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February 03, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-03

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See Editorial Page



Snow flurries
this afternoon

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom










The Association of Producing
Artists (APA) has signed a new
two-year contract with the Uni-
versity's Professional Theatre Pro-
gram. They will return for two
consecutive Fall Festivals here
starting this September,
The signature of Ellis Raab,
artistic director of APA, marks the
end of a long period of specula-
tion on whether or not the troup
would renew their contract here.
Raab had indicated earlier this
year that his APA would disband

after their recent disappointment
at not receiving a Ford Founda-
tion grant. He felt at the time
that a pause would refresh and
renew the vigor of his company.
Added to APA's disappointment
was the dissatisfaction with the
administrative powers of the PTP
as expressed by APA members.
This, too, increased rumor that
the APA would not seek to renew
its contract here.
Negotiations had been underway
since the beginning of this semes-

ter, however. It had been indicated'
then that the APA, if it chose to
return, would be in a favorable
bargaining position with the Uni-
versity because of its recent
Broadway successes.
When asked if, in fact, the APA
did receive a sizable increase in
remuneration for next year over
this year, Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-
president for business and finance
said, "I had heard some talk about
it, but I don't know the details of
the contract."
APA's return squelches rumors

that the American Conservatory These plays were subsequently small seating capacity did not off-'
Theatre (ACT) would be return- produced at the off-Broadwayjset production costs and the APA-
ing here in the fall in APA's place. Phoenix Theatre. Because both of Phoenix found itself with a $100,-
ACT is currently presenting an these productions were smash 000 deficit at the end of its first
Ann Arbor Winter Festival and successes there, the Phoenix The- New York season.
plans to travel to Phoenix, Ariz., atre merged with the APA form- If the Ford Foundation grant
when this engagement is com- ing APA-Phoenix early in 1965. had been forthcoming, the APA-E
pleted. The merger guaranteed the APA a Phoenix would have moved to
The APA was first introduced winter off-Broadway audience for Broadway's Lyceum Theatre. The
to this campus in 1962 in the first the plays they originated here dur- Lyceum seats 1100 and the troup
program of University-sponsored ing Fall Festivals. would have aimed for 25,000 sub-
repertory theatre. Their contract Audience demand to see the scribers. With the denial of the
was renewed for one year in 1964. APA at the Phoenix soon out grew I grant, the Broadway run' schedul-
During its first season here, the the limited (299) seating capacity ed for the Lyceum Theatre was
APA premiered "Man and Super- of the theatre. Despite sell-out cancelled, and so, for the time be-
man" and "Wa: and Peace," crowds and 7500 subscribers, the l ing, were hopes of becoming fi-I

nancially self - supporting. The The 1966 Fall Festival will in-
University had been underwriting dude three or more productions
the losses which naturally befall over a seven-week period from
Sept. 26 through Nov. 14. Play se-
repertory companies. lections air expected to be com-
This past season, the APA pre- pleted in mid-March. The 1965
sented "You Can't Take It With Fall Festival had 7500 season sub-
You" to Ann Arbor audiences. The scribers. Attendance reportedly
troup is currently presenting the reached 85 per cent of the theatre
same play on Broadway. capacity. 60 per cent of the aud-
ience was composed of University
When the APA returns here in students using student discounts.
the fall, they will be minus star Next season's attendance at the
Rosemary Harris. Miss Harris has Fall Festival is expected to reach
accepted another role on Broad- the total capacity mark of Lydia
way. Mendelssohn Theatre.

MSU Begins
To Evaluate
Academic Freedom
Used as Grounds
For Committee Study
The Faculty Committee for
Student Affairs at Michigan State
University has formed a commit-
tee to evaluate student regulations
and their relationship to academic
The committee will present a
statement to MSU's Academic
Council next Tuesday, officially
outlining their plans and purposes
for the investigation.
Frederick Williams, professor of
history at MSU and chairman of
the CSA, said that the review of
regulations is "definitely not" due
1 to the recent case of Paul Schiff,
pointing out that MSU President
John A. Hannah had proposed
such a committee over a year ago,
Schiff was denied admission to
the university's graduate school
because of his political activism,
which included distributing litera-
ture in a manner that was forbid-
den. An issue of censorship was
also raised when the State News,
the student newspaper, was report-
edly told by the administration not
to print news of the case while
it was being tried.
Up to Date
"We want to bring the university
rules up to date," Williams con-
tinued, "in accordance with the
greater maturity of the students."
Richard Ogar, a graduate stu-
dent at MSU, felt, however, that
the Schiff case was definitely a
factor. He doubted that the re-
view of rules would accomplish
anything, commenting that the
administration was "t h r o w i n g
bones to keep the dogs away for a
while. The administration can
have the excuse that changes are
in committee."
Ogar did concede that the com-
mittee action was "the first real
effort" that the administration
has made to liberalize rules. De-
spite the insistence of Williams
that students have a say in formu-
lation of all regulations, Ogar said
that the few students consulted
were "handpicked by the adminis-
tration, not elected by the student
body, and they have no real say
'Big Question'
Andrew Mollison, staff writer
for the Michigan State News,
pointed out that the "big ques-
tion" is the definition of academic
freedom. He wondered how much
time the committee would spend
debating this abstract concept,
mentioning that he had talked to
43 people and they had expressed
many different views.
"The m a i n conflict which
emerged was whether there should
be restraints upon the restraints,
or a combination of rights and re-
sponsibilities," he said.
Standing Committee
The CSA is a standing commit-
tee of the MSU Academic Coun-
cil. It has formed four subcom-
mittees to conduct the review of
regulations and to report on them
"in a general way," according to
"We will point to the regula-
tions and make some suggestions,"
he said.
Each of the four subcommittees
is made up of about six members,
including one voting student mem-
ber. A similar set of subcommittees

has been organized by the Asso-
ciated Students, MSU's student
government group. The chairman
of each of these student commit-
tees is the student member of the


What's New at 764=817 Draft






SGC will consider tonight a proposal to attempt to provide
for student participation in the selection of a new University
Approximately 1150 men pledged University fraternities this
year, the highest total ever, Richard Hoppe, '66, Interfraternity
Council president announced yesterday. This semester, 575 men
pledged out of the 1008 who signed up for rush. This year's total
marks an 18.5 per cent increase over the largest previous year.
The student Legal Defense Committee has raised $3,500 in
its attempt to protest a draft board's right to reclassify students.
*, * * * .
In its mid-year summary, the College of Engineering place-
ment service of the University reports a substantial increase in
the number of requests for engineering graduates. This rise is
part of an overall increase of 60 per cent for B.S. degrees -and
65 per- cent for M.S. degree graduates on a nation-wide basis.
according to the Endicott Survey of selected employers by
Northwestern University. To date, the College of Engineering
placement office has booked an increase in interviews of nearly
25 per cent for the winter term.
The College Placement Council Survey, taken among 110
nation-wide placement offices, including the University, reveals
that the greatest number of requests is for electrical engineers,
with mechanical engineering second. The number of requests
for those in each of the other engineering fields is substantially
Michigan's 1000-bed University Hospital is running "well
ahead" of the national trend in attracting interns and has
exceeded its own achievements of one year ago by eight per
cent. Dr. Rober B. Nelson, senior associate director of the
hospital, reported that 431 applications have been received for
the hospital's 41 available internship positions.
Of the 431 medical school seniors who have applied, 40 are
presently at the University. The University's number of appli-
cants is far ahead of the national average, for many of the
nation's hospitals have had difficulty this year in obtaining
enough applicants for available positions.
* * *
The Atomic Energy Commission has issued a request for $2.2
million for minimum design and planning studies to precede
announcement of a site for a proposed 200 billion electron volt
nuclear particle accelerator. Original plans called for studies cost-
ing $10 million, but President Johnson did not provide for these
funds in his recent budget request to Congress.
A location in nearby Northfield Township has been men-
tioned as a probable site for the project.
When the AEC announces its site selection, it will request
that Congress provide about $20 million to begin construction of
the accelerator. If present plans are not altered, the $375 million
accelerator will be the world's largest high-energy nuclear physics
research facility. AEC officials are attempting to thwart proposals
to reduce the accelerator's capacity.
The Free University will continue late registration today and
Friday at. Canterbury House according to Barbara Haber of the
University English department.


Prote stor

IFC Fines
For Violation
Three Houses Found
Guilty of Breaking
By-Law on Pledging
Three fraternities were fined by
the Interfraternity Council execu-
tive committee Tuesday night for,
violations of the new by-law revi-
sion passed Sept. 30 concerning
pledging activities, IFC Executive,
Vice-President Kelly Rea reported
The by-law prohibits any pledg-j
ing activity which might result in
public disfavor or physical harmj
to the fraternity system, its mem-
ber fraternities, and active mem-
bers, pledges or property thereof.
Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma
D2lta and Zeta Psi were found
guilty of violations because they
had had their pledges wear gunny
sacks during their "help weeks"
prior to the beginning of classes
this semester.
The committee noted that,
though there was some improve-
}ment in pledge programs, its pri-
mary concern is the elimination of
hazing, Rea commented.I
Phi Sigma Delta pledges were
discovered wearing gunny sacks
while washing a car, outside the
chapter house. The fraternity was
fined $250.
Though Zeta -Psi pledges were
also publicly visible, their viola-
tion and Delta Sigma Phi's con-
viction were based more on the
physical harm aspects, Rea said.
Zeta Psi was fined $230 and Delta
Sigma Phi was fined $200.
Phi Sigma Delta intends to ap-
peal their case to the executive
committee because they feel they
have a new perspective to offer,
according to Doug Miller, '67,
president of the fraternity. "We
are appealing the conviction, not
the fine," Miller said. He empha-,
sized, however, that they agree
with the by-law but feel they have
not violated it.
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With Student
Chances for Other
Appeals Improved
By Student's Case
One of the 14 University stu-
dents reclassified 1-A for partici-
pating in a draft board sit-in Oct.
15 won back his student deferment
Douglas Truax, '66, regained his
2-S deferment on an appeal deci-
sion of his local draft board in
Grand Rapids. Truax is one of
seven University students set for
sentencing today on trespassing
charges at3 p.m. in Washtenaw
County Circuit Court.
He is the first reclassified Uni-
versity protestor to be given back
his student deferment. Last month
five other students lost similar
appeal bids to their boards in De-
troit and Royal Oak.
Michigan Selective Service Di-
rector Col. Arthur Holmes said in
a phone interview last night that
the decision in Truax's case;
"Doesn't bother me in the least."
Asked if he felt the Grand
Rapids board's decision might in-
dicate a trend in the appeals of
other students' Holmes said, "Def-
initely not. Each case rests on its
own merits."

-Daily,-Robert Rubenstein
the Mental Health Research Institute study data from tests illustrating memory retention in gold-
fish following drug injections.
Resear14Cher tudyEffect


According to Agranoff,b
in the inhibiting effect of

Most students who have ever mycin on memory fixati
had to cram for a final in a long- imuae yteeprm
neglected course have probably stimulated by the experim
notied hattheyareabl toLouis Flexner of the Unive
noticed that they are able to Pennsylvania who discove
memorize a great deal of informa- the early 1960's that pur
tion which they cannot recall injections in mice inhibite
again just a few hours after the learning processes for d;
examination weeks.
This phenomenon of short-term Goldfish were chosen a
and long-term memory retention joctsh the hosea
has been graphically illustrated sects for the MHRIresearcy
by the work of Prof. Bernard ect because they are easy tc
Agranoff of the Mental. Health tain and train in large n
Research Institute (MHRI) in his Agranoff said.
work on the memory processes of Individual goldfish are
goldfish. in shallow shuttle boxes
Agranoff and his colleagues, divider reaching almost
Professors John Brink and Roger surface of the water. A 1
Davis, also of MHRI, trained gold- flashed for 20 seconds, tl
fish to respond to an electric light electric shock accompani
by leaping, over a hurdle placed light for another 20 secon
in a water tank. They discovered lowed by 20 seconds of d
that if the animal's skulls are in-
jected immediately after training I
with a chemical antibiotic, puro- I3EFORE 1970:
mycin, the fish gradually forget
how to perform and within four
days are statistically no smarter
than untrained fish. k c a
However, - the scientists discov-
ered that if the fish were not in-
jected sooner than one hour after Fe
their 40 minute training period, F c

f puro-
n was
ents of
sity of
red in
d their
ays or
as sub-
Ih proj-
with a
to the
ight is
hen an
es the
ds, fol-

in the fish's portion of the box.
Altogether, the test animals are
given 20 trials over a 40 minute
The fish soon learns to escape
over the hurdle into the darkened
portion of the box.
Normally if the fish is rested
for 72 hours without being in-
jected, he can be given 10 more
trials and his successful perform-
anice will start where he left off
and continue to improve.
Agranoff and his colleagues dis-
covered that if 10 microliters of
puromycin were injected by hand
within an hour after the fish had
completed training in the shuttle
box, the ability to perform suc-
cessfully declined over a four-day
period to the level of an un-
trained animal.

t .

By The Associated Press
The State Department has
plans to revoke the passports
of Staughton Lynd, Thomas
Hayden and Herbert Aptheker
in reply to their recent trip to
Hanoi, a highly-placed depart-
ment source said last night.
Further action against the
three is still being contemplat-
ed by the Justice Department,
the source said. ;
State Department press of-
ficer Robert J. McCloskey had
no comment on the reports.
Ernest Mazey, director of the
American Civil Liberties Union of
Michigan, which is handling the
appeal cases, said that "While we
are delighted with this particular
development, I frankly do not an-
ticipate this will be a pattern for
the other draft boards. We' do not
think the total matter will be re-
solved until it reaches the na-
tional appeal level or the courts."
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said that,
"We're gratified that Mr. Truax
will be able to continue his edu-
cation here and that his political
activities were not used as a basis
for reclassification."
Truax, who is "very encouraged"
by the decision, said that his draft
board was "very receptive to what
I had to say at my special hearing
last month." Truax's lawyer, Wil-
liam Wreford of Grand Rapids,
was present at the hearing Jan. 4
to provide counsel for the student.
ACLU director Mazey comment-
ed last night that Truax's reclassi-
fication to student status is not
only of "significant value to him
but has beneficient value to other

Work Must

they were able to retain the
memory for four days and, with
reinforced training, continue to By LUCY KENNEDY
improve the quality of their per- American social work schools
formances. must take steps to produce be-
Agranoff is reluctant to offer tween 60,000 and 70,000 trained
any speculation on the immediate social workers before 1970, Fedele
importance these discoveries have F. Fauri, dean of the University's
in discovering the mechanism of school of social work said in a
memory in human beings and;speechrecently.
other higher animals.
"Memory is probably different Fauri told educators, adminis-
in every species," he said. "Gold- trators, social workers and laymen
fish do not have, for instance, a at thle 14th annual meeting of the
cerebral cortex such as plays an Council on Social Work Education

! Undergraduate training is less
controversial than in the past, but
the profession still ha§ not settled
on its proper relation to the more
traditional ,graduate - professional
training, Fauri said.
In addition, he urged that the
need for trained social workers be
met by enlarging smaller graduate
schools of social work to at least
200 students-a level of enrollment
now 'reached in only seven of the
60 accredited schools. He also

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