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February 05, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-05

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* ohnson 1
hsnTal ks wi t]Ft N I E .
U.S. To Send Grain
Shipment To India


I Fly


Honolulu for Senate Continues

Asia-Volicy Frobe





Three Day
ToBe Held
Will Review All U.S.
Programs, Strategies
In Viet Nam War
WASHINGTON (om') - President

By The Associated Press
Foreign Relations Committee ham-
mered at United States Viet Nam
policy yesterday and edged toward
a confrontation with the admin-
istration by seeking to question
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara inapublic.
rBut McNamara has declined the

war in Viet Nam this year.
He said the renewed bombing of
North Vietnamese supply lines,
now in its fifth day, has already
caused the Viet Cong to turn
to night-time delivery of supplies
and that this is hindering them
Open Session
When newsmen asked Fulbright
whether the Senat emmitte

invitation issued to him and Gen. might insist that McNamara ap-
Earle G. Wheeler, chairman of the pear at an open session, the chair-
Joint Chiefs of Staff, to appear man said, "There is a possibiliy."
before the committee at an open But he expressed the belief the
session, Chairman J. W. Fuibright committee would be able "to work
(D-Ark) announced. out something civilized. There's
This set off some fireworks at no war going on with the White
j the hearing where David E. Bell, House," he said.
foreign aid administrator, was The committee has become a
grilled for hours on U.S. Asian center of criticism of U.S. policy
policy-its aims, its costs in lives in Southeast Asia.
and dollars and whether it may Question Rusk
explode into World War III. Yesterday's critical questioning
r:. c.:.of 'Ball nn. lm t t ati f tha

By The Associated Press

India's new prime minister, In-

WASHINGTON.- Presidentdira Gandhi, in Washington at
W Johnson yesterday authorized her convenience to discuss that
emergency shipments of three mil country's additional needs for
lion tons of grain to famine- grain to tide it over during the
stricken India. present crisis.
In reply to a question, the Pres-
Johnson told a news conference ident said the grain shipments he
that two million tons of wheat and authorized did not amount to re-
one million tons of maize will be sumption of economic aid to In-
shipped to India as soon as pos- dia. He said he did not want to
sible. preclude the possibility of eco-
His announcement followed a nomic aid allotments in advance
conference with Secretary of Agri- of Mrs. Gandhi's visit, but that
culture Orville L. Freeman on the no such action was now seen.
Indian food crisis and other agri- Halted Aid
cultural problems. Economic aid was halted during
Freeman said afterward that a the India-Pakistan crisis last year.
task force of experts which re- The allotment yesterday brought
cently returned from India esti- to 6.5 million tons the amount of
mated that Indian port facilities grain authorized for shipment to
could handle and distribute about India during the present fiscal
one million tons of grain a month. year, which began last July 1.
Three Months Johnson explained his action by
On this basis, yesterday's allo- saying this country wants to be
cation could be shipped and dis- "helpful to our friends." He said
tributed in something like three he had already reviewed with In-
months. dian Ambassador B. K. Nehru and
Johnson stressed that he acted other Indian officials that coun-
in the face of what he described try's urgent need for food supplies.
as ''a very serious situation"~ in On the basis of reports he has
India. received from Indian officials,
He said the two million tons of Johnson said, India's grain short-
wheat will be worth in the neigh- age is roughly 19 million tons. He
borhood of $160 million, and the added, however, that India has
maize between $45 million and $50 taken steps toward rationing
million. which would pull the deficit down
Johnson said he plans to see sharply.I


Johnson will fly to Honolulu to- Dispel Confusi oflU±eJ±Lwas aimosu a rerun o Lim
day for three days of Viet Nam Fulbright, who says he is try- polite but gloves-off session the
strategy talks. Johnson will meet ing to dispel public confusion and committee had with Secretary of
with leaders of South Viet Nam- apprehen.Aon about the Southeast State Dean Rusk last Friday.
including Prehier Nguyen Cao Ky Asian crisis, said McNamara and Because of that session and be-
-and with top Americans based Wheeler "feel that it is not in the cause the hearing has developed
in Saigon. public interest to appear in a the most public debate on Viet
Johnson announced that he public session" because of security Nam, the room was crowded with
wants to review all American pro- matters. cameras, spectators and newsmen.
grams in Viet Nam with such fig- He said McNamara had offered The committee obtained Senate
ures as Ky, Ambassador Henry to appear in executive-secret- permission to hold the hearings
Cabot Lodge and Gen. William C. session. while the Senate itself is locked
Westmoreland, U.S. commander in "Let's have it out with the in a filibuster over union shop
Viet Nam. w csecretary of defense," demanded legislation. Normally committee
The President, who disclosed his Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), one hearings are barred during Sen-
plans at an unannounced news of Capitol Hill's most persistent ate sessions.
conference in his office, said the critics of American involvement Economic Aid Request
sessions were not prompted by Viet Nam. The reason for the hearings is
any military or diplomatic devel- Examine Record The asnsrthe eargsnis
opments. "The secretary of state and! the administration's emergency
No Changes secretary of defense need to be request for $415 million in addi-
Askedifthmeeings m sehbret defenisc teeto tional economic aid for this yeay,
Asked if the meetings might brought before this committee to most of it ticketed for Viet Nam,
lead to policy changes, Johnson examined on the record, said but including 'funds for such other
said: "We are there to get mili- Morse.
tary and nonmilitary briefings and Morse indicated he would boy- the Dokegs as Thailand, Laos and
to exchange viewpoints. I wouldn't Cott and closed sessions andthDoniaReulc
want to anticipate getting off and charged, "The people of the Pen-
making any changes one way or tagon and the State Department s '
the other." have already led the people down
The President added that his the road toward government by
purpose in making the 5000-mile secrecy."
flight is not to draft a revision McNamara told newsmen: "I
of policy but he added:,In do not believe I can discuss mili-
wouldn't say that we won'tlearn I tary objectives in open session.
wor nt a ht ewn er Did Not Refuse
some things from the meeting that I did not refuse
would cause us to either improve "I did not refuse. I explained
the situation or strengthen it." the problem to the chairman and
he understood. I am perfectly w;{
Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chair- willing to testify at a closed ses-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sion."
will accompany Johnson, as will McNamara testified at a closed .,

-Associated Press
THIS VIEW of the moon's surface as photographed by Soviet spaceship Lunik 9 in its soft landing.
Luna 9 Photographs of Moon's
Surface Termed Seatoal

By The Associated Press lease to their own people and the when the pictures would be re-
1 nutside W orldP lased what thev showed n

Italianl Gov
ROME (A)-President Giuseppe
Saragat stepped into Italy's gov-
ernment crisis yesterday in a last--
ditch effort to prevent total fail-
ure of attempts to form a new
cabinet. Failure could bring on
general elections.
For the second time since Pre-
mier Aldo Moro resigned Jan. 21,
Saragat started a round of con-
sultations with parliamentary
leaders. He acted after Moro re-
ported an impasse.
Moro's negotiation in an at-
tempt to form a cabinet with
leaders of the four parties of his
center-left coalition have col-
This appeared to leave Saragat
with three choices-to ask Moro
to resume his efforts, to. send
Moro and his caretaker govern-
ment back to Parliament to seek
a vote of confidence or to dissolve
Parliament and call elections.
There was yet a fourth choice
-call on someone other than
Moro to try to form a government
-but this seemed unlikely. The
Christian. Democrats, Socialists,
Democratic Socialists and Repub-
licans in Moro's coalition support
a continuation of a center-left
government, but only with Moro
at its head. These parties gave
their support with strings at-
tached, however, and Moro has
tripped over them.
Rightist Support
The right wing in Moro's own.
A Christian Democrat party agreed
to support him again providing
its faction leader, former Premier
Mario Scelba, got a cabinet seat.
But the Socialists told Moro that
rather than accept Scelba they
would desert Moro. They' said

utltwufu ru:.U ,1l t~ly 61wf ly i
MOSCOW-For the first time "','fudamentl information1oLuna
in history a man-made object Luna 9 made history's first soft fundamental iformation on Luna
photographed the moon from the landing on the moon Thursday 9 itself, such as its weight.
lunar surface itself and sent the night after a 3 and one-half day Soviet news media stressed the
Tien !pictures back to earth yesterday. flight and transmitted data back success of Luna 9, but praised the
Scientists at Jodrell Bank Ob-to earth four times, the Soviet landing instead of describing it.
servatory in England, which pick- news agency Tass said. The land- "NoeBoast
servtor inEngandwhih pck-ing itself and the data being sent 'oBat
ed up signals from the Soviet ing it arthae d e et They made no boast that they
Union's Luna 9, called the pictures htoeafrttaelansd viman3nhad taken a lead over the United
"sensational," showing even in- to the effort to land a mn on States in the space race. They
they would rather have a national dividual rocks on the moon's sur- t oquoted foreign news dispatches to
test at the polls before the sched- face, Tg this effect, but did not make the
uled 1968 election date, Only Officials "scanning the lunar landscape and claim themselves.n
As interior minister during the' But in Moscow, only Soviet of- transmitted pictures to the earth's The first United States attempt
postwar years, Scelba crushed ficials got immediate looks at the surface at 4:50p.m. MOSCOW at a soft landing is not expected

Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara, Secretary of Agricul-
ture Orville L. Freeman and Sec-
retary of Welfare John W. Gard-
Chief of State
In addition to the premier,
S nthVin Na gill ha ra-

session of the House Armed Serv-
ices Committee on the administra-
tion's request for $12.8 billion in
supplemental funds to finance the

Communist street riots and the1
left wing in Italy regards him with1
bitter enmity.a
[ World
By The Associated Press
BRUSSELS-The Belgian gov-
ernment resigned yesterday un-
able to solve a threatened na-
tionwide strike of doctors, the as-
sistant foreign minister, Henri Fa-
yat, announced.
Belgian doctors have announc-
ed that they would strike tomor-
row to back "to the finish" their
demands for a 5 per cent hike in
fees paid them under the govern-
ment's medical insurance plan.
* * *
MADRID - Several hundred
Spanish demonstrators chanted
"Yankees no" and tried to move
on the United States Embassy
yesterday. Lines of police held
them back.
Their appearance, an aftermath
of the Jan. 17 crash of a U.S.
bomber carrying nuclear weapons
on Spain's southeast coast, result-
ed from appeals by various groups
ranging from the underground
Communist party to liberal stu-
dent organizations.
* * *
SAIGON-Battalions of United
States Marines struck south along
a 20-mile stretch of Highway 1
yesterday toward an allied anvil

time-8:5 a VeF Nyam W ol Na i e repre
pictures. The Soviet people have Iday before May. and several tries are sented in Honolulu by its chief of
to wait until officials study the No Indication believed necessary before succeed- state, Nguyen Van Thieu. The
pictures and decide what to re- There was no indication here 1 ing, partly because the Russians White House said both men ac-
released little data on the rea- cepted invitations to meet with
sons for their earlier failures. Johnson and will arrive in Hono-
Several Soviet scientists pointed lulu with Lodge tomorrow.
rout that Luna 9 proved the moon The President said the United
has a surface solid enough to States wants to put the best plan-
support a landing. They said Luna ning and maximum effort into
9 had dispelled the theory that these "pacification programs," as
in the Bong Son sector, hoping ALGIERS - President Houari the whole lunar surface was a he called them, and said this "will
to smash two Viet Cong regiments Boumedienne received a secret dust mass that would swallow up occupy a substantial part of the
that have eluded combat patrols. personal message yesterday from a spacecraft attempting to land. conference."
The anvil was formed by thou- President Johnson in what looked
sands of U.S. Air Cavalrymen, like another American move to-'
Vietnamese and Korean troops ward peace in Viet Nam. i-fG Os e
whose Operation Masher, which The government announced U.S. W esti oreland'Js O uster
slashed Communist ranks on Ambassador John D. Jernegan de-
coastal plains 300 miles north- livered the message to Foreign
east of Saigon, was renamed over- Minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika. It D en it eby M c 'l i/uC ra
night after dwindling to a mop- I said nothing of the contents.
ping up phase. So secret was the message the
* U.S. Embassy would not even con- WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary } and replied: "I haven't seen that,
TOKYO-A Boeing 727 jet air- firm its existence. of Defense Robert S. McNamara and I don't believe it's true."
liner carrying 133 Japanese plung- There was widespread specula- issued a flat denial yesterday of The reporter, chief of the Globe-
ed into Tokyo Bay last night in a tion, however, that it was part a report that Gen. William C. Democrat's Washington bureau,
pillar of fire. An airline spokes- of the backstage contacts between Westmoreland, U.S. commander in wrote that Westmoreland "has
man said hours later the wreck- Algeria and the United States on South Viet Nam, is out of political fallen into political disfavor with
age showed no signs of survivors, Viet Nam. It was the third note favor with top civilians and will top civilian officials in the ad-
making it the worst disaster in- from Johnson to Boumedienne this be replaced soon for that reason. ministration because of recent dis-
volving a single plane. year. The statement, released through closures in Saigon of the large
Flying in perfect weather ,the a spokesman, was in answer to a Communist military buildup dur-
plane was minutes away from To- HAYNEVILLE, Ala. - If a Ne- story published in the St. Louis ing the 37-day bombing suspen-
kyo Airport when its pilot radioed gro runs for sheriff in the May Globe-Democrat saying Westmore- sion ordered by President John-
he would land visually without in- 3 Democratic primary in Lowndes land will soon be replaced. The son."

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struments. The airliner then van- County-where Negro voters have story attributed the predicted ac-
ished from radar screens. the balance of power-lie must pay tion to "political disfavor."
Villagers along the shore and a $500 qualifying fee. "There is no substance to it
the pilot of another plane said' White candidates also have to whatsoever," the McNamara state-
they saw flames stab the darkness put up the same amount to get ment said.
of the bay at about 7 p.m., the their names on the ballot. The fee At the White House, press sec-
moment the All-Nippon Airways for tax assessor or tax collector is retary Bill D. Moyers was asked
plane was due to land. the same. about the Westmoreland report,
for some of you .
michiganensian staff
members will come to
your housing unit for

Conflict or Compliment*?
~a.. f


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