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February 13, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-13

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WASHINGTON (A')-Despite the
air of extreme politeness on all
sides, the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee's hearings on the war
in Viet Nam shape up as one of
the most abrasive conflicts in re-
cent years between a president
and members of his own party.
President Johnson says he
doesn't see it that way.
"No one wants to escalate the
war and no one wants to lose any
more men than is necessary,"
Johnson said recently.
"No one wants to surrender and
get out. At least no one admits
they do. So I don't see that there
is any great difference of opinion."
Most members of the committee
insist they don't have any inten-
tion of trying to undermine John-

son's hand, although one has said'
an aim of the hearings is to "try
to go over the head of the Presi-
dent to the American people."
Johnson says the senators and
the critical witnesses really are
endorsing the course he is follow-
From what he knew of the testi-
mony of former diplomat George
F. Kennan and retired Lt. Gen.
James M. Gavin, Johnson said,
"there is not a great deal 'of dif-
ference" between what they "are
saying and what the government
is doing."
Committee Chairman J. W: Ful-
bright (D-Ark), who is presiding
over the probe of the administra-
tion's Asian policy, put it this way:
"I am fearful that if the war in

Viet Nam is not handled extremely
well, the Chinese Communists will
come in."
"We have been inched into this
Asiatic morass step by step,"
argues Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn),
"and there are not many steps
short of war" with Red China.
Johnson, at his news conference
Friday, said there are no plans for
substantially greater numbers of
U.S. troops in Viet Nam but "there
will be additional men needed and
they will be supplied as Gen. Wil-
liam C. Westmoreland is able to
use them and as he may require
Just how many troops Johnson
wouldn't say. But it sounded a
little 'like one of the steps Gore
has worried about.

On Thursday Gore said that
Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower,
John F. Kennedy and Johnson had
given assurances that U.S. com-
bat troops would not be commit-
ted to Viet Nam.
Gore said he and others on the
committee had argued with ad-
ministration officials in secret
sessions about the steps being
taken in Viet Nam but "unfortu-
nately we seem not to have made
a dent."
Thus, he said to Kennan sitting
in the glare of camera lights in
the crowded Senate caucus room:
"What we are seeking to do now
is go over the head of the Presi-
dent to the American people, and
reach him by way of the people."
Broadly the questions have

been: To escalate or not to es-
calate? To bomb or not to bomb?
And how did we get in-and how
do we get out-of the mess?
The questions have ranged from
the morality to the practicality of
bombing, from nuclear war to los-
ing face.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk'
argued the U.S. involvement is'
clearly rooted in treaties and al-
liances and he has quoted Presi-
dent Harry S. Truman's declara-
tion in 1947 setting forth the con-
tainment policy:
"I believe that it must be the
policy of the United States to
support free peoples who are re-
sisting attempted subjugation by
armed minorities or by outside

But Kennan, who as a State too thin to reply to other chal- in areas it could safely police and
Department planner was consider- lenges and draw its attention from 'defend with its present strength,

ed the chief architect of the con- more vital problems.
tainment plan, said it had been K
framed when there was only one Kennan agreed with the enclave
center for world communism, Mos- strategy as outlined by Gavin in a
cow, and its aim was protection letter to Harper's magazine, al-
of Western Europe. though there was some confusion
about just what Gavin did mean

let the crisis "simmer ;down" and
let other nations work out a po-
litical solution.
Is the President getting any re-
action from the people?



Kennan saw no reason why the
United States would want to be-
come so deeply involved in Viet'
Nam. He said the nation is under-
taking an obligation that goes"
"considerably further than the
normal obligation of a military
Both Kennan and Gavin con-
tended that the United States, by
putting undue emphasis on Viet'
Nam, could spread its resources'

by histhory.Jo replying to a question
by his theory. about how his mail is running on
Gavin said it definitely did not the Viet Nam issue, noted "That
mean - as interpreted and criti- there are a good many people in
cized by Taylor and Gen. Earle G. the country that are troubled
Wheeler, chairman of the Joint about Viet Nam and wish we could
Chiefs-that he would withdraw or find some way to negotiate, but
stop bombing of military targets I think the country overwhelming-
in North Viet Nam. ly supports the position that we
But Kennan said the best solu- have taken. I believe the members
tion for the United States is to of the House and the Senate do
"dig-in" into defensive positions likewise."


Liberals Speculate:

General Strike Portends Will Johnson Run?

Grave Dominican Crisis

Republic (A')-A mushrooming gen-
eral strike appears to be develop-
ing into the gravest threat yet to
a government unpalatable to many
Dominicans-but for different rea-
Right-wing extremists and con-
servatives think the government is
too partial to the rebel movement
and far leftists.
The extreme left and national-
ists regard it as a front for U.S.
interests, put up through the Or-
ganization of American States.
Collapse of the six-month-old

regime, now only three months
away from the scheduled end of
its tenure, would grievously harm
the $100 million political-economic
rehabiiltation efforts of both the
OAS and the U.S. government.
The extremists among both the
rival factions in the April revolu-
tion, however, are known to feel
they might ultimately achieve
power through the disappearance
of the provisional government.
This leads to careful examina-
tion of the causes of violence that
left 16 dead and more than two
score hurt last week.

Hershey Requests Induction'
Of-Some Now Classified 1-Y

WASHINGTON (MP)-The direc-
tor of Selective Service wants the
armed forces to induct more men
who have been rejected and put
into the 1-Y classification for
moral and physical reasons.
Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey says
he believes "there is gold" in the
form of militarily acceptable man-
power among the some two million
men now classified 1-Y-qualified
for military service only in time of
national emergency.,
Hershey said also he believes
President Johnson's estimate of
160,000 inductions for the year be-
ginning July 1 is "based on hoped."
But he didn't say how many he
thinks will be inducted.
Ease Mental Standards
The military agreed recently to
ease up on its mental standards
so that generally now a high
school graduate is acceptable for
induction if he meets other re-
Asked what he thinks will be

the attitude of the military toward
acceptance .of students involved in
a sit-in last year at the local draft
board in Ann Arbor and subse-
quently convicted of trespass, Her-
shey said:
"If he violated our law by in-
terrupting the procedures, then
the armed forces can't turn him
"But if he comes up with ma-
licious trespassing in the State of
Michigan, they could very well
raise the question of violating a
law that is not ours and he there-
fore was not acceptable."
Hershey said this amounts to
"telling our kids to go out and
make criminals of themselves and
they will not have to serve" and
he added:
"Some fine people are doing it."
He said he is "trying to believe"
that the University of Michigan
students at Ann Arbor were not
trying to do that.

A student demonstration, osten-
sibly to demand restoration of gov-
ernment aid to the university, ig-
nited the rioting and strike. Al-
though the university takes pride
in calling itself autonomous, its
operation depends entirely on of-
ficial funds which were cut off
some' weeks ago as a result of a
dispute between politically oppo-
site administrative groups seeking
control of the school.
Previous demonstrations, organ-
ized by the same Communist-con-
trolled student federation and
having essentially the same anti-
U.S. character, had come and gone
without incident, although these
later deteriorated into downtown
The Dominican Revolutionary
Party-PRD-has opposed recent
attempts by Communist-controlled
unions to launch strikes. The
party's tack, asdexpressed by its
leader, ex-President Juan Bosch,
is that "You don't fight a crisis
with a crisis."
This time, however, the PRD
moved behind the strike, not only
to protest police violence but to
demand compliance with a presi-
dential order changing the Domin-
ican armed forces high command
and transferring abroad the top-
ranking officers.
The PRD is insisting on this in
the full knowledge that the army,
which knocked Bosch over in
1963, is largely pledged to keeping
him out of power, and that leader-
ship changes might lessen that
In order to avoid a serious con-
government bowed to armed forces
frontation with the military, the
demands and agreed to remove
only the No. 1 officer, Commodore
Francisco J. Rivera Caminero.
This is certain not to appease the
PRD or nationalists.

WASHINGTON (A) - There is
increasing speculation a mo n g
Democratic liberals in Congress
that President Johnson may not
seek a second elective term in
1968-an idea not widely shared
among political pros as a whole.
But although the idea of John-
son's voluntarily stepping down
seems far-fetched to veteran tac-
ticians of both parties some of
those in the vanguard of the cri-
tical assaults on Johnson's course
in Viet Nam are telling each other
it could happen.
'They base their belief on these
That despite an enlarged U.S.
military commitment the unpopu-
lar war is likely to drag on into
the presidential election year
without any definitive signs that
it can be ended successfully.
That what they think is voter,
dislilusionment with the presi-
dent's current policies is likely to
bring a Republican resurgence in
this year's congressional races
that will make it considerably
more difficult for Johnson to ob-
tain cooperation from the legisla-
tive branch.
Finally, that Johnson might
prefer to leave his landslide victory
of 1964 and his domestic leader-
ship since as a watermark on his-
tory rather than to risk the kind
of razor-edge victory by which
Woodrow Wilson won a second
term in 1916._

The liberals are reluctant to
concede it but their current fury
over the manner in which John-
son has ignored their advice on
Viet Nam probably has influenced
the assumptions they are making.
No vice president who succeed-
ed to the top job has ever had a
second elective term. Theodore
Roosevelt rejected the idea but
later changed his mind and tried
unsuccessfully again after a lapse
of four years.
After him, Calvin Coolidge and
Harry S. Truman turned down the
chance for a second. election try.
Political strategists (to not be-
lieve that Johnson would quit
voluntarily in the middle of un-
finished business in Viet Nam, nor
do they believe he would be likely
to be defeated if he runs again
during a war.
They say also he would hardly
be enthusiastic about having Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY) be-
come a strong candidate for the
Democratic nomination to succeed
Johnson is giving Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey, whom he
chose as his 1964 running mate
after rejecting Kennedy, a chance
to sun himself in the political
spotlight by sending him to Sai-
gon and other areas in Asia.
For these and other reasons,
t most of the pros are convinced
that when 1968 rolls around the
familiar name of Johnson will be
on the ticket again.


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World News Roundup



By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Vice-President Hubert
H. Humphrey switches to a sales-
man's role on Viet Nam today. He
is launching a tour of Asian na-
tions as a sequel to his efforts
here to spur social-economic de-
velopment among the Vietnamese
The first stop is Bangkok, Thai-
land. .
Thailand is an American ally
and Humphrey said he will confer
there with "good friends of the
United States." Neutrals and allies
-Laos, India, Pakistan, the Phil-
ippines,, Australia and New Zea-
land-are others on the list.
NEW ORLEANS-About 60 anti-
war marchers braved rain, insults
and an occasional hurled egg yes-
terday to, protest United States
policy in Viet Nam.
Carrying placards reading, "Love
Not-War," "Withdraw U.S. Troops
from Viet Nam," and "Murder in
the Name of Democracy is STILL
Murder," the marchers plodded
four miles to a park.
GAINESVILLE, Fla.-About 35
demonstrators marched in protest

of U.S. participation in the Viet
Nam war yesterday while four
veterans of that conflict were be-
ing feted by the rest of the city.
The marchers were jeered at by
students as they passed fraternity
houses near the University of
Florida campus.
* * *
ATLANTA, Ga.-About 10,000
persons, their patriotism undamp-
ened by drizzling rain, cheered
yesterday the nation's anti-

Communist fight in Viet Nam in
a giant rally without comparison
since World War II.
MOSCOW-The public prosecu-
tor demanded prison terms and
Siberian exile yesterday for au-
thors Andrei D. Sinyavsky and
Yuli M. Daniel after declaring that
testimony in their trial proved
"their hostility to the Soviet
people, the state and the Com-
munist party."

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