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January 30, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-30

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Sevety-Sixth Year

Lansing: Much More Effort Needed

here Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD Sr., ANN APBOR, Mic-.
Tr'nth Will Prevail

Nvws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Viet Nam: Yes,
There Is Another Side

"LET'S END THE WAR in Viet Nam,"
This refrain has been echoing and
reechoing across college campuses and in
many leftwing quarters throughout the
nation. "Let's stop the slaughter and pre-
serve the peace." To do this "liberal" crit-
ics of the administration would seek ne-
gotiations on the National Liberation
Front's terms, I.e., American withdrawal
from. Viet Nam and the establishment of
a neutral or Titpist government with Viet
Cong participation,
The manifold objections to this solu-
tion should be obvious. The power vac-
uum created by an American withdrawal
of support for the South Vietnamese
government would make the Viet Cong
the only effective military force remain-
ing. A "neutralist" government would be
neutral in name only; the Viet Cong
would be free to pursue whatever policy
they wished.
But the effects of such a withdrawal
would not be confined to Viet Nam. Com-
munist energies released in Viet Nam
would be merely refocused on other
Southeast Asian nations. Already Com-
munist China has announcd the crea-
tion of similar movements in Thailand
and Malaysia. Victory for the Viet Cong
in Viet Nar would increase the avail-
able support to revolutionaries in these
and other Southeast Asian nations. It
would lend credence to the contention
that Communism is "the wave of the fu-
ture." More importantly, it seems incon-
ceivable that our government could ever
politically justify forcibly resisting anoth-
er Communist guerrilla war in Asia after
losing this one.
ACTUALLY, many critics of our present
policy are quite willing to concede the
loss of all the mainland of Southeast
Asia But are the ramifications of such
a loss confined solely to that area as the
critics contend?
Would. not India, which is suffering
from similar social and economic ills,
soon be exposed to guerrilla activities
supported from over the border?
More fundamentally, would not the
validity of America's word be subject to
question all over the world? For if we
refuse to abide by our commitments in
Southeast Asia, why, our allies will un-
derstandably ask, should the American
commitment be trusted anywhere? Those
who argue that Europe cannot depend
on the United States to provide security
for Western Europe will have a case in
point. Why will the United States risk
nuclear war over Europe when she will
not even fight a guerrilla war in Viet
Nam to save Southeast Asia the argument
will run.,
THIS DISASTROUS philosophy will un-
doubtedly affect scores of neutral na-
tions, who presently rest secure in their
unaligned status, knowing that the Unit-
ed States can be relied upon to provide
support in the event of Communist ag-
gression (as we did for India in 1962). No
longer able to count on an American
commitment, neutrals may make their
peace with this "wave of the future"
whatever the cost.
And a withdrawal from Viet Nam woulL
not lessen by one Iota the threat of Com-
munist-sponsored guerrilla activity in the
rest of the underdeveloped world. In-
deed, we would support China's thesis in
her ideological dispute with Russia: that
guerrilla warfare (wars of national lib-
eration) and not peaceful coexistence is
the Pest means to world domination.
In short, an abandonment of Viet Nam
to Communist guerrillas would have ca-
lamitous consequences for American con-
tainment of Communism.

BUT WHAT of our present policy? Is
it designed to end the war without
the disastrous results of the left's solu-
Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNa-
mara has warned that the Vietnamese
war will be a long one-10 to 20 years
according to many Pentagon spokesmen.
The question then arises: are our objec-
tives served if American soldiers are
chewed up indefinitely in jungle warfare?
Are we really saviig South Viet Nam if
the ravages of war go on and on in that

The surest way to end a war is to win
it, and a "great nation which enters upon
war and does not seet it through to vic-
tory will ultimately suffer all the conse-
quences of defeat."
WHAT THEN CAN WE DO to bring the
war to a satisfactory conclusion as
quickly as possible and with, the smallest
cost to ourselves and our ally? One step
which is already beginning to gather sup-
port among some members of Congress
and other political and military figures,
is for a greater use of American fire-
The conflict should be driven home
with greater vigor to the instigator and
primary obstacle to peace: North Viet
Nam. Industrial areas should come under
attack (preceded by the dropping of leaf-
lets to warn. civilian away from these
areas), oil refineries in Haiphong and
Hanoi should be bombed, and the port
facilities of Haiphong should be render-
ed inoperative.
BUT TO CRIPPLE the ability of North
Viet Nam to supply the South prob-
ably won't, of itself, be sufficient to
bring a quick halt to the conflict. To meet
a guerrilla attack requires a substantial
superiority in numbers. This we do not
yet have. To secure it will require in-
creased manpower from the United
States, and the current buildup must con-
South Viet Nam is already contributing
almost a maximum of 800,000 men. How-
ever, many of our allies in the rest of
Asia have indicated a willingness to par-
ticipate in the effort there. The Nation-
alist Chinese government is willing to
contribute significant numbers to the
struggle. The new president of the Philip-
pines has indicated his willingness to con-
tribute men and material. Other South-
east Asian nations like Thailand and Aus-
tralia have high stakes in the outcome
and should provide more than token com-
mitments of troops.
With these additional troops a deter-
mined effort must be made to sever the
jungle supply lines of the Viet Cong. The
Ho Chi Minh Trail has to be sealed off
by ground forces as it is difficult to de-
termine even where the lines are by air.
BY DESTROYING the industrial cap-
ability of the North, by preventing aid
from reaching North Viet Nam by sea, by
cutting the present flow of men and ma-
terial along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and
by increasing the ratio of our forces to
theirs, we can hasten the end of the war,
thereby lessening the suffering for the
South Vietnamese people and limiting our
own casualties.
To those that would argue that China
would intervene if we took these meas-
ures, one can only reply that there is
no reason for the Chinese to do so and
a great many why they should not. The
Chinese are painfully aware that their
new-found nuclear capability is extreme-
ly vulnerable to air attack. They know
that their prodigious sacrifice in money
and brainpower to produce nuclear
weapons could go up in smoke in a mat-
ter of days if the United States chose
to bomb their installations.
Furthermore, a great percentage of
their troops is tied down on the eastern
coast in fear of Nationalist China, and
there has been no significant troop move-
ment to the west. Supply lines from China
to North Viet Nam are confined to a
very few railroads and roads ,easily dis-
rupted if necessary. In general, China
would be unwilling to risk an all-out con-
frontation with the United States at the
present time.

IF CHINA is unwilling, Russia is even
more so. There is no indication what-
soever that the Russians are willing to
risk an all-out direct confrontation with
the United States by intervening on the
side of North Viet Nam, as shown by the
limited bits of aid furnished them by the
Russians. From an ideological standpoint
it would benefit the Soviet Union im-
measurably to see the Chinese doctrine
refuted in South Viet Nam.
Soviet leaders are presently engaged in
trying to improve their standard of liv-
ing and to hold down military expendi-

TWIN SLASHES of about $10
million apiece in the Univer-
sity's general funds and capital
outlay budgets are going to take
a heavy toll on those aspects of
the University that all groups,
including those holding the purse
strings, have the greatest interest
FACULTY are going to have to
settle for fewer and smaller sal-
ary inducements than they would
have to otherwise. Their work-
loads will continue to stiffen as
faculty-student ratios remain be-
low what they should be, and they
will continue to have to spend
hours of their time at bookkeep-
ing, secretarial and administrative
problems because of a continuing
acute lack of supporting staff.
They will also have to continue
to put up with cramped and often
faraway classrooms; small, noisy
offices and severe shortages of
other types of working space;
great inadequacies in library
services; and a lack of all types
of supporting equipment so neces-
sary for teaching and research.
to continue with extremely in-
adequate staffs at all levels-
from the departments on up. This
is becoming increasingly difficult
in the face of mounting demands
from faculty to do something
about the problems they face as
the student body continues to
grow at both the graduate and
undergraduate level, as faculty
interests broaden and offers from
other institutions grow more and
more tempting.

more crowding, in classrooms and
lecture halls, in the libraries and
in competing for faculty and
counselors' time. Impersonaliza-
tion will proceed apace as faculty
and administrators adopt half-
hearted and half-baked expedients
to alleviate mounting pressures on
staff and facilities because of
THE STATE will suffer as the
University is forced to convert
from a university, a place for the
personal and group interaction so
necessary for high quality learn-
ing and research, to a mill for the
production and distribution of
standardized, upper-middle - class
citizens. This university should be
here to turn out graduates to
create jobs, not fill them.
The message is simple: invest-
ment in this university (and in
most others in the state) is the
best investment Michigan could
make, in simple dollars and cents.
California offers the clearest ex-
ample. Their higher education
system is the largest and most
generously supported in the na-
tion. It is recognized there that
there is simply no other way to
maintain the prosperity that has
made that state rich, more popu-
lous and more varied than New
New York, meanwhile, has fin-
ally caught on, and is increasing
its own higher education invest-
ment in an attempt to duplicate
California's system.
Illinois, which has relied on a
combination of its state univer-
sities and the other Midwestern

Michigan MAD
schools for both excellence and
quantity will soon find itself in
need of extensive new facilities to
educate Chicago's youth and fun-
nel talent and innovation, the
lifeblood of a major metropolis,
into that city.
THE PROBLEM then becomes
not "how little?" which is what
the legislators contacted by a
Daily reporter Friday seem to be
asking, but "how much?" It's not
a question of figuring out how
little money the Legislature can
get away with appropriating to the
University, but of deciding how
much the University can effec-
tively use. With California's ex-
perience as an indicator, there is
little question that much more
money can be well spent than is
even being considered.
What is painfully lacking here
is effective communication. Many
legislators seem to have an in-
ordinate interest in the details of
University administration. One.
said last week, "There are many
alternatives for saving money
which last summer the University
did not look into." This would
seem to presuppose a greater
knowledge of how to administer
the University than its own ad-
ministrators have.
Another dangerous attitude is
belied in legislators' comments.

They seem to think that if they
cut appropriations for certain
functions, those functions will
somehow get done with some other
mysterious source of funds, or
without any money at all. This
hardly makes sense.
Show us explicitly where you
need money, they say. but when
the University does, they turn
right around and say we really
don't which doesn't get the job
done at all,
able to get its message across is
unclear, but, when Michigan State
gets building appropriations twice
those here, when the University's
needs are at least as acute, some-
thing is seriously wrong.
The most important step that
can be taken is to considerably
expand the number of University
personnel charged with working
with Lansing. In view of the other
University problems, with various
arms of the state government
(release of building money by the
controller's office and defining of
State Board responsibilities, par-
ticularly with respect to the Flint
branch controversy), several ad-
ditional people with specialized
talents seem to be very much
needed to assist Vice-President
Niehuss and his assistant on a
full-time basis.
First, someone with a thorough
knowledge of the University's
budget-making processes must be
found to provide legislators and
their assistants with complete in-
formation for breaking the budget
down into a series of needs, each

of which can then be justified to
their satisfaction.
Second, a combination negotia-
tor-public relations person is
needed to handle the intricate
work involved in working out
specific problems-as with the
State Board over Flint. He must'
be knowledgeable, persuasive and
credible for those who are suspi-
cious of the University's intentions
in these disputes.
UNLESS A STAFF such as this
can be quickly put together and
backed up with high-level support
and involvement in the decisions
it must defend to those who have
many suspicions but little knowl-
edge of the University, there is
every indication that our state-
wide relations will continue to de-
If legislators simply do not be-
lieve we need buildings as badly as
we say we do, the University must
redouble its efforts to present
them with the problem in a way
that they cannot skirt. It must
have people capable of making
an airtight, believable case that
if the University does not receive
building money, it will simply have
to stop growing, or even cut back
in certain areas
Each argument, whether for
staff, buildings, equipment or
whatever must be documented and
buttressed with larger arguments
that fit the University concretely
into a developing pattern of higher
education in the state, a pattern
that will require plenty of money,
but which will provide state-wide
returns far out of proportion to
the investment.

Draft Tests:, National Education Triumph


UNIVERSITIES all over the
country received a long-awaited
boost yesterday with the an-
nouncement that class rank will
again be a prime consideration in
determining draft status. The aca-
demic world once more is bolster-
ed with the ultimate in motiva-
tion-rice paddy intellectualism.
Students studying for their
exams were once faced with a
serious motivational problem.
"Why should I memorize all this
garbage? It's useless, irrelevant.
and what's more, so is the grade
that I'll get for knowing it." So
instead they took C's instead of
B's and went out and read good
No longer must the university
be plagued with this type of half-
hearted academic attempt. Now
the student says, "Why should I
memorize all this garbage? It's
useless, irrelevant, and, what's
more, so is the grade." So he
starts to pick up a good book.
BUT NOW, the vital difference,
the change we've all been waiting
for. As he picks up the book he
remembers that he has paid for
his extra-curricular reading with
grades that have put him Just be-
low that crucial percentage who
are out of the draft. The visions
of rice paddies come sweeping in-
to his troubled brain, and back

to the course work he goes. Rice
paddy intellectualism has tri-
umphed and the insidious book
is forgotten. The system has con-
quered all.
One very real consequence of
the rice paddy intellectualism is
high ; neurosis. Students interest-
ed in improving their class rank
must of course do so at the ex-
pense of their compatriots above
them. Thus the ultimate in class-
room achievement-frantic com-
Nothing could be better for the
learning process. Students who
once never bothered participating
in class now eagerly raise their
nail-bitten hands in frantic at-
tempts to be recognized as parti-
cipants, no matter what they have
to say."And now, when a profes-
sor asks the percentage of work-
ers who advanced from lower to
middle class in Newburyport, Con-
necticut, from 1870 to 1900, by Ho
Chi Minh those students KNOW
what percentage of workers ad-
vanced from lower to middle class
in Newburyport, Connecticut, from
1870 to 1900.
NOT, OF COURSE, that they
especially care how many lucky
Connecticut workmen there were
at that time. Not that they will
bother to understand the signifi-
cance of that percentage. Cer-
tainly not that they will remem-
ber that vital statistic two days

after the exam. But it's that or
the rice paddies, and what better
outlet for anxieties about fight-
ing and dying than avoiding it all
in those hallowed halls of ivy by
fighting and dying over physical-
ly unlethal texts and lectures.
Another physical symbol' of the
new rice paddy intellectualism is
septumus umberus, especially dan-
gerous in this cold weather. This
disease, especially favored . by
many professors as a stimulant to
meaningful work, is prevalent
among borderline students whose
grade could go one way or the
The real boon to the university
offered by the rice paddy Intel-
lectualism is the filling of courses
no one with an IQ of over 20
would ever consider taking, ex-
cept, of course, for 'grade. The
new wave In intellectual concern
drafted into campus life now as-
sures that all these courses, with

their corresponding prospect of an
easy A or B, are filled to the brim
with followers of, the new paddy-
ism. Though some followers may
suffer from mind warp and acute
boredom and disgust, at least they
can rest assured that their inter-
est in outside reading will in no
way be further stimulated.
FURTHER, the new intellectu-
alism assures for many the stifl-
ing of interest in wasteful extra-
curricular activities such as lec-
tures, newspapers and discussions,
none of which have any bearing
on the grading system.
Nor must students who must
hold down a job to pay for their
educations ever again be faced
with working 20 to 30 hours a
week. Obviously, most students;
who put in that much time work-
ing are not going to be able to
fulfill the requirements of the
paddyism's grading system, and

thus must either quit their jobs
or go fight the peasants. But if
quitting their jobs means being
unable to go to school, that'd
where they're going anyway. That
puts Horatio Alger in Viet Nam.
Fools. Their parents should have
earned more money.
THE TRIUMPH of rice paddy
intellectualism ushers in a new
era in university education. Once
American students were forced to
claw over one another for, such
base things as status and mone-
tary success. Now the issue be-
comes one of keeping grades and
going to grad school, or going to
war. The American definition of
learning at last has taken on a
value which only the bravest and
most foolhardy opponents of the
creed will be willing to buck.
Rice paddy intellectualism has
brought ultimate triumph to the
American way of education.

Rap-Up: French As in Rome

Letters: Daily Critic
Debunks the Debunkhers

To the Editor:
low with age. The Daily ap-
pears to do so with inveterate ease
and deliberate intent, as evidenced
by escapades of members of the
editorial staff off and on during
the past few weeks.
Having read The Daily for five
years now, certain practices of
the present editorial regime have
begun to get on my nerves. I am
not speaking of the questionable
content or worth of the editorials
themselves. To each his own. I am
speaking, however, of the occa-
sional witty editorial comment
signed "R.J." whic happears after
a submitted letter to the editor
and subtly at times and at other
times not so subtly says, "ignore
this joker-"-he doesn't know what
he's talking about."
I am speaking of a recent anti-
"anti - Regents editorial" letter
written by several professors which
was refuted and debunked on the
very same page by an editorial
reply which, out of respect for
unmolested exchange of opinion,
shouldtnot have been run right
below the letter in question.
FINALLY, I am speaking of the
annoying and irrelevant piece of
name - callingtsurrounding the
Winslow - White - Schutze - Art
affair which has graced your edi-
torial page for several days now.
Jim Schutze has his occasional
moments of humorous journalistic
glory. It's a shame that he felt it
necessary to stoop so low as to
slander and make fun of another
individual in a column which had
little else to ffer in the wayv of

press. Continued practices such
as those cited above should land
any of the Daily editors a top job
with any of the best scandal sheets
in the country. Congratulations on
your "professionalism."
HOWEVER, I did, and do ex-
pect more in the way of discre-
tion, candor, and plain common
sense from a little-people's paper.
-Michael Stulberg, '69M
To the Editor:
A LETTER submitted to you by
one Michael Stulberg of the
Medical School viciously criticizes
a column which I have always
considered to be the finest exam-
ple of charming witty wonderful
absorbing sensitive beautiful writ-
ing in The Otherwise Perfect
Daily. I am speaking, of course, of
Schutze's Corner.
In one terrible portion of Mr.
Stulberg's incredible letter refer-
ence is made to the Schutze-Wins-
low - White - Art controversy. It
should be pointed out that George
Abbott White, Ann Arbor's own
ecumenical restauranteur, was im-
mensely pleased with the Corner
critical of him and regretted only
that said criticism was not ac-
companied by a corner-size color
You will be rendering the let-
ter's author a great service if you
cosigned his note to unpublished
and unpublishable oblivion. In
time, Mr. Stulberg will repent this
brief lapse of judgment and will
deeply regret ever having attempt-
ed to pass judgment on so revered

AS ANYONE who has ever been
inside the Frieze Bldg. knows,
there is a good deal of criticism
leveled at the French department.
However, I can say with some de-.
gree o fauthority that French in-
struction at this university is the
next best thing to having a house-
mother from Paris.
It all began with a placement
exam given by a professor who I
thought was dictating in Japanese.
It was 20 minutes before I finallyw
discovered that actually I had just
heard Prof. Michio P. Hagiwara
speaking French.
As a result of my late start I
was lucky enough to get into
French 103, 231, and 232. Although
I never saw Professor Hagiwara
again, since he was in charge of
the curriculum for the basic
French courses, author of a text-
book I used for two semesters and
the author of most of my exam-
inations, he always seemed to be
with me in spirit.
HIS TEXTBOOK, Active Review
of French, was one of the most
practical texts I have ever read.
Co-atuhored with Austrian Rob-
ert Politzer, the book emphasized
only the most common and useful
expressions in the vocabulary.
Several times a week we had to
traduised et puis ecrivex en fran-
cias (translate and then write in
French) groups of sentences such
as the following:
"He would go fishing every
time when it was good weath-
er." (page 88-a)
"They say you were before
the door."(104-a)
"Until what time will you be
here?" (104-a)
"He is a child of his." (page
"He is one of his children."
(page 128)
"She speaks more slowly
than I, but you speak even
more so." (138-a)
What better preparation could

given a great variety of fine books
to read in class. Among them were
Baal Babylon, an exciting work
about an amnesiac in Spain, and
Voltaire's classic Candide.
Some students complained that
our version of Candide was an
expurgated one. True, every line
and paragraph dealing with sex
was omitted. But I didn't mind
since the pony I was reading in-
cluded all the good parts.
BUT JUST because Candide was
expurgated for our class does not
prove that the French department
is prudish. For our final book in
French 232, we were all allowed
to read Raymond Radiguet's La
Diable Corps (Devil in the Flesh).
The book dealt with an affair
Radiguet had at 16 with a mar-
ried woman of 19. Radiguet wrote
the book at 17 and died at 20.
Moreover, the departinnt treat-
ed us to a free showing of the film
version of the book, to help us
gain a better command of the

spoken language. Unfortunately
the sound track of the film was
so worn I couldn't make out the
words. But that made little dif-
ference since the English subtitles
were excellent.
I shall always consider the sub-
jective part of my final examina-
tion in French 232 the high point
of' my academic career. Professor
Hagiware asked us, among other
things, to name the word referred
to by an antecedent in a para-
graph we had just read.
THIS WAS not as difficult as
it sounds. When it came time to
grade the test it was discovered
that, contrary to Professor Hagi-
wara's thinking, there were half
a dozen suitable answers to the
Even though I failed that test
I did manage to win a C on the
objective part of the final and
hence pass the course. Some times
I think that if I knew any French
I might major in it.

"I'm What You Might Call The High-Price Spread"
- ,
JcA -


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