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January 20, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-20

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t t'. I'r. 1 wll r.'At~I 5 Z lL

By The Associated Press
Its words sounding more belli-
cose all the time, Red China ap-
pears to have challenged Moscow
to risk a trip to the brink of war
with the United States if it wants
to prove it really supports the
Communists in Viet Nam.
An insistent note in anti-Soviet
propaganda from Peking hints
that the Russians coldly reject-
ed a Peking demand that Moscow
provoke a major crisis, a second
front in Europe - in Berlin for
example-as a diversion which
could tie up sizable U.S. military

Dares Russia


Such a proposal may have been
made to Alexander N. Shelepin,
-the Soviet Communist party's No.
2 leader, during his stopover in
Peking on his way home from
North Viet Nam last week.
The Stalin and Khrushchev
eras demonstrated that when the
Kremlin considers it necessary
it can almost at will provoke a
major confrontation with the
United States over diVided Berlin.
Just after Shelepin left Pe-
king, People's Daily, official paper
of the Chinese Communists, re-
ported pointedly that U.S. troops
had been transferred from Eu-

rope to Viet Nam. This was car-
ried under a headline: "Tacit So-
viet-U.S. understanding on peace-
ful coexistence on the Western
Immediately ' before Shelepin
undertook his mission to Hanoi,
Marshal Chen Yi, the Chinese
vice premier and foreign minister,
told a Japanese correspondent:
"The Soviet Union is the larg-
est European Socialist country. If
it really wanted to help the Viet-
namese people, if it really want-
ed to support and help their
struggle against U.S. aggression
in an effective and all-round way,

it could have taken all kinds of
measures in many fields to im-
mobilize forces of the United
Indeed, Chen hinted that one
reason the Soviet Union shied
away from using the sea to sup-
ply North Viet Nam-instead of
land transport across China -
was that "it dares not take the
sea route." The implication was
that Moscow feared a clash with
the United States.
If Shelepin was assigned to seek
a new avenue to unity of effort
with Peking, his mission seemed
fruitless. On the day he left Pe-

king, People's Daily demanded to
know how any who -claimed to
love justice could "look on idly
while the U.S. aggressors are kill-
ing and burning."
"How can they fail to increase
by a hundred times their support
for the just struggle of the South
Vietnamese people? Under such
circumstances, when the leaders
of a Socialist country remain in-
different and even work hand in
glove with the leaders of U.S.
imperialism to peddle Johnson's
peace talks hoax, does this not
mean they have lost the last iota
of their sense of justice?" it said.



A few days later, a Chinese
Foreign Ministry statement, tak-
ing a sour look at the meeting in
India between Soviet Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin and U.S. Vice-
President Hubert H. Humphrey,
suggested Moscow as cowardly.
"If a Socialist country dare not
sternly denounce the heinous
crimes or expose the U.S. peace
talks fraud, it has not only lost
its class feeling."
In Havana, a Chinese delegation
to a revolutionists conference ac-
cused Moscow of adopting "the
erroneous line of not fighting im-
perialism" and of trying to "ped-

dle the humibug of
peaceful coexistenec on
Nam question."
Peking now seems to
trate on the idea that
escalation into general A
is inevitable. A Chinese
my statement this week
na should make' full pre
for either nuclear or con
war with the United Stat
might come soon.
This may have been1
a real fear of a U.S. a
China than an attemptt
dle a fire the Chinese h,
to build under Moscow.

Eu rope
so-called Ch'e Yi, in his interviewtwo
the Viet weeks ago,. noted that "some peo
ple"-his favorite epithet for tle
concen- Soviet leaders-had spread word
a major iit China had isolated herself
Nsian war by rejecting offers of united ac-
Red ar- tion on Viet Nam,
said Chi- But, retorted the Chinese. the
parations soviet leader'ship is not heart
ventional and soul with world revolution.
es, which Rather, they say Moscow aids
Viet Nam "for ulterior motives,
less from to control the Viet Nam situation
ttack on and bring it into the orbit of
to rekin- U.S.-Soviet collaboration." The
ave tried Russians, says Peking, are afraid
to fight.

to build under Moscow.

to fight.




Gandhi Follows Shastri
As Indian Prime Minister


By The Associated Press
SAIGON - Misgivings about
continuance of President John-
son's peace offensive were evi-
deit in Saigon yesterday even as
the lunar new year's eve brought
the, promise of another short-
term lull in the Vietnamese war.
Whatever the outlook for the
long haul, the Viet Cong proclaim-
ed a four-day cease-fire for the
holidays, called Tet, at 11 p.m.
yesterday. And South Viet Nam's
armed forces and their allies
planned to follow suit at 12 noon

today for a 78-hour period end-
ing at 6 p.m. Sunday, Saigon
The Viet Cong's truce offer said
nothing about the allies - the
Americans, Australians, New Zea-
landers and South Koreans-and
United States GI's remained on
full alert. One intelligence source
said hard information had been
received that the guerrillas were
conferring no immunity on Amer-
With truce-breaking yuletide
attacks of the Viet Cong in mind,
a U.S. spokesman said: "We're
not going to relax.

Reports from the field indicat-
ed an easing of hostilities be-
fore the Viet Cong deadline,
though these were in some cases
delayed for hours in transit.
According to the best available
information, high-level thinking
within the U.S. Embassy and mil-
itary was in line with a belief
of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky that
a stepped-up war effort is the
only logical hope of getting the
Communists to a conference ta-
Reliable sources said Ambassa-
dor Henry Cabot Lodge was

among Americans who would like
to see heavy air raids resumed
against North Viet Nam just as
soon as the lunar new year holi-
days endnext week. The suspen-
sion of these raids was in its
27th day.
The White House position is
that the question of possible re-
sumption of the bombings "is a
mpatter for continual review and
assessment." Press secretary Bill
D. Moyers emphasized that in
commenting in Washington on a
published report that Johnson had
promised British Prime Minister
Harold Wilson he would continue
the bombing pause until after Wil-
son's trip to Moscow late in

Though it is going along for
Tet, a festive occasion that an-
nually eases the shooting, Sai-
gon's government has given a de-
cidedly icy reception to the John-
son administration's continuing
efforts to promote negotiations.
Ky is reported to have told
Secretary of State Dean Rusk last
weekend that he is not only op-
posed to peace talks but wants
an invasion of North Viet Nam.
This is a view expressed before
by the soldier-premier, who also
heads South Viet Nam's air force.
He and other government lead-
ers want an end to the peace cam-
paign and a redoubling of ef-
forts to defeat the Communists
in the field.

By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI - Mrs. Indira
Gandhi emerged yesterday as
prime minister to follow the poli-
cies of nonalignment and social-
ism of her famous father, Jaw-
aharlal Nehru.
The immense problems of In-
dia fell on the shoulders of the
widowed Mrs. Gandhi when the

Congress party elected her to lead-
ership over Morarji Desai, head
of the conservative wing, 355-
As party leader, the woman who
was schooled in politics by her
prime minister father will take
over next week from Nanda, who
has been acting prime minister
since the death of Lal Bahadur

world News Roundup

Antistrike Proposal
Surprise. To Labor

By The AssociateslPress
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson will send Congress a spe-
cial message today urging adop-
tion of a constitutional amend-
ment to double the term of House
members to four years, starting
in 1972.
Johnson's message also will pro-
pose that the Electoral College,
part of the system for electing
presidents, be abolished.
* * *
IBADAN, Nigeria-Murder, ar-
son and rioting left scores and
possibly hundreds dead and in-

jured ,Sunday and Monday in this
capital of western Nigeria, resi-
dents said yesterday.
The violence coincided with po-
litical upheavals that ultimately
placed Maj. Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi
at the helm of a military regime
in Nigeria, Africa's most popu-
lous country.
Army officers who plotted over-
throw of the government seemed
to be losing out yesterday in their
struggle with Ironsi for power.
The general consolidated his po-
sition with the appointment of
military governors to rule the
country's four regions.

Mrs. Gandhi, 48, told a news
conference she facored President
Johnson's Viet Nam peace offen-
sive. She said she supported a
policy for peace anywhere.
Asked whether she envisaged
any important changes in Shas-
tri's Asiatic and foreign policy.
Mrs. Gandhi replied: "I cannot
naturally deviate from the poli-
cies which have been -passed by
our party.
"We should try to create what
my father called a climate of
peace. We should encourage the
spirit of Tashkent, and see that
we have peace at home and also
.abroad, if possible.
It was at Tashkent, in ther So-
viet Union, that Shastri died of a
heart attack only a few hours
after signPing an agrecieent with
Pakista iPresident Ayub Khan to
seek peace for 'he subcontinent.
Immediately after her victory,
Mrs. Gandhi rode in a bright yel-
low convertible to the presidential
palace, where President Sarve-
palli Radhakrishnan asked her
to form a govern'ment. He will
swear her in sometime next week.
She will take the reins of a
nation faced with difficult prob-

-Associated Press
AN AMERICAN F-141 VOODO1 reconnaisance aircraft casts its shadow over two North Vietnamese
gun emplacements yesterday.,
Jo nson Urges .75 Biion
For Vietnamese Armaments

WASHINGTON (/)-Organized
labor, already puzzled over Presi-
dent Johnson's antistrike proposal,
was further mystified over a
somewhat similar suggestion from
one of the nation's top union
Like Johnson, Walter P. Reu-
ther, Auto Workers Union presi-
dent, gave no details in propos-
ing a "new mechanism" to pre-
vent strikes in public service in-
dustries as well as major 'indus
tries as well as major industries
like big steel and auto makers.
Officially, the reaction from
other union leaders and from gov-
ernment officials toReuther's pro-
posal was a deafening silence.
"Let's not get started fighting
Walter;" one union president told
an aide.
But, privately, many highly
placed officials found it aston-
ishing that any strike limiting
suggestion should come from a
labor leader of Reuther's stature.
"Stunning," was the way one
government spokesman put it.
Reuther left everyone in the
dark about whether such machin-
ery to forestall strikes would be
voluntary or compulsory.

"What are they going to do,
put everybody in jail?" said one
member of the AFL-CIO Execu-
tive Council.
The only apparent connection
between Johnson's proposal and
Reuther's was that both stemmed
from the recent New York tran-
sit strike. Both also appeared to
contemplate much broader impli-
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WASHINGTON (R) - President
Johnson urged Congress yester-
day to vote promptly an addition-
al $12.75 billion for more fight-
ing men, munitions and econom-
lc weapons to defeat Communism
in South Viet Nam and Southeast
Democratic House leaders said
Johnson will get his wish for
swift action. Republican leaders
called for careful hearings, but
indicated support. Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara will
start testifying today before sen-
ators in secret.
We lfust Be Prepared
Johnson pledged to "continue
to press on every door" for a
peaceful settlement. At the State
Department, a spokesman said,
"the other side has shown no in-
*terest" in talking.
"We hope the aggression will
end; we must be prepared if it
does not," the President said in
a letter transmitting his second.
extra money request this fiscal
year to support the widening U.S.
military and economic campaign
in Viet Nam.
Johnson appealed for a no-pol-
itics approach to the crisis, say-
ing "whatever differences there
are on other issues, we are as
one in support of our men in Viet

Simultaneously, the President'
was asking Congress for early ac-
tion on tax law changes design-
ed to bring in an extra $4.8 bil-
lion in the next year.
The new appropriation provides
$12.3 billion for military prepar-
edness and $415 million for var-
ious "country building" economic
projects, particularly civilian-bas-
ed programs to bring economic
and social betterment to the peas-
ants of Viet Nam, Thailand and
There is little opposition to the
new appropriation but objections
were voiced in both parties to tax
The changes would include:
-The excise tax on new autos,
which went down from 7 to 6 per
cent Jan. 1, would go back to 7.
-The telephone tax, reduced
from 10 tp 3 per cent on the same
date, would be restored to 10 per,
-Corporate income tax collec-
tions wo'uld be speeded up, and a
graduated system of withholding
levies on individual incomes would
put higher bracket individuals on
a more of a pay-as-you-earn bas-

by 113,000 men to a new strength
of 3,093,000 and adding 94,000
civilians to the Pentagon payroll
which then will approach 1.1 mil-
lion workers.
One major new military unit
will be formed, possibly another
division. Officials refused to pro-
vide a breakdown of the 113,0001
added men, although it is known
the great bulk will go into the
Army and Marine ground forces.j

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