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February 04, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-04

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See Editorial Page

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* Low--17
Partly cloudy with
occasional snow

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom









By NEAL BRUSS ment of a citizens' Police Review demonstrations, like all other to back claims that the protests in Ann Arbor, a situation he has "The truth of the matter is that grave, womb to tomb existence."s
IBoard. demonstrations, have an undesir- were financed and organized by been unable to understand. He the major portion of the Demo- I
Ihvolvement in student welfare He feels that the University able effect on the community and|Communist groups in Mexico City.. feels, however, that both in Uni-|cratic Party leadership has only McDonald's fight against Demo-
should assume sole responsibility are not reflective of individuals. He feels that such student ac- versity operations and personal a 30-year hold on the party and cratic incumbent LeRoy Cappeart
a threat to free enterprise that for student welfare and not the He said that students can be tion irritated citizens and that living, free enterprise alone regu- has adopted new principles that has also been marked by attacl
should be avoided, according to municipal government. The city swayed by "agitator personnel" more useful outlets for studentlates basic economics in Ann Ar- would be alien to the principles of and retalliation. He said
the political philosophy of Dr. should also avoid financial in- within the student body and "zeal, exhuberance, and idealism" bor. He does not feel that mer- Thomas Jefferson, the founder of "The incumbent councilman, Le-
Lawrence McDonald, a University volvement with the University in moved to actions they would not exist in public service. chants have been vindictive to stu- our great party. The party itself Roy Cappeart has stated that one
Hospital urologist and teaching its public works, he adds. initiate individually. He felt that Ann Arbor police have treated dents, but that if individuals had, is over 130 years old. The present of the major issues is racism. This
assistant whose campaign for the recent demonstrations have acted students fairly, McDonald says. competition would have eliminated leaders are the radicals and ex- is not true.I
Fifth Ward Council seat has Students, according to McDon- to heighten racial awareness and He stresses that students, like them. tremists of the left and must be:
aroused unusual controversy. ald, have a minimal role in Ann tension. other groups, are responsible to McDonald's claim to candidacy'purged, from the party if a con- "Ann Arbor has long enjoyed:
Arbor politics as they are not McDonald says that civil dis- "obey the law." McDonald feels as a Democrat was attacked by stitutional republic with a true good community relations within
McDonald advocates the prin- homeowners, and usually not per- obedience should only be employ- that the police force is significant Ann Arbor businessman and Dem- two-party system is to survive. different groups, but under the
ciples of "Jeffersonian democ- manent residents. He felt that ed when a revolution is desired. in its "quality and training," and ocratic national committeeman "The present temporary leader- direction of local agents from na- 1
racy," the ideals of which moti- students should be concerned pri- Otherwise, he says it is "lawless- that, except for deviant instances Neil Staebler, who cited McDon- ship of the Democratic Party ... tional organizations, racial ten-;
vate his opposition to such student marily with academics, and that ness." He refers to incidents in has "impartially applied the law." ald's Birch Society affiliations as would live to be called progressive sion has grown and race aware-
oriented issues as implementation such concern would be important Ithe International Days of Protest As a University faculty member,'a primary interest. but they in fact are retrogressive. ness increased. The City Council1
of building codes to include archi- training for future participation. as "Communist oriented" and cites McDonald says he is personally To this attack, McDonald re- To them progress means moving has taken an ill-fated turn to-!
tectural standards and establsh- McDonald felt that student reports by columnist Victor Reisel affected by the high cost of living plied: into a planned society, cradle to wards legislating to the private7

affairs of the citizens and soon an
increased racial awareness will be
brought into everyday real estate
The third party in the Fifth
Ward race is George Lembel,
chairman of the Washtenaw
County Conservatives whose main
opposition in the primaries is F.
Dale Boyd who has not made
racially -oriented housing ordi-
nances an issue.
Thus, both major parties could
offer conservative candidates in
the April City Council election.
McDonald, whose party and plat-
form appear mutually contradic-
tory, states, "The John Birch
Society is not running for the
Fifth Ward council, I am."

What's New at 764-1817 SG C










"The Course Evaluation Booklet will not be published in
time for preregistration," a Course Evaluation Committee mem-
ber said last night. This is due to the lack of personnel to help
tabulate the results of the questionnaires. Approximately 9,000
have been returned. Anyone that wishes to help should contact
Gary Cunningham, '66, president of Student Government Council.
There was no comment as to when the booklet would be published.
The Board - of Governors of the Residence Halls voted
unanimous approval yesterday for the constitution of the pro-
posed Inter-House Assembly, the merged organization of IQC
and Assembly. The constitution, written by a joint committee of
the two existing residence halls systems, was reveiwed at a
house presidents' meeting last Tuesday.
Mandates are being taken this week in the housing units
on the merger, and voting on final ratification is scheduled for
a presidents' meeting on Feb. 10. The constitution provides for
a presidents' council as the legislative body and an executive
board of committee chairmen.
The free university, contrary to previous report, will be
registering new applicants in the Fishbowl from 8-5:30 today.
Information and supplementary course booklets will also be
available for anyone interested in the program.
The plan to move literary college offices and classroom facili-
ties into the Administration Bldg. is a permanent proposition,
according to Dean William Haber of the literary college. Specific
dates are not available for stages in the move, but one floor of the
Administration Bldg. is being vacated this term, After the entire
building has been vacated, Haber said, two more departments will
be moved in. However, he stressed that current plans are con-
jectural since this space will not be available for at least another
Some administrative departments which have been housed in
the Administration Bldg. are now being moved to a structure
located in the area of the athletic campus. Eventually, the Uni-
versity plans to construct a new administartion building on
central campus.
Greene House of East Quadrangle has voted to withdraw from
Inter-Quadrangle Council, Green House president Stu Adler told
The Daily yesterday. "We have deliberated on the matter since
last semester, and have failed to see where IQC has been of any
value to our house or to the University," he commented.
Lee Hornberger, IQC president, said that an IQC and Assem-
bly are presently considering a merger, time would be better spent
considering the merger than on considering withdrawing from IQC.
Although the deadline for turning in applications for junior
year in France and Germany was Feb. 1 the Office for Study
Abroad. (1223 Angell Hall) has announced it will still accept
late applications.
Wire tap
Informed sources have indicated that the recently passed
State Senate's resolution that the University or Wayne State
University establish a branch of their law schools in Lansing may
be just another one of those "funny little things" the Legislature
occasionally passes in jest. Attempts are being made to determine
if the resolution was passed in all seriousness or if it is similar
to those resolutions that all legislators be made members of the
bar which the Legislature has sometimes jokingly proposed in
the past.
Judd Sees Many*


Receive Jail
Reclassification of
Truax May Affect,
Draft Board Actions
Circuit Court Judge James R.
Breakey yesterday sentenced six
Viet Nam protestors who had
pleaded guilty to the charge of
trespassing incurred by their par-
ticipation in the Oct. 15 sit-in at
the Ann Arbor. draft board office.
Five of the six received 10%/
day jail sentences, and the sixth
received a 15 day jail sentence.
All were fined $50 and were re-
quired to pay $20 in court costs
and fees.
Judge Breakey allowed the pro- ,
testors the choice of serving aX
slightly lengthened sentence on
weekends only in place of the reg-
ular sentence all at one time.
Three of the six took this option
and will begin serving their sen-;
tences at 7 p.m. Saturday night.r
First Student Participating in last nigh
The first student to come up Laura Fitch, '6
for sentencing, Raymond Lauzza-
na, was given the 14 day sentence,
as a result of having committed ILIR REPORT:
a minor crime previously (in De-j
troit several years ago). He was
given and took the weekend ex-
tended sentence option; Breakey
evtended the term to 16 days.
Jeffreyiial Goodman, who was i a y
origmally given a 10 day sentence
in Municipal Court, was sentenced
to 10/2 days. He chose to serve the By DICK WINGFIELD
sentence at one time and will en-
ter the county jail this morning. Hy Kornbluh of the Unive
Milton E. Taube and Edward P. Institute of Labor-Industria
Sabin also did not take the op- lations and director of the M
tion and will begin serving their Village Program released a
sentences with Goodman. ment' yesterday outlining wh
Taking the extended sentence considered "significant pro
along with Lauzzana were Robert in the poverty project.
M. Sklar and Douglas W. Truax. "Currently," he said, "neig
Truax Reclassified 2-S 1 hood groups are meeting in
Truax yesterday received no- ious housing areas to worko
tice that he had, been reclassified problems and programs idea
2-S; he was the first protestor in the community self-survey
to have his draft status changed ducted by community residen
See JAIL, Page 9 The survey referred to wa

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
t's SGC meeting, which proposed student participation in the selection of a new President, are (left to right)
66, Panhel President, Ed Robinson, '67, SGC member, and Georgia Berland, '67, Assembly President.
LND Su-Afrv~tey Completed.

rCalls for
Joint Panel
Students Must Work
Closely with Faculty
To Exert Influence
Student Government C o u n c i l
last night passed a motion calling
for a joint committee to help se-
lect the next president of the
The motion urged that "the stu-
dent body should have a voice in
selecting the next president of the
University. . . . We believe this
participation should be a selection
process from evaluation of the.
University's needs and interview-
ing of potential candidates to a
final recommendation of candi-
dates . ."
Earlier in the meeting, John C.
Feldkamp, assistant to the vice-
president for student affairs said,
'Students should certainly have
a role in the interviewing for the
next University president and in
developing a screening process
which would lead toward nomi-
The motion was passed with
only one objection.
To implement this, SGC moved
that at the next Regents meeting,
Feb. 11:
" A Presidential Selection Ad-
visory Committee be formed by
the Regents, as a body of 12-1
" Regents, faculty, alumni and
students be equally represented on
this committee.
* SGC submit a list of poten-
tial student members to the Re-
gents who, with the advice of Vice-
President Richard Cutler, will
make the final choice.
" The Presidential Selection
Advisory Committee submit final
recommendation of at least ten
candidates in preferential order to
the Regents.
Access to Information
Feldkamp, in his address to
SGC, stressed both his and Cut-
ler's opinions that students should
have access to information on Uni-
versity decisions. They should have
a voice in this information. "Stu-
dents are the greatest instrument
for change in this University," he
In a comment afterward, how-
ever, Feldkamp stressed the fact
that students alone were not suf-
ficient to exert much influence.
"They should work closely with
the faculty," he said, "in setting
this precedent in presidential
Distinct Authority
"I doubt however, that students
will be able to work as closely with
the Regents. Their authority must
be distinct from faculty and stu-
dent opinions."
SGC passed the proposal in-
cluding Regent participation on
the committee to form a link on
that level. Said Pat McCarty, '67
"How can we expect any success

layed until early this year because
of a controversy surrounding the
rsity's project upon its inception early
al Re- last year. The survey was intended
Willow to "find out what the people
state- want," according to a spokesman
hat he in the Willow Village program.
Area of Progress
ghbor- A Ministerial Association of
n var- # some 15 ministers with congrega-
thvar tions in the area was cited as an-
n the other area of progress.iKornbluh
i said that the ministers are work-
y con- ing cooperatively on the area's
ts" ' problems and held a Thanksgiving
doc ut-

Recreational and community stitute of Labor-Industrial Rela-
activities were also cited by Korn-. tions 'of the University and Wayne
bluh as areas in which the Wil- State University in January, 1965.
The grant was "subcontracted" to
low Village has progressed. A the Wollow Run Association for
community chorus and a commun- Neighborhood Developmentl
ity newsletter were his examples (WRAND) for continuation and
at point. expansion of the community action
projects against poverty which it
Nursery had already begun in the Willow
The day care center at the com- Village area.
munity center in Willow Village Location
has been converted to a pre-school
nursery "with a curriculum de- WRAND is located in Superior
signed to prepare the children for Township. Willow Village strad-
entrance into public school," ac- dles the borders of Superior and
cording to Kornbluh. Parents are Ypsilanti Townships. Since Jan-
encouraged to participate in the uary of 1965 a heated dispute has
school's program and the staff raged over the need of a federal
below the professional level is poverty grant in the area.
made up of community residents
who are being trained in pre- On Jan. 25, 1966, the University
school education, he said. released an official statement that

as ae-

service lase ian. I

Threats to Foreign Policy


The opposition to making our
foreign policy more realistic and
up-to-date comes from the so-
called liberals, not from the true
individualists, Walter Judd, for-
mer United States congressman,
said last night.
Judd, speaking on "The Impact
of Individualism on Our Foreign
Policy," opened the second lecture
of the University Activities Cen-
ter symposium on "The Future of
American Individualism."
True Individualist

eign policy," he added. "Our own
geography is holding us back."
America, because of the vast-
ness of her country and the isola-
tion from foreign invasion, has
had as her main concern the de-
velopment of her own country and
has never developed a world feel-
ing until the last 30 years,
Destroy Isolation
Now that America has destroyed
her barrier of isolation and be-
come dependent on products and
allies, she must learn to handle
foreign policy more successfully if
she is to survive, he emphasized.

Greece's regime was "not demo-
cratic."I Kornbluh commented on the
The U.S. engineered the Diem Job Opportunities Center program
downfall in 1963 because Diem of last summer: "Fifteen teen-
refused to knuckle under when we agers in need of work were taught
pulled out of Laos. Diem and all skills and work habits in a 10-
our generals maintained that the week training program. Counsel-
key to victory was Laos. By pull-;ing and remedial education were
ing out we opened up the Ho Chin also part of the program."
Minh trails which we're now fight- He said that the community
ing to close, center is serving as a facility for
"If we had persisted in our church groups, the women's group
policy that we won't let the Com- in the area and other organiza-:
munists into the government, as tions conducting their own pro-
we did in France, Italy and Greece, grams.
we could have held Laos," he ex-;
-1New to All

its ILIR would withdraw from
the poverty project inrAprilrof
this year. Spokesmen said that
the University's two objectives in
the project will have been fulfill-
ed by April: (1) To help estab-
lish a "grass roots" vehicle for
combating poverty in the Willow
Village area and (2) To complete
research on the feasibility of this
type of effort. Wayne State Uni-
versity has not indicated, whether
it will continue for another year.
Monday, Henry Atling, former

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