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February 23, 1966 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-23

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Colleges Expect New Surge of Veterans


By The Associated Press
U.S. colleges and universities-
many already bursting at the
seams-are bracing for a surge of
student veterans under the new
GI bill.
Estimates ofhthe number of ex-
servicemen who may take ad-
vantage of the educational bene-
fits range up to 250,000. The to-
tal is expected to mount steadily
for years.
Many schools, short of class-
room space and housing, can han-
dle few extra applicants. Others
foresee that the government's
tougher policy on draft defer-
mients will ease the crush by re-
moving second-rate scholars.
In general, school authorities
throughout the country voiced de-
termination to fit the GI's into
their student bodies somehow.
. School officials predicted that
the influx of veterans would raise
the overall quality of campus
thinking. One who expressed this
view, based on experience with
veterans under the World War
II and Korean GI bills, was Dean
Clarence C. Walton of Columbia
University's School of General
No Nonsense
"We called them 'no-nonsense'
students," said Dean Walton.
"They were hard-working, intel-
lectually curious, ready to ques-
tion accepted ideas - in short,
fine students."
The brunt of the enrollment in-
crease is likely to fall on tuition-
free schools supported by the
states, because unlike past GI bills
the new 'one does not provide for
tuition fees. It gives veterans $100
a month-just about enough for
room and board at most institu-
However, scholarship, low-inter-
est loans and other student aid
programs are booming, and many
veterans will be able to pay their
way at privately operated schools.
In Wisconsin, Eugene McPhee,
director of the state's nine uni-
versities, estimated the GI bill

might result in an extra 7000 en-
try applications. McPhee said he
had planned on accommodating
47,000 students for the term start-
ing next September and .any to-
tal over 50,000 "could create prob-
George L. Simpson, Jr., charl-
cellor of the regents who admin-
ister Georgia's university system
of 52,000 students, commented:
"We're crowded, but we'll do
the best we can. In one way or an-
other, one place or another, we'll
be able to accommodate the GI's."
Dr. Novice G. Fawcett, president
of Ohio State University, which
has an enrollment of 35,000, said
the school is developing a system
of branch campuses and should be
able to take the veterans in stride.
"The situation could change
with a cessation of hostilities in
Viet Nam;" he added.
G. W. Smith, registrar of the
University of Miami in Florida,
predicted a large enrollment in-
crease, particularly among grad-
uate students.
"Our problem is a shortage of
resident housing," Smith said. "We
have the classrooms and equip-
William Tanis, dean of admis-
sions at the University of Massa-
chusetts-enrollment 13,000 - was
"I wouldn't anticipate any prob-
lems," Tunis said. "The pressure
on colleges won't be the same as
in 1945. There simply aren't that
many GI's around."
Registrar W. Byron Shipp of
the University of Texas felt the
same way, but added: "the in-
creased enrollment wouldn't be
anything like after World War II
unless there is a peace settlement
in Viet Nam, the draft breaks
up, and everybody is turned loose
all at once."
Conrad Wedberg, director of ad-
missions at the privately operated
University of Southern California,
thought that institutions which

charge tuition would feel little im-
USC enrollment of 17,500 is 2500
short of capacity but it has a
$1500 tuition fee.
"Room and board here are about
$1000 a year, so the GI will prob-
ably take his $100 a month and
go to a free college," Wedberg
Tax-supported University of
California at Los Angeles, which
has an enrollment of 20,000, ex-
pected at least 1000 veterans with-
in the next few months.
Said the student counselor, Ed-
win Johnson: "You can rest as-
sured that there won't be very
many eligible men who won't take
advantage of the bill."
Effect of Bill
Harry Day, dean of students at
Florida State University, said it
might be some time before a firm
assessment of the GI bill's effect
on enrollment could be made.

"We are expecting some in-
crease because of the bill," Day
said, "but we also expect a slight
reduction in our September male
enrollment because the draft
boards are taking a second lookj
at grades."
Some privately operated schools
have decided against increasing
the size of classes.
The Rev. Edmond Walsh, di-'
rector of admissions at Catholic
Boston College, said this year's
freshman class numbered 1,552
and the college "is not going to
increase it beyond 1600."
Catholic Marquette Univresity
at Milwaukee, Wis., expected a 5
to 10 per cent increase in enroll-
ment, now 11,000, but a spokes-
man indicated that entrance re-
quirements may be stiffened.
"Increased applications will pro-
vide an additional opportunity to
be selective about students," the
spokesman remarked.

(Continued from Page 2)
Laws of Hospitality": Aud. C,
Hall, 4:10 p.m.


.........,........... ....'....'.. . .

University Musical Society Special
Concert - van Cliburn, pianist: Hill
Aud., 8:30 p.m.
Honors Colloquium in Curriculum
and Instruction: Dept. of Curriculum
and Instruction, School of Education,
for a selected group of advanced doc-
toral students. East Conference Room,
Rackham, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. "Dimensions
of Instructional Theory."
Botany Seminar: Dr. Dennis R. Mc-
Calla, McMasters University, Hamilton,
Ont., "Studies on Chioroplast Muta-
genesis," wed., Feb. 23, 4:15 p.m.,
1139 Nat. Science Bldg.
General Notices
All Students in the School of Educa-
tion (Undergraduate): Preclassification
for the Spring Term (IIA), the Spring-
Summer Term (III), and the Fall Term
(I) 1966 is in progress. It will end on
April 11. The material may be obtained
in Rm. 1431 University School,
Washington Summer Intern Program:
All students interested in working in
Washington, D.C., this summer should
obtain an Instruction and Information
Sheet from 1516 Rackham Bldg. Each
student should arrange an interview
with the summer intern counselor on
any Wed. or Thurs. before March 11.
Call the Institute of Public Adminis-
tration, 764-3492, for appointments.
Seniors: College of L. S. & A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Undergraduate
Public Health: Tentative lists.of sen-
iors for May graduation have been
posted on the bulletin boardinbthe
first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any
changes therefrom should be requested
of the Recorderat Office of Registra-
tion and Records, Window Number A,
1513 Administration Bldg.
Aerospace Internships for Suimmer
1966: Are announced at the Manned
Spacecraft Center in Houston. Gradu-
ate students in engineering, physical
sciences, public administration, busi-
ness administration and related disci-
plines are eligible. Stipend ranges from

$1,565 to $1,825 for the 91-day period.
The .announcement brochure may be
consulted in the Graduate Fellowship
Office, 110 Rackham Bldg. Applications
must be filed by April 1.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
voice, Diag rally, Feb. 23, 12 p.m.
Peace Corps - Jack Hood vaughn,
Peace Corps director, will make his first
public address Mon.. Feb. 28. A Michi-
gan alumnus, Mr. Vaughn will parti-
cipate in a brief ceremony on the
Union steps at 12:15 p.m., to com-
memorate the fifth anniversary of the
corps. At 12:30 p.m., he will address
a public audience in the Union Ball-
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint.
mets with the following:
M~ON., FEB. 28-
Marine Trust Co. of Western New
York, Buffalo, N.Y.-Men with degrees
in Gen. Lib. Arts, Astro., Econ., Geog.,
Geol., Lib. Sci., Math, Philo., Soc. &
Educ. for banking mgmt. trng. program
(p.m. only).
Chemical Abstracts Service, Ohio State
Univ., Columbus, Ohio-All degree lev-
els in Biochem., Analyt., Gen., Organ-
ic, Inorg. & Physical Chem., Math &
Pharm. for Elec. computing, Tech, writ-
ing, chem. info, processing. All na-
tionalities welcome to interview (p.m.
National Steel Corp., Detroit, Mich.
-Men, BS in Econ. for market res. lo-
cated in weirton, W. Va. & Detroit.
New York State Civil Service--Mr.
Zaron, a Mich. alumnus, will give in-
formation to interested students at 4
p.m. about opportunities with N.Y.
State and the testing program which
qualifies grads for positions. Not re-
stricted to N.Y . state residents. Make
appointment early.

Socony Mobil Oil Co., Niles, III.-BA
& adv. degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts, Econ.
& Chem. (Org. & Phys.) for mkt. trng.,
res., territorial sales. Mktg. trng. pro-
gram. leads to managerial positions.
U.S. & international locations.
Humble Oil & Refining, Houston, Tex.
-Men, BA's in Gen. Lib. Arts &
Econ. for territorial sales located
throughout U.S. (p.m. only).
Defense Intelligence Agency, Wash.,
D.C.-BA & MA's in Gen. Chem., Econ.,
Geog., Geol., Lib. Scl., Math, Physics,
Public Health, Forestry & area studies
for positions in elec. computing, library
and intelligence res.
Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., Tucka-
hoe, N.Y.-Men with degrees in any
field of study for pharmaceutical sales
& sales promotion. Many U.S. locations
(p.m. only).
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Co., Detroit-Men with degrees in Gen.
Lib. Arts, Hist., Psych.. Speech, Bus.
Ad., etc. for insurance sales (p.m.
Please Note: The interview schedule
for March 8-11 will appear in the D.O.B.
on Sat., Feb. 26.

Alcon Labs. (Opthamology), Ft. Worth,
Tex.-Medical Service Repres. Degree in
any field, sonme sales exper. pref, Age
24-35. Position could lead to mgmt.
SOpening in Detroit & Cincinnati. Im-
mediate opening.
Detroit Edison Co., Detroit - Test
Administrator inAIndust. Psych Dept.
Woman pref., BA Psych., courses il
individual testing & stat. pref. No ex-
per. req. Recent grad for immediate
Lincoln-Mercury Div., Dearborn, Mich.
-Architect for dealer facilities activ-
ity. 3 yrs. exper., pref. registered archi-
tect. Work as liaison between Div. &
outside arch, firms. Immed. opening.
Commonwealth Associates, Inc., Jack-
son, Mich.-Editor-house publication.
1 yr. exper. writing- & editing for
newspaper . or magazine. Also elect.
engrs., with & without exper, for both
transmission line & substation des. and
des. of power plant, indust. facilities,
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Black River Farm & Ranch, Mich-
Girls camp. Will interview TODAY, 1 :30-
5 p.m. at 212 SAB for general counselors,
riding instructor & waterfront instruc-


NOUNCEMENTS is available to official-
ly recognized and registered student
organizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
* * *
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Ash Wednesday services
with communion: 7 p.m. & 10 p.m. The
suffering Saviour speaks: "I have given
you an example: greatness through serv-
ice." All welcome.
Bahai Student Group-UAC, Interna-
tional folksing, Sun., Feb. 27, 2:30
p.m., International Center, Michigar
Union. All welcome-bring your instru-
ments. Refreshments. Admission free.
* * * *
Bahai Student Group, Fireside dis-
cussion, Fri., Feb. 28,- 8 p.m., 3545
SAB. All welcome.
* * *
French Club, Le Baratin. Jeudi, 3-5
p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. venez tous.
VOICE, General meeting, membership,
Feb. 23, 4:30, 3G, Union.
Joint Judiciary Council, There will be

no meeting of the Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil Feb. 23 or March 2. The next meet-
ing will be March 9.
* * *
Newman Student Association, Ecu-
menical Dialogue Group, "Sacraments
and Things," Wed., Feb. 23, 8:30 p.m.,
Guild House, 802 Monroe,
Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. at
Forest Ave., Ash Wednesday Matins &
Communion, 7 a.m. vespers & Com-
munion, 7:15 p.m.
Engineering Council, Technirama
preparations, Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m., 3529
U. of M. Student Religious Liberals,
Conference on "Automation: Where Is
It Leading Us?" U. of M. Fresh Air
Camp this weekend Fri. eve.-Sun. morn-
ing with students from NSU and MSU.
Call the Unitarian Church, 665-6158,
for reservations.
UAC,'Last Chance Lecture, Dr. Thom-
as J. Garbaty, assoc. prof. of English,
Feb. 24, 4:15 p.m., UGLI Multipurpose


Senior Staff Petitioning for
Is open until March 7
Petitions may be obtained
by stopping in the GARGOYL E Office
in the Student Publications Building,
or by calling John Ward at 761-3590.
L . y




Across Campus

Noon - George Abbot White
will speak at an Office of Religious
Affairs book discussion on "The
Last Temptation of Christ" by
Nikos Kazantzakis, in 2417 M H.
7:30 p.m.-The Counseling Com-
mittee of the Student Government
Council will conduct a Symposium
on Venereal Disease, in the Mul-
tipurpose Room of the UGLI.
8:30 p.m.-A special concert will
be given by pianist Van Cliburn in
Hill Aud.
2:15 p.m.-Prof. William Pak,
Purdue University biophysicist, will
speak on "The Earliest Electrical
Events in Vision" in Rm. 1057
3:30 p.m,-Prof. Cary will give
the second Cooley Lecture on "The
Travails of an Agency in its Poli-
tical Context" in Rm. 100 Hutch-

ins Hall.
4:10 p.m.-The Classical Studies
Dept. will present Prof. Graham
Webster of Birmingham Univer-
sity, England, .speaking on "New
Methods for Old World Archeol-
ogy" in Rm. 203 Tappan Hall.
4:10 p.m.-John A. Poppe, direc-
tor of the Freer Gallery of Art
in the Smithsonian Institute will
speak on "Art Collecting in Im-
perial China" in Aud. B.
4:15 p.m. - UAC will present
Prof. Thomas Garbaty of the Eng-
lish department, speaking in the
Last Chance lecture series, in the
Multipurpose Room of the UGLI.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild pre-
sents "The Puritan" in Architec-
ture Aud.
8:30 p.m. - The Professional
Theatre Program "Play of the
Month" will be Euripides' "The
Trojan Women" in Hill Aud.

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