistance
against the new regime.
While they thought the first
reason' the most likely, one ,source
observed: "Sukarno is a political
maneuverer of the highest quality.
It is hard to believe that he will
give up so easily."
New Strong Man
Sukarno handed over the last of
his political powers last Friday to
the new strong man in Indonesia,
army chief Lt. Gen. Suharto, a
strong anti-Communist.
Suharto immediately moved
against Sukarno's trusted advisers
and friends, including the pro-Pe-
king first deputy premier and for-
eign minister, Subandrio, and the
third deputy premier, Chaerul
Saleh. Subandrio was locked up
in a military stockade but some
reports say Saleh eluded arrest.
Sources here said Sukarno now
is little better than a constitution-
al monarch with no real power.
Ultimatum to Officials
They said he gave in to Su-
harto's demand for the arrest of
Subandrio, Saleh and 13 other pro-
Communist ministers only after a
highly emotional argument.
Sukarno was reported taken un-
der heavy- security to his summer
palace at Bogor, 40 miles. south
of Jakarta, last Saturday and has
remained there since.
Indonesia's new Indonesian for-
eign minister, Adam Malik, issued
an ultimatum to ministry officials
and diplomats overseas: Either
follow the policy of Suharto or
quit, Radio Jakarta reported.
Merger To Include
Combination of Two
Afternoon Editions.
NEW YORK, (P)-Three of New
York City's major dailies announc-
ed yesterday plans to merge their
operations, combining two after-
noon newspapers into one and two
Sunday papers into one. No date
for the amalgamation was set.
The afternoon Journal-Ameri-
can and the World-Telegram and
Sun will be merged as the after-
noon Worild Journal. The World-
Telegram does not publish on Sun-
World Journal and Tribune
The Herald Tribune will con-
tinue to publish weekday morn-
ings, but Its Sunday edition will
be combined with -the Journal-
American's under the name of
World Journal and Tribune.
In one of the biggest realign-
ments in the modern history of
American journalism, one after-
noon newspaper will vanish, as
well as one Sunday paper. Man-
hattan will be left with five dailies
of general circulation and three
Sunday newspapers.
The afternoon field in Manhat-
tan will be shared by the new
World Journal and the tabloid
New York Post. The morning line-
up will remain the Herald Tribune,
New York Times and the tabloid
Daily News. Sunday newspapers
will include the Times, Sunday
News and World Journal and Tri-
Economics Compel Move
It will mark the first alteration
in the city's newspaper pattern
since Hearst's tabloid morning
Mirror discontinued daily and
Sunday publication in October,
"The economics of the newspa-
per industry in New York com-
pel this move," said a joint mer-
ger announcement. It was signed
by John Hay Whitney for the
Herald Tribune, William Randolph
Hearst, Jr., for the Journal-Amer-
ican, and Jack R. Howard for the
Scripps-Howard World-Telegram
and Sun.
Diminishing circulation, increas-
ed production costs and a change
in the pattern of metropolitan
newspaper competition were be-
lieved major factors in what the
announcement described as a co-
operative amalgamation. The
merged papers will operate even-
tually with combined production
facilities, out-of a single plant.
WASHINGTON 0P) - President
Johnson told Congress yesterday
"a new and progressive program"
is needed to protect American con-
sumers from credit gougers and
deceptive packaging.
The President renewed his re-
quest for passage of long-stymied
truth-in-lending and truth-in-
packaging bills, saying, "We need
such legislation urgently." And he
recommended some specific steps
to protect children.
Democratic sponsors said they
hope Johnson's messagewill help
dislodge the bills from commit-
tees where they have lain for five
or six years, but Republican op-
ponents remained unmoved.
Bill Impractical
"They're trying to standardize
the country," said Republican Sen-
ate Leader Everett M. Dirksen of
Dirksen dismissed the truth-in-
lending bill as impractical, and
said the packaging measure would
"kill innovation" and cost industry
$600 million to $700 million for re-
Johnson said credit charges to-
talled $24 billion last year and are
a key item in the consumer budg-
et. He said " legislation is needed
requiring lenders "to state the full
cost of credit, simply and clearly.
and to state it before any credit
contract-is signed.".
Nonexistent Savings
He urged a law against "pack-
ages with deceptively shaped box-
es, misleading pictures, confusing
or meaningless adjectives, inappro-
priate size or quantity markings;
and promotional gimmicks that
promise nonexistent savings."
"An accurate and informative
package and lebel need not add to
the producer's cost," he said.
"This legislation will not make
packaging less attractive or less
efficient. It will not prevent econ-
omies in packaging, nor will it im-
pose costly restrictions."
Consumer Protection
Johnson recommended also what
he called "three related items of
legislation to reinforce consumer
SAIGON (P)-United States Ma-
rine ground and air forces tangled
with Communist troops on two
northern coastal fronts yesterday,
killing more than 80 in sharp
fighting. U.S. officials reported the
loss of five American Air Force
and Navy planes in action over
North and South Viet Nam, with
two airmen killed, two captured
and two missing.
In Operation Texas, several bat-
talions of Leathernecks, moving in
with air and artillery support:
stabbed at long-held Viet Cong
territory near Quang Ngai City,
330 miles northeast of Saigon.
They reported killing 46 Commu-
nists in ground action and per-
haps many more in Marine jet
strikes on enemy positions.,
The Marines faced a Communist
Two other Marine battalions
launched Operation O r e g o n
against a Viet Cong company 15
miles northwest of the old imper-
ial capital of Hue. Fighting was
reported 'heavy yesterday morn-
ing, then it dwindled. A Marine
spokesman said ground assaults
killed 14 Viet Cong, artillery fire
another 13 and air strikes seven.
Marine Operation Texas came in
response to a Viet Cong_ assault
Saturday on a government outpost
at An Hoa, just outside Quang
Ngai. The enemy troops over-
whelmed the outpost and inflict-
ed heavy casualties upon its 100
government defenders.
In other ground action in South
Viet Nam, government troops re-
ported killing 225 Viet Cong.
Closer to Doom.
A spokesman said they bagged
100 in a stiff fight at Vo Xu, in
the rice bowl 75 miles north of
Saigon that was liberated by the
U.S. 173rd Airborne and the 10th
Vietnamese army division. The
spokesman said the Viet Cong
tried to recapture the area three
weeks ago and came back in force
again Sunday, only to be driven
Another South Vietnamese ac-
tion killed 129 Viet Cong in a fight
in the central highlands 150 miles
northeast of Saigon, the spokes-
man said. The action was 30 miles
east of Ban Me Thuot on Sun-
day in an operation in which the
South Vietnamese are trying to
break up a large Red force in the
jungled mountains.
In developments abroad, Com-
munist China claimed that the
harder the U.S. struggles in Viet
Nam the closer it comes to doom.
These would protect children
from dangerous toys, drugs and
other articles; require more accur-
ate and detailed labeling of dan-
gerous drugs, broaden the law re-
quiring federal certification of
drugs, and curtail the unsolicit-
ed distribution of drug samples;
and permit an expansion of the
Food and Drug Administration's
training activities for state and
local officials.
Johnson also said "further ac-
tion may be necessary to protect
the consumer against harmful
cosmetics and against medical de-
vices that are neither safe nor
effective." He did not amplify the
reference to medical devices.
Rep. Gerald R. Ford of Michi-
gan, the House Republican leader,
applauded Johnson's recommenda-
tions for safeguards against haz-
ards to children but expressed
doubts about the packaging and
lending proposals.
Marines, Communist Troops
Clash on Two Coastal Fronts
force believed to
be of battalion
world News Roundup
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By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
has launched its second apparent-
ly unmanned cosmos satellite
within a week. Scientists at Boch-
um Observatory in West Germany
speculated that the Russians
would try a rendezvous in space.
-* * * .
HOUSTON-Virgil I. Grissom,
Edward H. White II and Roger B.
Chaffee, two veteran astronauts
and a space-light rookie, were
chosen yesterday to fly the na-
tion's first three-man space mis-
sion, taking an Apollo spaceship
on its maiden manned voyage.
The space agency also revealed
it was studying the feasiblity of
performing a five-man s p a c e
rendezvous, between the orbiting
Apollo ship and Gemini 12, a two-
man spacecraft.
America's first space triplets
will orbit the earth up to 14 days,
hopefully by the end of the year,
testing the craft like one planned
to fly men to the moon someday.
BOGOTA, Columbia - Sharp
gains in Colombia's congressional
election hoisted extreme rightists
under ex-dictator Gustavo Rojas
into position yesterday as the Na-
tional Front government's chief
opponent for the presidency in
The balloting Sunday for 296
congressional seats handed the
leftists, particularly, Communists,
a damaging setback.
The National Front coalition of
Liberals and Conservatives main-
tained a safe lead in the races,
but on the basis of the voting
trend it will not achieve the two-
thirds majority needed to push
through vital social and economic
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