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December 05, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-05

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A +-1\7U 1 13 "ul C.


Council Approves Broader Church


can Ecumenical Council yesterday
approved broader Roman Catholic
contacts with all mankind. Pope
PaulVI promptly gave a personal
example by joining with non-
Catholic Christian clergymen in
the first interfaith service attend-
ed by a pontiff.
The action by the council re-
flects the general liberalization of
the Church hierarchy, a trend
which has been determinedly op-
posed by the entrenched Italian
heirarchy, but supported by Amer-
icans and most Europeans.
As the council rushed toward
its conclusion next Wednesday,
the last controversies of the 3-
year-old assembly faded into the

background and a spirit of har-
mony came to the fore.
Pope Paul and the 2,300 council
bishops went to the basilica of
St. Paul outside the walls, the
church where Pope John XXIII
announced plans for the council
in January 1959. There they joined
in prayer with Protestant, Ortho-
dox and Anglican observers to the
First Interfaith Service
Setting an example for similar
services throughout the world,
Pope Paul VI prayed Saturday
night with non-Catholic Chris-
tians in the first interfaith service
ever attended by a pontiff.
Pope Paul called the non-
Catholic observers of the Vatican
Ecumenical council, seated near

him, "brothers, brothers and council fathers and the non-?
friends in Christ." He declared Catholic observers would return
the work of the Vatican Ecumeni- homeward.
cal Council, now about to close, "Y o u r d e p a r t u r e produces
had produced hope that the prob- around us a loneliness which we
lem of Christian unity "can be did not know before the council
solved-if not today, tomorrow. started and which now saddens
Slowly, gradually, loyal, gener- us," he said. "We wish we could
ously." have you with us always."
He warned against haste in at- The Pope joined with the coun-
tempting to reunite all the cil fathers and the observers in
churches of Christianity. He said prayer after the council earlier
the Roman Catholic Church was in the day approved broader Ro-
"neither insensitive nor haughty" man Catholic contacts with all
and was ready and willing to ask mankind.
forgiveness for "some errors." Set an Example
Expressed Sorrow A Roman Catholic theologian
The Pope praised the work of said the service would undoubtedly
the council in bringing Catholics set an example for similar inter-
closer together in understanding. faith services around the world,
He expressed sorrow that soon the with the bishops seeing here some-

thing they can duplicate on their tabulation was not complete and
return home. results will be announced Monday.
,Earlier, in the council session There had been controversy onl
in St. Peter's, they ran through 11 these points, but now the ballotsj
separate votes on the council's have been cast.
modern world problems schema. Results were announced of five
A final, over-all vote will be taken of the 11 votes taken Saturday.
Monday. The closest was 2,103 to 131 on
In one vote Saturday the bishops the schema's section on atheism.
approved a dialogue with atheists, A group of conservative bishops,
including Communists. In another objecting to the section of atheism
vote they approved a statement because it did not specifically de-
that the Catholic Church was nounce communism, had urged
seeking a better world and "will- prelates to kill the entire schema.
ingly recognized the contribution" These prelates also failed in

stroyed the conservatives' last
hope to get Pope Paul to shelve
the decree.
Message of Thanks
With controversy now seeming-
ly out of place, the non-Catholic
Christian observers at the council
addressed a message of thanks to
the council. They said it was too
soon to judge the lasting value of
the council, but declared it was
of interest to all churches because,
despite divisions, they "remain
above all united in the name of
Council spokesmen said the
reading of this message was greet-
ed by wave after wave of applause
-the longest ovation in the coun-
cil since John opened it Oct. 11,

made toward this end by other other ways. The printed texts of
Christian churches. the council's religious liberty dec-
Birth Control Vote larationwere distributed, a last
Votes were also taken on the formality before promulgation of,
birth control and nuclear warfare that declaration as a council de-
sections in the schema, but ballot cree on Tuesday. Distribution de-




World News Roundup

*In French Election
Fea Mor
"Down, Boy Up, Back There -
Down, Over Here --- Hold It-"
In Viet Nam;
Extra Precautions w
To Be Taken as Red
Anniversary Nears

SAIGON MP-Security men ex-j
pressed fear yesterday the bomb-j
ing of the Hotel Metropole, a U.S.
enlisted men's barracks in down-
town Saigon, is but the beginning
of a Viet Cong campaign -of terror
and sabotage to mark a Red an-
Last Christmas Eve the Viet
Cong hit the Brinks Hotel, a U.S.
officers' billet, killing two Ameri-
cans and wounding 107 persons.
They rarely strike on the Dec. 20!
anniversary date because of the:
massive extra security precautions
at that time.
In view of the danger, other U.S.
enlisted men may be assigned now,
to guard duty to bolster American
military policemen regularly post-
ed at the dozens of major
American installations scattered
throughout Saigon.
The anniversary is the fifth
birthday Dec. 20 of the Viet Cong's
Hanoi-backed political agency, the
National Liberation Front.
Thie predawn Metropole strike'--
killed 11 persons-two Americans,!
a New Zealand artilleryman and A
eight Vietnamese.
Raiders Escaped

r /! R
t t
" A
Void Controversy

Second Vote
Possible If
Race Close
PARIS (M-President Charles
de Gaulle's pride and prestige are
on the line today in France's first
popular presidential election in
modern times. Despite predictions
for gloomy, rainy weather over
most of the country, a record turn-
out is expected.
The aloof 75-year-old president,
seeking a second seven-year term,
has told the voters their choice is
between stability and chaos. He
says he offers stability and that
chaos would result from his de-
Five younger opponents from all.
sections of the political spectrum
have been critically dissecting de
Gaulle's policies with sledge-
hammer insistence for the past
three weeks. The three principal
opponents have said they would
retain de Gaulle's strong executive
constitution, and denied there was
any danger of slipping back to the
instability of the Fourth Republic.
Force Runoff Election
With no hope of winning an
outright victory today the op-
position candidates have been con-
centrating their efforts on getting
a collective 50 per cent of the
vote to force a runoff election.
They may be able to do it.
Public opinion polls have come up
with a variety of answers. One
private poll gives de Gaulle 43 per-
cent, another 49 per cent. A M-
istry of Interior sounding gives
de Gaulle 54 per cent. The one
thing the polls had in common
was that each found about 30 per
cent of the voters undecided or
unwilling to tell their choice. The
outcome will depend on this ele-
Under the French system, any
candidate getting a majority of
all votes cast on the first round
is elected. If de Gaulle fails to
get the required 50 per sent-no
one else has any chance of doing
it-a second vote will be held Dec.
19 with only the two top can-
didates on the ballot.
When the campaign opened
three weeks ago. de Gaulle was an
overwhelming favorite to win eas-
ily on the first try. Since then his
percentage of the vote has slipped
steadily in the polls as the other
candidates became better known
through addresses over national
television and rdio networks.

By The Associated Press During the Kashmir fighting in
ADDI ABABA, Ethiopia - The September, Kosygin invited Shas-
36-nation Organization of African tri and Ayub to the Soviet central
36-atin Oganzaionof frianAsian city of Tashkent or any
Unity drew up last night a secret Soviet city of their choice to dis-
phodesian d egim eofPp e te rblcuss their differences. There is
Ian Smith. some opinion here that Kosygin
ister Ia mt.wl aepr ntemeig
Conference chairman Kojo Bot- will take part mnthe meetmg.
sio of Ghana announced a five- WASHINGTON - The prob-
nation committee has been em- al ugtssinbtenPei
powered to take "all possible dent Johnson and Secretary of
means including the use of force Defense Robert S. McNamara
to end the Southern Rhodesia within the next few days is ex-
crisisE"gyn thecommittee are pected to determine whether the
Gan , KEy. TNavy will get a second nuclear-
a fina.omniu sse tpowered aircraft carrier.j
t fenlcofm it-daycoeree Until recently, the outlook had
the end of the two-day conference been bright for inclusion of a car-'
said only that the OAU Council of rier in the Defense Department's
Ministers had decided on "con- proposal for the fiscal 1967 budget.
crete measures which will enable This optimism was based largely
an end to be made to the illegal ion McNamara's statement to a
Southern Rhodesian regime." congressional committee last win-
No mention was made of any ter that he believed a request
African military force being sent would be made to Congress for
to Rhodesia's borders as had been authority to build another atomic-
rumored early in the conference. engined carrier..
Doubt Exists
MOSCOW - Indian acceptance But now there is doubt, based
of an early January summit on Johnson's latest order to the
meeting with Pakistan in Tash- federal agencies to economize in
kent was delivered to Premier every way possible.
Alexei N. Kosgyin yesterday in- McNamara and other adminis-
formed sources said. The meet- tration officials have said repeat-
ing would discuss the Kashmir edly that whatever is needed for
dispute and other India-Pakistan the war in Viet Nam will be pro-
differences. vided. But there is a question
The informants said Indian whether a start on another nu-
Ambassador Triloki N. Kaul de- clear-powered carrier could be,
livered a message to Kosygin from justified as having immediate ef-
Prime Minister Lal Bahadur fect on the Viet Nam war. It takes
Shastri containing the acceptance. upward of two years to build a
Reports from New Delhi said carrier and put it into commission.
Shastri favors a meeting in the The Navy now is in position to
first week of January. These re- demonstrate the value of a nuclear
ports said the next step would be carrier in actual combat opera-
to work out an acceptable date tion. The Enterprise took up sta-
with President Mohammed Ayub tion last Thursday and began
Khan of Pakistan. Pakistan has launching aircraft against targets
called for an early meeting. in Viet Nam.

mid-air sideswipe between two
passenger liners sent an Eastern
Airlines four-engine Constellation
plummeting to the ground in
northern Westchester County Sat-
urday night.
State Police at Fishkill, N.Y.,
said 40 of 52 people aboard had
been found alive, but most were
The other plane, a Trans World
Airlines Boeing 707 jet, landed 20
minutes later at Kennedy Airport
with its left wing-tip missing, and
with parts of the Eastern plane
embedded in its fuselage.
JOHNSON CITY, Tex. - A 60-
page report on the vast Northeast
power blackout Nov. 9, including
recommendations on how to keep
it from happening again, is on the
way to President Johnson.
Since U.S. and Canadian offi-
cials already know what caused
the blackout, chief interest in the
report is likely to be in recom-
mendations for preventing a re-
* *
WASHINGTON - Campaign-
ing for most of the 35 Senate seats
at stake next year already is un-
der way with Republicans given
small chance of strengthening
their lopsided minority position by
GOP campaign strategists at
the Capitol said Saturday they are
hopeful of making a net gain of
two or three seats in the 1966
races. They now have 32 sen-
ators, contrasted with 68 Demo-
The Democratic margin already
is the widest since the New Deal
days of the 1930s. In the 1937-39
Congress, 75 of the 96 senators
were Democrats.

Authorities reported 72 Ameri-
cans, three New Zealanders and
about 100 Vietnamese were wound-
ed. The small band of raiders es-I
caped, apparently unhurt.
"The attack on the Metropole
billet may be just the first," said
one source among Americans
charged with helping Vietnamese
security agents detect and combat
such terrorist operations.
Whatever the developments,'
U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge denounced this latest in
dozens of Saigon bombings as
'Wanton Terrorism'
"It was sheer wanton terrorism
as was the killing and wounding
of Vietnamese men, women and
children who lived and worked
nearby," said Lodge as U.S. Navy
Seabees set about clearing away
the rubble.
A Vietnamese pedicab driver
was blown to pieces. So were three!
Vietnamese girls in the door of a
bar across the street.
Sgt. Virgil McGriff, Atlanta,
Ga., testified to the force of the
blast. Awakened in a nearby
three-story billet by the gunfire,
he seized his weapon, checked the
door guard and raced to the roof.
He was about to peer over when
the bomb exploded.
"The concussion threw me back
30 feet and I got a few cuts," he
said. "But I'm all right now."
The terrorists left behind on
the sidewalk a claymore mine, a
powerful timed device rigged to
fire steel fragments like a shot-
gun. Found hidden in an airline
bag, it was timed to go off 15
minutes after detonation of the
charge in the truck. But experts
said the battery was a little too
weak to fire it.

In OAS Face-lifting

Organization of American States
voted itself a face-lifting last
week, but some members doubt
whether new strength will ac-
company the new look.
In two weeks of meetings the
foreign ministers of 19 countries
drew up plans to streamline the
organization but shied away from
putting teeth into its charter.
The only acrimonious debate of
the meeting came over a clause
assigning peacekeeping duties to
the political council of the OAS.
The fact that this was not a
commitment but only a sugges-
tion for further study by a com-
mittee drafting amendments to
the charter did not reduce the
heat of the debate.
Restructuring of Councils
Recommended charter reforms
call for annual meetings of the
hemisphere's foreign ministers, a
restructuring of the OAS' politi-
cal, economic and social, and edu-
cational councils, giving each equal
status, and a reduction in the
terms of office of the secretary-
As the conference wound up its
business many delegates privately
expressed skepticism that the an-
nual meetings will come off. Oth-
ers predicted that if they do take
place they won't accomplish much.
The reorganization of the three
councils elevates the non-politi-
cal groups to the level of the po-
litical one but it leaves the lat-
ter with the same limited powers
it's had all along.
A U.S. suggestion that the sec-,

retary-general and the council be
given broader powers similar to
those of their UN counterparts met
with such negative reaction that
it was never formally brought up.
Reducing the secretary-general's
term from 10 years to 5 will leave
him just as powerless as incumb-
ent Jose A. Mora who is little
more than the highly paid ad-
ministrator of the OAS Secretar-
Even though the conference was
called to strengthen the OAS, del-
egates were reluctant to take any
step that could be deemed con-
troversial. In fact they worked out
a "consensus rule" under which
no proposal would be adopted
without unanimous approval.

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