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February 09, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-09

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Low Unemployment Rate Seen
As Result of Economic Boom

In Hawaii, London Sessions

Wilson Hits
Extension of
Viet Raids
Increased Escalation
Seen as Threat to
Major Asian Conflict
LONDON (P)-Prime Minister
Harold Wilson told the House of
Commons last night he has stated
to President Johnson that Brit-
ain's support for U.S. policy in
Viet Nam would not extend to
bombing Hanoi and Haiphong.
Speaking in a debate on Asia,
Wilson said the British govern-
mnent "deprecates pressures for a
wider war" and expressed fear
that the war in Viet Nam could
explode in a conflict of vast di-
"As long as this fighting lasts
there is danger of its escala-
tion to the scale of a major war
in Asia and possibly something
worse," he said. "Thete now is
going to be no victory for any-
body. There must be, therefore, a
political solution."
Attacks Cohorts
Defending the Labor govern-
ment's support for U.S. policy,
Wilson jabbed his finger at re-
bellious leftists in his own party
and told them if they want peace
they should appeal to the Com-
Wilson said he discussed the
new year bombing pause with
President Johnson on his visit to
Washington last December. It was
at that meeting, he asserted, that
he also expressed Britain's op-
position to bombing the North
Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, and its
big port, Haiphong.
The disclosure had an immedi-
ate mollifying effect on Labor's
left. John Mendelson, one of the
MP's leading the campaign
,against British policy on Viet
Nam, called Wilson's opposition
to bombing Hanoi "a forthright
and firm declaration." Mendel-
son said it was a good starting
point for future British peace
proposals and urged the prime
minister to take a more independ-
ent line before visiting Soviet Pre-
mier Alexei N. Kosygin in Mos-
cow later this month.
Wilson told the House he felt
r Johnson had no choice but to or-
der the rsumption of bombing
after North Viet Nam failed to
respond to the American peace
"I am absolutely convinced of
the absolute sincerity of the U.S.
President to get to the confer-
ence table," Wilson said.
"In my own heart, I hoped it
would be true that if America
stopped bombing, Hanoi would
come to the peace table."
Left Reaction
Then the prime minister turn-
ed to the green leather front
benches on his right, where the
leftwing members of his own La-
bor party sat next to their lead-
er, Michael Foot.
"Why didn't we see the same
pressure on Hanoi when the
bombing stopped?" Wilson said
slowly, his finger pointing. "I
would have been more impressed
if the international telegraph
wires were sizzling to Hanoi."'
Led by Foot, 31 Labor legisla-
tors of the left had introduced a
motion in the House regretting
the government's support for re-
sumption of bombing and urging
Wilson to dissociate the govern-
ment from U. S. policy in Viet
Nam. The motion was not aimed
at forcing a vote, but as assuring
that one of the sponsors would
be called on to speak in the de-

4> -

Plans Trip


-Associated Press
RETIRED LT. GEN. JAMES M. GAVIN said that Central China rather than Southeast Asia would
be a favorable location for American efforts in case of global war, before the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee yesterday.
Gavin Advises U.S. Restraint
In Reaction To Viet NamWar

WASHINGTON (P)-Retired Lt.
Gen. James M. Gavin advised
senators investigating U.S. Asian,
policy yesterday that "we can't
afford to pull out" and we should
not escalate." He was described
by Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
Ark) of the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee as one of the
leading strategists of the postwar
nuclear age.
With all the U.S. economic and
military power, Gavin said, "I
can't conceive of us losing this."
Gavin cautioned, however, of
the possibility of a confrontation
with Red \China if the United
States put too many troops in
Viet Nam and voiced belief the
decisive battle would be fought
not in Viet Nam, but in Thailand.
Hits Involvement
The thrust of Gavin's argu-
ment seemed to be against be-
coming overcommitted and over-
responding in Viet Nam.
He said he was startled at the
vast sums being budgeted for Viet
Nam and asked, "Aren't we be-
coming mesmerized by this?"
Time and again the possibility
of a war with Red China came
up in the questioning by commit-

tee members who have been ham-
mering at U.S. foreign policy.
Cites Korea
Gavin expressed concern that if
the United States, stepped up its
troop commitment, say on the or-
der of 750,000 men, Red China
would reopen the fighting in Ko-
And if Red China should step
in directly, Gavin said, "I think
the confrontation will occur when
and where they want it to occur."
Although Gavin urged that the
United States should use re-
straint in Viet Nam, he voiced
belief that the initiative for ac-
celerating the war is in Peking's
That is why, Gavin said, "I
am concerned with an over-re-
sponse in Viet Nam."
"I would hope we could do
something other than expand the
war," said Gavin. "But I think
we will end up fighting in other
areas than Viet Nam, such as
Gavin was summoned by the
committee to talk about a con-
troversial. letter he wrote to a
magazine. The letter was inter-

preted by some as calling for an
end to bombing and a retreat to
fortified enclaves in South Viet
Says Misinterpreted
But Gavin told the committee
his views had been misinterpret-
ed-''I didn't say we should re-
treat or withdraw."
After Gavin left the stand, Ful-
bright told reporters "I think the
whole committee is worried
whether the Viet Nam fighting
will involve an eventual war with
He said he does not believe
there has been as much concern
within the committee on any is-
sue in the last 20 years.
Stressed Korean Unity
He said there was more unity
at the outset of the Korean War
"which had the support of the
United Nations" and where there
was "an overt aggression."
"The United Nations reacted
and the United Nations support-
ed it," he said. "I don't remem-
ber there was much dissent," he
Fulbright added that partisan
differences developed later in the
Korean War with the approach
of the 1952 elections "and it be-
came Truman's war."
But he said "you didn't have
groups raising the question of the
legal basis for the war" and "I
think this is different."
And he said there is concern
about whether the United States
is responding in the right way in
Viet Nam.
Fulbright announced that the
hearings will continue next week
with the major witnesses on Mon-
day to be Gen. Maxwell D. Tay-
lor, former chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and until recent-
ly ambassador to Saigon, accom-
panied President Johnson to Hon-
olulu for the Viet Nam strategy
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo)
said that the Armed Services
Committee had been told in se-
cret session by "the highest mili-
tary sources" that if bombers were
given more license in their tar-
gets it would reduce the flow of
Red supplies down the Ho Chi
Minh Trail and thus reduce the
number of GI's needed.

For Parleys
South Vietnamese
Premier Refuses To
Negotiate with North
HONOLULU (W) - Presidentk
Johnson and South Viet Nam's
government chiefs yesterday end-
ed their mid-Pacific .conference
with a "Declaration of Honolulu"
asserting their determination to
defeat the Communists in Viet
Nam and to build a better life
for its people.
A joint communique and the
declaration, dealing mostly in gen-
eral principles, was put out after
the White House announced that
Vice-President Hubert H. Hum-
phrey will go to Viet Nam and
five other countries in the West-
ern Pacific.
Chief of State Nguyen Van1
Thieu urged the United States to
bomb the chief North Vietnamese
port of Haiphong and other in-
dustrial targets. The United States;
so far has avoided this, fearing
it might escalate the war.
Hits Policy
Then Thieu delivered anotheri
blow to U.S. policy. He said he
would be unwilling under any con-
ditions to sit at the peace con-
ference with the National Liber-
ation Front, political agency of
the Communist Viet Cong guer-
The United States has said it
would be willing for the Viet Cong
to sit at the peace table under
certain conditions. In rejecting
Johnson's peace moves, North
Viet Nam has insisted the Front
is the only representative of the
South Vietnamese people.
In New Delhi, the Indian gov-
ernment is studying what to do
about a two-weeks-old letter in
which Ho Chi Minh is reported
to have asked President Sarvepalli
Radhakrishnan's good offices for
peace in Viet Nam.
Sends Messages
A spokesman for North Viet
Nam's consulate general said such
a letter was one of several the
chief executive of the Hanoi re-
gime sent to various capitals Jan.
24. The tone of these communica-
tions as broadcast by Radio Ha-
noi Jan. 28 was tough, with no
mention of any overture for ne-
Discuss Escalation
Thieu spoke at a news confer-
ence along with Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky, who said he had discuss-
ed with Johnson an increase in
the number of U.S. troops in
South Viet Nam.
There are 201,000 U.S. troops
there now and the number will
be increased, but Ky said: "I can
say the new troops arriving in
South Viet Nam are not decided
Ky showed irritation when
pressed about peace negotiations,
saying: "Why don't you go and
ask the aggressors when they will
stop their aggression, and then
we'll have peace."
Like Thieu, Ky flatly opposed
any negotiations witr the Viet
Cong and said that he would have
no part of a coalition government
with the Communists.
Ky said the military situation
is 100 per cent better than eight
months ago and predicted the col-
lapse of the North Vietnamese re-
By the end of 1967, "the year
we will have free elections," he
said, "we will eliminate the in-
fluence of the Communists in
South Viet Nam."

tration forces failed to blast a
union shop bill loose from a Sen-
ate filibuster yesterday and vir-
tually conceded defeat for this
session of Congress .
Opponents of the bill which
would end the right of states to
outlaw union shop contracts turn-
ed back a move to invoke the
Senate's debate-limiting cloture
The vote was 51 for cloture and
48 against, or 15 votes short of
the two-thirds-66 votes-requir-
ed to cut off debate.
Early Test
Democratic Leader Mike Mans-
field of Montana, who left a sick-
bed to direct the losing fight to
get theradministration-backed
bill before the Senate, carried out
a previously announced intention
to setwup another test vote to-
But he all but threw in the
sponge by announcing that a mil-
itary authorization bill for the
Vietnamese war will be the pend-
ing business when the Senate re-
turns next week after a Lincoln
Day recess.
The recess is due to begin to-
morrow after the second cloture
vote. Mansfield said the bill is
dead for this session if he loses
again. He has been confined to

Bethesda Naval Hospital by an
attack of the flue.
Denounces Filibuster
In an appeal for cloture be-
fore yesterday's vote Mansfield
denounced the verbal blockade
that has prevented him since
Jan. 24 from calling up the bill
as an attack on "the whole of
organized labor which had the
effrontery to advocate it."
Declaring the filibuster against
the measure also was an attack
on President Johnson "who had
the gall to recommend its pass-
age," Mansfield told his col-
"When a month is spent on a
question which routinely takes
five seconds, reason and mutual
restraint lose their grip here, the
Senate invariably reaches an im-
passe of futility."
Hurt States' Rights
Senate Republican Leader Ev-
erett M. Dirksen of Illinois, who
led the block against Mans-
field's motion to call the bill up
for Senate, action, said the bill
would "further invade the rights
of the states to legislate."
Asserting he was puzzled why
union shop legislation should re-
ceive priority over Viet Nam,
Dirksen asked if "compulsory un-
ionism is more important than a
youngster who went to Viet Nam
under compulsory conscription."

of Labor W. Willard Wirtz re-
ported yesterday the lowest job-
less rate in nine years, but said
it is "only the 10-yard line" to-
ward President Johnson's goal of
full employment without infla-
However, severe manpower
shortages are cropping up in some
key areas of the economy as ris-
ing military needs in Viet Nam
give new impetus to the five-
year business boom.
More professional men such as
engineers, scientists and mathe-
maticians long have been needed
almost everywhere.
Rate Drops
The unemploymentrate dipped
to four per cent in January, and
Wirtz told Congress it can be cut
below 3(1) per cent this year with-
out forcing up prices.
Wirtz said the nation's record
five-year economic boom has al-

Cloture Move Fails
To Limit Filibuster

ready disproved that there must
be cycles of depression and pros-
"Now the question is whether
there can be full employment
without creating wage increase
pressures which will lead to in-
flationary spiraling." Wirtz told
the Joint Economic Committee of
Theories Disproved
"There is already sconsiderable
disproof of the theories of the
inevitability of wage and price
inflation," he said.
Wirtz said the economy in 1966
can more than match the past
year's record of soaking up an
increase of 1.6 million in the la-
bor force, boosting employment
2.2 million to a total of 71.2 mil-
lion and slashing unemployment
700,000 to 3.3 million.
But the economy must keep ex-
panding, with federal policies
aimed at stabilizing prices while

striving to provide jobs for every
American willing and able to work,
he said.
Interim Goal
In dropping from 4.1 per cent
in December, the jobless rate in
January reached an interim goal
of four per cent set by the White
House economic advisers in 1962.
Actually, the January rate dip-
ped under the four per cent-to
3.952 per cent-but the Bureau of
Labor Statistics rounded it off to
the higher figure as it usually
does and adjusted it for seasonal
factors. Without seasonal adjust-
ment, the rate was 4.4 per cent.
Total employment dropped 1.8
million in January but it usually
falls 200,000 morethan that, and
the number of unemployed climb-
ed 400,000 - about 100,000 less
than expected for that month.
Special Areas
Wirtz said to push the jobless
rate down further the government
must now concentrate on special
areas - the unskilled, women,
youths, Negroes and the poor.
He said Johnson's "Great Socie-
ty" programs were in large meas-
ure responsible for the past year's
improvements in the job picture.
Wirtz noted reports of growing
labor shortages but said these are
mostly in skilled trades while un-
employment is worse among un-
skilled teenagers-with a 12 per
cent rate-and nonwhites with a
7 per cent rate.
High School Workers
"Half of the teenage unemploy-
ed are in school and looking for
only part-time work. Their get-
ting it may be the difference be-
tween their being able to stay in
school," Wirtz said.
"This problem is as serious in
some ways as the problem of the
unemployed father of seven chil-
dren, but it is a different problem
warranting different analysis and
different remedy."
The jobless rate for adult men
was 2.6 per cent in January and
3.8 per cent for adult women.
Can Increase Product
"If the unemployment rate for
women, could be reduced to that
for men this would be reflected
in an increase of $3 billion in the
gross national product," Wirtz
Wirtz said that despite fears
of a wage-price spiral, labor costs
'have "remained remarkably steady"
over the five-year economic boom.
"The central point of the past
five years' history in this-fcountry
is that economic forces, like those
of nature, can be shaped to hu-
man purpose without compromis-
ing the principles of the free so-
ciety," he said.

World. News Roundup

Ignmup... Now to Feb. 11

By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, India-India ac-
cused Red China yesterday of
sending troops into demilitarized
border zones and said this
amounted to "naked and unpro-
voked acts of aggression aimed at
changing the status quo by forci-
ble penetration."
LUSAKA, Zambia - The Brit-
ish High Commission reported it
is costing Britain about $2.8 mil-
lion a month for its share in the
oil airlift from Indian Ocean
ports to landlocked Zambia. Nor-
mal supplies through Rhodesia
have been cut in consequence of
the British embargo on that se-
ceded colony.
* * *
TEL AVIV, Israel - Shooting

broke out across the Israeli-Jor-
dan armistice line in the south-
ern Judean Mountains yesterday,
an Israeli army spokesman said.
He said an Israeli army patrol
was fired on twice and returned
the fire during the second inci-
dent. There were no Israeli cas-
ualties, he added.
* * *
HAVANA-Prime Minister Fi-
del Castro's brother has joined
in accusing Communist China of
propagahdizing against the Cu-
ban armed forces.
Armed Forces Minister Raul
Castro, in a speech published yes-
terday, said the Chinese were
guilty of "an indescribable lack
of respect" in intensifying "their
internal propaganda activity aft-
er all the public and private
warnings made to them."


(2nd Floor, Union)

* former leaders need not interview

< oc>c<>o<==:->c<>c=>o<=>o<=>o c=:>o c.-
Be My Valentine C
With a Bay's
Circle Pin
v Cy.

Withdrawal or Negotiation?
a discussion with
Lew Jones and Anatol Rapaport

speaks on
"Teilhard de Chardin"
Friday, February 11 . .* 8P.M.
Auditorium A-Angell Hall
"Teilhard de Chardin-Jesuit Father and a dis-
tinguished palaeontologist. He is able to envis-
age the whole of knowable reality not as a
static mechanism, but as a process. He is driven
to search for human significance in relation to
the trends of that enduring process."-Sir Julian

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