Your Christmas C
It is interesting to note, that the IIt all begins quietly, in late Oc- in the summer may be gagging day cards tacked up in the corners.
public disgust with the bloodiness tober, when the Christmas dis- by the winter. A few, desperate families have
of boxing and the ban of violence plays go up in the city streets. Not In August, the remembrance of even been known to mail them-
on television has not yet pene- only is the sight of tinsel dancing Ithe crystal gleam of ice and the selves cards - just so that the
trated the most deadly and vicious in the smoke of bonfires a little soft, starry radiance of snow, may mailman won't talk.>
of American preoccupations- jarring, but it might do serious be real and inspiring. Bult by De- But the real fun comes in draw-
Christmas shopping. damage to the psyches of greedy cember, you will realize that it up the gift list. This is an ex-
Each year, citizens of all creeds young children, who begin a hasty never snows on Christmas-that tremely taxing job, done with the
and colors are pummeled, pushed, repentance of former sins far was Easter you had so fondly re- strict observance of three cri-
gouged and gored in a display ahead of schedule. collected. teria--Affection, Duty and simple
rivaled only by the grand old days But, by this process, we are all Those frivolous skaters and the Greed.
at the Coliseum. fully prepared for the full-blown apple-cheeked carolers look just a Naturally, the first few lists are
For holiday buying is the only iarrival of Santa Claus on Thanks- mite strange against the muddy far too long, so the field must be
persecution that cuts through all giving Day. (There s an evil ru- concrete and the tan grass. But finally cut to only those who qual-
social barriers of custom, religion, mor that he is part turkey on his full of hope, good spirits, and the ify under the category of greed.
race, and caste. (It has long been grandfather's side, but all true knowledge that Christmas cards Taking list firmly in hand, the
noted that Christmas falls in the be lievers will reject this quickly. are not refundable, you go right eager shopper forges blindly into
same holiday period as the Jewish H ave you ever heard a turkey go ahead and mail them. the nearest department store dur-
celebration of Chanukah, but, in "Ho, Ho, Ho?") (Besides, if you don't, you will the next five-and-one-half hours,
addition, it is cleverly placed near Since Christmas cards must be m5ss out on that fine old game he will be arrested twice-as a
the winter solstice, so as to catch ordeied in July, there is a grave called Christmas Card status, in shoplifter and a pickpocket.
any straggling sun-worshippers.) dangei that what was cheering which all the players on your What actually happened was
block paste up their greetings and that he tried, desperately, to buy
j then invite the neighbors in to his item, with his own money. But
n ssisn i 4stand in awe before their holiday the entire sales staff of the de-
& si popularity. Sometimes, if you look partment store has been hiding in
e too closely, you will notice an old an elevator shaft for three days.
valentine and a few stray birth- They're no fools. And when he
-ift List
finally elected to dr op the money
and iun, he reached one-quarter- 7
inch too far to the left and took
the vwallet fr om another man's 4. '
To the incredulous police, he ex- I
plains that his entire body had
become numb some time ago, so
that he could hardly tell which was
his hip and which was someone
else's. Since it is after all, a holi- '-'~~~
day, the kindly judge sets bail
at $5,000.
But, at least, you might say, at 3 f ugs i n
least he has done all his shop-
ping. And, in a strange way, this
is true-for when next seen, this
s arme ident of ht community
foarmesillar of thet no. 12, in
Eastern Pago-Pago. It's a grand __b
place: the trees grow so thickly - _ ROBES b
that no islander can ever see the aI C
sun, and the natives are said to F io ber t--Sabury & rrtemis
control their cannibalism, except
in the case of dumpy little men
with snowy white beards. But A
best of all. Hallmark never heard _L INGE R IE by
of iiRogers-Schrank--Kayser
Artermis & Warner
*~<~( RASSIERES by
a C Warners-Maidenforrn Nemo
Holywood & Basserett
'WY 7Warne r-Gossa rd-Te ro
Nermo & Sarong
' HOSIERY by Kayser'
J~'lan iuren S/tp
8 Nickels Arcade NO 2-2714
JEWELRY IS probably one of the most traditional Christmas
gifts. The presentation of gifts of precious metals can be traced
back to the Three Wise Men.
IF YOU'RE giving the lady
buy her gift a size or two
in your life clothes, make sure you find her size first. Then be sure to
.,~. "IA
an effort to have out-of-
town students buy their dia-
rmonds in downtown Ann Ar-
bor and receive terrific value,
we are offering these special
savings to you upon presenta-
tion of your l.D. card.
Prices are never cut through
the normal course of the sell-
ing year . . . because Daniel's
prices are that good to begin
with . . . and always featuring
above average quality-mak-
ing it well worth your while
to come to Daniel's for your
Christmas diamonds.
. 4~l~" '~k'
Weatherbee's terrific zip-a reversible decorated with
fashion's new show-off zipper. One side: deep, delicious
Orlone 'nylon pile, slash pockets. The other side: rich im-
ported cotton suede with button down pleated pockets.
Advertised in Harper's Bazaar
S Just remember
t he Weatherbee
and you can forget
abu te weathe
$ % $
§u aisWndwfaue
I e ftemn iecohn ed
C~rred n Ou L~iesDepotrnnt§
TWEE COAS byBurerryof Lndo
§ SKRS§dS ETESb nln'
an§ctadsfns aes
Hahwy§d culn
§ ieslcinfryu ed
§rfrCrsm sgfs
For engagement, wife, mother, and
dad or even yourself.