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January 22, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-22

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Letters: Defending IHA


Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN APBOR, Micu.
Truth Will Prevail 4QMYAD$. N BBR IH

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Cutler Report Right,
But Will Regents Act?

VICE-PRESIDENT for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler's bookstore report,
which the Regents approved yesterday,
denies University students' request for a'
University bookstore and adds that the
decision is based "not on the Regents'
ruling of 1929 prohibiting the establish-
ment of 'mercantile enterprises' under
University auspices, but upon the merits
of the issue."'
Instead of a bookstore, Cutler recom-
mended-and the Regents also approved
-a second pair of proposals: increased
University efforts to recruit and support
economically - disadvantaged students
who might come to the University, and
further work with public -authorities for
increased public assistance to higher ed-
The first two recommendations are
disappointing to students who had hoped
to lower the high cost of a University
education by establishing a University,
bookstore. The second two are far-sight-
ed and comprehensive-but unless they
are implemented, which does not seem
likely at the moment, the Regents will
have simply worsened the problem of high,
costs by their inaction.
Cutler report noted, is not the best
use of the scarce resources at hand for
action on the problem of the high cost
of higher education. It would involve a
University subsidy of $150,000 to $300,000,
and its merit is questionable because "the
diversion of (such) a sum of money ...
to the special purpose contemplated by'
the advocates of the bookstore would thus
in effect be diverting income now used
for general University purposes . . ." In-
The Day

deed, it would be better to use such a sum
for scholarships-wlhich would probably
do far more toward changing the Uni-
versity from a "middle-class" university
to one in 'which attendance is based on
merit, not ability to pay.
For that reason, the second pair of
recommendations in the report approv-
ed by the Regents yesterday is commend-
able. It provides for a sophisticated,
comprehensive attack on the same com-
plex problem-the high cost of higher ed-
ucation-which the advocates of a Uni-
versity bookstore have highlighted in
their discussion of one relatively minor
aspect of that large problem.
BUT THERE IS CAUSE for deep con-
cern here. While the contribution of
a University bookstore to an overall at-
tack on high costs of education would be
marginal, the enthusiasm of a majority
of the Regents for such a comprehensive
attack appears equally slight.
It has been learned that a majority
of Regents would not support a proposal
to meet with leaders of the student drive
for the University bookstore to explain
and discuss Cutler's report before it was
released. It has also been learned that a
majority of the Regents are reluctant
to meet with those, or any other, stu-
dent representatives to start action on
the latter two proposals in the Cutler re-
If this is the way the Regents intend to
"implement" these proposals, then the
situation is unfortunate indeed. It is
undoubtedly true-and we praise the un-
justly much-maligned Vice-President
Cutler for implying it-that $300,000 in-
vested in, for example, scholarships would
do far more to make educational democ-
racy a reality than the same amount
spent on a bookstore.
THE REGENTS' approval of the latter
two Cutler recommendations is im-
portant. But in view of the Regents' op-
position to the bookstore and their re-
markable lack of enthusiasm for ac-
tually making a substantial campaign
for educational democracy, it appears
that the University will have neither.
WE THEREFORE URGE the Regents to
follow up the far-seeing recommen-
dations they approved yesterday with ac-

To the Editor:
day's Daily, David Smith found
much fault in the proposed con-
stitution for the Inter-House As-
sembly, (IQC-Assembly merger).
His attacks on the proposed con-
stitution, prepared by the joint
IQC-Assembly committee seem to
be of a doubtful nature.
His, ppints about "removal and
approval" of executive board mem-
bers, ,and the lack of an annual
election date for officers, how-
ever, are well taken. These pro-
visions have been added to the
rough draft and will be included
in the copy which will be given
to the house presidents.
Smith's concern over the bylaws
lacks this impact. He alleges that
the House Presidents Council will
which may be equivalent to or
have the "right to enact bylaws
take precedence over the con-
stitution." No bylaws, no matter
how worded, can override a con-
As to the absence of a Judiciary,
IQC's judic is totally inoperative.
Smith sees the, need for an ap-
pelant judiciary, but we have been
advised by two members of Joint
Judiciary Council, that there have
only been two or three appeal
cases in the past year. Since Joint
Judic is willing, able and certainly
qualified to hear these cases fairly,
why should IHA burden itself with
this function.
SMITH SAYS that the bylaws
give IHA the "Power to approve
or block every piece of literature'
which concerns house or quad
elections and newsletters." This
power simply does not exist. It is
clearly reserved to the houses by
the constitution.
The concern Smith expresses
over the absence of any provision
for the repeal of the existing IQC
and Assembly constitutions will be
allayed if he will read Article IX,
Section I:' "This constitution . . .
will supersede all previous con-
stitutions of Assembly Association
and Inter-Quadrangle Council."
One of Smith's major com-
plaints is that the 52 member
House Presidents Council (HPC),
would become unwieldy. With the
proper attitude and effective lead-
ership, there is no reason to fear
IT IS ESSENTIAL to the nature
of IHA that the legislators be the
house presidents. Only the presi-
dent has structural avenues' of
communication with his committee
chairmen and dorm staff. Such a
council is the only way of assur-
ing effective- communication be-
tween IHA and the houses. Since
IHA will get its power from the
houses, it would be hypocritical
not to make the house the basic
unit of representation.

"Now, If You'l1 Just Step Into The
Examining Room--"
&T~l ' ^ F

Smith also predicts that the
executive board will become dicta-
torial. The executive board is pri-
marily an implementation body. It
is structured to carry out and
coordinate legislation from the
HPC. It will have the right to
bring motions to the HPC, but no
legislative power.
Smith urges the rejection of the
proposed constitution. A more con-
structive path would be for him to
attend a committee meeting and
let us go over his recommendations

Whether or not the Bookery was
a failure depends on what was
expected of the operation in the
first place. The feeling of many
individuals on the Council's Execu-
tive Board and of those on the
Board of Directors of the Bookery
was that the store would lose
money in its first semester of
operation. We did, however, en-
tertain a hope that we could break
even, which unfortunately was not
the end result. However, we still
feel that the store was a success

Michigan Student Economic Un-
ion provided requested assistance.
It would therefore be unrealistic
for him even to attempt to offer
judgment on the reasons for the
"failure" of the Bookery. On be-
half of the many individuals who
put months of planning and long
hours of hard work into the Book-
ery operation, I resent his un-
founded and uninformed asser-
--Michael Dean
Chairman Board of Directors,
The Bookery
YD Statement
To the Editor:
ocratic Club is committed to
the creation of a student book-
store and the establishment of
meaningful student communica-
tion with Regents and administra-
For this reason the executive
board voted Thursday to join
Voice and the University of Michi-
gan Student Economic Union in
yesterday's picketing of the Ad-
ministration Bldg. protesting Vice-
President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler's lack of candor
in handling the Student Govern-
ment Council's student bookstore
proposal and his judgment that
such an undertaking would be
economically unfeasible.
Along with the 13,000 students
who signed the bookstore petition,
we believe that it is the obligation
of a state university to concern
itself with the improvement of
student economi welfare-an ob-
ligation which the University has
consistently failed to fulfill. Fur-
thermore, we are convinced that
such an institution can only bene-
fit from permitting its students a'
greater role in the decision-mak-
ing process.
IT IS OUR HOPE that yester-
day's protest will serve as a con-
structive step toward the realiza-
tion of these ends.
Douglas Ross, Chairman,
Young Democrat's Executive
Arts vs. Sciences
To the Edit6r:
IN REPLY to William Moore's
letter in which he asserts that
the sciences and the arts are ir-
reconcilable, I offer the following'
quote from a lecture by Richard
P. Feynman of Cal Tech: "Poets
say science takes away from the
beauty of the stars-mere blobs
of gas atoms. Nothing is 'mere.' I
too can see the stars on a desert
night, and feel them. But do I,
see less or more? . . . For far
more marvelous is the truth than

any artists of the past imagined!
Why do the poets of the present
not speak of it? What men are
poets who can speak of Jupiter
if he were like a man, but if he
is an immense spinning sphere of
methane must be silent?" David
Knoke's article was right to the
--Jim Purdy, '69
Parking Space
To the Editor:
THEnSPECIFIC purpose of this
communication is to protest
wildly and publicly, and I suspect
futilely, about the chaotic situa-
tion which developed Friday,
January 14 at the University park-
ing structure on Thayer and at
the surface lot across the street.
Although I am the proud owner
of a Staff Paid Permit (the first
in my block), I found myself un-
able to find space for my car, a
very smalf one at that, in either
the lot or the structure as both
were infuriatingly filled--mainly
with cars bearing no parking per-
mit whatsoever.
The glum and harried attendant
at the structure informed me
through clenched teeth that a con-
ference was being held at Rack-
ham (more of these seem to be
held each year) and that those
attending were being permitted,
nay, encouraged, to park free in
both the lot and the structure-
even though the two areas to-
gether were quite inadequate to
the need in the estimation of the
attendant who, incidentally, was
impressively attired in a natty
grey windbreaker.
getting to the office (missed the
first coffee break) and sorely
nettled that parling space desig-
nated principally for the staff and
faculty of the University should be
cunningly and unexpectedly turn-
ed over to a fat slice of the
general public.
To me, the cosmid and prickly
question is, Does the vehicle bear-
ing a Staff Permit enjoy first
claim on space in a University lot
or structure? If not, why not?
IF, after' the institution pro-
vides for such needs, there is
money remaining it. should be
spent, in order of decreasing im-
portance, for 1) support of Rack-
ham conferences, 2) paper towels
for the washrooms, 3) obscene
placards for student protest meet-
ings and, funds permitting, 4)
books- for the library, equipment
for labs, etc. But as Lester Crunch
so sagely observed, "First things
first"; that is, parking for the
faculty. Volleyball, anyone?
-Prof. E. M. Shafter, Jr.
College of Engineering




with him. Several others used this
course with success.
HIS MAJOR misconception is in
seeing IHA as a power oriented
body. IHA is to serve not to rule.
-Marcia Van Dyke
-Russ Jennings
Of the Joint IQC-Assembly
To the Editor:
Council's Bookery has now
completed its operations, and a
full report is being prepared.
However, recent statements by
Don Resnick and others in the
Daily calling the operation a fail-
ure have convinced me that cer-
tain points should at least be
mentioned until a complete pres-
entation can be made to the

in providing a valuable service to
the students in buying and selling
their textbooks at prices which
represented. a' much greater sav-
ing to them than could be had at
any area bookstore.
Because the Bookery did not
break even, it is regarded by some
as a failure. This was not- due
however, to "inefficient manage-
ment and planning" as Resnick
asserts, but rather to factors which
make any, student operated and
financed bookstore impractical
and not feasible. These factors
will be presented in a report to the
Council in the very near future
and until that time I cannot dis-
cuss them.
FOR ALL Resnick's professed
concern with the issue of a Uni-
ver'sity Bookstore, it is interesting
to note that he showed no interest
whatsoever in the planning and
operating of the Bookery and
neither he nor his University of


how many of these $55-M gifts

to see
are un-

-Regent Eugene B. Power, who is plan-
ning a $1 million gift requiring matching
funds of $2 million for a University theae-
tre, commenting at yesterday's Regents'
meeting on recent gifts to the University.

The Free University 's Course Prospectus

The Writer-In-Residence:
A Success Despite Failure

THERE WILL BE no writer-in-residence
at the University this year, and the
logical question is obviously "What hap-
pened?" Four days before the program
was to begin, the student committee re-
sponsible for its organization announcd
that Louis Lomax, who was to have been
the participating writer, would be unable
to attend due to "unforseeable develop-
ments and increasing local developments
in the Los Angeles area."
The first reaction to this announce-
ment was one of great resentment, espe-
cially when it was learned that the "un-
forseeable development" was Lomax's ac-
ceptance of a two to three year televi-
sion contract which made it impossible
for him to leave Los Angeles. It appear-
ed that Lomax had been using the Uni-
versity to his own advantage, and that
when a better offer presented itself he
felt no sense of obligation to his earlier
commitment here. Perhaps this feeling
that Lomax's cancellation was motivated
by personal expediency is justified, but
upon further consideration and examina-
tion it does not seem likely.
For about five months Lomax has had
a local television program in Los Angeles
dealing with contemporary social issues,
in which he has been appearing as a com-
mentator, as well as serving as a liaison
between ordinary citizens and public of-
ficials and administrators. The format of
the program allows the citizen to speak,
directly to the public figure for whom
he has a question, with Lomax serving as
the intermediary.
THE PROGRAM has been a tremendous

When Lomax has become is a symbol
for the poor, a figure with whom they feel
some kind of identification and who, in
turn, seems to have a genuine concern
for them and is willing to help them.
Through this program Lomax evidently
feels that he is performing a vital func-
tion, that of mobilizing, at least in part,
the previously immobile poor of Los An-
According to the writer-in-residence
committee, Lomax had no alternative but
to sign the new contract immediately
lest the entire opportunity be lost. That
the television company would not allow
him to honor his three week commitment
to the University before beginning the
increased schedule of performances
seems difficult to accept, but the com-
mittee, which would theoretically feel
most disappointed and bitter toward Lo-
max, is convinced of his sincerity and
says, in light of the surrounding cir-
cumstances, that he "had no choice but
to sign."
WHETHER OR NOT Lomax has treated
the University with disdain, however,
is less important now than the recogni-
tion that the writer-in-residence pro-
gram is a good idea and one which must
not be abandoned. The reception to the
Lomax program was so great that for
every event for which he was scheduled
during his three-week stay, there were
eight other requests.
That Lomax's visit was cancelled is
worse than unfortunate, for the commit-
tee has spent over a year making ar-
rangements and the campus at large was
vevmuch oh kiny o'frrrrd to his 'stav.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The formation
of the Free University at Ann Ar-
bor was announced Thursday with
the release of its 1966 course booklet
offering 11 courses. Excerpts from
the booklet are reprinted below.
easily definable, nor is it sub-
ject to or concerned with self-
definition. Instead, it is the sum
of a number of concrete individual
efforts to overcome the boun-
daries, to transcend the limits
and to -destroy the irrelevancies
of the "knowledge, factory" uni-
versity that we all live in now.
It emerges from a collective
desire to humanize the relation-
ship between teacher and student,
to open up new subject matters,
and to develop ways in which the
learning situation can concen-
trate on the human importance of
It will be, defined by those who
find value in these ambitions and
take part as teachers and students
in their pursuit.
CAL THEORY: It is our feeling
that the growth of other intel-
lectual disciplines, forcing them
into an attitude of false objectivity
based upon "fact-gathering" and
The primary contention of this
course is that it is as impossible
to reconstruct the human per-
sonality on the basis of historical
data as it is to reconstruct the
human personality on the basis of
behavior data. A behavioristic
model of history engenders a mis-
leading explanation of historical
patterns 'by seeking the locus of
causality of the phenomena to be
accounted for in external objective
We wish to investigate the
premise that entire historical con-
figurations can be profitably look-
ed at only through an examination
of the internal processes of a so-
Since a society is nothing more
than the inclusive context of all
the processes and relationships
that occur between its members,
we seek a phenomenological de-
scription of the way in which in-
dividuals in a society relate to
their three "worlds": themselves;

nomics, and political science are
continuously creating more and
more "knowledge" about our so-
ciety-more facts to know, more
dimensions to assemble them in.
But the idea of the statistical
portrait and the mentality of the
norm, the average, and the type
only seem to make more and more
remote the identification of an
American consciousness.
This seminar starts from the
suppositions that "facts" may be
less informative on these matters
than mood, and that American
literature can be used as anthro-
pological evidence about the mood
of America and Americans and
the ways in which the individual
experiences his nationalness: the
concreteness in the individual of
a national culture.
EDUCATION: A teacher must
continually learn.
A teacher must respond out of
a deep respect for children as in-
A teacher must develop a world-
sense, which he or she conveys to
students, helping them to realize
the validity of things and people
who are different or far away.
If most teachers do not develop
these qualities, then how must
education change so that they
will? And if we talk about edu-
cational change, do we not imply
that we are concerned with social
change as well?
course resolution is that the de-
velopment of art is more com-
patible with the historical con-
ditions defined by Marxism than
those conditions prescribed by a
capitalist society,
The soviet revolution of 1917
(not the Stalinist Regression of
1929) is exemplary proof of our
resolution. To accomplish our
analysis we will do detailed work
with the poetry of Mayakovsky
and Pasternak, the short stories
of Babel, and the epic Don novels
by Sholokhov.
The auxiliary objective of the
course is to develop creative ex-
pression as an expansion and
utilization of our discussions.

security, huge "defense" spend-
ing, and similar issues, each with
its own mythological justification,
create or perpetuate institutions
which make inconsistent the ends'
and means of a liberal society.
The aim of this course is to
focus on the issues neglected by
the "new economics," and to in-
tegrate their political, economic,
and social aspects.
A poetry workshop
not falling back to .new
that our poems are events on
this planet
as we ourselves are
as the war in Viet Nam is
on the same planet
painfully one planet
Metaphor enables us to see
Metaphor has also enabled us to
be damn satisfied by giving forms
to our wounds without changing
or trying to change the causes.
Of, what avail to those not us
whose forms are nightmares whist-
ling down on their heads and an
empty stomach.
-Power, the Individual and the
Structure of the System: The
consequences of power . . . for
the individual . . . Personal moti-
vation and organizational pressure
. . . Elite roles and individual re-
sponsibility . . Good men and
good works gone wrong.
Corporate Power: Size and scope
of corporate power in modern
American society; The role of
executives, directors and inter-
locking relations . . Impact of the
corporation and corporate model
on education, community, do-
mestic, and foreign policy.
-The Power to Change: The
basis vision . . . Vision and reality
... Values for change; Perceptions
of institutions . . . application of
values; Inside or outside institu-
-The Power to Change II:
Revolutionary groups in Ameri-
can society . . . Practicality vs. Co-

VALUES: What is the relationship
between artistic experience and
the formation and maintenance
of social values and mythology?
What are the implications of this
relationship for the artist?
Can he influence the perceptions
people have of the social reality?
Can he influence their value judg=
ments about politics and social
issues? If he cannot, is art an
escape from crucial issues? And
if he can, what is the social and
moral responsibility of the artist?
The assumption is made that
insight and commitment are the
outcome of an integrated engage-
ment with theory, analysis, and
practice. Artistic creation should
not be separated from confronta-
tion with moral and political is-
sues related to art.
Nor should exploration of theo-
retical issues, and analysis of
works of art in terms of them be
undertaken without first hand ex-

perience in the creative process of
-The materials of music-what
sound is; new sounds produced on
traditional instruments; electron-
ically produced sound.
-The development of polyphony
fromt the middle ages to 1900;
-The Schonberg vs. Debussy-
Ives axis, how it represents two
polarities in the development of
-The present-day manifesta-
tions of these two polarities as
seen in the music of the post
Webern serialists on the one hand
and the sound purists on the
-Charles Ives and Claude De-
bussy; Arnold Schonberg and An-
ton Webern; Stockhausen, Boules,
Nono; American academic com-
posers-the problem of tradition,
creativity and the academy; John
Cage; other American avant-
garde composers.

Rap-Up: Programming
Television in Vie Nam

A United States sponsored tele-
vision service in Viet Nam begins
service today. The programs will
be broadcast from a plane flying
above the South East Asian nation.
Many of the shows have been
donated by the television net-
After the Vietnamese television
service is in service for a few
months I imagine a typical even-
ing's programming will go some-
thing like this:
7 p.m. (color) Batman-Adven-
ture-"Ho the Horrendous," first
of two parts. Batman and Robin
encounter a national hero com-
mitting naked aggression against
a harmless South East Asian
country. Lyndon Johnson as Bat-
man, General Nguyen Cao Ky as
7:30 p.m.: Where the Action Is

Major Major Major Major and
Billy Graham as the Chaplain.
9:30 p.m.: Farmer's Daughter-
Comedy-A young Texas nursing
student who has recently con-
verted to Catholicism falls in love
with a college man. After a long
fight her father relents and agrees
to their marriage in exchange for
the girl dropping plans to march
in an SDS picket line at the White
10 p.m.: Bozo the Clown-Com-
edy-Secrtary of State Dean Rusk
as Bozo will deny a story published
in the Congressional Record that
the United States has rejected
another Hanoi peace feeler. He
also will present film reports from
his peace emissaries: Barry Gold-
water in Reykjacik, Iceland; Rich-
ard Nixon in Kuwait; and Ann
Landers in Outer Mongolia.
10:30 p.m.:Monday Night at the
Movies-Dr. Strangelove, Movie-


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