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March 13, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-13

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See Editorial Page

Lileti Yigan
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

743 4F
at ly,

Low 35
remaining steady







Defeat, 84-77

'M' Shoots










Cold 37.6%
From Floor
Damnpier, Riley Lead
Hot Wildcats Into
NCAA Finals Play
Acting Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-These two schools
-Michigan and Kentucky-pro-
bably never really wanted to meet.
Their respective fans certainly
were not in favor of it.
On Friday night the Wolverines
conscientiously plugged for Day-
ton in the opener, while the Wild-
cats' femme fatales stood up and
rah-rahed it for Western Ken-
Well, the question now is: Can
Pat Riley shoot a basketball across
the Potomac? He is a long shot
to do it.
The 84-77 game that was lost
here last night was hard-fought
and harder won. But, though they
give A's for effort, the NCAA has
not yet come up with a point
system for it.
If a 51.4 per cent shooting blaze
from the floor doesn't tell the
story, then nothing will. Michigan
could only pull out with 37.6 per
cent last night.
In the end, rebounding was too
big a factor also. The Blue didn't
have the edge there that they
needed. A tie was all they could
manage. Pat Riley was, beyond
r4 any doubt, the biggest'of the long
rifles among Kentucky's Dan'l
Boones. The Cats could look for
him whenever they got into trou-
ble under the pressure of a tight
man-to-man defense which was
tough to get by in the final per-
iod. In spite of Kentucky's effi-
0 ciency on the floor-their offense
was a perpetual motion machine
of cuts down the lane and picks
on the side-the Blue stayed lose
with them at every turn.
But the screens at the top of
the key gave Riley his chances
time after time, and the boy
{ bounder came through royally,
finishing with a team high of 29
Moving out from under the bur-
den of a 10-point deficit from the
first half the Wolverines moved
and rebounded with overwhelming
effect for eight sharp minutes.
This was no streaking Michigan.
team, mind you, but the ball start-
ed bouncing evenly for a time, and
the Blue had control of the boards.
Cazzie Russell came on strong in
the second half and quickly open-
ed things up with a perfect jump-
er from 10 feet out. It was only
then that it appeared as if the
atmosphere was getting a little
friendlier .... well, at least it was
quieter. Russell came back with
a' pair off the charity stripe and
Darden slammed the boards and
came up with a pretty tip-in.
Adding these new-found phe-
nomena was the up-to-this-point
inconceivable fact that the Wild-
cats were missing. But Louie Dam-
pier clamped down hard when it
became clear that the Blue were
storming back hot on their heels,
and hit with a big set shot from
the top of the key. tad f
M1 After that there was a trade of
baskets, and Russell returned to
the limelight again with another
jumper from the outside.
With a lot of swarming on the
boards Michigan was finally get-
ting back into the game and it
surged ahead at 53-52 on a jump-
See WILDCAT, Page 7

l7Ae 1MJi43tZn Pilove

Resignation Sparks



Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith has
reiterated his support for the new Selective Service policy of
class ranking for determination of student deferments. In an
interview with the Detroit News he took issue with Howard R.
Neville provost of Michigan State University who had been
quoted as supporting random selection of college students as
opposed to drafting from the lower 25 per cent.
Smith said that while Neville's arguments are plausible, they
represent "a social objective, not an educational one. You have
to go back and rediscover the rationale behind student defer-
ments. that there is more than one way to serve your country.
It has been determined that we need skilled manpower and
trained leadership as well as soldiers, and that those in the top
half of their class are the best able to provide it. Grades do
mean a great deal; I just can't subscribe to the idea that they
are meaningless and completely arbitrary.
A group of students from the University of Kansas visited
the University recently to find out about the Residential College
,and pilot project. The Kansas group met with the faculty and
student Residential College planning committees to get ideas for
a similar project at Kansas,
Burton D. Thuma, director of the Residential College, said
yesterday, "I think it is good that we have enough fame that
students at another university are interested in coming to
observe our operations."
Dr. Myron Wegman, dean of the School of Public Health,
left Friday for the first leg of a trip to Viet Nam. He is one of
a 15-member presidential task force which will survey the edu-
cational and health needs of the Vietnamese people.
The group, headed by Welfare Secretary John W. Gardner,
will divide up into health and education to help plan an intensi-
fied attack on hunger, ignorance, and disease.
Dr. Wegman said before his departure that although the one-
week trip seemed too short for such a survey, he was anxious to
go because "I have reached the conclusion that health work is
the best way to break down the language and cultural barriers
to achieve peace and understanding."
Petitioning for five one-year terms on Joint Judiciary Council
will open Monday, March 14 and end Monday, March 21 at 5
p.m., John Weiler, '67, secretary of Joint Judiciary, said yester-
To qualify for a position on the council, a student must
have junior standing or have been in residence at the University
three semesters. He must also be a student in good standing and
should have a broad interest in University affairs.
A group of representatives from Volunteers in Service to
America (VISTA) will hold recruiting interviews on campus
March 14 through March 18.
VISTA volunteers perform services on Indian reservations,
among migrant farm workers, in urban slums and in rural
poverty pockets. Applicants may request work in specific geo-
graphical areas of the United States and indicate their preference
of assignments.
Long Distance
"The Paper" became an authorized student publication at
Michigan State University Thursday afternoon after a chaotic
series of events on the East Lansing campus. official recognition
for the dissident student newspaper started last fall by former
Michigan State News editorial director Michael Kindman was
granted by the University's Board of Student Publications.
An open meeting of the Board of Student Publications was
adjourned by members less than five minutes after it began
when a graduate student Richard Trilling interrupted Board
Chairman Frank Senger by reading a three minute statement. At
Kindman's appeal a second closed meeting was held on the Union
sun porch. Three student photographers reportedly climbed out
a window on the second floor stairwell attempting to get a picture
of the private meeting. They were unsuccessful. Emerging
victoriously from the meeting Kindman told the crowd of his
success and then pointed to the demonstrators who had inter-
rupted the meeting saying, "Those clods out there had nothing
to do with it. In fact they almost messed up the whole deal."


THE ASCETIC IMAGE of religion is a thing of the past at the Canterbury House, a favorite spot for weekend entertainment on cam-
pus. Here folk-singer Pat Reynolds entertains the crowd.
Where Liberals Find Conservatism
And Religion Are Not Synonymous

By HARRIET DEUTCH rector and Congregational minis- afternoon.
ter, the Rev. J. Edgar Edwards open from
Are you frantically s el11i ng feels that the Guild "is an exple- 1kI~
everything you own to buy a tick- rience of growth and tolerance, Edwards
et to Florida, New York or Ypsi- broad-mindedness and as a per- dents for
lanti? You needn't; there are two son." The Guild offers a "multi- feels that
places on this campus where you faceted" program including dis- "where the
angawayfromitllwithoutcussions, entertainment and facil- servatism
spending a penny. Behind both ities where one may study, hold a necessarily
doors lie the challenge of discus- conversation or listen to hi-fi. courages e

The Guild House
8 p.m.-1 a.m.


sion or the relief of solude in an
atmosphere of friendly coziness.
One door leads to the Canterbury
House, the other to the Guild
The Guild is an organization
sponsored by the Congregation,
the Disciple, the Evangelical and
the Reform churches. Guild di-

Every Monday, Tuesday and Fri-
day, luncheons are held followed
by a discussion. The Tuesday
lunch deals with a matter of cur-
rent concern and the Friday lunch
picks one specific area of this
problem for discussion. Informal
discussions are also held every
other Friday evening and Sunday

to come a
open forum
of conflicts
is increasi
world, notT
in the late
the pulpit.

aven for Liberals
sa member of the Stu-
Democratic Society,
the Guild is a place
e liberal finds that con-
and religion are not
synonymous." He en-
everybody and anybody
'nd make the Guild "an
m forthe presentation
ing ideas."
feels that the ministry
ngly interested "in the
merely reading about it
st theological essays or
about it from behind
As a faculty advisor to

Student Loan Campaign Rolls
Despite Government Opposition

Stanford Considering P
GradingS Syste onPr

WASHINGTON (-P)-A drive to committees, told a reporter there
continue the government's direct will be an all-out fight to restore
college student loan, program in every penny of the funds for the
full force gathered momentum in loans.
Congress during the week despite "This attempt to end the Na-
Johnson administration opposi- tional, Defense Education Act loan
tion. !,program is a dagger in the back
Sen. Ralph W. Yarboroguh (D- of higher education in this coun-
Tex), a member of the Senate try," he declared.
Education a n d Appropriations "Does the 'Great Society' mean
that we talk about education but
falter when it comes time to pay
the bills?"
President Johnson's budget, sent
to Congress in January, proposed
to kill the defense education loan
Ss or Failpiogram and shift to a federally
guaranteed and subsidized loan
plan included in the 1965 Higher
Education Act.
But, in the face of an outcry in
Congress and many protests from
colleges and universities, the ad-
ministration reversed itself and
cause his own paper will probably announced $150 million would be
not be as good as that of an Eng- made available for the direct loans
lish major?" in the next year.
Skepticism was reflected by It said this would make it cer-
Robert A. Walker, chairman of tain a student could get a loan
Stanford's general studies, who for the college year starting next
asserted that grades are "inevit- September if none of the new
able and unavoidable." One stu- guaranteed loans was available
Anf yininari fthnnninn f __ - 1.]- +- -

Long-time supporters of the de-
fense education program at the
Capitol note that these loans
mostly went to families with in-
comes under $6,000.
They say there is no assurance
that private lenders would be able
to fill the gap left by termination
of the loans and some positive
evidence they will not.
Rep. Edith Green - (D-Ore),
chairman of the House Education
subcommittee on higher education,
told Welfare Department officials
last week she opposes the plan to
kill the loans.
"What is the purpose of this
proposal, to make the budget look
good for next year or to let kids
go to college?" she demanded.
Rep. John Brademas (D-Ind),
a subcommittee member, said he
will not "be a rubber stamp for
the administration" on its plan.
Yarborough said he has been
told already that students are hav-
ing troubles getting the guaran-
teed loans. One, he said, was asked
by a bank to open an account be-
fore it would advance him any
The Texan pointed out that the
Treasury will pay a subsidy to the

the Student Committee Against
Apartheid, he, joined in a picket
line protest of Chrysler Corpora-
tion's heavy financial investment
in South Africa last year. He also
maintains a close relationship with
The Student Nonviolent Coordin-
ating Committee and Ann Arbor
Friends of SNCC.
The philosophy and also the
reasons for successful motivation
in Guild House are met in Rev.
Edward's words: "This campus
ministry is an open association of
students and faculty where the
individual search is. respecte and
encouraged. We acknowledge a'
Christian orientation, endeavor
seriously to examine and question
the assumptions of society, and
seek to make the Christian mes-
sage relevant to the campus 'and
the wider community through
participation in social action."
Helpful and Needed
The popularity of the Canter-
bury House, sponsored by the
Episcopalian Church is proof that
it is a very helpful and needed
enterprise. Started by Rev. Dan
Burke and Rev. Martin Bell, the
Canterbury House was conceived
on a Tuesday in September and
opened the same Friday.
It also is open all day for stu-
dents to use its study and recre-
atio nal facilities. Its success can
be measured however by the tre-
mendous number of people that
jam into it each Friday and Sat-
urday night to relax in its friend-
ly atmosphere of intimate discus-
sions, twangy guitar music and
humorous poetry readings. "We
vary the program to get a variety
of people to come," says Bell.
As for the part that religion
plays in the functioning of the
Canterbury House-, Burke says
"What isn't religion? Whenever
people come together to freely dis-
cuss ideas, religion is present. At
the Canterbury House, we just
don't try to push it in any mold."
Growing Role
Burke and Bell forsee a growing
role for the ministry to play in
relating the student to the uni-
versity and the world. The re-
ligious leaders must always be
searching for new ways to express
what must be expressed, they said.
As for the future of the Canter-

Give Praise
And Censure
Faxon Conniends
Regent's Integrity;
Others Hit Dual Role
The resignation of Eugene
Power from the Board of Regents
Friday prompted praise yesterday
for his educational accomplish-
ments and criticism of his business
dealings with the University over
the past years.
Power resigned shortly after the
release of Michigan Attorney Gen-
eral Frank Kelley's legal opinion
that he was in a substantial con-
flict of interest in his business
dealings with the University.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
whose House subcommittee on
higher education asked for the at-
torney general's opinion, praised
Power as a man of high moral in-
tegrity and personal courage with
"a distinguished record of service
to the people of this state."
George F. Montgomery (D-De-
troit), a member of Faxon's com-
mittee, said "the only real solu-
tion for Power is to resign proper-
ly, unless he is willing to sell his
interest in Xerox Corp. (UMI is
a subsidiary of Xerox) or relin-
quish his position as a director,
which I doubt."
Regent Carl Brablee described
Power's resignation as a result of
being a victim of circumstance.
"What really bothers me," said
Regent Irene Murphy, "is that we
are now engaged in the process
of selecting a new president, our
most crucial task.
"This only comes along ever 10
or 15 years, and it takes a major
part of one term to understand the
University and the kind of leader-
ship it needs," Mrs. Murphy added.
Senate Majority Leader Ray-
mond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) ex-
pressed 'disappointment at "the
loss to the state of a man who as
regent has done so much for
higher education."
Sen. Roger Craig (D-Dearborn)
a member of the appropriations
committee, blasted Power, saying
that "if there is any worry about
losing the democratic majority on
the board, any individual who has
voted for tuition increases is no
great loss." Power voted for last
summer's tuition increase.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) said, "I have greatest per-
sonal liking and respect for Mr.
Power. I feel he did the correct
thing considering what seems to
be a irreconciable conflict."
As faculty and student efforts
to attempt to retain Power con-
tinued, a spokesman for the At-
torney General's office said yes-
terday that Sec. 291 of the Michi-
gan Election Code says that when
a Regent chooses to resign the
Governor and Secretary of State
"shall be notified."
Power's letter, however, was
sent to University Secretary Erich
A. Walter with instructions that a
copy be sent to each Regent.
Nothing has been sent to the
Governor or Secretary of State,
it was learned. The letter was
understood to have been written
to the Regents on advice of coun-
Regent Irene Murphy said last
night of Power's letter of resigna-
tion, "I hope to receive a request
for consultation with his regental
colleagues about his intention to
resign from the board."
University legal sources said
that, at present, the legal status
of the letter might not preclude
the Regents from studying the
attorney general's renort and con-

Stanford University may soon
institute a partial pass or fail
grading system on an optional
basis. The move would parallel
the elimination of the tradition
letter grade system for all courses,
recently inititated by other uni-

Two advantages to the pass or
fail system are that students will
be encouraged to take courses out-
side of their major field of study
and that students with high grade
averages will no longer have their
averages jeopardized by courses
for which they may not have much
ha ,.mrnA hnf h xImnh hn A _ in-

A sample of student opinion re-
vealed what teachers at Stanford
had expected: most students and
faculty would prefer to have a
pass or fail system.
Funk remarked that "students
have always complained about
-pressure" and admitted that grade
ann,,r onn coo"a n.,.nn 4' Anal n'o

> A
' t


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