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March 18, 1966 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-18

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1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY na--a----



~. The
Margin for Error
Gil Samberg
You probably saw them-the red-neck rebs who paraded around
Iowa City all day and night on the hood of their grey and red-
inscribed Ford.
You probably saw them during the half too. How could you miss
Red shirts and jackets blazing away in the smoke-misted
arena, Confederate flags shouting the glories of a suddenlyl
recognized team that has been winning consistently for years ... -
Western Kentuck!
These were the hillbilly Hilltoppers if you'd ever seen them.I
They were right out of the backwoods or up from the Aggie institutel
-farmboys on a binge who were looking for trouble. You figured
you'd seen them in the newsreels from Arkansas or Alabara.
Well, you're a Northerner, aren't you?
And Yankee, maybe it's just that that turns an old Con-
federate flag into a symbol of irrational defiance. Because Dixie
is agreat fight song-few in the entire world can do the job it
can-and an old red field crossed with white stars can be just
as strong a rallying point for Kentuck as Doe Losh is for
Michigan. It's one of the few unifying cues left in the South
These were the students-the real "fans"-of Western Kentucky.
After 42 years of Ed Diddle you'd expect it.
Down at Bowling Green they heard the whipping that their
Tops were handling to Loyola's Ramblers and, after a late-nighti
pep rally which included the Universitys President in his bathrobe,7
sold out their Regional ticket share the next day in 20 minutes.
They drove 1100 miles on something like five crowded buses.
One of the big transports got lost four times on the trip, while
another was hit in the rear on a railroad crossing by a Ma and Pa
Kent couple, and everything stopped while the Justice of the Peace
thought about the new. furniture he wanted for his den . . . and
the fine.1
When they started out they had heard that Iowa was bone
dry, so the fans had resourcefully brought along 55 fifths of
assorted booze (no mix) on the convey for the long weekend.
But about halfway across Illinois, they found out that Iowa had
made it out of the dusty Twenties with the rest of the States,
they happily concentrated on polishing off the cache of juice
"before it went bad." They finally downed the last of the stuff
only 60 miles out of Iowa City . . . just in time.
When they hit town, everybody knew it. They immediately stuck
a claim on the only discotheque bar in town, posting guards at the
l door to keep representatives of any of the other schools in the
tourney out.
And would' you believe that half of this mighty Mongol
horde from the mountains of Kentucky that poured into the
"Playground of the Western World" didn't even have tickets?
They just sort of came and tayed to root and cheer and break
out. They slept all over town: in cars, in parks, on benches, in
"Quad"and some of them on the buses. They woke up Saturday
morning to find that the buses had moved.
But },,thing phased them.
Theyg phromised right at the start that if Western won that
Reg t, Iowa City would never be the same again. Considering
the mpression they made as losers, can see it now.
NIw t is usually the case that most of the people who make
it to tl Regionals to raise hell for the assorted teams are not the
students. Obvilously the "transients" don't have the money, sometimes
the time, and often the inclination to hit the highways for, say,
12 ,ugged hours to see a couple of basketball games and spend their
nights in the back seats of their roving homes.
What usually happens here is that someone like Howie Wikel,
the biggest of the local boosters, organizes a couple of package tours
to never-never land, the good old days, and "the dear old Varsity"
somewhere in the country for a few dozen Michigan alums around
the state. If they have the money to blow, they can have air
transportation, tickets, rooms, and meals for something over a
hundred dollars.
Michigan had 500 tickets to offer, and could have had more.
160 out of the 300 reserved seats were gone before a ticket window
opened. . . to Wikel and the athletic department. The rest went
t" slowly-many students didn't want to travel all the way to Iowa
City without being sure of getting a seat ... So 42 General Admission
tickets were actually returned to the NCAA staff.
Maybe television and three years of a winner have made Michigan
students more blaze about the whole thing, more complacent .
Well, they tell use that they have TV at Bowling Green and
Lexington now too. And you know that Kentucky is a school that
1M has seen more NCAA tournament games than the Wolverines may
ever dream about. (They sold out their 1200 maximum as soon as
they had the SEC title clinched.)
But let's get back to Western, where red is not only a school
color, but a way of life. Ed Diddle, who is now Western's Wally Weber,
has made quite a mark . . . like with the red towel craze. Well,
for the Regionals this year the school provided just about everyone
-the band, the cheerleaders, students, some alumnae-with Reb-red
Those "hicks" you saw didn't need them. They had railroad
flags, signs, faces, and . . . necks, to show their loyalty. And
they paraded with them around the court during the halftime

of the game. Along with that amazing Confederate flag.
And when some Iowa administrator announced quite offi-
cially, "Will you all please . . . get . . . off . . . the . . . floor
with your street shooes," they complied.
And then they came back on in their socks.
After the game there was some talk among them of "tar and
feathering" some referee. But after they had blostered that part of
their image they went down to the Western locker room to console
their players. And that's the truth. Men like Graig Smith, who was
given the last foul for taking a nap on Cazzie Russell's shoulder, and
Clem Haskins, were crying, crying after playing one of the finest
games of the year.
And the rebs stood silently by their coach as John Oldham
quietly told reporters that he had wanted to win the game for
Western's fans, "who are the finest in the country." After the hushed
interview, Oldham asked the boys, who he seemed to know by name,
not to say anything about a gyp or about revenge-the usual blindly
senseless things-to the players.
"You know we wouldn't sir," they said, And they meant it. They
had come to console the team, not foster their own gripes.
"Don't worry 'bout it Steve. Great game buddy."'
"Shake it off Stevie. You're still the best."
But it's really not the kind. of .thing you can shake off just
that. They had just been hung by the emotional piano wire which
. had to be strung so taut to get them there in the first place.
And as they shuffled down the hall, heads down, you could hear
one last voice echoing with them. It was one of the Rebs again.
"But ah still. think they're number one .around here . . ." The
others nodded in agreement.
Sorta makes you wonder just who got the best of the whole
damn thing ...

Golfers To Invade Southern Florida




By DAVE PFEFFERI the crown on the Biltmore CountryI

The season of booming 250-yard
drives and accurately placed wedge
shots is now upon us.
Michigan's golf squad, placing
second in last year's Big Ten race,
leaves today for Coral Gables,
Fla., to play in two meets. On
Tuesday, March 22, seven 'M' link-
men will participate in a triangu-
lar meet with Ohio State and the
University of Miami.
The tenth annual University of
Miami Invitational Tournament,
in which 28 teams will battle for

Club layout, begins the following
day. The final round of the 72
hole event will be completed on
Saturday, March 26.
The tourney field includes such
traditionally tough schools as
Florida State University, Florida
Southern, University of Miami,
and and defending champion Ga-
tors of the University of Florida.
Annually powerful in intercolleg-
iate golf competition, golf teams
from Texas are also entered. Other
Big Ten schools that will be rep-

No Team Favored
In NCAA Games

resented are Michigan State,
Northwestern, and Ohio State.
Heading the cast of Michigan's
entrants is Captain Bill Newton.
Firing rounds of 73, 67, 74, and
73 for a total of 287 in last year's
Big Ten tourney, the two-year let-
terman finished runner-up to
Minnesota's Dave Gumlia.
Stars' Sons
Another returning letterman
making the trip down to the Sun-
shine State is junior Bob Barclay.
Hailing from Melrose, Mass., Bar-
clay is the son of former Wolver-
ine golf coach and four sport let-
ter-winner Bill Barclay. Senior
golfer Jim Evashevski is also the
son of an eminent sports figure
of the past, former Michigan foot-
ball great and present University
of Iowa athletic director, Forest
Rounding out the traveling golf
squad is steadily improving senior
Bob Bond, and sophomores John
Richart, John Schroeder, and
Frank Groves. According to golf
coach Bert Katzenmeyer, Richart,
who was the Western Junior
Champ, is quite a strong prospect.
Sooner Spring"
The Michigan golfers have been
hitting shag balls since mid-Feb-
ruary. Conditions permitting, the
two and one-half to three hour
practice sessions take place out-
side. However, the team still hasn't
been able to hit shots under actual
playing conditions because the
University course, being typical
of clubs in this region of the coun-
try, is still not ready for play.
Last year it opened on April 19.
However, Coach Katzenmeyer feels
that with the hints of an early
Michigan spring, the date could
hopefully be sooner this season.
The squads representing south-


ern colleges and universities log-
ically have the advantage in this
early-season Miami Invitational.
With their weather permitting 18
hole rounds throughout most, if
not all, the winter months, north-
ern schools like Michigan face an
uphill battle. However, golf men-
tor Katzenmeyer commented that
this year's golf squad "has worked
hard and should do a credible job
in their first outing." He also stat-
ed that the 'M' linkmen would
make efficient use of the three
days of practice at Coral Gables
before the competition begins.
After the Miami meet, the Wol-
verine squad will return to Ann
Arbor to resume practice. No more
contests are scheduled until the
Northern Intercollegiate at Bloom-
ington on May 6-7. A home-and-
home series with Michigan State is
the only other competition before
the Big Ten tourney at Iowa City.




to the
Marc. 18, 19 and 20

'The M~ichigan. Chaupter of
welcOmes delegates from

L __..

By The Associated Press
COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- There
is no clear-cut favorite in the
NCAA basketball championship,
but Duke and Kentucky dominate
an informal poll of college coaches.
Fred Lewis of Syracuse summed
up the feeling best, putting it this
"I think the finals are going to
be played tonight. The winner of
the Kentucky-Duke game wins
the whole affair."
Johnny Wooden, who coached
UCLA to the latest two national
titles, agreed, saying :
"Duke is the best team I've seen
this year. But I haven't seen Ken-
"I understood Kentucky is my
type of team-very much like my
team of two years ago. But I
haven't seen them so I can't pick
them. Let's just say the winner of
Kentucky, the nation's top-
ranked team with a 26-1 mark,
will be seeking a record fifth na-

tional championship when it goes
against Duke in the first of two
semifinal games. Duke is ranked
second in the nation with a 25-3
The second semifinal matches
third-ranked Texas Western, 26-1,
and unranked Utah, 23-6.
The winners play Saturday night
for the title after the losers settle
third place.
Of 10 coaches questioned at the
annual convention of the Basket-
ball Coaches Association four
picked Kentucky, two went for
Duke, one nominated Texas West-
ern and three declined to choose
between Kentucky and Duke.
Joe Mulaney of Providence was
the lone Texas Western supporter,
"I really don't know that much
about any of them, but Texas
Western has a big strong team,
and, of the four they seem to'
stress defense the most. Everyone
scores big now, and I think the
defense will win it. Just a hunch."

ask you to vote for
Ruth Baumann

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