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February 15, 1966 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-15

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T SDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1966'


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday anl Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Caaendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Management Development Seminar-
"Management Communications": Mich-
igan Union, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of Architecture Lecture-Kings-
bury Marzolf, "Productionnand Erection
of Prefabricated Buildings in Scandi-
navia": Architecture Aud., 3:30 p.m.
Dept. of Psychiatry University Lec-
ture-Peter Bios, "Adolescence: The
Second Individuation Phase": Aud.,
Children's Psychiatric Hospital, 8 p.m.
School of Music Concert-The Ba-
roque Trio: Raskham Lecture Hall, 8:30
School of Music Recital-A recital by
String Students in the School of Mu-
sic will be presented Tues., Feb. 15,
12:36 pm., School of Music Reital Hall.
Recitalists will be Joel Lpschutz, viola;
James Kreger, cello; Cosette Sanders,
Iylolin; Thomas LeVeck, violin; Wil-
liam Matz, violin; Virginia Duthie,
viola, and David Cooper, cello. Open
to the public without charge.
Dept. of Slavic Languages and Lit-
eratures, and Slavic Language and Area
Center Lecture: Boris Unbegaun, pro-
fessor emeritus, Brasenose College, Ox-
ford, and visiting professor, New York
University, will lecture on "Problems
of Research in Russian -,Vocabulary,"
'Tues.,Feb. 15, 4:10 p.m., W. Conf. Rm.,
Rackham Bldg.
General Notices
Careers in World Affairs Panel: A
panel program on careers in world af-
fairs and overseas employment will
be presented In the Ballroom of the
Michigan League at 8 p.m. on Mon.,
Feb. 21. Topics to be covered will in-
clude "Overseas Employment with the
U.S. Government," "Overseas Employ-
ment with Business," "Overseas Em-
ployment with Private and Regional
Agencies" and "World Affairs Careers
in the United States. A queston and
answer period will follow the panel
presentations. A display of literature
and resource materials will also be
NDEA Title IV Summer Tenure:
Forms for requesting the summer ten-
ure have been mailed to local ad-
dresses of all Title IV Fellows. If not
received, obtain copy from Room 118
Rackham Bldg.
Dept. of Linguistics: PhD preliminary
exams on March 18 & 19. Sign up be-
fore Feb. 18.
Foreign Visitors
The following are the foreign visi-
tors programmed through the Interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
this week on the dates indicated. Pro-
gram arrangements are being made by
Mrs. Clifford R. Miller International
Center, 764-2148.
Slobodan Bosnic, adviser, Federal In-
stitute for Statistics, Population Di-
vision; head, the Survey Research Cen-
ter, Institute of Social Sciences, Novi
Geograd, Yugoslavia, Feb. 13-18.
Young Doo Choi, Sang Don Lee, Mr.
Park, members of Korean National As-
sembly, Korea. Accompanied by escort,
Mr. Song, Feb. 16.
Piotr O. Makarov, head of Depart-
ment of Bio-Physics, Biological Fac-
ulty, Leningrad State University,
USSR, Feb. 20-March 1.

of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint
ments with the following:
THURS., FEB. 17-
Chase Manhattan Bank, N.Y.C. -
Men, BA's & adv. degrees in Gen. Lib.
Arts, Econ., & Law for positions in
banking in N.Y.C. & overseas branches.
International Business Machines Corp.,
Detroit-BA's & MA's in Astro., Chem.,
Math, Physics Engrg. & all scientific
disciplines. Positions include Elec. com-
puting, mgmt, trng., sales, statistics,
mktg. repres., systems programming &
analysis in the field of space, intelli-
gence command, communications, etc.
Located in Detroit, Wash., D.C. &
other major cities.
Household Finance, Southfield, Mich.
-Men. Degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts &
Fine Arts for positions in banking,
mgmt. trng. & public admin.
FRI., FEB. 18-
Chevron Chemical Co., San Fran-
cisco-BA & MA's In Gen. Lib. Arts,
Chem. & Lib. Science. Positions in
territorial sales & ass't. librarian (part-
time lib. & part-time literature res).
Various locations throughout U.S. after
trng. in S.F. Will consider those with
permanent visas. Div. of Standard Oil
of Calif.
Detroit Bank & Trust, Detroit-BA
& MA's in Gen. Lib. Arts, Econ. &
Speech for mgmt. trng. & banking
programs starting with commercial
credit & international loan depts.
Atlantic Refining Co., Phila., Pa.
-BA's in Econ. & all degree levels in
Math for Mgmt. Trng., Bus. Systems
& Op. Res. (p.m. only).
Merck & Co., Rahway, N.J. - Men
with degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts & Chem.
for territorial sales. Locations in Cen-
tral U.S.
Financial Programs, Inc., Livonia,
Mich.-BA's in Gen. Lib. Arts, Econ.,
Law, Lib. Science, et. for Insurance
Mgmt. Trng. Sales-inside & Register-
ed Repres. Primarily S.E. Michigan lo-
Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.
-BA & adv. degrees in Econ., Math 4;
Philo. for Territorial Sales & Data
Processing Trainees. Located in De-
troit, Chicago, Wellesley, Mass.
Advertising Agency, Toledo, Ohio -
Copywriter. Woman gral in Lib. Arts
for some advtg. writing exper. Some
secretarial work. Excellent opportunity
to become account executive.
Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalama-
zoo, Mich.-Personnel Director. Degree
in Personnal Mgmt., Industrial Rels.,
or Bus. Admin. 4 yrs. exper. pref. Thor-
ough knowl. of personnel admin. req.
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Hunts-
ville, Ala.-MS or PhD in Meteorology.
Perform studies in turbulence, ground
winds ,etc. Knowl. of latest instrumen-
tation, data acquisition & analysis
techniques required.
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Camp Mataponi, Maine-Girls. Feb. 15
& 17 for waterfront director & land
sports instructor. Will take married
Camp Fiesta, Wis.-Girls. Feb. 18 for
head counselor, general counselors &
riding instructor.
Details at Summer Placement, 212
SAB, Lower Level. Call764-7460.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
THURS., FEB. 17-
Battelle Memorial Institute, Richland,
Wash. & Columbus, Ohio-Any De-
gree: Aero., EE, Met. MS-PhD: ChE,
CE, EM, ME, Meteor. & Ocean., Ma-
terials. MS: Sanitary. PhD: Comm.
Sci., Naval & Marine, Nuclear. R. & D.
Ohio Dept. of Highways, 12 Field
Divs., Columbus-BS-MS: CE. R. & D.,
Des., Construction,
U.S. Govt., Manned Spacecraft Ctr.,
Personnel Div.-Any Degree: Aero., EE,
EM, ME, Physics. MS-PhD: Math. BS:
E Math, E' Physics. Min. Grade Point
-2.5. R. & D., Des.
U.S. Govt., Marshall Space Flight Ctr.,
Huntsville, Ala.-Any Degree: Aero., EE,
IE, ME. MS-PhD: Math, Physics. R. &
D., Des.
U.S. Govt., Nat. Bureau of Standards,
Wash., Metro. area-Any Degree: EE,
EM, ME, Met. BS: E Physics. R. & D.
Make appointment at Chem. for a.m.
appointment & at Physics for p.m. ap-

THURS.-FRI., FEB. 17-18--
General Dynamics Corp., Aerospace &
Elect. Divs., San Diego & Pomona,
Calif.; Ft. Worth, Tex. & Rochester,
N.Y.-All Degrees: Aero, EE, EM, Ma-
terials, ME. MS-PhD: CE, Comm. Sci.,
Info. & Controls, Met. Prof.: Applied
Mech.sBS: Sci. Engrg., E Math. R. &
D., Des.
Motorola, Inc., Chicago & Phoenix-
Any Degree: EE. R. & D., Des.
FEB. 17 (p.m.) & 18 (a.m.)-
Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) - BS-MS:
ChE. BS: CE, E Math, EM, ME, Men
only. Dev., Des., Sales.
FRI., FEB. 18-
American-Standard Industrial Div.,
Sales-All principal cities; Engineering
-Detroit; Manufacturing-Det., Buffa-
lo-BS: ChE, EE, EM, E Physics, ME,
Met. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
Carborundum Co, Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
Perth Amboy, N.J., Logan Ohio - Any
Degree : ChE, EE, IE. BS-MS : CE,
EM, Mat'ls., ME, Met. MBA w/BSCin
Engrg. BS: E Math, E Physics. R. & D.,
Des., Prod.. Sales.
Hittman Associates, Inc., Between
Wash. & Baltimore-All Degrees: ChE,
ME, Met., Nuclear, Biomed. Engrs, -
(Elect., Mech. & ChE), Physics. Citizens
& non-citizens becoming citizen. R. &
Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.
-Any Degree: EE, ME. BS-MS: IE.
R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
Sanders Associates, Inc., New Hamp-I
shire, Mass. & Plainview, L.I. - BS-MS:
EE, EM, ME, Math. All Degrees: Phys-
ics. BS: E Math, E Physics. MS: Info.!
& Controls. R. & D., Des.
The Wickes Corp., Saginaw, Mich.-
BS: Applied Mech., EM, IE, ME, Sci.
Engrg. Men only. Dev., Des., Prod.,
NOUNCEMENTS is available to official-
ly. recognized and registered student
organizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Guild House, Tues., Feb. 16, 4 p.m.,
refreshments, 802 Monroe.
.* * *
ULLR Ski Club, Movie & arrange-
ments for weekend ski trip, Feb. 15,
8 p.m., 3B Union.
* * * .
La Sociedad Hispanica, Gran Concur-
so de Poesia, Miercoles, 8 p.m., 3050
Frieze Bldg. Vengan todos.
* * *
College Republicans, Office hours this
week, Feb. 15-18, 1-4 p.m., 2535 SAB.
* * *
Alpha Phi Omega, Chapter meeting,
Feb. 16, 7 p.m., 3rd Fl. Conf. Room,
Michigan Union.
* * *
Graduate History Club, Coffee hour-
mixer, Feb. 16, 2-4 p.m., Rm. 3G, Un-
* * *
VOICE, Prof. Moskos on "Combat
Soldier," Feb. 15, 4 p.m., Multipurpose
Room, UGLI.



Discontent over Role
In President Choice




through this door lies the
jewelry designed for you

(Continued from Page 1)
more power than a previously pro-
posed resolution which the Re-
gents were considering. This pro-
posal would have given the stu-
dents only representation on an
"evaluation of needs" panel and
no power to suggest possible can-
Resnick said, "I hope that the
students will play an equal and
major part in the selection of the
President. However, I am skeptical
because of my previous exper-
ience with the bookstore as to the
actual effect that they will have
on the Regents' decision.".
Doug Chapman, '69, of the ex-
ecutive board of Voice political
party, said that it is a good idea
to have students represented in
making such a decision.
Not Equally Weighted
However, Chapman went on to
say that "the student committee
will be ignored. The three com-
mittees will not carry equal weight.
Since the alumni have the money
they also have the power and
therefore will have the most in-
fluence. The students and faculty
have like interests and also are
the ones which will be affected.
They should have more power
than any other single faction."
A 11
(Continued from Page 2)
Michael N. Huhns, James T. Hunt,
Donald W. Johnson, John W. Kingscott,
Randy A. Kniebes, William A. Korn,
David W. Koster, Edwin F. La Place,
Mark R. Lander, William J. Lane,
Thomas M. Lill, John S. Listiak, Steven
J. Lowden, Richard J. Malten, Kenneth
J. O'Bara, Gregory C. Opdycke, Jona-
than R. tPawlik, John A. Pfefferle, John
M. Powell, Thomas J. Prescott, James
C. Purdy, Michael J. Renner.
Joathan J. Rosen, Thomas J. Ros-
fjord, Edward R. Sajewski, Steven Seto,
John G. Sharum, David L. Spitzley,
RobertGT. Stenson, Robert A. Stern-
berg, Charles A. Stuart, Lawrence D.
Timte, Armin W. Troesch, Sally S.
Tseng, Gerald W. Ward, William F.
Woods, Jeryl K. Wright.

Mickey Eisenberg, '67, SGC
member, feels definitely that the
alumni and the faculty will have
more power than the students. "I
am just skeptical as to the admin-
istration's desiring student par-
ticipation in the decision making
process of this University," he
In spite of student dissatisfac-
tion, Regent Paul G. Goebel of
Grand Rapids stated that, "The
students will have as much to say
as the alumni and the faculty."
Regent William B. Cudlip of De-
troit said, "The resolution speaks
for itself. The Student Govern-
ment Council committee will pre-
sent suggestions to the Board of
Regents just like the alumni and
faculty committees will. These
suggestions will then be taken into
consideration by the Regents as
they do their own research."
Why Do
You Read
So Slo0W__ly?
A noted publisher in Chicago re-
ports there is a simple technique
of rapid reading which should en-
able you to double your reading
speed and yet retain much more.
Most people do not realize how
much they could increase their
pleasure, success and income by
reading faster and more accurately.
According to this publisher, any-
one, regardless of his present read-
ing skill, can use this simple tech-
nique to. improve his reading abil-
ity to a remarkable degree. Wheth-
er reading stories, books, technical
matter, it becomes possible to read







an outstanding collection of
14 karat gold
aid sterling charms


arcade. jewelry






interna tional/
Jaih uron /1arade


Splendor, Color the

World Over !


sentences at a glance and entire
pages in seconds with this method.
To acquaint the readers of this

TUESDAY, February 15, 12:00 Noon

U.M. International Center
Professor of English, College of Engineering
For reservations, Sponsored by the
call 662-5529 Ecumenical Campus Center

newspaper with the easy-to-follow
rules for developing rapid reading
skill, the company has printed full
details of its interesting self-train-
ing method in a new booklet, "How
to Read Faster and Retain More"
mailed free. No obligation. Send
your request to: Reading, 835 Di-
versey, Dept. C152, Chicago, Ill.
60614. A postcard will do. Please
include your zip code.

. See Men;'s and Women's Costumes
from Latin America. Africa, Asia
* Aleet iioiz-A mericaiz stuiden;ts
informally after show
* Feast on refreshments
Accent on the International




Phi Beta Radio?
Psychological tests prove that
the right kind of music can ac-
tually keep the mind more alert.
Try out the theory tonight with
WJR's Night Scene. Elliot Field
will play you a little midnight oil
music while you crack the books.
Maybe something from Broad-
way, the movies, folk, Brubeck,
Basie, Ella. Once in a while he'll
butt in with some talk. If you
have no assignment, don't feel
bad. It's pretty good goof-off
listening, too.
Night Scene
Monday through Friday
WJR/760 on your dial
8:15 'til 10:25

.11 1
Handfuls of early violets. A warm wind and the
touch of softer air against the face. Representetd
here, by the three-button VILLAGER® suit in
' cotton and acetate hopsacking, and its shirt, a
little pleated cotton wisp printed with sail- "
\ boats and flowers. Both, Sky Blue, Coral,
Fern Green, Suntan. Suit also in Shell Pink and
Buttercup. Sizes 6 to 16.


i {

The key to your total appearance is
total consideration of your silhouette
.. the total you. It costs no more to
have an exciting, creative approach
to your total silhouette ..,. your
hair style. Why settle for second
best? Why not call Marilyn
Mak' for an appointment? The
loveliest gals on campus do, you know.

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 8,00 P.M.
League, Vanden brg Room
Sponsored by Panhellen ic and Assembly


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