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December 05, 1965 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-05

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t C

Ski Jacke




Ski Boots
Ski Pants
Ski Rentals
and all



S. TR91C

The recent rise in popularity of "breathe." A meerschaum lined
pipe-smoking will open up a new bowl is usually a good bet for the
dimension for gift-giving this new smoker because it is easily
holiday season. The person in- broken in. While pipes can be
tending to give a pipe or pipe- bought for as little as twenty-
smoking accessories, this season five cents for a corn-cob or as
must necessarily be a conscien- much as several hundred dollars
tious gift-giver. A good deal of for pipes with handsome ivory
knowledge is a prerequisite for work, the average smoker will ap-
successful purchase of a pipe and preciate a moderately priced pipe.
accessories. For both the new and Try to avoid cheap pipes that do
established smoker you can do not meet briar or constructional
him a favor if you follow some requirements. Pipes, appropriate
basic rules. Al Schwind of The for the novice smoker, can be
Pipe Center offers the following bought for $5 and $7.50 on up.
advice. 2. To the new smoker a pipe
1. Two basic questions to ask rack is not an extravagance, but
are: Is it suitable to his particu- rather a necessity. in addition
lar tastes and will it be comfort- to keeping his pipes in an orderly
able? Be sure the briar is root fashion to avoid damage, it allows'
briar with closely knit grain and his pipes to air out and rid them-
isn't spoiled by a varnish or selves of harmful moisture. Re-
has a naturally polished finish member that in most cases the
w h i c h allows the pipe to pipe rack will be kept out in

the open. For this reason treat
your purchase of a pipe rack as a
piece of furniture as well as a
functional pipe accessory. For the
new smoker who is not yet cer-
tain of how elaborate he will want
his collection of pipes, buy a rack
that will hold at least six pipes.
If you are certain he will accumu-
late a larger collection you can
make your purchase accordingly.
Pipe racks that hold over thirty
pipes are available, and the price
range of this item is extremely
wide. A small, but adequate rack
can be bought for five or six dol-
lars. Larger and more elaborate
w f r<:.s are mrior xpen-ive.
3. Tobacco can be a very wel-
comed gift to the pipe smoker. If
he has a mixture that he contin-
ually uses, buy that one. If he is
a knowledgable smoker 'he will
know that frequent switching of

tobacco will eventually harm his
pipes. If your smoker friend has
not yet decided upon a particular
mixture see your tobacconist for
suggestions. Try to stay away
from the aromatics. These to-
baccos are soaked and often leave
a residue in the pipe which clogs
the pores.
If the object of your gift-giving
is a long time pipe smoker he
may have established tastes.
While this makes gift-giving a
little more difficult, there are still
many ways to please him. Be-
sure you know what he likes. If
you do, follow the above rules and
make a wise purchase. If you
don't, go to his tobacconist for
advice. If this is impossible a gift
certificate, good at a well stocked
pipe shop, with a cordial and
knowledgable tobacconist will be
a highly valued gift.


7.. ' ,

FOR THE SMOKING MAN, A PIPE chosen with care is
a gift that .will be received with enthusiasm and used for years
to come. Thousands of pipes are available to be used with a
perfect "match."

The Crown House of Gifts

And Home.
s ,again


.1 *y~~'.


,'f K

,... i,# f ' ...

over with a fine selection


': 'r

published by the
Michigan Daily Business Staff
Harry Bloch
Bruce Hillman
Diane Smaller
Lissa Motross
Mike Stecklis
Liz Wissman
Charles Lefton
With the cooperation of the
Display and Servicing Departments



treaf yourself to a new adventure in gift shopping. Browse
through our wonderland of Christmas gift ideas . . . you are
sure to find "the perfect gift" in this collection of gifts from all
over the world.

Woodcroftery Salad Set. Walnut
wood grains, lathe-turned with
large salad bowl and four match-
ing serving bowls. Beautifully
boxed. $20.00

Chip 'N Dip Set with a band of
sterling silver on the large 10"
chip bowl as well as on the dip
bowl and pic holder . . from
the Dorothy C. Thorpe Collection.

-. . F . t.

Stands 66 /inches
high and has an
eight day wind
movement. Three
open shelves and
handy, two door,
closed storage
cupboard in the
base. Fruitwood

R;F na

Treasure Chest Jewelry Box 3-way lid
with automatic lift-up tray with spacious
compartment below. Leatherette covers
and crush resistant velvet interiors anc
polished solid brass loc< for safe keeping
Ivory, black or gold. $13.00
Home Weather
With hygrometer,
barometer, and
thermometer all
set in finished

Modern "Joan of Arc"
beautiful 19' walnut
toned hydroca& statuette
mounted on beautiful
walnut base. $15.00

Vic Ptasznick
Sue Perlstadt
Ann Braiker
Ken Pokorny
Judy Alexander
Dena Cohen
Jeff Brown.
Sam Offen
Marti Lieberman

Jeff Leeds
Steve Wechsler
Ricki Keeps
Ron Miller
Bob Morris
Bruce Freedman
Dena Upfell
Shelly Brontman
Randy Rissman
Ken Krauss
Sharon Ginsburg
Carol Neimira


Magical Liquid Candle burns on liquid scent-
ed fuel. Boxed with one bottle each of red
Hollyberry and green Bayberry fuel. $2.00

d. Angel Box, delicately decorated.china an-
gel and scented candle. $3.00
e. Hand Painted Apothecary Jar, $3.00
f. Ceramic sachet filled hinged pin box.

Punch Bowl Set. Champagne shaped crystal
punch bowl with 12 matching crystal cups.
Antiqued silver metal base, crystal ladle with
matching antiqued silver handle. $15.00

ar1 ne .tetenjt ?/ inc.
Of Ann Arbor
f 1~
1 /..This classic coat has 3/4 length
!/full raglan sleeves, satin bound at
/ -/ tailored cuff. Made of opaque
nylon tricot with side slash
pockets and reversible acetate
satin and tricot belt that can be


Halmark Rose Thoughtfulness
Album. Antique gold portfolio,
8" x 10" contains holiday
guides and calendar pages.

Auvergne "After Five" Cologne
in a deluxe mist spray bottle.

Server Set. Individual carafes and electric warm-
er server. Serving tray, 7" x 12" is complete
with creamer and sugar bowl. $17.95
Cift Wrapping Service.

Circular Puzzles. The newest in
jigsaw puzzles to delight the
most avid ouzzle enthusiast.


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