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February 20, 1966 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-20

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a _1 Vf [ l II iI L. IT.





BRy KAennedy
Marines Search for
Enemy Regiment in
Pluoc Valley Area
ert F. Kennedy (D-NY) urged
President Johnson yesterday to in-
vite Viet Nam negotiations on the
basis of accepting some Commun-
ists in a coalition Saigon govern-
Meanwhile, helicopters poured
thodiands of U.S. Marines into
battle yesterday against the Viet
Cong tin the Phuoc Valley, 350
miles ndi'theast of Saigon. Striking
through, light sniper fire, they
hunted the enemy's hard core 1st
U.S. Navy fighter-bombers flew
missions. in support of the Ma-
rines. They streamed in from the
carrier Valley Forge in the South
China Sea.
Calling for limited use of U.S.
miliiary. power, Kennedy said any
effort to destroy the "objectives
and forces" of North Viet Nam
probably would result in massive
Chinese intervention in the war.
Expgssed Reservation
Kennedy expressed some reser-
vations about the course Johnson
is pursuing. He said, for example,
that he, has such reservations
about the resumption of the bomb-
ing of North Viet Nam because he
is unsure of its limitations and
The c-monmittee wound up its
public sessions Friday with an in-
vitation from Secretary of State
Dean Ryusk to Congress to vote on
Viet Narn policy "if there is any
doubt" about it. Chairman J. W.
Fulbright (D-Ark) said he sees no
need for further public hearings.
The committee is to decide at a
meeting tomorrow whether to ask
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara and Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey to appear at
closed session. Both have declined
to testify publicly.
Focus on Bill
The major focus of the policy
dispute shifts to the Senate floor
tomorrow in consideration of a
$4.8 billion Viet Nam military
authorization bill.
Kennedy said that in the un-
conditional discussions the Presi-
dent has expressed willingness to
undertake, both sides would bring
at least ong ireducible demand.
For the United States "it must
be that We will xiot turn South
Viet Narn over to the North," he
"tior North Viet Nam it must be
thatliey will not. accept a settle-
meat~ *hich leaves in the South a
hostile government, dedicated to
the fipal physical destruction of
all Communist elements, refusing
any conomic" cooperation with
the,,North, dependent upon the
continued Presence of Afnerican
military power."
Kennedy said of the Viet Cong
and its political arm, the National
Liberatiog Front:
"There are three things you can
do with such groups: kill or re-
pressthem, turn the country over
to themi, pr admit them to a share
of pqwer and responsibility.
"The last is at the heart of the

hope for -a pegotiated settlement.
It is not the easy way or the sure
way; nor can the manner or the
degree of participation now., be
described with any precision. It,
will require enormous skill andy
political wisdoi to find the point
at whih participation does not
bring :dorination or internal con-
h .
Are You

(right) were t
Nam war. Ken
President Joh
Wilson, sched
positive result



Hit Pro-U.S.
.rr> .""f Posi ol IOil
:-,.t Eve ofTrip

AFL-CIO Demands Joimsoii
Back Labor Wage Demands
MIAMI BEACH 03) -AFL-CIO $1.60 next year and $1.75 in 1968, wins for labor.on those two bills
officials said yesterday their po- they said. this year may determine w hether
litical guerrilla assaults on the And even if Johnson does sup- organized labor-chief Democratic
Johnson administration will esca- port labor, political strategists of supporter in the- 1964 elections-
late into "a major war" unless the AFL-CIO predict a bruising takes a political walk in the 1968
Johnson backs labor's minimum fight in Congress over minimum presidential campaign, the soulces
wage demands in Congress. wage and unemployment compen- said.
Sources close to AFL-CIO presi- sation bills that will make the re- Union leaders at, theii, mid-win-
dent George Meany said "there is cent union shop battle pale by ter- meetings here already are
going to be a major war" if John- comparison. threatening to cut back money
son goes along with the proposal Possible Filibuster ontributions to some Democrats
of his Council of Economic Ad- Senate Republican Leader Ev- in this year's congressional elec-
visers 'to increase the present $1.25 erett M. Dirksen successfully tions. This could cost Johnson
minimum wage to no more than blocked the union shop bill. He substantial losses in the big edge
$1.40 this year and $1.60 in 1970. "now smells blood," said a top the Democrats now hold in Con-
The 13 - million - member labor federation political expert, and gress.
federation, which, has long de- may filibuster wage and jobless Administration Split
manded a $2 minimum wage, will pay legislation also. AFL-CIO officials said there is
settle for no less than $1.40 now, Whether Johnson fights and a major split in the Johnson ad-

Russia Says Britain
Lacks Influence on
W P*ntt A erA,.

wes ern i eso
MOSCOW P)-Izvestia sharply Elish YinisterQuits
criticized the pro-American poli-
cies of British Prime Minister l
Harold Wilson last night, dimmingn / efenseControversy
prospects for positive results from;
his coming visit to Moscow. LONDON ,'- Fierce contro- both the F111 and a new carrier.
The Soviet government paper in- versy over Britain's future military and he wasn't sure Britain could
dicated no agreement is possible role in the world popped into pub- afford it.
between Wilson and the Kremlin lic view yesterday with the resig- "I am in favor of drastic defense
hune s andos nsupport for nation of Navy Minister Chris- cuts," he said, "but there must
the UpoitedcStates in Viet Nam and topher Mayhew. Several top ad- also be drastic cuts in commit-
other policies which put him on mirals also may quit. ments to match.
the side of Washington. Mayhew said the British are "My main point during the de-

ministration over the amount of
the proposed minimuiin wage in-
crease and that "we don't know
which side Johnson is going to
come down on."
H The labor spokesiian said White
House economists want to apply
to the minimum wage, guidelines
that say wage hikes above 3.2 per
cent a year are inflationary.
"We are not dealing with arith-
metic, we're dealing with ;people,"
the AFL-CIO official said.
Leaders of the labor federation
count Secretary of Labor W. Wil-
lard Wirtz on their side in the
administration in fighting over the
minimum wage.
I Wirtz, sharply criticized by labor
leaders on numerous 'ther issues,
goes along with the AFL-CIO
argument that the present $1.25
minimum is less than the Presi-

-Associated Press
he focus of events yesterday centering around United States involvement in the Viet
nnedy called for limited use of U.S. military power against North Viet Nam and urged
nson to invite negotiations with the aim of establishing a Saigon coalition government.
uled to visit Moscow, was attacked in the Russian paper Izvestia for his government's
,n line" in backing U.S. actions in Viet Nam. Informed sources see dim prospects for
s from Wilson's Moscow visit.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press party congress for final approval the move to the suburbs which
MOSCOW - The Soviet leader- prior to its adoption as a formal characterized the 1940s and 1950s
ship announced today economic government program. has been losing force in the past
plans for the next five years that * * * decade.
emphasized "a substantial rise in SANTO DOMINGO - Former The conclusion was reached on
living standards" and stronger President Rafael F. Bonnelly an- the basis of the Bureau's estimates
armed forces. -.nounced by radio yesterday his of population patterns and trends
The 1966-70 development plan is intention to run for the Domini- during the first half of this
intended to increase industrial can presidency as a candidate of decade.
production at about the same rate a "third force." The Bureau said the metropoli-
as the last five years, a period Bonnelly, 61 a lawyer, headed tan areas-the nation now has 228
when Soviet economic growth for a time the provisional govern- of them-increased twice as fast
slowed down from its 1950s per- ment that surged from the col- as other parts of the nation but
formance. lapse of the Trujillo dynasty. compared with the previous decade
More cars, refrigerators and The "third force" is a coalition the upward trend appeared to be
television sets and better diets of liberals and conservatives who slowing. More than three of every
were promised to this nation's 232 petitioned the former president five Americans lived in these areas
million persons. Average non- last week to accept their nomina- at middecade.
agricultural wages will rise to tion. The group was created to * * *
$126.67 a month, the plan said. fill what was regarded as a gap . LANSING - The Republican
A summary of it, distributed by in the political spectrum repre- State Central Committee gave its
Tass news agency, struck some in- sented by the Dominican Revolu- unanimous support yesterday to
formed observers as a fairly real- tionary party and the Reformist Rep. Robert Griffin as the party's
istic document. party, pre-election front-runners. "preferred candidate" for U.S.
It contrasted sharply in its The Reformist party presidential senator. Michigan State Prof. Le-
soberness with the bombastic candidate will be ex-President roy Augenstein, who was also
promises made by former Premier Joaquin Balaguer. The Revolu- seeking the nomination, predicted
1ikita S. Khurshchev in 1959 for tionary party nominating conven- that he would keep Griffin below
the 1959-65 , development plan. tion is scheduled next month and the 75 per cent mark in a can-
Many of those promises were not is expected to pick Juan Bosch. vass of Republican leaders and
kept. * * * thus force the nomination into a
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin will WASHINGTON - The U.S. primary election run-off next Au-
present the plan March 29 to a Census Bureau has concluded that gust.
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Wilson is due here tomorrow for
his first visit to the Soviet capital
singe he became prime minister in
October 1964. He will meet with
Premier Alexei N. Kosgyin and
other Soviet leaders during his
three-day stay.
Izvestia said London is appar-
ently giving top priority to "jus-
tifying the aggressive actions and
intentions of the United States
and West Germany -- no matter
how dangerous this may be for the
cause of peace."
The paper warned Wilson that
his support of U.S. actions in Viet
Nam could not be isolated and
ignored. It said this "has, poisoned
to a considerable extent British-
Soviet relations."
Izvestia threw out veiled taunts
about alleged lack of British in-
dependence in foreign. policy and
loss of influence in Western coun-
cils. It also reminded Wilson that
he and his party had taken a less
pro-American line before they
came to power.
It indicated that the Soviet lead-
ers will bend their efforts during
Wilson's visit to get him to make
a "more sober estimation of the
dangerous consequences of the es-
calation of the war in Asia by
American militarists and the re-
venge-seeking demands of Bonn."I

trying to do too much with too
little and could end up tied to
American policy as merely "auxil-
iaries rather than allies." He de-
scribed government defense policy
decisions as "dangerously mis-
This was the public climax to a
secret struggle under way between
the admirals, the air marshals and
the politicians in preparing a gov-
ernment white paper outlining
British military strategy through
1970. It is to be published Tuesday.
Defense Secretary Denis Healey
is resolved to cut back by one-
third, to an annual defense budget
of two billion pounds ($5.6 bil-
lion) by 1970 and to reform Brit-
ish military strategy in the pro-
The dispute lay between buying
F111A long-range nuclear fighter-
bombers from the United States
or building a new aircraft carrier
for about $196 million. The navy
appears to havelost. The British
military presence east of Suez now
is expected to be reinforced by
stationing F11s on a chain of In-
dian Ocean island bases instead of
dispatching a more mobile, but
sinkable, carrier force.
But Mayhew cited a much
broader issue in an interview an-
nouncing his resignation. He said
a world role would mean buying

Mayhew, 50, is succeeded as dent's stated poverty line income
navy minister by J.P.W. Mallalieu, of $3,000 a year, the AFL-CIO
57, navy undersecretary who was officials said.
on the World War II Murmansk The $1.25 figure adds up to only
convoy run. $2,600 for a full year's work.
_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _7 1

fense review has been that we
cannot maintain a world role in
the 1970s, including a presence
east of Suez, on two billion pounds
-not without excessive strain on
the forces, or excessive dependence
on the United States, or both."

China Series Continues



Speaker: Richard Solomon:
Asst. Professor of Political Science
Center for Chinese Studies
Sunday, February 20
1432 Washtenaw-7 P.M.
Sponsored by the Ecumenical Campus Ministry



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