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February 01, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-01

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Support of
Move Limited
On Campus
New Bombings May
Hurt Peace Hopes,
Say Students, Faculty
"It's senseless to escalate the
war while claiming that you want
to talk peace. The only way to
have a meaningful peace nego-
tiation, is to stop all hostilities."
Tull Reflects
Knox Tull, Jr., '67E, reflected
campus reaction yesterday to the!
resumption of bombing on North
Viet Nam and the President's new
peace bid to the United Nations.
Sentiment among students and
faculty ranged from quiet-expres-
sions of regret to vociferous cri-
ticism of the two latest moves in
the Viet Nam conflict.
"Everything we know about
bombing suggests that it does not
break down morale or weaken the
will to resist," says Prof. Brad-
ford Perkins of the history de-
partment. "Britain in World War
II is the classic example," says
Some Value
Since the bombing may have
some military utility-halting the
! flow of supplies from North Viet
Nam . . . I'm not willing to con-
demn it," adds Perkins.
Prof. Stephen Tonsor, also of
the history department, thinks it
"is regrettable that there wasn't
an acceptable alternative to the
resumption of bombing."
j"I think it's good that the
matter is being introduced into
the UN. I feel the outcome will
most likely be the same as that
of the peace offensive," Tonsor
Up to Hanoi
Tonsor added that, "When they
(the North Vietnamese) stop
shooting the war will come to an
Donna Simmons, '69, feels that
the resumption of bombing was a
mistake and hopes that the Pres-
ident will initiate another lull soon 3
because, "If you want to stop the
war a bombing suspension is the
place to start from."
Prof. A. W. Allison of the Eng-
lish department "regrets the re-
sumption of the bombing," and
feels it will have little positive
effect. Allison is "strongly oppos-
ed to the prospect of bombing
Allison indicated he felt the
United States had "a moral duty"
to go to the United Nations over
this matter. He said, however, that
he was not optimistic about the
immediate prospect for a peaceful
settlement through the world body.
Prof. Tom Mayer of the sociol-
ogy department thinks that "the
United Nations move is simply a
coverup for this particular move
of aggression.''
"I find it hard to understand
how any American can seriously,
believe that renewed bombing can
do anything but aggravate and
embitter the present conflict."

m - - --

What's New
At 764-1817

The nation's first research and training center devoted to
clinical pharmacology will soon be built at the University with
a million-dollar gift from the Upjohn Co. Its main purposes
will be to study drugs' effectiveness and safety in man, to train
physicians in the advanced skills needed for such study, and to
provide a base for patient care related to research and training.
* . . S
The sentencing of 29 protestors, who were found guilty of
trespassing last Thursday in Washtenaw County Circult Court is
set for 8:30 p.m. today.
Most of the defendants who sat in at the Ann Arbor draft
board last October 15 are University students. They will be
sentenced by Circuit Court Judge James R. Breakey Jr. Maximum
punishment is 30 days in jail and a $50 fine. The defendants'
attorney Ernest Goodman of Detroit plans to file an appeal
with the Michigan District Court in Detroit today.
* * * *
Peter Wolff, Grad, one of the 29 defendants found guilty
of a trespassing charge during the anti-Viet Nam sit-in demon-
stration at the local draft board, said he received a delinquency
notice from his New York draft board indicating he had been
reclassified 1-A.
The notice Wolff received said he had "violated Section 12-A
of the Selective Service Act by interfering with the administration
of the Selective Service system of Local Board 85 in Ann Arbor."
His reclassification is the 14th at the University since the
sit-in October 15.
Dr. Kenneth Keniston, a member of the faculty of Yale
University Medical School, will give the opening speech at aI
symposium on "The Future of American Individualism." to be
held in Rackham Auditorium this week. All lectures will be held
at 8 p.m.
On Thursday, Dr. Walter Judd, a former U.S. Congressman,
will speak on "The Impact of Individualism on Our Foreign
Policy." Judd was the Keynoter of the 1960 Republican Con-
vention. Friday's lecture will be given by Nat Hentoff, jazz critic
and staff writer of "The New Yorker," on "The Fine Arts:
Scope Yet for Individualism."j
"Conflict of Complement: Individualism and the Federal
Government" will be the subject of Kenneth Keating's lecture
on Saturday. Keating is a former Congressman and Senator
from New York State.
U.S. Representative Weston E. Vivian announced yesterday
that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has
awarded the University three grants amounting to $194,380. The
awards were given for 1) the investigation of spectral response
of various types of detectors in the extreme Ultra-Violet, under
the direction of R. A. Sawyer and W. W. McCormick; 2) research
into the feasibility of a- Kilometerwave obriting telescope, under
the direction of F. T. Haddock; and 3) for theoretical and
experimental investigation of Plasma waves, space vehicle Plasma
sheets, and Ionispheric electron temperatures, under the direction
of A. Nagy.
The University awarded 1,642 degrees at the end of the fall
term, Erich A. Walter, secretary of the University, announced
The graduation list, approved by the Regents, includes 652
undergraduates and 990 graduate students. These figures com-
pare with a total of 1,526 degrees (643 undergraduate and 833
graduate) awarded at the same time last year.
The total does not include degrees to be awarded by Flint
College and the Dearborn Campus for their current sessions.
* * *
The University's Professional Theatre Program's successfulj
New York production of "An Evening's Frost" will be presented '
tonight at the Library of Congress. The play was adapted by
Prof. Donald Hall of the English department, and was directed1
by Marcella Cisney, associate director of the PTP. The special
performance of the play is being presented in honor of the
third anniversary of Frost's death.
The cast of "Frost" will present the play at Princeton
University next week, marking the first time a PTP production
has been sent to Princeton. Next year, a national tour of "Frost"
will bring the production to many other American universities.

U.S. Trying
To Arrange
Peace Talks
Security Council
To Hold Session Today
On American Plan
United States asked the U.N. Se-
curity Council yesterday to ar-
range talks with interested gov-
ernments on setting up an inter-
national conference to end the
war in Viet Nam.
The 15-nation Council will meet
in urgent session at 10:30 a.m.
today on a resolution submitted
by U.S. Ambassador Arthur J.
Goldberg upon instructions of
President Johnson.
The resolution would have the
Council fix the time and place for
discussions without preconditions
on a conference "looking toward
the application of the Geneva
accords of 1954 and 1962 and the
establishment of a durable peace
in Southeast Asia."
Cease Fire
It recommended that the first
order of business of the confer- ARTHUR J. GOLDBERG, right, U.
ence should be arrangements for General U Thant and Sen. Jacob Ja
a cessation of hostilities under President Johnson for an urgent
effective supervision. today at 10:30 a.m. and will receiv
The resolution would have the
Council offer aid in achieving
peace by all appropriate means, OW VILLAGE:
including the provision of arbi-

-Associated Press
G.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, talks with Secretary-
4vits (R-NY), left, yesterday. Goldberg transmitted a request by
Security Council meeting on Viet Nam. The meeting will begin
e live radio and television coverage.

trators or mediators.
Live coverage of the U.N. Se-
I curity Council meeting will be
presented on CBS-TV and NBC-
TV as well as on the major radio
A major problem standing in
the way of a U.N.-arranged peace
conference is North Viet Nam's
reluctance to move the conflict to

Poverty Project Leader

Denounces 'U'

the world organization. By DICK WINGFIELID
In August, 1964, at a U.N. ses- A former leader in the Willow
sion following the Gulf of Tonkin Village poverty project publicly
incident, Hanoi was invited to released his letter of resignation
send a represenative to the meet- yesterday, upbraiding the Univer-
ing, but refused. North Viet Nam sity for its role in the program,
is not a member of the organiza- sey tin the ora-
tion. Henry Alting, farmer coordina-
Submit Resolution tor of the Willow Village project
Goldberg later submitted a for the University's Institute of
resolution for discussions aimed ( Labor-Industrial Relations (ILIR),
at convening an international con- said, "The University and the in-
ference to establish "a durable stitute have displayed a lack of
peace in Southeast Asia" in line leadership to guide the program
with the 1954 and 1962 Geneva successfully through its first year
agreements. of operation and a lack of com-
mitment not to pledge the full re-
. The U.S. resolution proposes a sources of the University for a
supervised cease-fire as the, first second year to administer this
order of business for the confer- unique OEO project."
ence. It recommends also use of
arbitrators and mediators ia - The letter of resignation was
propriate and seeks Secretazy- dated Dec. 20, 1965, and addressed
General U Thant's assistance. to Dr. Charles Rehmus of the

dling Superior and Ypsilanti
Township borders, about eight
miles east from here. The area
was the site of a bomber produc-
tion center during World War II;
the WRAND community center is
a converted schoolhouse built dur-
ing the war and purchased by
WRAND in 1964 for $15,000. The
community center houses a day
care center, a gymnasium, a li-
brary, a workshop and offices for
WRAND personnel.
Alting's c r i t i c i s m continued,
"Through a maze of red tape and
bureaucratic inefficiency, the de-
velopment of the original proposal
has been seriously delayed and the
program's future damaged beyond
repair. The malfunctions of the
University with respect to the Wil-
low Village grant has destroyed
the people's confidence in
In an interview yesterday, Alt-
ing said, "I believe that former

Vice-President Roger Heyns would
have worked to cut a lot of the
red tape if some of the officials
in the Univeristy's ILIR had ap-
proached him while he was here.
Purchases of materials, for in-
stance, were delayed sometimes
six weeks."
Alting continued, "The ILIR is
acting in a high-handed and
hypocritical fashion if they assert
that WRAND is now a self-func-
tioning organization. Certainly not
after a year of paternalism and
manipulation. The organization
has been wrecked, robbed of its
leadership, and WRAND has lost
its grass roots support.
". . . Until the poor can repre-
sent themselves and control the
local poverty programs and not
be at the mercy of so-called rep-
resentation by local do-gooders,
black and white alike, the 'War
on Poverty' has not begun," Alting

U.S. Renews
Air Attacks
On the North
Bombings Limited
To Military Targets
Britain Backs Actions
The war in Viet Nam entered
a new phase yesterday as Presi-
dent Johnson ordered the renew-
al of bombing on North Viet Nam
and opened a drive in the Unit-
ed Nations to bring about peace
Congressmen generally support-
ed the resumption of the attacks,
although some expressed regret
over the President's decision.
However, Senate Democratic
Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont),
author of a recent report based on
a fact-finding mission to Viet
Nam, applauded Johnson's at-
tempts to end the war and add-
ed: "It is not the fault of the
President that these attempts have
Wartime Footing
Sen. George D. Aiken (R-Vt)
called for a shift to a full war-
time footing with a universal
draft, higher taxes and econom-
ic controls.
"The answer of Hanoi to all,"
he said, is "they persist in aggres-
sion and they insist on the surren-
der of South Viet Nam to com-
munism. It is plain that there is
no readiness to talk-no readiness
for peace-in that regime today"
In resuming the bombing at the
same level of intensity as beore,
the President was attempting to
unify dissident elements through-
out the political spectrum.
His decision' to renew the air
strikes were aimed at placating
manystop officials in his admin-
istration, Congressmen from both
parties and the military in Viet
Nam and Washington.
The new peace move in the
United Nations was intended to
soften the blow of the new bomb-
ing upon foreign governments,
both friendly and nonaligned,
Sens. Fulbright, Morse and other
crites of his policy, and diplomats
who contended that a positive re-
sponse from Hanoi to the 37-day
U.S. "peace offensive" would re-
quire time and patience.
Washington's attention is now
focused on the United Nations,
See Related Stories, Page 3
where the Security Council con-
venes this morning. It will discuss
a U.S. proposal asking for talks
*amnong "nterested government"
in order to bring about an inter-
national conference on Viet Nam
In the skies over North Viet
Nam, U.S. warplanes raked a key
highway, wrecking a truck con-
voy, and also hit bridges, ferry
complexes and barges. One Navy
plane was shot down by ground
fire but the pilot was rescued.
Officials in Washington made it
clear that the bombing would re-
main limited to military targets.
The key cities of Hanoi and Hai-
phong will not be attacked, they
Overseas, Britain voiced support
for the U.S. decision while Mos-
cow and Peking issued angry de-
nunciation of the bombing re-
sumption. The Soviets charged the
United States "actually does not
want the Viet Nam war to end."
British Prime Minister Harold
Wilson was reported personally
disappointed that the U.S. had
been compelled to resume the air
But British officials revealed
that North Viet Nam had issued

a new precondition for peace ne-
gotiations in a note delivered to
London over the weekend.
'Sole Representative'
An official government state-
ment said the condition was that
the Viet Cong should be "the
sole genuine representative of the
South Vietnamese people" at the
conference table. The statement
went on to say that Ho has stood
firmly on acceptance of his pre-
conditions before peace talks could
The British government state-
ment termed the message from Ho
"a new and even more unaccept-
able prior condition."
.Tnhncnn cnnlrn *to+1,a nntinn visa.

Pope Paul VI proposed on Sat-
urday that neutral nations try to
arbitrate the Viet Nam conflict.
A U.S. spokesman declined to say
whether the specific provision was
connected with the Pope's appeal,
but it was regarded as certain to
be brought up in Council debate.
Full Cooperation
The resolution called on all con-
cerned to cooperate fully in its
implementation and requested the
aid of Secretary-General U Thant
in seeing that its provisions are
carried out.
The mention of appropriate gov-
ernments in the U.S. resolution
appeared to rule out any indi-
See U.S., Page 2


University's ILIR. Alting said he
had received no response from
Rehmus or the other individuals
on the ILIR and then decided to
release his letter to the press.
Harold Dorr, Dean of State-
Wide Education (on the executive
board of the Willow Village Pro-
ject for the University's ILIR),
said, however, that his letter was
postmarked Jan. 25, 1966.
A $188,252 grant from the Of-
fice of Economic Opportunity
(OEO) was awarded to the In-
stitute of Labor-Industrial Rela-
tions of the University and Wayne
State University in January, 1965.
The grant was "subcontracted" to
the W i 11 o w Run Association
for Neighborhood Development
I (WRAND) for continuation and
expansion of the community ac-
tion projects which it had already
begun in the Willow Village area.
Alting's letter struck at ILIR
interest in the local affairs of
Willow Village when he said, "The
institute let WRAND take the
brunt of the political right-wing
attacks earlier this year. It was
not so much the attacks from
SCOPAN (Study Committee on
Poverty and Need) and REPLY
(Return Every Penny and Leave
Ypsilanti) which d e s t r o y e d
WRAND but the inability of the
inability of the institute to provide
leadership to defend the Willow
Village poverty program,
Last Tuesday the University re-
leased an official statement that
its ILIR would withdraw from the
poverty project in April of this
year. Spokesmen said that the
University's two objectives in the
ninmt will mhavebn efulfisle hr

Meeting Clarifies Differences on Flint


2-S Rank, New Test
Opposed by Voice

Special To The Daily
FLINT - The State Board of
Education met with a Flint citi-
zens committee Sunday in an at-
tempt to resolve the long-standing
disagreement over the future of
the University's Flint branch.
The result was a clarification of
differences, a narrowing of issues,
and establishment of a committee
composed of three board members
and three Flint representatives to
eliminate the obstacles in the
path toward a college for the
Genesee county area.

dicated that the board had reach-
ed its decision on the Flint ques-
tion last spring by a thorough
study of state-wide educational
needs in conjunction with leading
national figures in higher educa-
tion. Their conclusions :
1) There was an immediate need
for a four-year college in the five
county area around Flint.
2) There was an immediate
need for the separation of the
community college and the Uni-
versity's branch.
3) There was an immediate
need for the establishment of a
naraite campusnat Flint for theI

munity, and that he wished to see
the college remain in the same
hands as the men who are sup-
porting it now. "We attempted to
make a decision we thought was
best for education in Flint."
Donald M.D. Thurber, a mem-
ber of the state board, said that
"in the past few months and
weeks, the issues have narrowed
to two or three points: autonomy,
separation, and a reasonable date
for the formation of an autono-
mous institution."
"These do not seem to be in-
superable obstacles," he noted.

Flint, in reference to the dona-
tions of Flint philanthropist C. S.
Mott to the University for branch
expansion. "This was donated to
the University to bring power to
the community," added Jacobi.
Norman W. Bully, co-chairman
of the Flint committee, said, "If
we accept the board's proposal,
the expansion of facilities by the
University would come to a big
Lengthy Exchange
After a lengthy exchange of
ideas between the board and the
Flint citizens, Brennan recom-
mended the establishment of a

VOICE political party last night
called upon the University to re-
ject the II-S student deferment
as discriminatory, not to release
transcripts of student's grades ex-
cept on request of the individual
involved ,and to reject the tests
which the Selective Service is
planning as an alternative to class
ranking to determine draft de-
"Our immediate concern is with
the ranking issue," said Peter Di-
Lorenzi, '64, chairman of VOICE,
"because it will effect a great
many men on campus, especially
in the humanities as the result of
Lt. Gen. Lewis Hershey's decision
to make the lower 25 per cent of
the male student body eligible for
the draft."
At the same time that VOICE
opposed the discriminatory proc-
ess of ranking and testing, they
decried the II-S deferment as
even more discriminatory in na-
ture and operation. A "student's
economic, social and racial back-
ground to a very large extent
,i Amipcfh niia nl ar-mi

fights the wars and who receives
draft deferments.
In particular, the VOICE state-
ment cites the cost of higher edu-
cation as being prohibitive against
the entry of children of poor and
non-college-educated parents. Re-
ferring to a survey made in 1963,
the statement claims that only 1.8
per cent of the University stu-
dent body had parents who earn-
ed less than $4000.
Racial and academic discrimi-
nation against students with a loW
level o fachievement came under
attack in the statement.
Few Negroes
"According to our figures, near-
ly one-third of the Negro stu-
dents who entered the University
under the Opportunity Awards
Program have dropped. out or
been placed on probation for fail-
ure to maintain academic stand-
ing. The reasons cannot be attrib-
uted to lack of native intelligence,
but to an inability to perform and
compete academically, which is a
result of a socially isolated and
educationally deprived b a c k-
ground," said DiLorenzi.

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