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December 03, 1965 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-03

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Gymnasts Sport Experience

Al M Icer TIMo Face
Tlirtii gi Wgjrirlru-


Coach Newt Loken officially un-
veils the 1966 edition of Michigan's
gymnastics team this weekend in
The squad, Big Ten champions
for the past five seasons, will be
matched against rugged competi-
tion in the Mid-West open tourn-
ament, which Loken refers to as
"an excellent preseason test."

Gone from the squad are five both events, after sharing the
of last year's standout performers honors with Henderson last sea-
including trampolinists Gary Ir- son.
win, John Hamilton and Fred Three gymnasts return on the
Sanders, floor exerciser Mike Hen- ring event, presenting Loken with
derson and all-around man Alex talent and depth at this spot.
Freeska. Irwin gained Big Ten, Though only a junior, Chilvers Is
National, and World champion- perhaps the tops of the three,
ships last season and has since having gained a third place ring
turned professional. standing in the Big Ten confer.-
Vets Return ence meet* last March. The two
Loken's 1966 team is not exactly seniors, Blanton from Denver,
green though. Gary Vander Colorado, and Duke, the team cap-
Voort, Ken Williams, Rich Blan- tamn, both have considerable ex-
ton, John Cashman, Chris Chil- perience which they hope to cash
vers, Chip Fuller, Phil Fuller, and in on.
Art Baessler are all veterans and Baessler from New Trier high
all familiar names to followers school, in Winnetka, Illinois, is
of the squad. Loken's side horse man. Baessler
Vander Voort, of course, enters is a junior.
the "All Around" event, in which Trampoline
the performer's total score in six Thus in six of the seven events,
different activities is computed.exeindprfmrswlpa-
Vander' Voort's eilisaeteticipate. In the seventh, the
two bars, horizontal and paraliel. trampoline, Loken must turn to
Also on the parallel bars is Wil- sophomores. Loken is high on all
hiams, a senior from Elmhurst, four of his bouncy youngsters,
Illinois. Cashman another senior pointing first to Vie Conant, who
works along side Vander Voort was Illinois State "tramp champ"
on the horizontal bar. at Evanston high school. Keith
Double Dose Cooley and John Geddes are next
The Fuller twins Phil and Chip on Loken's line, but only until
provide. Loken with a strong one- January when Wayne Miller, from
two punch in vaulting and floor LaFayette, Louisiana, becomes a
exercise competition. Juniors from sophomore. Miller is rated as one
Pensacola, Florida, the twins will of the top two amateur trampo-
bear the brunt of the burden in linists in the country, having

gained numerous awards in high
Miller and the other freshmen
on the squad will compete in the
Chicago meet on an individual
rather than team basis.
The squad journeys to Chicago
this afternoon. Preliminaries are
held Saturday morning and the
top eight competitors in each
event will complete in the finals
beginning at 8 p.m. Saturday.

....E EWE ~~'~..A'W' ~.YE VP' ~A'E'U'E £AP'~Y

After one weekend of good,
rough, fast hockey, Michigan's ice-
men will be back to start all over
again against a relatively un-
Wateloo utheraan College, i
located out in th wls ofCanada,
in Waterloo, Ontario, one of the
twin cities of Kitchen er-Waterloo
It's a small school, but it's in
Canada, and that is where they
play a game called hockey, and
they play it good.
Waterloo Lutheran is in the
same rough league as Western
Ontario, Michigan's opponent last
be moe gad studentsfor th
sophomores and juniors of Mich-
igan to face. It also means that
players with six and seven years
of college hockey experience will
be pitted against two and three-
year men, with two games of ex-
perience to their credit this year.
Napoleons of Hockey
But, if Michigan could earn a
spi with et ertn Ontario, they
shold e ale o fce p to any-

thing that Waterloo Lutheran can
give them. Water'loo gave Mich-
igan Tech two good games last
year, and that's why Michigan
scheduled them for this series.
After this weekend's faceoff for
two games, Michigan will face
McMaster University the following
weekend. After that, the icemen
will open their Western College
Hockey Association play against
Denver University. in a two game
away set.
Tech Jumps
Michigan Tech has jumped off
to an early lead in the WCHA
race, with an undefeated team so
far. Last year's WCHA and NCAA
champs took two games from new-
comner Minnesota Duluth in league
action, and have one non-confer-
ence victory. North Dakota, last
year's WCHA regular season
champs, have also beaten Min-
nesota Duluth, by a 5-4 score.
Colorado College has already
played five conference games',
winning three and dropping two.
They beat Michigan State twice,
and split with Minnesota.
Michigan State. highly rated in
preseason selections. has only won

We filed into the choking yellow schoolbus that Benny. who owned
a local scrap yard, had been coveting for years.
"Hit for twenty, Davey," catcalled Davey's kid brother who en-
joyed rubbing it in. Davey was fifteenth man on a fifteen man
basketball team.
Like all buses it was built for dwarfs, skinny dwarfs at that. The
broomstick boned guys scrunched up into the prenatal position for
the ride out to the far north suburbs.
"Don't forget Coach," yelled one of the fellas as the bus driver
started edging his animal away from the school. And, suddenly Coach
comes bolting out of the gym door, bag of oranges in one hand, pre-
game pep talk in the other, and left foot in mouth.
-It was one of those Chicago days that non-natives think are the
r-ule. It was ten above, snowing, with the wind huffing like a flabby
Well, about halfway there the defrost mechanism failed, along
with the heat. Frozen ballplayers you can tolerate but clouded win-
dows are something else. And already our warmup time was downi
to a scant ten minutes, so stopping was out of the question.
Coach came to the rescue, unsurped the towels we were sup-
posed to use after the game and began stroking the windshield by
hooking his arm through the side window. Eight towels- and one mile
later he gave up this method. Coach then stated he was going to get
us through if he had to hang on the windshield himself,
But then Sidlney Osborne saved the day. Sid was the team dude

and the only kid on the bus who shaved more than once a week.
He ripped out his aristocratic bottle of after shave lotion and
offered it to Coach. The alcohol iin the lotion melted the window fog
like hydrochloric acid working on a stomach ]ining so we made North
Shore in time. Sidney tried using his shave lotion as bargaining
leverage for a starting job, but Coach wouldn't hear of it.
,We hurried onto the court shivering, like adolescent flamings



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I ~ one game, while losing three. They walking into a meat freezer. And after one considerate minute the
~ ~ dropped two to Colorado College, timekeeper-daddy of the enemy's top player-blew the buzzer to
- were on the short end of a 6-3 signal the end of warmup.
- ' :.game with Clarkson, and finally The captains went out to center court to discuss ground rules
1 II won one against t arne 64 and I noticed no referee. Then out of nowhere staggered in this bleary
I aned this year, with no team eyed unfortunate wrapped in a striped shirt.
having run up any lopsided scores "The ref looks stoned," declared Davey on the bench.
S A AeaL, and this Friday and Satur- lighter." You see, in those days I respected authority.
dynight will be a good test of I walked,onto the court and prepared to jump center when the
terability when they face-off runny-nosed ref with a mangey mop of confused hair leaned on me
aastthe unknowns of Waterloo and blew his whistle.
-Ltean College. "Just tuning it up, and from what school you come kid," he
Pro Stai .iAnd then he tossed the ball up for the tipoff. It conked him on
"Hey you guys, let's play a ten minute half. I gotta go to the
NHL john," he muttered. "Did you knowg you could get this drunk on beer?"
W L T Pts. GF GA And he tossed the ball up again-this time it landed on my skull.
chicago 11 5 1 23 62 40 . Coach jumped onto the court to protest. The bloodshot boy with
o.otot, 7431 4 5 stripes called a technical foul and chaos reigned.
.k New~ York 5 8 5 15 53 59 "Authority my respect," yelled the ref.
Bostou 5 10 2 12 38 66 And we played the game lik-e a scrimmage after escorting said
netrit s8 414 3 s2 referee to the john, surrepticiously locking the door behind him.
-erotThursday's Result The rest of the season was strictly downhill.
.100% All. Gat Ge
Wool Gat e
1. McDaniel
Black From Cubs
Bur und 5 *... ....~By The Associated Press
4 IThe San Francisco Giants aca
- Na vyV~. quired irelief specialist Lindy Mc-
4~. Daniel from the Chicago Cubs and
C.el1 the California Angels landed vet-
eran first baseman Norm Siebern
from the Baltimore Orioles in
e trades that highlighted the major
Sizes le*ague baseball meetings yester-
* The Cubs acquired two young
- 4 o 46players from the Giants, pitcher
Bill Hands and catcher Randy
Hundley, in exchange for the 29-
yeair-old McDaniel. The Cubs also
* oiig threw in reserve outfielder Doni
ft ~ Landrum.
3 Retular %~~/The Orioles accepted Dick Simp-
S~son, 22-year-old rookie outfielder.
..~. Ifor Siebern in a straight player
I. McDaniel last year appeared in
- 71 games and posted a 5-6 record
and a 2.58 earned run average.
All of his appearances were in
y ... 1k 1relief.
LEI~ DEI RIESiebern, 32, hit .256 with eight
E1~I~ ~ U MIL homers and 32 runs batted In for
Lag stS leton.the>Orioles last season but lost his
4:The L r stS ec onfirst base job to Boog Powell.
TOddS OTuG ~ o CH ANUKAH Cards in Town $800,4100?
:~ atFootball
8 'til 8 3O from now to Xmas 9kNEW YORK (P-If Joe Namath
31 2 So. State 1203 So. University is worth $400,000 to the New York
Je s t Mik Ga rrett shou l




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Los Angeles Rams, says Mike's
coach, John McKay.
"I realize such a figure is all out
ball c achofte Univerityof
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is an idol in Los Angeles-they
love him out there.
"Ifherpayed for te Rams he
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and you've got him bringing in
$30,000 additional every week."
308 Municipal Court

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