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February 12, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-12

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Johnson Says Nation Backs

Viet Nam

WASHINGTON A) - President
Johnson said yesterday Congress
and the nation overwhelmingly
support his position on Viet Nam
-a stand, he said, that will have
to be bolstered with more U.S.
fighting men.
"There will be additional men
needed and they will be supplied,"
Johnson said. He would not dis-
cuss the number of troops who
might join some 200,000 Americans
now in South Viet Nam. But he
indicated there are no present
plans for a substantial troop
Johnson said also there is no
need now for a callup of military
reserves. But he offered no long-
range forecast on that.

"I see at this moment no re-
quirement for reserves," he said.
And Johnson said he sees no
conflict between his policy in
Viet Nam and those prescribed by
witnesses who have testified before
the Senate Foreign Relations
"No one wants to escalate the
war. No one wants to surrender
and pull out," he said. "I don't
see that there's any great dif-
He offered this assessment of
opinion in Congress and the na-
"I ' think the country over-
whelmingly supports the position
we have taken and that the House
and Senate do likewise."

But mail reaching Chairman J.
W. Fulbright of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee is re-
ported running about 30 to. 1
against escalation of the war in
Viet Nam.
And the correspondents are re-
ported also to be favoring, by
about the same ratio, the com-
mittee's open hearings into Presi-
dent Johnson's policy in South-
east Asia.
A memo prepared for Fulbright
by his staff showed that up to last
Tuesday, some 5,000 had expressed
approval of the Arkansas senator's
opposition to escalation of the
conflict and favored the hearings.
"Those opposed have increased
to 170 mainly because of the

hearings. The writers mainly ob-
ject either because of the fact
they are being held at all, or to
the manner in which they are
being conducted," the memo said.
Fulbright concedes it is likely
that his mail normally would come
most heavily from those who sup-
port his course.
Before the hearings were re-
cessed Thursday, for the weekend,
Fulbright acknowledged the op-
position to hearings this way:
"There has been some criticism
of the committee for holding hear-
ings at all. It has been said that
we are giving aid and comfort to
our enemies."
A sampling of letters read by

a reporter-with a proviso that
names of writers not be used-
included one from a man who said
he had held "a recent long con-
versation with President Ho Chi
Minh" of North Viet Nam and had
talked with other North Viet-
namese and reached this con-
"They are totally determined to
continue the struggle until the
American military presence is re-
moved from Viet Nam."
One woman in Cleveland, Ohio,
was explicit in suggesting ground-
work for future hearings:
"Please conduct any further
Viet Nam inquiry in private, or
between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

"Interference of regular day-
time television programs is losing
you the support and the votes of
One letter called President
Johnson "a dangerous man who
has done more to blacken" the
image of the United States "and
to undermine the Democratic
process than any president who
preceded him."
A couple urged that Fulbright
insist that Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara testify at
public hearings despite his re-
jection of an invitation to do so.
"Certainly if American boys can
die in South Viet Nam, McNamara
should explain in public," said one.

don't you worry ..
you haven't had an
'ensian representative come
to your house?
they'll be there!
operation sellout is





Garcia Swears in
Military Minister

A. U.S. INFANTRYMAN, left, drops his ammunition box and starts to sink to the ground as
by Viet Cong fire on dash through rubber plantation north of Cu Chi, South Viet Nam, yes
U.S. Poliey Boosters To Ral
Plan AntiWar Counter Prot

.r1.fJUN Council
hw{ Deadlocked
Ambassador Gives
Thant Review of
+>Honolulu Conference
sador Arthur J. Goldberg speeded
up the U.S. peace offensive yes-
terday vowing that theUnited
Nations will play a constructive
role in trying to bring about a
peaceful solution in Viet Nam.
But there still was no agree-
ment among members of the 15-
nation UN Security Council on
how it might step into the situa-
" tion, and Goldberg did not pre-
dict any formal session of the
council right away.
The chief U.S. delegate went in-
to action after his conference in
ated Press Washington on Thursday with
he is hit President Johnson on the decisions
terday. taken at Honolulu in the talks
there with the leaders of South
Viet Nam.
Goldberg consulted with some
members of the council during the
morning, held a news conference,
then gave Secretary-General U
; Thant a review of his meeting
with Johnson.
"The President asked me in this
e~t review to reaffirm that the goal
est of the United States in Viet Nam
is an honorable and just peace-
the rally peace at the earliest possible time,"
de dmon-Goldberg told reporters.
de demon- Declined Comment
U.S. war He declined to predict the out-
come of the UN consultations or
ations what action the Security Council
tlanta, co- might take.
ar commit- He said this could be a resolu-
ns against tion, a statement summing up the
ent will be opinion of the various council
ackson and members "or some other action."
ttle Rock, He cautioned against ruling out
vew York, prospects of a formal council de-
h, Chicago, bate at a future time.
rkeley and He said he wanted to stress that
the U.S. action in bringing the
hts groups issue before the council already
rganization has had a good effect in that
Nonviolent many nations now are involved in
t t e e, the the problem and that is all to
Leadership the good.
'ongress of "I believe also that the United
Nations will play a constructive
role in attempting to bring about
ty a peaceful solution in Viet.Nam,"
for Rusk he added.
heavy. The Seek Clarification
y' will have He said the United States was
,nd around seeking clarification from Hanoi
on its demands for recognition of
cades were the National Front for Liberation,
eorgia for the political arm of the Viet Cong.
n, special But he made clear the United
planned to States could not regard the front
a colleges as a representative of the South
Vietnamese government.
ed to the He said he did not regard the
Gov. Carl issue as one barring a peace con-
Richard B. ference, and that if North Viet
Talmadge; Nam wanted to come to the con-
ea, Malay- ference table the question of rep-
Denmark, resentation could be negotiated.
, Belgium, Asked whether the declaration
'an, Italy, adopted at Honolulu might hamper
and, West UN peace efforts, Goldberg re-
in and the plied that he did not find this to
be true. He said that on the day
rnstrations, the declaration was issued he met
Lewis of with delegates from a dozen na-
lhton Lynd, tions, including Communist and
s who re- neutrals, and none expressed the
in a so- view that the declaration would
eace. affect adversely the consultations.

dent Hector Garcia-Godoy swore
in a new armed forces minister
Friday in a bid to end a crisis
that has seen 12 persons die in
riots in the past three days.
But this belated move seemed
to have little effect. A slowly
spreading general strike by leftists
against the Dominican military
leaders was spreading paralysis in
the capital and elsewhere.
Garcia-Godoy administered the
oath to Col. Enrique Perez y Perez,
42, who is a veteran of combat
against anti-Trujillo invasions
from Cuba in 1949 and 1959.
Present for the ceremony was
the outgoing armed forces minis-
ter, Commodore Francisco J. Ri-
vera Caminero, who leaves Satur-
day for his. new post as military.
attache in Washington. Perez y
Perez, elevated to the temporary
rank of brigadier general, was
selected from a list of three can-
didates proposed by the armed
forces high command.
The strikers, however, want a
cleanup of the whole military
Most business houses, interna-
tional air service, government of-
fices and the vital, dollar-produc-
ing state-owned sugar industry
were shuttered.
The strike was also in protest
against police violence in break-
ing up a student demonstration
Wednesday that killed seven per-
sons. The strike had the backing
of the powerful Dominican Revo-

lutionary party and its leader, ex-
President Juan Bosch.
Bosch issued a statement saying
the strike would continue until all
the military leaders opposed by
the strikers leave the country.
The downtown sector of the
Dominican capital, once the bas-
tion of the rebel movement, was
sealed off to traffic by gangs of
youths armed with clubs and
rocks. At least four cars were
smashed. Gunfire sounded in var-
ious quarters of the city, but
authorities reported no new
The three-day violence has
claimed at least 12 lives and some
two score injured.
Aimed primarily at forcing com-
pliance with a presidential order
reshuffling the military high
command and transferring abroad
three of the top four officers, the
strike threatened to upset negotia-
tions by which the government
hoped to end the political-military
crisis. The crisis arose from a
violent clash last Dec. 19 between
army regulars and rebel fighters
in Santiago.
The armed forces at first openly
defied the presidential edict. But
later, confronted with pressures
from;the Organization of Ameri-
can States and the inter-American
peace force, the armed forces pro-
posed significant changes that
Garcia-Godoy partly accepted.
One of these was the single
change in the army hierarchy
which places Perez y Perez in the
top command.

As we were sayint




will be


folk singing)

this weekend

speaks MONDAY on
4:15 P.M.-Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library
University Lecture sponsored by The Office of Religious Affairs

with a six-string guitar, a twelve-string guitar,
an auto-harp, a harmonica, a police whistle, a
kazoo ...(gasp!) and that's not all. .. (blush!)


Humphrey Predicts Victory
Over Communism, Poverty

218 N. Division

8:30 P.M.
One Dollar per person

ATLANTA (P-Thousands are
expected to attend a student rally
here today in support of the U.S.
commitment in Viet Nam while
civil rights groups and so-called
peace groups plan antiwar demon-
strations elsewhere in the country.
"Affirmation Viet Nam," a proj-
ect which hopes to rally 50,000
persons at the Atlanta Stadium,
climaxes the efforts of thousands
of Georgia college students to "do
something to show the world how

most Americans feel."
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
will be given the signatures of
more than 200,000 Georgians sup-
porting the war effort. Besides
Rusk, speakers will include retired
Army Gen. Lucius D. Clay and
Nyguyen Du Lien, ambassador-
observer at the United Nations
from South Viet Nam.
A group called the "Southern
Coordinating Committee to End
the War in Viet Nam" has said

World News Roundup.

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Author Andrei D.
Sinyavsky pleaded yesterday be-
fore a high Soviet court for ar-
tistic freedom but the presiding
judge told him this had no bear-
ing on his trial.
Sinyavsky and another author
who smuggled anti-Soviet works to
the west, Yuli M. Daniel, are be-
ing tried' for spreading anti-So-
viet propaganda. They face up to
seven years in prison and five
years of exile in Siberia.
* * *
LEOPOL6VILLE - Gov. Benoit
Wetshindjadi of the Congo's San-
kuru Province has been sentenced
to eight years in prison after be-
ing found guilty of corruption by
a military court in Leopoldville,
the government announced yester-
* * *
LONDON-The House of Com-
mons voted yesterday to legalize
lomosexuality between consenting
male adults in private. The bill,
already approved by the House of
Lords, thus passed its major par-
liamentary hurdle after a long
campaign by social reformers.
* * *
SAN ANTONIO-A spinal men-
ingitis outbreak has forced mili-
tary authorities to close off Lack-
land Air Force Base here to all
new Air Force inductees. Meas-
ures to confine outbreaks of the
disease have also been taken at Ft.
Polk, La., Ft. Gordon, Ga., and
Ft. Knox. Ky.

to be chairman of the Federal
Power Commission and Elmer B.
Staats, deputy director of the
budget, to be comptroller general.
Johnson also announced several
other major appointments includ-
ing that of Robert H. Fleming to
be deputy press secretary "for
the moment" as Bill D. Moyers
takes on more special assign-
ments for the President.
* * *
ATLANTA--Inmates at the U.S.
penitentiary in Atlanta are vol-
unteering for service in Viet Nam,
even though a law providing for
such duty expired at the end of
World War II.
* * *
WASHINGTON-A youthful ex-
Klansman from Ohio yesterday
described a fantastic series of plots
to assassinate President Johnson
and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Daniel N. Wagner, 19, well-
dressed and well-spoken, told the
House Comnittee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities that he joined the
Ku Klux Klan in 1965 because
he wanted to do "something dras-
tic" for the white race.

the group will picket
as part of a nationwi
stration against the
Viet Nam Demonstr
Dwain Wilder of At
ordinator of the antiwa
tee, said demonstratio
the Viet Nam commitm
held in New Orleans, Ja
Tugaloo, Nashville, Li
Richmond, Boston, N
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh
Miami, Los Angeles, Be
Wilder said civil rig
represented in his o
include the Student3
Coordinating C o m m I
Southern Christian7
Conference and the C
Racial Equality.
Heavy Securit
Security precautions
were expected to be h
Atlanta police said the:
300 men on duty in a
the stadium.
More than 60 motor
expected from over G
the event. In additio
trains and buses were1
bring students from
throughout Georgia.
Other notables invit
rally include Georgia
E. Sanders and Sens.F
Russell and Herman'
ambassadors from Kor
sia, the Netherlands,
Thailand, India, Laos
Turkey, Australia, In
Guatemala, New Zeal
Germany, Ecuador, Spa
At the antiwar demo
spe'akers include John
Los Angeles, and Staug
one of three American
cently went to Hanoi
called effort to seek p

SAIGON (P) - Vice-President
Hubert H. Humphrey forecast
eventual victory over both the
Communists and poverty, disease
and illiteracy in South Viet Nam.
"The American people ought to
know there are two wars going on
here and both of these struggles
are being won," Humphrey told
newsmen yesterday.
Making this pronouncement aft-
er a guarded, six-hour tour of four
Vietnamese self-help projects, he
said successful completion of the
dual campaign will take time. He
cautioned against setting any
Humphrey planned to spend a
full day in the field today, most-
ly visiting U.S. troops. He will
fly Sunday to Bangkok, Thailand,
the next stop on an Asian tour
to fill in various nations on Viet-
namese developments.
Thailand, Laos, Pakistan, India,
Australia and New Zealand are on
the itinerary announced by the
White House. The Philippines for-
eign secretary, Narciso Ramos, said
Humphrey will also stop in Manila
for a few hours Feb. 19.
The tropic sun was hot and the
vice-president's face was burned

on his tour of the four self-help
projects, all in the Saigon area.
These are examples of the kind
of social-economic betterment pro-
grams the Saigon government now
is pushing with the strong sup-
port of President Johnson.
Humphrey traveled byhelicop-
ter and car to a recently pacified
village now called New Prosper-
ity, a student-run slum rehabili-
tation project, a housing develop-
ment and an agricultural experi-
ment station. He described himself
as very encouraged by what he had
Humphrey said he was impress-
ed by two things he learned:
-That a village near the one
he visited had asked for the same
government help in building new
schools, a market and dispensar-
ies. This Humphrey said, means
such "rural construction" could
spread and deprive the Commu-
nists of support of the people.
-The initiative of the Vietna-
mesestudents who, in only a few
months, have gone a long way
toward building a new community
in the poorest district in Saigon
-an area where refugees had
squatted until recently among
tombstones of an old cemetery.



If you are concerhed about the problems
facing the university and its students in
the areas of academics, economic wel-
fare, housing, counseling, and future





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