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February 22, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-22

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light snow flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom










Late World News
SAIGON (A)-Strong elements of the U.S. 1st Infantry
Division stalked the Viet Cong north of Saigon early today in a
large search-and-destroy operation that could build up into one
of the war's major engagements.
The operation was one of the biggest planned for the
division since it arrived in Viet Nam, and it took the infantrymen
into an area long'controlled by the Viet Cong.
Incumbent Le Roy A. Cappaert defeated Dr. Lawrence F. Mc-
Donald, a University urologist and John Birch Society section
leader, 1216 to 317 in the fifth ward Democratic City Council
primary last night. In the fifth war Republican runoff, J. Dale
Boyd, a Bendix Corporation engineer defeated George F. Lemble,
.chairman of the Washtenaw County Conservatives 663 to 568. In
the only other contest, Robert F. Jagitsch won 688 votes to gain
the 4th ward Republican candidacy from Edith L. Dale, with
311 votes, and George K. Simon with 329. Dr. Edward Pierce, an
incumbent, took 171 votes in an uncontested position on the
fourth ward Democratic ticket.
Voting in the two wards averaged 35 per cent of registered
citizens, slightly higher than expected in a contest which City
Clerk John P. Bently said "ran normally."
Two University students who had been reclassified 1-A as a
result of participating in the draft board sit in last fall had
their 2-S &eferrments returned to them yesterday, the third and
fourth students to successfully appeal the reclassification action.
4 Paul Kanter, '67, and Richard Gordon, '69, were notified yesterday
that their :local draft boards had returned their student def err-
ments. 14 students were reclassified as a result of the draft-
board sit in of last October.
The Selective Service System says it expects to close a con-
tract within a few days under which a college qualification test
will be made available to some 2 million college students and high
school seniors.
Local draft boards will be authorized to consider for student
deferment those who make a satisfactory grade-the exact level
yet to be determined-or who maintain required class standings.
It is planned to supply the local boards with the test results
before colleges open next fall. Plans are for the first test to be
given some time in May.
A spokesman said today the exact date for the first registra-
tion and first test cannot be set until the contract is signed.
However, the registration will be held at least three weeks
before the test is given, so he said it was entirely logical that the
first deadline for registration might come in late April.
Candidates running for the offices of Panhellenic Association
indicated a possible change in sorority rush from the winter to
the fall term during their speeches last night.
Each house will phone in its individual tally to the Panhel
office which will announce the final results tonight. A law passed
by Panhel's President's Council requires representation at the
campaign speeches to vote in the election.
Petitioning opened yesterday for positions on SGC. As of yet
no positions have been picked up. "Returns won't be in for at
least 3-4 days," said SGC executive vice president Charlie
Cooper, '66. "It's still in its embryonic stage. Everyone is playing
it cagey. No one is willing to take a stand yet."
"It's a game, who's coming out with whom and for what, at
this stage," said Ed Robinson possible "Group" candidate for
president. "The longer it stays quiet the better," he added.
* * *
The Professional Theatre Program's Play-of-the-Month series
will present "The Trojan Women" Thursday at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium. The work won six important drama awards during
its lengthy New York run. The translation of Euripides' master-
piece was provided by Edith Hamilton.
Long Distance
Yale President Kingman Brewster Jr. has upheld the right to
campus dissent in a speech to alumni, many of whom have been
disturbed over Prof. Staughton Lynd's Viet Nam protests.
Brewster did not mention Lynd by name, but he said there
is no place for paternalism or pressure in a free university.
"We are engaged in education, not indoctrination," Brewster
said. "Our faculty is engaged in the discovery of truth and we
expect them to do this on their own and without university
Brewster's speech drew a standing ovation from the alumni.

Tuition, Housing, Bookstore

Students Call
Faxon Bill
Good Start
Some Express Doubt
About Long-Range
Equity of Proposals
Several University students gave
"qualified applause" last night to
a bill which would provide state
funds for tuition, student housing ..:; ............ .
and university - operated book-
Stewart Gordon, '66, member of
the Student Housing Advisory 4
Board said the state-subsidized
low-cost housing bill Would put the
University in a much better bar-
gaining position. He indicated
that, because it would be offering
competition to private housing in"
the area, the realtors would no ~{' "
longer have the autonomy that 1 AL C I -
they once had. IHA ELECTIO
Barry Bluestone, '66, called the
proposed tuition subsidy to in- Results of last night's Inter-House Assembly elections were inva
state students. a step in the "right proper procedure. The apparent election of Robert Smart, '69, as
mark, however, by saying that any tation of constitutional procedure on the part of election judges.
state program giving money to dents' Council, but did not gain an absolute majority, as the c
students without regard to family Wednesday evening. IHA is the governing organization of the me
income will be essentially regres- Quadrangle Council and Assembly Association. The merger was
sive; that is, it will finance the meeting. Moomy is serving as temporary chairman of IHA.
education of the rich by more
heavily taxing the poor. ENCOURAGES STUDENT VOTERS:
Favors Housing
Bluestone also favors the hous-
ing proposal. "We've needed that!
for a long time," he remarked. S Plans Pu
However, Bluestone said it
should not be up to the state to
institute a student bookstore, but1
added that Faxon's bill will make
the University "think twice" about TEvaluat Go
the present situation when it is
brought up in the legislature. He
remarked that here again, the cost By SUSAN ELAN -If they are self-supportin
of making education cheaper for married, or can establish that the
the in-state student would be non- The Student Housing Assocla- are free from parental control.
discriminatory as to family income tion, formed by Student Govern- Students are not necessari
and thus inequitable. Coming out mentsCouncil to serve student in- disqualified from registering b
of the state sales tax, it would terests in housing problems, is cause:
place a greater burden on the poor planning to publicly interview City -They pay out-of-state tuitio
Council candidates. Their criti-
than on the. rich, he remarked. ouclnite. -They are not absolutely sur


lidated by David H. Moomy, '67, as a result of a misinterpretation of
President of the IHA was voided last night because of a misinterpre-. .
Smart received a plurality of the 42 votes case by the House Presi-
onstitution states the President must. A new election is scheduled for
en'sand women's dormitories formed by the merger between Inter-
finally approved last week, and last night marked its first official

!di c Interviews
ouncil Candidates

g, improving quality and lowering
ey costs, is currently working with
professional planners and archi-
ly tects, professors and students to
e- form a city-University student
ho using proposal. This proposal
n. will include revision of building
re codes, zoning laws, and land us-

'Too Good'
Gary Cunningham, '66, presi-
dent of the Student Government
Council, called the three bills "too
good to be true." He reported that
he was gratified to find that the
students had "been listened to,"
referring to the sub-committee
hearings at the University last
Russell Linden, '67, labeled the
housing proposal the most impor-
tant andmost needed.mHe remark-
ed that he is glad to see the state
taking the responsibility for the
students' economic welfare and
that Gov. George Romney should
be harshly criticized for having
not made this his policy earlier.
He said two changes are ecsen-
tial to solving the problem 'of in-
equitability in the subsidy plan.
First, he said that the basis on
which the low-cost University
housing should be allotted to stu-
dents on the basis of need. The
second essential change, he indi-
cated, would be the institution of
a state income tax which would be
graduated, taking the burden off
the poor.

cism and responses to the propos-where
als of SHA will be mailed along be.
with recommendations for the --Th
election to all graduate students. suppor
This plan is a follow up to the -TI
13,000 letters sent by SHA to all In
graduate students urging them to The
register to vote in Ann Arbor city creaset
elections. These letters, which in-
form students who is eligible to
vote, who is a resident, and when
to register, will reach students to-
morrow or Thursday.-
According to SHA ChairmanE
Robert Bodkin, '67E, the regis-
tration and voting ability of Uni-
versity students is crucial to the
improvement of city planning.T
Bodkin feels that if 2000 or more
eligible University students are .
willing to register, the power struc-{ Acti
ture in Ann Arbor will have to
listen to the housing demands of: The
students. on Uni
Voter Eligibility yesterd
According to SHA, students are serve o
likely to be considered eligible to mittee
vote if: selectio
-They remain in Ann Arbor preside
during school vacations, and do SAC
not return to their parents' home a requ
in case of illness or injury. their la

their future residence will age.
Further plans of SHA include
hey are not entirely self- the publication of a pamphlet of
ting. student's legal rights, and inves-
hey are single. tigation of the right of the Uni-
ncrease Housing Supply versity to acquire and lease prop-
SHA, whose aim is to in- erty to private investors, and the
the supply of housing while establishment of a mediation

board to hear the complaints of
students and realtors.
The pamphlet of student's le-
gal rights, scheduled for publi-
cation sometime in March, will
deal with lease severance, landlord
right of entry, and rights in case
of eviction. It will include in-
formation about the possibility of
interest on damage deposits, obli-
gation to sublet 'if the apartment
is not up to building codes, re-
course open to students on the
occasion of building failure, and
warnings about the illegality of
verbal agreements.

Bill Labeled
Direct Result
Of 'U' Probe
Entire Subcommittee
On Higher Education
Supports Proposal
Three measures will be intro-
duced in the State House today
providing state funds for the con-
struction of low-cost student
housing,' subsidization of tuition
costs for in-state students and the
establishment of university oper-
ated bookstores.
The bills will be proposed by
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
chairman of the House subcom-
mittee on higher education, and
will be signed by Reps. William
Ryan (D-Detroit), George F.
Montgomery (D-Detroit), William
C o p e 1 a n d (D-Wyandotte)" and
James Farnsworth (R-Otsego),
the remaining members of his
Faxon said the bill is an out-
growth of his subcommittee's in-
vestigation of the University last
Variety of Housing
Through the creation of a
Higher Education Housing Au-
thority, the state would be able
to construct a variety of housing
facilities, including apartments.
Rent under the plan would be
prohibited from exceeding the
actual costs of operation, and in-
terest and principle charges for
the necessary bond issues.
The authority, which would be
empowered to float up to $150
million in bonds, would also be
able to acquire existing private or
university owned housing. Pre-
liminary planning costs will be met
through appropriations from the
state's general fund and would not
be reflected in rent costs. The
authority would be able to qualify
for federal funds and would not
be restricted to public institutions.
Cuts in Living Costs
Faxon estimates that if the bill
is enacted, cuts in living cost will
range between 25 to 40 per cent.
A second bill calls for the set-
ting up of a tuition grant plan for
in-state students. Under the plan,
the state would pay up to $300 of
first year tuition costs at any state
or private university. Students re-
ceiving scholarships would not re-
ceive benefits, unless their assist-
ance was less than $300, in which
case the state would make up the
difference. Freshman state stu-
dents here would have to pay only
$48 for a full year tuition. Faxon
expressed a hope that in the fu-
ture the state would also be able
to provide money for sophomore
tuition costs.
Student Book Fund
A third measure further calls
for the creation of a student book
fund, under which universities op-
erating bookstores would be eligi-
ble to receive 50 cents per stu-
dent, in reimbursement for costs.
The fund would act as an incen-
tive for state universities present-
ly not having student bookstores.
"It is the duty of the state,"
Faxon said, "to provide maximum
educational opportunities at mini-
mum costs to the family and to
the students themselves." Faxon
commented that the ever increas-
ing college costs have placed a
tremendous burden on the middle

income family. The student who
comes from the middle-income
family and may have too much
money to obtain a scholarship now
is taken into consideration, he
added. Faxon estimated his plans
would cut costs of obtaining an
education from 50 to 100 per cent,
depending on what university the
studen sateninz

ACUA Begins Procedure
'o Choose New President

British Professor Says U.S. Education
Less Specialized, But Equally Thorough

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ng Associate Managing Editor
Senate Advisory Committee
versity Affairs issued a call
ay for faculty members to
on a faculty advisory com-
to aid the Regents in the
on of the University's next
UA's action was in reply to
est the Regents made at
ast meeting, Feb. 11.
s provide for a SACUA sub-
ttee to screen the nominees
requested from the faculty
ge. SACUA memberssem-
d that nominees should
)th broad experience with
niversity and their profes-
nd should reflect a broad
of University involvement
,e levels.
esentatives at the meeting
that representation on the
ry committee should be by
of interest, not by schools
eges. This would allow rep-
tion of such general areas
e creative arts, research,
ences and humanities," but
cessarily of every teaching
SACUA subcommittee and
itself will screen the nom-
own to the maximum of 15
iv Krhnh h cn"+e -

geology department and Noah
Sherman of the physics depart-
SACUA's statement released aft-
er the meeting said: "On Feb. 11,
1966, the Board of Regents re-
solved, 'In connection with the ap-
pointment of a new President, the
Board of Regents invites the Sen-
ate Advisory Comnittee on' Uni-
versity Affairs to appoint a rep-
resentative committee of not more
than 15 members, which commit-
tee shall suggest future Univer-
sity needs and the names of can-
didates.' Therefore, the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University
Affairs has taken action to call
for nominations to this advisory

committee from the faculty at
large. SACUA will distribute a
form to the faculty asking for
nominations to this committee.
"In nominating faculty mem-
bers to this important advisory
committee the following criteria
should be heavily weighed: breadth
of experience and involvement in
University and pertinent extra-
University affairs; breadth of con-
tact with and awareness of po-
tential nominees for the post of
President. It is the intent of SAC-
UA that all areas of faculty in-
terest and involvement within the
University ,as well as different
age levels, be represented on the

Winter Enrollment
Hits Record High

"The end products of British
and American higher education
are similar in terms of quality
and amount of knowledge," ob-
served Visiting Prof. H. C. Allen,
professor of American history at
the University of London. But he
noted that the two educational
processes vary greatly.

All students don't start to' spe-
cialize in their majors-or, as the
British say, the course in which
they "read"-while still in high
school. "You don't enter college
until you're 18, but if you want to
get a scholarship, as I did, you
must prepare yourself."
,British students do not pass or
fail individual~courses every four
or five months. as in the TTnited.

"But all the departments aren't'
as restrictive as history. I almost
switched to PPE--philosophy, pol-
itics, and economics - half-way
Allen agreed that the British
college education was quite limit-
ing. "You chaps are more broadly
and solidly based, but in terms of
specific knowledge you are a year

a great outcry, but little or no{
This term, Allen is teaching
History 570 (U.S. diplomacy from
1914) and 689 (studies in U.S.
diplomacy). The former course
consists of two 1%-hour lectures
a week, which, Prof. Allen found,
necessitates an adjustment. "I am
not used to lecturing so long. Our
lectures-like most of yours-are

There are more students enroll-
ed at the University this semester
than in any previous winter term,
Registrar Edward Groesbeck an-
nounced yesterday.
A total of 29,952 University stu-
dents are enrolled for residence
credit in degree programs this

There are 7,546 graduate stu-
dents enrolled at the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Last
winter, the total Rackham enroll-
ment was 6,950.
The Flint College enrollment is
808 (358 men and 450 women) for
i- l'm I-+ i _m ns.. rt- r - a-


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