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March 18, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-18

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Publick 'Crucial Role of NSA Ignored in Elections
Ocurene by Br uce W assersf ci',


ia Arc Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AsBOR, MICH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Athletics:*The Board
In Control and Inflation

UNFORTUNATELY, not many students
hear of the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics during their stay at
Michigan; fewer find out what the board
consists of or what its duties are. The
board plays an important role by right
of its uniquely autonomous relationship
to the University, a role about which stu-
dents should be informed.
A nebulous body, both by design and de-
sire, the board governs all phases of ath-
letics at the University. It is headed by
Athletic Director H. 0. (Fritz) Crisler and
includes 11 faculty members, three alum-
ni, and two student representatives in
addition to Crisler. The student members
are selected .by an all-campus vote in the
SGC elections each spring. Each year,
one sophomore is elected for a two-year
term, and it is his job to represent stu-
dent opinion to other board members.
,1 SE BOARD is not without its list of
distinguished personages. Crisler has
been responsible for setting up the excel-
lent overall sports program at Michigan
that ranks as one of the nation's best.
He is recognized as one of the country's
top athletic administrators and he car-
ries muchs influence in the councils of
the National Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion. Prof. Marcus Plant, another mem-
ber of the board, has written numerous
articles on athletic policy.
A majority of the board's duties are
discharged in excellent fashion. A few
notable areas of exception do exist, how-
ever, and student prices for athletic con-
tests rate high in the list of faults.
OUT OF EACH STUDENT'S tuition, the
board receives $10 which supplements
other sources of income, mainly football
receipts. Funds from football reach siz-
able proportions, considering the Wolver-
ines last season averaged over 80,000 a
Romnley 14
Power R
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY seems to hold a
unique place in Michigan politics, far
removed from reproach for any possible
action he may take. It appears that the
Michigan electorate is so caught up with
the possibility that a native son might be
the Republican candidate for the presi-'
dency, that many of the governor's re-
marks go without notice or concern, thus
preserving his national reputation as a
rising young star.
He is today one of the few politicians
anywhere who can stick both feet in
his mouth without evoking even a whim.
per from his constituency.
In a recent off the cuff remark at his
Monday morning press conference, Rom-
ney indicated that he would wait and see
what the Board of Regents did in today's
meeting regarding the resignation of Eu-
gene Power before taking action. At that
point, Romney had not received a copy of
the resignation and, therefore, was not
empowered to act. Power had sent his
letter of resignation only to the Regents,
supposedly unaware of the statuatory
requirements regarding' the proper pro-
cedure for Michigan elected officials.
When Power was informed of the state
law, a copy of his resignation was sent
to the governor and secretary of state
as required. Romney then, completely
disregarding his statement of the pre-
vious day, said the resignation was none
of the Regents' business, that he had ac-
cepted Power's resignation, and that he
would promptly name a successor.

ticai sophistication! Supposedly, Rom-
ney was unaware at this press conference
of the proper procedure regarding resig-
nations. Supposedly that afternoon, he
was notified by his legal staff that, when
he received the letter (which was re-
quired), it was at his discretion whether
or not to wait for the Regents.
I find it hard to believe that Romney
could not have anticipated that a ques-
tion about Power would be asked at his
Monday morning press conference. The


game in attendance for six home contests.
With only these two primary sources
of income, the board decided three years
ago that it couldn't make ends meet.
Where was the money to come from? The
easiest solution was to slap another $12
expense on the student body for an in-
nocuous-sounding "athletic coupon." For
a meager $12, the students could go out
on a Saturday afternoon and see their own
gridders lock horns with topflight opposi-
tion. Last season, 22,000 coupons were sold
to students.
The price escalation wasn't over yet.
Still short on assets, the board added bas-
ketball to its sources of income in 1964,
charging students $1 for each game.
Swimming and hockey are now included
in the money makers, with a cost of $1
a ticket for each of these sports.
AND THAT IS WHERE the price level
currently stands. A student attending
all home games in football, basketball,
hockey, and swimming this year would
have to shell out $41, not counting the
$10 from his tuition. Where were the
student voices on the board when these
prices were being set? Perhaps the tend-
ered athletes sitting in the student seats
onte board dintexpress ter objec-
tions too loudly.
Whatever the cause, the current stu-
dent ticket situation at Michigan is out-
rageous. The athletic department now re-
ceives as much for an "athletic coupon"
as most institutions with major athletic
programs charge their students for events
in all varsity sports over an entire season.
THE UNIVERSITY may have one of the
finest athletic programs in. the coun-
try, but its students are paying through
the nose for every minute of it.
entire balance of power on the Regents is
shifting to the Republicans and Romney
could not phrase his response to avoid
placing himself in a deep political hole.
Considering his answer at the press con-
ference, it would have been only polite,
not to mention politically astute, for him
to wait until the Regents acted.
IT APPEARS he may have been trying
merely to get in on the political act
without the least bit of forethought of
its consequences.
IRONIC. While the U.S.'spends billions
of dollars and over 200,000 men to hold
up a small toppling "domino" on the Asian
mainland, a much more important nation
falls-with no help at all-for us. Indo-
nesia, the world's fifth largest nation,
has taken a quick tumble in our direction
-or at least sideways toward the Soviet
Union. -
All this with the U.S. State Department,
the New York Times, even the Associated
Press kicked out of the country. No com-
mitment, no containment, no green be-
rets. Nothing.
IT'S IRONIC ALSO that, while the U.S.
feels a need to defend the freedom of
the South Vietnamese against the ruth-
less terrorism of the Viet Cong, the State
Department "couldn't hold back its glee"

upon hearing the news that Sularno had
handed over key powers to Suharto and
the army: the same army, of course,
who led the nation's Moslem population in
the annihilation of over 150,000 "Com-
munist sympathizers" last fall, the same
army which was commanded to "elimi-
nate all remaining traces" of the Com-
munists after taking power this week.
But of course, we could do nothing
about that-it was none of our business,
we must let the Indonesians decide. A
statement from us in the UN or from the
President would have meant nothing.

SINCE THE Elections Director of
Student Government Council
has decided that candidates for the
National Student Association
should not have platforms pub-
lished in the elections ad in The
Daily, it is impossible for the
average student to know very
much about the functions of NSA.
This is highly unfortunate, be-
cause NSA represents one of the
prime means for mobolizing ef-
fective student power at a na-
tional level. Latently the students
of the country constitute a power-
ful interest group which should
have a major part in influencing
national policy towards education.
FOR EXAMPLE, the following
substantive national issues should
be dealt with by the National Stu-
dent Congress:
0 The whole . issue of student
deferments. With the drafting of
college students as a real possi-
bility, it is important that the
students help determine on what
basis deferments should be made.
The selective service is currently
thinking of defering students who
either are doing well as far as
grades or who score highly on ,a
standardized national test.
The literary faculty here has
passed a resolution protesting this
policy as being discriminatory
against "economically underpri-
vileged" students..
As an'alternative to the Selec-
tive Service's System, the faculty

has proposed a random selection
among the college pool.
The counterargument to the
faculty's solution is that they are
accepting the idea of student de-
ferments but refuse to adopt the
criteria which they themselves
have set up-grades and national
test scores-as a measure of stu-
dent performance. These critics
would say that either one has a
universal draft which would elim-
inate economic discrimination or
you go along with the selective
service policies.
* THE ISSUE of federal aid to
education. Representatives of the
students can help explain their
economic needs to legislators. With
the Viet Nam war absorbing much
of the government's revenue, it is
likely that there will be other at-
tempts to cut federal aid to edu-
cation aside from the abortive at-
tempt to slash NDEA loans.
NSA is also one of the few
places where a comparative look
can be taken at academic and
student government problems.
THIS YEAR the following issues
seem to be highly relevant:
* The role of student participa-
tion. Students are increasingly
asking for a larger voice in ad-
ministrative decisions. Here a big
step forward has been taken with
the appointment of students to
a presidential advisory committee..
,At Yale the recommendations of

honors students are being used to
help determine tenure appoint-
ments. By learning through other
schools' experiences with student
participation, the academic com-
munity can move closer to the
concept of meaningful student
* The problem of humanizing
the multiversity. At Wesleyan, the
Santa Cruz campus of the Univer-
sity of California, Michigan State
and the University various experi-
ments in "residential" colleges are
being undertaken to make college
a more meaningful personal ex-
perience for students.
* Experiments in grading re-
forms. This year Princeton intro-
duced a plan in which each stu-
dent can take one course each
semester in which he is graded
with either a pass or fail desig-
nation. Through this system
Princeton introduced a plan in
which each student can take one
course each semester in which he
is graded with either a pass or
fail designation. Through this
system Princeton officials hoped
that students would be more will-
ing to take courses out of their
area of expertise and broaden
their horizons. Stanford officials
have also recently announced that
they will introduce a similar pro-
gram next fall.
By examining the weaknesses
and strengths of these and other
experiments in grading at schools
such as Sarah Lawrence and the

California Institute of Technology
University students can hopefully
devise a plan which would work
Another important function of
NSA is to promote contact be-
tween foreign and American stu-
dents. Through the arrangement
of exchange programs and con-
ferences NSA can provide an op-
portunity for leaders of student
movements to help promote in-
ternational understanding.
OF COURSE, no one gains any-
thing from these comparative
views if they are not fed back
into the University system. If
people just go to the convention
and do not carry on with the ideas
they pick up there, their attend-
ance is worthless to the Univer-
sity community.°
In the past the local NSA com-
mittee has been relatively inef-
fective. It is important that it
become revitalized so that the
University can receive the full
benefits of belonging to the na-
ti6nal' organization.
BUT IF NSA is to be revitalized
and have more meaning on the
local level, the elections director's
decision is certainly a step in the
wrong direction. Students will be
relegated to voting for pretty faces
with fancy titles rather than for
candidates' ideas..
* * *
The forthcoming appointment

by Governor George Romney
of a man to fill the slot vacated,
by Regent Eugene Power brings
up the question of what will be
the length of the terms of men
appointed as Regents.
In the last few years at the
University, two Democratic Re-
gents have left office in the mid-
dle of their eight-year terms. As
it is highly probable that Rom-
ney will appoint a Republican to
Power's former position, the Board
of Regents, which before had five
Democrats and three Republicans
among its elected members, will
have five of its members as Re-
It is apparent that the will of
the people of Michigan is not ade-
quately represented by such a
board. In fact, the board will be
run by the party the people voted
against. It is clear that there is
something wrong with this proced-
ONE SOLUTION is to have a
special election when a Regent re-
tires. The winner would then hold
office until the former Regent's
normal term expires. In this way
the staggered terms of Regents
could be retained and the will
of the electorate adequately re-
With an eight-year term for Re-
gents, it is obvious that in the fu-
ture there will be many other cases
of retirement or resignation. The
inequities of the present appoint-
ment system should be resolved.

Leaders, Candidates Write on S GC

To the Editor:
ganization withdrew a re-
quest from the City Council for
an aerial balloon. It did not with-
draw its request for a loudspeaker
The loudspeaker car would be
used during the hours of 12-1 p.m.
in the afternoon. This car would
only urge students to vote in the
SGC election. REACH would take
credit only for the idea of pub-
licizing the SGC election.
--Robert Bodkin
REACH candidate for SGC
'Viable Perspective'
To the Editor:
(March 11) touched upon the
central task of SGC, that of offer-
ing a "more viable perspective on
student problems." His concern
and criticism for Reach's goals in
this area are appreciated, and he
is therefor encouraged to review
the Reach Policy Statement and
the Reach Candidates' Statement
for a more detailed account of
what we regard as "more viable
perspective on student problems."
Litven's major objection was to
the comment of a Reach spokes-
man that SGC should avoid such
areas of concern as "the war in
Viet Namn and Federal domestic
programs when they do not apply
to the University of Michigan."
With some clarification, perhaps
it can be seen that the best inter-
ests of students and the most ef-
fective SGC are the stakes here:
-INTELLIGENT debate on the

philosophy of the war in Viet Nam
is not directly the province of
SGC. Rather, this type of intel-
lectual venture into the realm of
international politics should be
sustaianed by:
(1) Student-faculty groups and
the Inter-University Committee on
Viet Nam which sponsored the
successful teach-ins last year. On
this same medium, Arthur Col-
lingsworth's Conference on Viet
Nam presents a support for the
government's policy in the war
while Voice Political Party voices
strong criticism.
(2) The Daily, geared toward
expression of opinions regarding
this conflict.
-INDIVIDUALS and collective
o p i n i o n, expressed by student
groups, is inviolable. Many per-
sons find demonstrations against
the war distasteful. This opinion
is, like the expression of critics of
the war, a sacred privilege. The
point being that sentiments on a.
war of this complexity cannot be
harnessed and legistlated upon by
IF, INDEED, the federal gov-
ernment is bogged down in a
morass of conflicting opinion, con-
sider what could happen to SGC
if an attempt were made to pass
legislation fairly representing the
greatly different opinions of this
-An opinion poll for SGCis a
very feasible possibility. But let,
this type of project stand in strong
contrast to extensive legislative at-
tempts or embroiled debates by
SGC on the war in Viet Nam when
this caliber of debate is best han-
dled by other groups and institu-

-The draft issue is clearly of
major concern to nearly all male
students here. SGC may well
choose to take a stand on the re-
cent Literary College Faculty Sen-
ate proposal regarding the draft.
Original work may be completed in
this area as possibilities arise.
This is definitely an issue which
is important to the student welfare
and deserving of SGC attention.
But it does not encompass a full
scale debate on the 'merits of the
IN ESSENCE, Reach is striving
for relevance in legislative mat-
ters. A careful management of
priorities must be sustained if
SGC is to effectively serve student
--Dick Wingfield, '67
(Reach Candidate for SGC)
To the Editor:
A RECENT LETTER to the edi-
tor was written by two stu-
dents who are vigorously cam-
paigning for the important posts
of the executive leadership of our
Student Government Council. In
this letter, these candidates were
so bold as to advise the student
voters to "not be confused with
suchsubsidiary data as who is,
friends with whom," or by the
endorsement of individual campus
As these "persons prominent in
student activities" to whom the
candidates refer, we wish to clarify
the meaning and purpose of our
support for Ed Robinson for
President of SGC. Our visible sup-
port is significant not because of

the positions we now hold or did
hold; rather, it is significant be-
cause of the experience and knowl-
edge we have gained from these
Our endorsement of Mr. Robin-
son is based on a personal knowl-
edge of the functions and long-
range directions of SGC, a knowl-
edge of both presidential candi-
dates as student leaders and mem-
bers of SGC, and a knowledge of
the type of leadership required to
direct SGC efforts-efforts which
do and will encompass every facet
of student concern;in the Univer-
sity community.
AS ELECTED and ex-officio
members of SGC during the past
year, we feel compelled to speak
out! In this last year we have
participated in a SGC which has
broadened its areas of concern,
improved its operations to effect
its goals, and intensified its ef-
forts to work with, administrators,
faculty, and Ann Arbor city of-
ficials to resolve problems and to
implement programs benefitting
We have seen the complexion
and the motivating forces of SGC
change. Council has begun to ac-
cept the responsibility for meas-
uring student opinion, for voicing
student concerns, and for taking
action appropriate tothese con-
cerns. This year, SGC has com-
mitted itself to action; we wish to.
insure the continuation and deep-
ening of this commitment.
We are pleased that Ed's op-
ponents have goneon record for
the principle that "The ideal
method of government is revealed
when governmental figures re-
spond to the challenges of the
community they serve and not to
the prominent personalities within
the community," because we also
recognize that Ed Robinson is a
prominent personality in the Uni-
versity community, who will re-
spond to these challenges.
not only justified but also com-
pelled to actively support Ed Rob-
inson, who through his involve-
ment with SGChand other major
student organizations, has exem-
plified his capabilities and his
personal commitment to dynamic
leadership. Ed's past experience in
SGC, his insight into the specific
needs of students, and his con-
cept of a broad and active SGC
not only warrants but demands

our endorsement.
-Georgia Berland, past Presi-
dent of Assembly
-Mickey Eisenberg, elected
member of SGC, Bookstore
-Charlie Cooper, adminitra
tive vice-president of SGC
-Laura Fitch, past President
of Panhellenic
-Jim Kropf, past President of
University Activities Center
-Jack Winder, elected member
of SGC, REACH executive
To the Editor:
IN WEDNESDAY'S debate be-
tween SGC presidential can-
didates Bob Bodkin and Ed Rob-
inson, Mr. Bodkin attempted to
make an issue of the point that
if elected, he, and not Robinson,
would have the benefit of people
on Council working with him,
namely his co-candidates on the
REACH ticket.
Granted that cohorts on Coun-
cil would be necessary for the new
president to be effective, we, as
candidates for the five open mem-
ber-at-large seats on Council,"
would like to make issue of Mr.
Bodkin's point.
FIRST, while it is true that Ed
Robinson is running as an inde-
pendent, he evidently has support
from other current members of
SGC, as indicated by endorsements
from 13 of the 20 people who have
served on SGC in the past year.
This could hardly be considered
a lack of availability of people to
work with.
Secondly, we would like to go on
record as being in support of Ed
Robinson's candidacy, in that we,
although not running on the same
ticket as Ed, feel that he is the
most qualified candidate for the
IN CONCLUSION, then, we can-
not see the mnerit in Mr. Bodkin's
point; indeed, we feel that the
evidence indicates that Ed Robin-
son has more support, current and
promised, than his opponent.
-John Kelly
-Dan Okrent
-Ruth Baumann
-Cheryl Dembe
(SCOPE candidates for




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Interference for SGC

Bodkin will carry the ball
through bone-shattering opposi-
tion on down the rugged football
field of life, while his leather-.
n e c k e d ham-fisted courageous
team runs brutal interference on
all fronts and against every foe.
Robinson will preside over Stu-
dent Government Council.
Bodkin will put problems under
the scope to see what their name
is, put them on the operating table
for emergency surgery, and run
them up the flag-pole for public
Robinson will oversee the func-
tioning of all SGC Committees.

grab the mainsheet and skipper
SOC to the front of the regatta,
skidding across the crests to clear-
cut-plain-as-day- front - runner-
number-one among all student or-
Robinson will continue to urge
that SGC cooperate with and work
through student organizations.
Bodkin will say the right thing
in the right way to the right peo-
ple when the time is right in the
right place under the right cir-
Robinson will persist in urging
that SGC use all available chan-
nels of communication and in-
A . T r nip WWWL, WC C M~


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