Seventy-Sixth Year
An Alternative to Constant Criticism
Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Trutb Will Prevail
NEwS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Senate Resolution:
Antithetical to U. S. Tradition
INTOLERANCE has raised its ugly head
once again in academic spheres. In the
last 24 hours, the Michigan Senate, those
noble arbiters of morality, has requested
the banning of Communist speakers on
public campuses and have been defied,
The action of Wayne State University's
President William Keast was most ad-.
mirable in permitting Herbert Aptheker,
an historian and Communist theorist, to
speak. Yet it was the only logical choice
open to him in the face of the Senate's
attempt to legislate ethics. What was
most threatening in the Senate's action,
however, was Senator Raymond Dzend-
zel's statement that the senators will "be
taking a very close look at some of these
universities and colleges." The connota-
tions of this statement point in various
directions, most of which are injurious
to the future of higher education in
Michigan. Is Dzendzel suggesting a
HUAC-type investigation of campus
speaker programs? Or is he possibly rec-
ommending a clause in future legislative
appropriations granting money only to
obliging universities wro book just DAR-
supported lecturers?
Incidents at Ohio State University and
most recently at the University of North
Carolina have revolved :around the con-
troversial Mr. Aptheker. At North Caro-
lina, the executive committee of the board
of trustees refused to grant permission for
an on-campus speech by Aptheker. Ap-
parently Michigan has not outgrown this
state of intellectual myopia. Despite the
expressed intent of the Constitution, the
Bill ,of Rights, and the whole heritage
of academic freedom in the United States,
politicians continue to try and limit the
freedom of speech on state-controlled
campuses. Certainly, whatever Aptheker
has to say cannot be as dangerous as his
not being allowed to say it. And one could
continue and draw Orwellian parallels as
to what might happen if "the state could
ever do that...."
Wayne State's action was an accurate
answer to the validity of the Senate's ar-
gument. According to President Keast,
"We have confidence in our students. We
have confidence in their commitment to
democratic ideas and we are determined
that they shall hear all sides and ques-
tions of any issue."
THE ISSUE primarily under fire, of
course, is the war in Viet Nam. It has
brought out passions on both sides and
created an unsettling feeling among many
people. The Michigan Senate did not at-
tempt a ban on self-styled Nazi George
Lincoln Rockwell when he spoke last year
in Ann Arbor, nor should they have. Yet
when a man of scholarship, while a Com-
munist, declares that "the National Lib-
eration Front is a broad national coali-
tion representing the overall will of the
people," and attempts to shed light on a
vital national issue, politicians seize the
brand of censorship and rule that he
should not speak. Maybe Aptheker is
wrong, yet this does not deny him the
privilege of sharing his views.
Tomorrow Aptheker will be gone. Yet
the resolution will still rest in the Sen-
ate's records and Dzendzel and his com--
panions intend to take "a very close look
at some of these universities and col-
leges." The end result of this hasty action
by the Senate can only be regret and
hopefully nothing more. This attempt by
the legislators to interfere in the normal
processes of university life has ended
abortively; and very clearly unpopular
among the students it affects.
THIS UNIVERSITY cherishes a history
unblemished by legislative interfer-
ence. The record is still clean, but the
first threat has appeared. Those legisla-
tors who voted along with Dzendzel in
their attempt to ban Communist speakers
might reconsider the Constitution's First
Amendment, and if they wish to uncover
this sentiment elsewhere, they need only
turn to that famous old phrase of Vol-
taire: "I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right
to say it."
FOR THOSE tired of caustic,
critical, ponderous, academic,
laborious and terribly long col-
umns, I offer here something of
an alternative-a short, sentimen-
tal compendium of nostalgia and
thanks. If that prospect upsets
you, you had better change the
FIRST, ON MY favorite-places-
to-know-about list:
-The Mental Health Research
Institute, home of more radicals-
and creative excitement-than any
place around here, with the self-
declared exception of George
White's Ark; able, in spite of this,
to obtain generous state support
for the most diversified and high-
est quality research program in
the University and probably one
of the finest in the world for the
fields covered;
Able also to coordinate, under
one roof, a somewhat better than
randomly directed attempt to con-
duct fruitful, scientific study of
the human animal-biologically,
psychologically and socially-and
to relate these studies through the
concepts of system sciences which
look at parts of the body, at people
and at societies in relation to one
another, rather than individually;
-The Institute for Social Re-
search, proud possessor of the
only architecturally exciting build-
ing at this university and leader
and pioneer since its founding in
the quantitative study of people
in society, what they think, what
they do and how they act under
specified conditions;
All of which has generated basic
questions about the most desirable
forms of social, political and eco-
nomic organization in a world,
that still, almost universally, tub-
bornly insists that new aspirations
and sources of motivation can be
handled in the same old ways
which were, in fact, hardly ever
adequate for the purposes they
were supposed to serve and are
now not only inadequate but close
to impossible;
-The Undergraduate Library,
which, infamous as it might be,
still serves as an incredibly ef-
ficient and rich source of intel-
lectual stimulation and guidance
for the masses of students who
find the academic offerings of the
classroom pale without consider-
able outside bolstering through in-
telligent interaction with other
people, for which the 'University
unfortunately does not provide
much stimulus;
-Any of 50 or 100 research and
study laboratories on campus
where the lifeblood of the Univer-
sity, something that can be said
to be a magical combination of
teaching, study and research, can
be observed to flow, most freely,
hindered rarely by the bureau-
cracy, less rarely but still not very
frequently, by petty and small and
even stupid minds where they
shouldn't be;
-The Daily, where, at any time
of the day or night one can us-
Michigan MAD
ually find exciting or interesting
or sympathetic people, whichever
one happens to be interested in,
who will listen, talk, marvel, argue
or liscuss most anything.
And where, at a minimum, there
is a cold, heartless but informative
Associated Press teletypewriter to
keep one abreast of the world's
jokes upon itself.
SECOND, ON MY miscellaneous-
favorites list:
-The campus at 3 a.m., pref-
erably cold and snowy, quiet and
lonely, possessed of an essential
spirit that bespeaks a university
held together by something a little
more relevant than a common
plumbing system;
-The stacks of the General
Library anytime, containing, in-
dustriously stacked and shelved
and cataloged and marked, the
accumulated efforts of some thou-
sands of writers over thousands
of years to explain something of
ourselves and our world to us; and
-Professors who make at least
an effort to understand what it's
like to literally spend one's life
for one or more years on The
Daily and who make generous
allowances for those of us who
inevitably wind up skipping
classes, appointments, homework,
papers and even exams in the
FINALLY, after three years on
The Daily and three and a half
in the University, I owe a lot of,
debts, the kind that can never be
repaid, only acknowledged. Some
principal ones are:
-To Prof. Richard Meier, of
whom it is impossible that there
could be more than one in this
world; who made the University
acquire brilliance and meaning for
me through unbelievably stimulat-
ing and wide-ranging teaching
and conversation which constantly
and consistently sought to relate
the uncommon insight into any-_
thing to the' precise analysis of
anything else, thereby producing
an amazing hybrid of scientific
-To Roger W. Heyns, who will
almost certainly put four or five
things together correctly and
either be President of this Uni-
versity in two years or of the
University of California in five;
who taught me, most importantly,
the meaning and value of political
integrity and who, hardly much
less importantly, has shown me,
directly and indirectly, how great
institutions are built, rebuilt if
necessary, and maintained;
-To Richard Cutler who has
provided the office of student af-
fairs and other large hunks of the
University with more life and ex-
citement than they ever thought
they could withstand; who made a
herioc effort to teach me how to
articulate some of the basic values
and directions he espoused that
make the University something
you feel you can dedicate your-
self to, but who at least provided
an example second to none.
--To nine out-going Daily Sen-
ior Editors, ten new ones, and
several score of other staff mem-
bers, more or less and off and
on, who have provided me a
broader range and stronger con-
centration of emotional and in-
tellectual experiences in one year
than I will probably get in the
next ten;
-To everyone else in or out of
both ThekDaily and the University
whomI knowor have known, or
don't know but should.
It's been fun.
FOR THOSE of you who can't
remember back to when this small,
personal but public saga began
for me 11 months ago, MAD
stands for Michigan Algorithm
This is a computer language
developed at this university, and
it is used in the process of con-
verting English language com-
puter instructions to electrical
impulses that machinery can do
something about.
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Johnson Sacrifices
Education for War
MSU Law School: A Mistake
THE JOHNSON administration'
is presently making' a major
gamble with America's future
prestige and economic security.
This is being done in the belief
that for a year at least, America's
scientific effort can be allowed to
stagnate without suffering ad-
verse long-term effects.
This is a consequence of the
war in Viet Nam, and is the mean-
ing to American science of John-
son's budget request to Congress.
In fiscal 1967, the number of
dollars going into America's scien-
tific research will be just suf-
ficient to continue old projects,
with only token amounts to be
devoted to new ideas and aid in
new developments.
Since the launching of Sputnick
I in 1958, funds for research have
constantly grown. This year, for
the first time since then, there
will be a relative decline in the
percentage of the budget provided
for academic or industrial scien-
tific research.
This small $200 million increase
in research funds- from $5.1 billion
to $5.3 billion, combined with
an unchanged $10 billion to be
spent to develop and build scien-
tific tools and machines, means
that the American scientific com-
munity will receive barely enough
funds to meet the rising costs of
present programs.
not only to have forgotten its
promises of a "great society," but
even more important than this,
it seems to have lost its sense of
The war in Viet 'Nam is ,im-
portant. It is important not only
because American and allied fight-
ing men are dying there, but it
is important in a larger sense in
that it is a struggle for the politi-
cal liberty of an entire nation and
perhaps of a subcontinent.
But, to Americans, and hope-
fully to their government, there
are many far more important
problems even than the fate of a
far off nation. There are problems
of poverty, of starvation state
and local governments, of uncur-
able diseases, and of ugly de-
humanizing cities.
This is not a call for a neo-
isolationism, but for a simple,
logical reassessment of America's
goal, and objectives; a reassess-
ment that should have taken
place long ago.
THE BUDGET decreases, or
small and inadequate increases, in
foreign aid, in the new programs
of the "great society," in the al-
locations to the new department,
of" Housing and Urban Develop-
ment, and most obviously in the
allocations for scientific research,
are supposedly more than balanc-
ed by the need for an all-out war
The question is not whether or
not any war can be more impor-
tant. than social, economic, and
scientific progress, but whether
or not this particular war is worth
the tremendous effort.
There are times when it is ab-
solutely necessary for a nation to
engage in war, just as it is some-
times just as necessary to avoid a
war at any reasonable cost, The
American government has not--at
least not in public, which is the
same thing-attempted the long
and detailed process of debate and
argument which would lead to a
decision of the necessity of the
What are America's goals in
Viet. Nam, and more importantly,
what are our goals as members of
the total world society. Do we
really have a positive program for
South Viet Nam after we. win, are
we simply blindly fighting because
there are others willing to fight
us back?
The pr'oblem is ;a problem of
philosophy. Are we controlling our
own destiny, or are we going to
allow others to control it for us?
Are we goingg to spend the rest
of our history as a nation con-
stantly fighting wars whenever we
can find an opponent? We will
never be at peace,
We are making great sacrifices
to win in Viet Nam, but are the
sacrifices worth it? Will ultimate
victory be more valuable than the
years of peace we are sacrificing?
Can we as members of a great
nation, justify to ourselves, to
other nations, and to our posterity,
the concentration of our tremen-
dous national energy and poten-
tial into a small and distant
corner of the globe?
school proposed by Sen. Raymond
Dzendzel (D-Detroit) should be recogniz-°
ed as a threat to orderly planning of
higher education in Michigan. The pro-
posal is vague and reflects a lack of seri-
ous study. It hinders current efforts by
the State Board of Education toward
intelligent planning.
Dzendzel proposed a night law school,
offering part-time study programs for
full-time legislators and Lansing resi-
dents. Such an institution would use
MSU's existing physical facilities, and
thus, construction costs would be mini-
mal. However, a law faculty and legal li-
brary would have to be acquired, an ex-
pensive operation for a program of such
limited scope.
Associate Dean Charles W. Joiner of the
Law School has said ."the current feeling
is that legal education should be pursued-
on a full-time basis if possible." It would
appear then, that a part-time law school
would not fulfill the primary objectives of
legal education.
Furthermore, it is likely that even once
the school had been established, its qual-
ity of education would be mediocre. Con-
sidering the costs and nature of the
school, it is questionable whether it would
fit into any higher education plan in
1F THE RISKS involved in creating a
part-time law school are great, those-
Editorial Staff~
JUDITH FIELDS ...................Personnel Director
LAUREN BAHRR........... Associate Managing Editor
JUDITH WARREN.......Assistant Managing Editor
SAIL BLUMBERG..... ......Magazine Editor
TOM WEINBERG .... ..........Sports Editor
LLOYD GRAFF .............Associate Sports Editor
- PETER SARASOHN .........Contributing Editor
involved in creating a full legal school at
MSU would be greater. No consideration
has been made of the nature of the need
for legal education expansion in Michi-
gan, and until study has been made, any
proposal, whether dealing in full or par-
tial facilities, should be delayed.
The only obvious benefits from the pro-
posed law school would go to MSU. The
university would gain immeasurable pres-
tige, alumni support, financial and edu-
cational growth, as well as a new program.
Such an addition would complement the
recently-created MSU medical school and
add to the university's current expansion.
But Dzendzel does not appear to have
made the proposal for the sake of aiding
MSU, nor does his plan seem to represent
the thoughts or influence of MSU admin-
istrators. Its primary concern is legal
education and thus should be related to
master planning for higher education.
UNFORTUNATELY, first drafts of the
state master plan for higher education
will not be released until October. Yet, it
is this paper that will detail, among oth-
er things, specific needs in expanding le-
gal education.
Until the plan is released, it is im--
possible to evaluate the need for the part-
time law school Dzendzel proposes. Hasty
creation of such a school could be an ex-
pensive and irreversible mistake. Thus, at
the present time, Dzendzel's proposal does
not serve the best interests of Michigan
education and should be withdrawn at
least until those interests are stated in
the master plan.
The Time
Is ip e
"+ ,A TIME FOR JOY, a time for tears
If. as it's said. there is a time for every-
AV \. :..,
Viet Nam Creates Confusion.
As War That Nobody wants
yet become seriously infected
with war fever, but the Viet Nam
operations have successfully in-
stilled a very real and very per-
vasive sense of confusion within
the American people.
Nobody really- wants the war,
few believe in it, and yet it keeps
growing as our commitment in
men, money and prestige period-
ically increases. The country, or
at least the President, seems to
perceive an evangelical mission to
truly make the world safe for
democracy. Yet protestations of
opposition are constantly being
There has been a need to get a
more definitive view of the prob-
lems, and also to establishhow
much power the President has to
personally make commitments and
wage war. To meet this need the
Senate Committee on Foreign Re-
lations has been conducting na-
tionally televised hearings dealing
with Viet Nam.
George K e n n a n, generally
known as the author of the policy
of containment, appeared before
the committee Thursday and made
a most meaningful contribution to
the dialogue.
the sudden sense of urgency which
our action has taken on. It seemed
to him as if Johnson and his ad-
visors have decided they can ef-
fect a dramatic militiary-political
reversal by greatly stepping up
our commitments. World opinion
and the manner in which our
policy jeopardizes chances for
peaceful settlement and threatens
enlargement of the conflict just
don't seem to count.
"I have great misgivings about
any deliberate expansion of hos-
tilities on our part directed to the
achievement of something called
'victory'-if bysthe use of that
term, we envisage the complete
disappearance of the recalcitrance
with which we are now faced, the
formal submission by the adver-
sary to our will, and the complete
realization of our present stated
political aims. I doubt that these
things can be achieved even by
the most formidable military suc-
in a position where it cannot fully
achieve its political objectives, yet
it feels that to admit defeat and
accept anything less than an ad-
vantageous compromise would be
so disadvantageous to its stature
that it is not worthwhile. Thus
the, Arlilpmma nn .f. nr. i4a 4 m
ships between these two countries
is being severely strained.
"Our relations with the Soviet
Union have suffered grievously, as
was to be expected-and this at a
time when far more impotrant
things are involved than what is
involved in Viet Nam, and wher
we had special reasons to culti-
vate them."
THE PURSUANCE of war has
also had a disasterous effect or
Japan's moral and feelings of
friendships towards the Unitec
"There is no success we could
have in Viet Nam that could con-
ceivably warrant the sacrifice of
the confidence and goodwill of the
Japanese people, yet we abuse that
confidence and goodwill in the
most serious way when we press
the military struggle in Viet Nam,
and particularly when we press it
by means of strategic bombing."
And a final answer? Kennar
proposes patience, that we pursue
the type of policy advocated b3
Gen. Gavin earlier in the hearings
-that of occupying certain defen-
sible enclaves within the country,
not extending our efforts, and still
making it clear to the Viet Cong
that we will not leave the coun-
try and that they must negotiate
~ - --. ,.3n. !. rn v n t c i c n-f-
Letters: Student Counseling
To the Editor:
FOUR MISS Diane Saltz was a
bit too enthusiastic in her ex-
planation of the purposes for the
Literary College's Steering Com-
mittee's Student Counseling Sem-
inar in Wed. Daily. I did not
"declare" any thing when I spoke
to her on the phone Tuesday. I
was, told only that background
material was needed to help ex-
plain the reasons this student ef-
fort at counseling was established.
Those reasons were certainly not
meant to imply castigation of the
regular Counseling Office of the
college, nor should they have been
understood as such.
Any institution' of the size of
this University finds it very hard
to supply the up-to-date and per-
sonally-oriented advice, over the
wide range demanded, that aca-
demic counseling ought to include.
Recognizing this, the steering
onm .. --.awihter n o tn
courses" during pre-registration
as Mr. Litven was quoted as say-
ing. Again, because of the volume
of registration traffic the coun-
seling offices must handle, drop-
ping and adding are deferred until
the new semester begins. It is
therefore very important that the
student be able to find out in
time, before courses close, what
he wants to take, and what is
worth taking.
--Paul Bernstein, '6
for the LSA Steering
To the Editor:
Student Government Council
gave a requested $100 to Offset, a
student literary publication. Dur-
ing questioning, Michael Handle-
m n an.dr +o th maeane_ r--