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March 11, 1966 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-03-11

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'f'it MtCfflGAN DAILY

I AA'! MARCH 114 966


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Mtnsfield Says Johnson
'Not Considering Blockade

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i WASHINGTON-Senate Demo- of uneasiness spread among some i
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield said senators that Johnson may be con- I4
yesterday he does not believe sidering fresh action to diminish ]
President Johnson is giving con- military supplies reaching the 1
sideration at this time to propos- Viet Cong in South Viet Nam.
als to blockade North Viet Nam Taylor Statement |
ports. Sen. Karl E. Mundt, (R-S.D.),

Mansfield said in an interview
he thinks any action to mine the
harbor of Haiphong, bomb the
docks there or intercept supply
shihps would bring a confronta-
tion with the Soviet Union that
might drive the Soviets and the
Chinese Communists closer to-
He gave his views as a feeling

Friday, March 11 at
7:15 P.M. promptly
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a member of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, said in a
separate interview that this feel-
ing is based on a statement by
Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor in which
he said that he is inclined to be-1
believe the time has been reachedl
tot mine the Haiphong harbor
from the air to cut off shipping.
Taylor, a part-time presidential
adviser, said he was giving only
his personal opinion. But Mundt
said he doubts the general would
have made such a statement with-
out at least tacit White House ap-
This and other Viet Nam war
questions were likely to be raised
in a Senate debate on a $415 mil-
lion foreign aid authorization, in-
cluding $275 million in emergency
funds for South Viet Nam.
No Enthusiasm
Sen. J. W. Fulbright, (D-Ark.),
chairman of the Foreign Relations
Committee, turned over manage-
ment of the measure to Sen.
John J. Sparkman, (D-Ala.). Ful-
bright, a critic of Johnson's Viet
Nam policies, said he lacked en-
thusiasm for the bill.
The committee, in recommend-
ing approval of the measure Wed-:

nesday, said it has doubts expen-
ditures in South Viet Nam will
provide a better life for the people
"Until the military situation
improves," the committee said,
"our aid program is likely to be'
little more than a holding opera-
tion keeping the wolves of ram-
pant inflation away from the door
and providing relief where needed.
"The committee hopes that the
officials of the South Vietnamese
government will vigorously pur-
sue a program of economic and
social deforms as pledged in the
Declaration of Honolulu. This
committee will remain skeptical
until words are matched with
Sen. Frank Church, (D-Idaho),
and Joseph S. Clark, (D-Pa.), said
a supplemental statement t h e
committee's inquiry into Viet Nam
policy produced evidence the rea-
sons for the "present size and
scope of United States involve-
ment in Southeast Asia are sub-
ject to question" and raise the
danger of the war becoming
Clark and Church announced
they would vote for the bill but
agreed with Sen. George McGov-
ern, (D-S.D.), that this would not
reflect "a ratification" of the con-
duct of the war or indicate any
future commitment. The bill al-
ready has passed the House.
Halt Shipping
Mundt said he suspects that in
time there will be action to halt
the shipping of supplies to North
Viet Nam.
"I think the time is going to
come when we will have to act to
cut of f the supplies that are go-
ing into Haiphong," Mundt said.
"There are several ways it can be
done and I would not be surprised
if some action is taken soon."

Officers, Students
Press Sukarno To
Remove Communist
SINGAPORE (M - Indonesia's
President Sukarno was harried
yesterday by army officers de-
manding ouster of pro-Communist
Foreign Minister Subandrio and
further harassed- by students who
sacked Red China property in Ja-
karta, according to reports reach-
ing Singapore. Thirty-three Red
China diplomats and newsmen
were reported injured.
Reliable sources here said the
students were gtting ready for a
"D-Day" and predicted: "The next
72 hours in Jakarta may see some
big changes."
Sukarno, meeting with leaders
of eight political parties in ener-
gency session, described the situ-
ation as "grave" Radio Jakarta
Informants here said army lead-
ers told Sukarno to get rid of
Subandrio by tomorrow, but an-
other source said no ultimatum
had been presented yet.
"When they give him this ulti-
matum, he is only going to have
about three hours to act," this
source said.
"Radio Peking said the Chinese
Embassy lodged a strong protest
with the Indonesian Foreign
Ministry against the attacks yes-
terday on the consulate general
and the home of the commercial
attache as well as the one Wed-
nesday morning against the bu-
reau of Peking's New China News
Mentioned 25
Peking mentioned only 25 in-
jured, among them Commercial
Counsellor Wang Pin and Consul
Ma Teng-chieh. NCNA said three
correspondents and two other em-
ployes were hurt.
Travelers reaching Singapore
from Jakarta said students, led by
the proarmy Kami organization,
attacked the Chinese consulate--
previous reports had identified the
building as the embassy-yester-
day and later the home of the
commercial attache.

John F. Fairbank, professor of history and director of the East Asian Research Center at Harvard
University, testified yesterday at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing. Fairbank said he
doubted Red China would permit the unification of Viet Nam as a buffer state.
Additional Funds To Prevent
SPossible 'Governmnent Failure




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Mansfield said, however, that
Taylor was speaking on his own
and not in his capacity as a for-
mer ambassador to Saigon or a
presidential adviser.
"I feel that the President is not
giving any serious consideration
to any such move at this time," he
The Democratic leader said that
State and Defense Department
studies indicate that allied and
neutral shipping to North Viet
Nam has been reduced drastically.
No Consultation
Senate Republican leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen said he was voic-
ing only his own idea when he
proposed in a speech to the Veter-
ans of Foreign Wars the institu-
tion of a quarantine against Hal-1
phong. He said he hadn't consult-
ed Taylor or the White House
about it.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits, (R-N.Y.),
said he couldn't agree with Dirk-
sen's proposal He said he feels
that increased diplomatic pressure
should be brought on U.S. allies
and neutrals to keep their ships
out of the harbor.
"Afterall," he said, "when the
late President Kennedy quarantin-
ed Cuba, he was acting in defense
of our own coast line. We don't
have a similar situation in Viet


at midnight-

a showing of
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(Continued from Page 3)
endorsed a firm policy of military
"Dirty War"
He said the United States is
"stuck in a dirty war," a civil war,
and criticized current U.S. opera-
tions in South Viet Nam.
He said the U.S. effort nowI
seems too destructive.
But he said also, the stakes in
Viet Nam are worth the risks.
"The problem of power relations
has to be faced," he said. "Per-
haps power has to be used in
smaller wars if we are to avoid
bigger wars."
While Sen. John Sparkman (D-
Ala.) was telling the Senate that
lack of fresh aid might imperil
the South Vietnamese govern-
ment, the White House kept an
eye on a shakeup in the regime of
South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky.
His government ousted Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Chanh Thi, one of its
most powerful figures, apparently
without a major crisis.
Johnson was advised during the
night of developments within the
Saigon regime, the White House
"We're still waiting for details,"
said deputy press secretary Robert
H. Fleming.
Sparkman said he hopes the
South Vietnamese government will
carry out vigorously the social and
economic reforms it has pledged.
"If the Ky government does not
live up to its promises," he said,
"we may find ourselves in the
position of defeating the Viet
Cong and losing the war.
Aid Programs
"I cannot say that the passage
of this bill will mark a turning
point in the war or in creating a
better way of life for the unfor-
tunate people of Viet Nam."
But he said the new funds would
continue U.S. aid programs de-
signed to curb inflation and aid
South Vietnamese villages.
"Without additional economic
aid, it is quite possible that infla-
tionary pressures could lead to
collapse of the Saigon government
-with the Viet Cong as the only
beneficiary," he added.
He said at the outset, "I do not
consider a vote on this aid bill


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Paris (R) - Charles de Gaulle
talks about remaining faithful to-
the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-
ization but pulling his military
forces out of NATO.I
Many listeners think this sounds'
like double talk, but from the
French point of view there is
logic in what he says. French of-
ficials explain De Gaulle's stand
this way:
The treaty was signed April 4,
1949. It says:
"The parties agree that an arm-
ed attack against one or more of
them shall be considered an attack
against them all; and consequent-
ly they agree that, if such an
armed attack occurs, each of them
will assist the party or parties so
attacked by taking forthwith, in-
dividually and in concert with the
other parties, such action as it
deems necessary, including the
use of armed force."
No Intention
De Gaulle says France has no
intention of renouncing the treaty
when this becomes possible in
1969, 20 years after it came into
The North Atlantic Council, the
administrative body set up by the
treaty, met in September 1949. It
began establishing the military
framework to plan for the day
when the Soviet Union-at whiich
NATO was primarily aimed -
might try to push across Western
At the council's fifth session it
was decided to create "an inte-
grated military force adequate for
the defense of freedom in Europe."
It was decided to name a Supreme

as a vote for or against our poli-
cies in Viet Nam."
Sparkman guided the bill to
passage after Sen. J. W. Fulbright
(D. Ark.), chairman of the For-
eign Relations Committee, shunn-
ed the task. He has sharply criti-
cized Johnson's Asian policy.
Morse concentrated much of his
fire yesterday on $25 million the
aid measure would provide for the
Dominican Republic.,

The aim of his move, Morse
said, was to try to bring the Or-
ganization of American States
into the financing and thus avoid
appearance that the United States
is intervening alone. His amend-
ment was crushed 75-7.
Morse told the Senate he op-
poses the Viet Nam aid bill be-
cause it "violates in my judgment
our system of checks and bal-

De Gaulle: Will Stay iAO
lBut Will Withdraw Military

Allied Commander for Europe and
to set up a headquarters; SHAPE,
near Paris. Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower got the job.
Integrated Force
The "integrated military force"'
idea was not written into the
treaty, although it says the sign-
ers "are resolved to unite their ef-
forts for collective defense."
France and other NATO coun-
tries, except Iceland which has
no army, took part in the inte-
grated commands.
De Gaulle was then in self-im-
posed political exile. When he re-
turned to govern France in mid-
1958, he started divorcing France
from the integrated force. The
pull-out will move steadily ahead,

De Gaulle indicated Wednesday.
Thus France proposes to stay
with the treaty, but not with the
military machinery.
De Gaulle also objects that
there are foreign - mostly Rmer-
ican - bases on his soil and that
he has no direct control of them.
He is willing, he says, to let the
Americans stay on in France -
under French command. T h e
United States, officials here say,
won't stand for this.
So the prospect is that most if
not all of the 26,000 American
troops in France will be gone by
early 1969. This is the deadline
De Gaulle has set to fix French
"sovereignty" over foreign forces
in France.

Two Astronauts To Attempt
Four Hookups with Agena


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nauts Neil A. Armstrong and
David R. Scott will attempt four
separate hookups with an Agena
satellite during next week's Gem-
ini 8 flight. Scott will walk in
space for two hours and 40
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration disclosed
these and other details of the
flight plan yesterday as the as-
tronauts, their backups and launch
controllers ran through several
Armstrong and Scott and the

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backups, Charles Conrad Jr. and
Richard F. Gordon Jr., alternated
climbing into the Gemini 8 space
ship as they practiced phases of
the launching and mission and
some emergency procedures.
Proceeding Smoothly
Officials reported everything
proceeding smoothly toward Tues-
day's doubleheader launching.
An Atlas-Agena rocket is sched-
uled to blast off at 10 a.m. EST
to hurl the Agena into orbit as
a docking target for Gemini 8.
Armstrong and Scott are to take
off at 11:41 atop a Titan 2 rocket
to pursue the 26-foot Agena across
105,000 miles of space, catching it
during the fourth orbit.
The space agency aid Gemini 8
will rendezvous with the Agena
about 51/2 hours after the astro-
nauts set sail and that the first
linkup will occur about an hour
The two craft will remain an-
chored together as one rigid ve-
hicle while the astronauts sleep
for 71/2 hours. Early the morning
of the second day-20 hours, 25
minutes into the flight-Scott is
to open his hatch and slip into
spaceron the end of a 25-foot
He will mount a camera on the
side of the spacecraft, activate a
micrometeorite detection device on
the Agena and experiment with a
power tool.



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