SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1966
"'"'""""3' i S
1 1 1LMV1GL '
' Held Under House Arrest)
Outlawed by
New Regime
Military Cites Coup;
Party Heads Face
Threat of Execution
SINGAPORE (P) - Indonesia's
anti-Communist army restricted
President Sukarno to his Jakarta
palace last night and held First
Deputy Premier Subandrio a vir-
tual prisoner there, informants
These reports reached Singa-
pore after Jakarta radio announc-
ed the nation's new strong man,
! Lt. Gen. Suharto, acting under
Sukarno's name, had dissolved and
outlawed Indonesia's huge Com-
munist party, world's largest out-
side the Communist bloc.
Next Steps
The next steps in the political
turmoil in the world's fifth largest
nation likely will be a purge of
pro-Communists from Sukarno's
99-man Cabinet and trials for
other pro-Chinese Communist of-
ficials, the informants said.
Some army leaders and others
have accused Sukarno of having
been involved in the Communist-
led attempted coup last Oct. 1.
Two Communist leaders have been
sentenced to death in connection
with that attempt and some re-
ports say they have been executed.
Neither Right Nor Left
In the broadcast of excerpts of
the palace ceremony, Suharto told
government officials Indonesia's
new regime will move neither to
the right nor the extreme left.
"We are already left," he said,
indicating the regime would main-
tain a leftist course.
That broadcast said Subandrio
was at the ceremony and it re-
ferred to him as the first deputy
premier. He also is foreign min-
This led the informants here to
speculate that Sukarno may only
have taken one step to the side
and two forward and still was
maneuvering to hold power. They
added, however, that subsequent
information reaching Singapore
indicated Sukarno no longer
wielded real power and that Su-
bandrio was being held virtually
a prisoner.
Account of Events
Singapore informants pieced to-
gether this account of the events
leading up to Suharto's rise to'
Suharto and Nasution managed
to get all the armed forces chiefs
on their side after a series of se-
cret meetings in Bandung and
Jakarta early this month.
They handed Sukarno an ulti-
matum early last .week to get rid
of Subandrio by Saturday. They
then began to move loyal troops
into Java from all parts of In-
donesia to reinforce their position.
Buildup Recognized
Sukarno realized the buildup
was aimed against him. He is also
believed to have been told that
the army had a document linking
Subandrio with illegal activities
planned with Foreign Minister
Chen Yi of Red China.
Chen Yi made several visits to
Indonesia last year and, Peking
has been accused of having had
a hand in the coup attempt.
Sukarno was confronted by the
generals late Friday and told that
the ultimatum to get rid of Su-
bandrio by Saturday had been
' updated and strengthened. Su-
earno was now to turn over all
power to the army.
Sukarno finally signed a docu-
ment delegating these powers to
Suharto just before midnight
-Associated Press
In Viet Nam
Analysts Point Out
Peking Newspaper t
Articles' Implications
TOKYO 0P-Could Communist3
China be about to make some
major political or military retreatt
in Viet Nam?
The question is intriguing an-
alysts and diplomats following a
series of three articles in the'
Peking People's Daily. These ac-
knowledged some recent but un-
specified setbacks and counseled9
the Chinese people not to be
panic-stricken if "great uphea-
vals" lie ahead.
First Review
The first of these reviews by
Peking of its own hard revolution-
ary line was published in Peking
Wednesday. The theme of all three
was that the revolutionary road
has hills and valleys, twists and
turns. Borrowing imagery from the
sea, they also spoke of the ebb
and the tide and the undulation
of waves.
The lesson cited from these ups
and downs was that though the
revolutionary line may retreat to-
day it will advance tomorrow; the
curve, despite momentary disap-
pointments, is always upward.
Students of Chinese affairs here
have noted the unusual similarity
of these articles to those which
appeared in official organs just
prior to China's retreat from its
"great leap forward" program in
1959 and its cease-fire in the For-
mosa Strait bombardment of 1958.
In the same way, when it be-
came apparent that the indus-
trialization of the "great leap for-
Iward" period had stumbled, a live-
ly debate ensued over the cyclical
nature of economics. The failures
of today will be overtaken tomor-
row the theorists said.
Difference Noted
The difference between this
cycle ad prosperity followed 'by
depression in the capitalist na-
tions was that the Communists
were in control and the lines on
the graph moved ever upward.
The Chinese met their problem
then by decentralizing the rural
In the latest series of self-ana-
lyses, the Chinese did not refer
specifically to Viet Nam, nor to
Indonesia, nor Cuba nor Ghana-
all places where they have suf-
fered rebuffs in recent months.
Consequently, any talk of re-
adjustments would seem to point
toward the Viet Nam conflict.
There is nothing firm to go on
for speculation that there may be
something in the wind concerning
Viet Nam. But this is the most im-
portant area of Chinese involve-
ment at this time.
De Gaulle Se
PARIS (P)-President Charles de I
Gaulle believes the world crisisIl
center has moved from Europe to a
Asia, and he no longer sees anyp
need for any Atlantic alliancemil-s
itary organization.
He t ld North Atlantic Treatyo
Organization members this in dip- e,
lomatic notes handed to ambassa-
dors in Paris on Wednesday andS
Thursday. The text of the notesn
was released yesterday.p
The messages said France was -
withdrawing the remaining forces
it has assigned to NATO com-
mands, and that two principal
NATO military headquarters
should leave French territory.
' Close Bases
An additional section of the note
to the United States said France
could accept on its territory only
forces and installations that fell
completely under French com-
mand. This was a clear invita-
tion for the United States to
close down most, if not all, of its
40 supply bases or headquarters
on French soil. Specifically men-
tioned was the big headquarters
of U.S. forces in Europe at Saint
The text of the note made it
clear this is an irreversible deci-
sion, and there is practically noth-
ing left to negotiate.
No Longer Menace
The notes said there is no long-
er any "immediate and menacing"
danger to Europe and that the
European nations have economic-
ally recovered so they can better
take care of themselves. Besides,
France has its own atom bomb
which cannot be integrated into
an allied defense system.
De Gaulle is expected to seek
new ties with the Soviet Union as
he cuts his North Atlantic Treaty
Organization links with the United
States and other Western pow-
ers. U.S. officials think he prob-
ably will conclude a French-So-
viet non-aggression pact when hEs
visits Moscow in June.
Johnson administration leaders
still hope that after De Gaulle
relinquishes power some day new
leaders with popular French back-
ing will modify if not renounce
his diplomatic policy.
- -
De Gaulle has compelled U.S.,, NATO, not the United States and
British, West German and other France alone.
allied leaders to face up to the Then in a statement on Wed-
probability that the NATO defense nesday the Gaullist regime served
structure is obsolete. notice on the world that it is
De Gaulle served notice on all not interested in negotiating a
of NATO members that he intend- compromise revision of the NATO
ed to recover full command of military system but only in mak-
;wo French divisions and the air ing arrangements to handle "the
squadrons stationed in West Ger- practical consequences of the
many. Johnson replied that the measures which it proposes to
>roblems are for action by all of take."
es No Need For
CoNNIE says .
Flpnnnt .~ nnrn n r y~c in
0 *
ABOVE, FROM LEFT, ARE RECENTLY deposed Indonesian foreign minister Subandrio, Lt.
Gen. Suharto, the new chief-of-state, and President Sukarno, who will reportedly serve only as a
Viet Nam Students Buddhists
9ZBdhssD emonstrate Against Ouster
North Atlantic Military Alliance
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By The Associated Press
Students and Buddhists, pow-
erful factors in past Saigon up-
heavals, protested at meetings in
four cities against the military
government's dismissal of Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Chanh Tri. Some off-
duty Vietnamese troops took part.
More demonstrations of a sim-
ilar nature are expected. There
was no immediate indication
whether they may gain enough
momentum to threaten Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky's nine-month-old
Changes Demanded
In Saigon, one of the leading
Buddhist organizations demanded
a number of changes which it
said should be carried out to
implement Viet Nam's revolution.
The Buddhist Institute meeting
in Saigon went beyond the ques-
tion of the removal of one man,
setting out broad demands that
have been voiced in the past by
the group.
Buddhists referred to a need
for a national assembly and, by
inference, to a return to civil gov-
The biggest of the demonstra-
tions took place at Da Nang, 1st
Corps headquarters. About 3000
persons, mostly students and off-
duty soldiers, held an orderly meet-
ing in the downtown square.
Speakers in Da Nang denounc-
ed the Saigon government as "just
like that of Diem and Ho Chi
Civilian Opposition
U.S. civilian authorities are op-
posed to mining or bombing Hai-
phong because, they believe, it
would raise the risk of a clash
with Red China. They argue also
that seaborne supplies are not of
prime importance because most of
the Communist war materiel comes
overland from China.
There is civilian opposition to
mining or a blockade on grounds
this might force the Soviet Un-
ion's hand and might bring on
trouble with U.S. allies whose
ships operate into Haiphong.
Governors Unanimous
Meanwhile, governors of 38
states met with President John-
son yesterday and afterwards vot-
ed unanimously that they "whole-:
heartedly support and endorse" his
policies in Viet Nam.
Senate Republicans have reach-
ed what they call remarkable unity
in support of President Johnson's
prosecution of a limited war in
Viet Nam.
Sen. Karl E. Mundt of South
Dakota said, "We are solidly sup-
porting a measured military effort
in Viet Nam. So long as the
President avoids the kind of esca-
lation that might bring Chinese
intervention, we will be with him."
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
8 astronauts yesterday received a
green light for a Tuesday launch-
ing after they resolved a space-
craft hatch-closing problem.
The spacemen, Neil A. Arm-
strong and David R. Scott, report-
ed they were ready for the three-
day journey during which they are
to make four separate hookups
with another satellite and Scott
is to step into space for a record
walk of nearly 2%/2 hours.
WASHINGTON - Revolution-
ary values are beginning to decay
in Communist China and its aging
leadership "may create external
problems" to deal with the situa-
tion, Sen. Stuart Symington (D-
Mo) reported yesterday.
In a heavily consored account
of a six-week trip to the Far East
last December and January he re-
ported also that the eyesight of
72-year-old Mao Tze-tung is fail-
Symington said that Chinese
Communist Premier Chou En-lai
is No. 3 in the hierarchy, "But it
is believed that he is a little sus-
pect at this time-too many out-
side contacts and he does not seem}
to be as inflexible as the leader-
ship would like."
OTTAWA - Gerda Munsinger,
whose name is linked to Canada's
boiling sex-security scandal, was
reported yesterday preparing a
quicktrip to Canada to dispute a
charge that she was a spy or a
security risk to a former defense
But Canada's immigration de-
partment raised a question wheth-
er she could be permitted to return
to this country from her native
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March 13
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"The Christian Encounter in Marriage"
Rev. John Kirvan, C.S.P.
March 16 8:00 P.M.
"Christian Courtship and Preparation for Marriage"
Msgr. John F. Bradley
March 13, 1966 through April 3, 1966
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8:00 P.M.
"The Physical and Medical Aspects of Marriage"
Dr. Geno Rose Pahucki
Dr. Mikio Hiraga
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March 23
"Responsible Parenthood and Birth Control"
Msgr. John F. Bradley
8:00 P.M.
March 27
"The Psychological Adjustments in Marriage"
Mr. Timothy Ryan
NESDAY March 30 8:00 P M.