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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Widespread criticism and possi-
.ble court action surround the re-
classification to 1-A draft status of
four University students who were
arrested in a recent Viet Nam
An ACLU attorney last night
said that such an injunction
would probably contend that
Holmes' statement interferred with
the students' right of free speech,
that it was unreasonable and ar-
bitrary, and that it caused an
unjust reclassification.
The American Civil Liberties R
Union (ACLU) may ask for an in- Richard Kline, ACLU attorney
junction against Col. Arthur B. working on the case, explained
Holmes, director of the state head- that such a uit ou probabl
quater o th Mihian eletie nmenot only Holmes but also
quarters of the Michigan Selective 'each of the individual draft boards
Service, for his statement that a and possibly the national director
sit-in inside the Ann Arbor Se- of the draft system as co-defend-=
lective Service office was "an ants.
overt violation of the Selective But neither Kline nor Detroit
Service Act." Holmes' statement ACLU Director Ernest Mazey
led to the students' reclassifica- were surewhether or not ACLU
tion. would try for the injunction. "If
we think'we have a chance," Kline;
said, "we will do it."
Mazey would only say that court
action was "being considered";
and added that there would be a
decision before the end of theI
The Democratic State Central
Committee already has criticized1
Holmes' statement at a meeting
last Sunday.
The committee unanimously ap-
proved a resolution which said
that "if demonstrators break the
law, they should be prosecuted un-
der the law, but the draft status'
of the student demonstrators
should not be used as an instru-
meit of thought control."
The resolution defended the citi-
zen's right to protest his country's
foreign policy, "even though we
disagree with their sentiments."
More reaction came from Uni-
versity Regent Irene Murphy, who
also criticized the reclassification.
She termed it "unfortunate."
The statement that caused all'
the furor had followed a Home-I
coming protest by 240 students at
the East Liberty St. Selective'
Service Office. Thirty-nine stu-'
dents were arrested for trespass-
Holmes followed 12 days later
with an "evaluation" of the inci-
dent that he submitted to each
of the arrested students' draft
boards. He said at the time that
his evaluation would cause some
of the students and teaching fel-
lows involved to lose their student
Holmes contended that the pro-
test incident disrupted Selective
Service office procedures. The sit-
in began at 3 p.m. on a Friday
afternoon; at 6 p.m.,. Deputy Chief
of Police Walter Krassny closed
the building and made arrests.
"I don't think there is any
adoubtthat there wasra drastic
inability of the Ann Arbor office
to function during the protest,"
Holmes said at the time.
"We are calling to the atten-
tion of the local boards that Sec-
tion 12 of the Universal Military;
Training and Service Act could be
considered as having been violat-
The section says that any per- protesting has been construed as
son who interferes with Selective a violation of draft regulations.
Service administration can be con- Holmes was unavailable for
sidered delinquent, have his clas- comment last night. Vice-Presi-
sification changed to 1-A and be! dent for Student Affairs Richard
ordered for immediate induction. L. Cutler said he was not prepared
Holmes' evaluation, however, left to say, whether the University
the final decision on reclassifica- otyacionor
tion up to the local draft boards. n
At the time of Holmes' original
Three and a half weeks later, statement, there was immediate
on Nov. 19, Eric Chester, '66, of reaction against it.
Royal Oak, Mich., was notified by ACLU State Chairman Rolland
mail that he had been reclassi-IaCLUsa tilh orm no one
fied 1-A. Since then, three other O'Hare said, Until now no one
students have received similar no- has suggested that the Selec-
tudets haymeceied slarano, tive Service Act may be used as a
tification: Raymond Lauzzana, device to punish dissent."
'66A&D, of Detroit; Patrick Mur-dd
phy, '68, of Detroit, and David "Who can say," O'Hare contin-
Smokler, '66Ed, of Royal Oak. ued, "how the threat may be used
Michigan is the only state where to dragoon youth into tomorrow.
Colonel Holmes' statement .
mocks our traditional national be-
lief that patriotic duty and hon-
or, not simply vengeance are serv-
ed by ~onning the nation's uni-
A joint statement by Student
Govern-ment Council President
Gary Cunningham, '66, and James
McEvoy II, said "the investiga-
tion is unwarranted, a violation of
rights of petition and a repressive
"We feel that such an action on
the part of the Selective Service is
strictly a political reprisal and has
no legal basis. By resisting such
action we are protecting the right
of all young people to protest with-
out fear of suppression."
U' Analyzes
Staff's Right
To Bargain
AFL-CIO Petitions
For Recognition as
Agent to Service Unit
University officials are presently
analyzing attorney general Frank
Kelly's opinion on the right of
University employes to be repre-
sented by a collective bargaining
agent, University Attorney William
Lemmer said yesterday.
The University, he added, will
ask the courts for a legal ruling
on 'whether the University is cov-
ered by the Hutchinson Act
(Michigan's basic labor legislation
which prohibits strikes by public
employes) and its am'endment,
Public Act 379 which allows public
employes to be represented by a
collective bargaining agent.
Ben Moore, president of Local
1583 of the American Federation
of State, County and Municipal
Employes (AFL-CIO), said yester-
day that his group plans no fur-
ther action besides filing petitions
with the State Labor Mediation
Board on behalf of two groups at
the University Hospital.
Two Petitions
Local 1583 has two petitions on
file with the mediation board ask-
ing that it be judged the bargain-
ing agent for the maids, porters,
janitors, window and wall washers
in the building service department
and the maids and porters in the
service unit.
Moore added that the union can
plan no definite action until the
courts have settled the issue one
way or another.
Lemmer said that the opinion
leads the reader to believe that
nothing has changed in the Uni-
versity's relations with unions
since the University is not re-
quired to make concessions.
No Concessions
The opinion says that it does
not impose any obligations on the
Regents and union bargainers to
agree on concessions.
However by basing the opinion
on section 15 of Public Act 379
which discusses collective bargain-
ing and employers, the mediation
board can step in and declare the
public employer to be guilty of un-
fair. labor practices, he said. The
board's decision would be legally
binding. This is one of the areas!
that the University is questioning.
Lemmer asserted that the Uni-
versity's position isthat an agency
of the state-the mediation board
-cannot judge a constitutionally
autonomous body-the University
-and have its decisions binding as
this is an infringement of the
University's autonomous nature.
Moore also stressed the impli-
cations of mediation board step-
ping in to settle disputes. "The
unions would be in the same con-
dition they're in right now if we
couldn't appeal to the mediation
board for arbitration since we
Tupper To Senate Body
E 'twill Have
What's New at 764-1817eve U 65 Heme
__________________ Med. School~
Med Sho 65 Members
t LEach College To Elect
HAdOwn Representatives
The newly elected members of Student Government Council U of Cal. at DaVis To New Organization
will be officially seated Thursday, Dec. 2, the first meeting of School of Medicine
SGC after Thanksgiving. Taking seats will be Robert Bodkin, '67E; By ROBERT SHILLER
Al Goodwin, '67; Neill Hollenshead, '67; Pat McCarty, '67; Don By DOUGLAS CHAPMANTsr
Resnick, '67; and Ed Robinson, '67. Bodkin and Resnick are the The proposal to reorganize the
It was announced yesterday that University Senate by creating a
only incumbents. Prof. John Tupper, M.D. will leave new 65 member Faculty Assembly
Also at the Thursday meeting, Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) as associate dean of the Medical composed of representatives nomi-
will present a major policy statement entitled "The Legislature School to become the first dean nated and elected by their re-
and the University." The statement will discuss the changing of the new University of California spective colleges was approved by
role of the University and its relations with the state Legislature. Medical School at Davis, near the Senate yesterday.
Sacramento. Prof. Claude Eggertsen of the
* * * * Dr. Tupper said, after his ap- education school, chairman of the
Interquadrangle Council last night approved the Student pointment was announced by the Subcommittee on University Free-
Government Council's proposed student bookstore. IQC President University of California's Presi- dom and Responsibility, the com-
Lee Hornberger, '66, said the Council urges all quadrangle dent Clark W. Kerr and Davis mittee that drafted the proposal,
residents to support the plan which will provide books at prices Campus Chancellor Emil M. Mrak, said after the meeting that he
below those presently charged by Ann Arbor merchants. "The best medical school in the was "hopeful that it (the new
United States is the University of plan) will work."
* Michigan's. We hope to make "The faculty," he observed,
A series of recommendations for revision of the plans for Davis as good." -Daily-Steve Goldstein "showed a good deal of attention,
the new dental school will be produced by the end of next week Research Not Overemphasized interest and concern and this is
the nrewnl schoommile, prod te Jedsof Bnxtekerh Nd UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harlan H. Hatcher, Prof. Herbert Hildebrandt of the speech department, quite a good augury for the future
by a reviewing committee, according to James Brinkerhoff, Tupper said that his new and Prof. James Morgan of the economics department attending last night's meeting of the Fac- success."
director of the office of plant extension. University plans were school's "primary mission" would ulty Senate which approved the establishment of a new 65-menber legislative body, the Faculty As- Expect Regents' Approval
unexpectedly upset last week when contractor bids overshot be "to produce doctors to take sembly.ThBorofRgnsiexct
preliminary cost estimates by four million dollars. care of sick. people." Scientific ' The Board of Regents is expect-
* * * * research, while important, "will ed to approve the changes in Uni-
Leonard A. Schaadt, business manager of residence halls, not be overemphasized" at thee CITY COUNCIL MEETING ntails.
has approved Assembly Association's recommendation to install cost of training in community _Eggertsen noted that "it is prob-
school supply machines in many of the dormitories. The machines in medical education will be hable that the Regents will approve
will enable students to purchase blue books, typing paper, and stressed along with new teaching mrthe faculty's desire to conduct a
other supplies in the dorms. and learning methods. larger forum on University prob-
* *Dr. Tupper will be responsible legs."
The Office of Off-Campus Housing stated last night that it for construction on a 160-acre armo'The Assembly, the legislative
is "gratified" by the report of the President's Housing Commis- medical center site, planning a R ejec E xtev e P rop o sals n pla befoed ti""Apri.
sion. The office endorsed the idea of establishing a Director of four-year curriculum, and assem- he 1p ree rmembeis Apr t.
Housing, and in addition said that "the recommendations are shbling a faculty. Besides the Senate Advisory Committee on
indicative of the need for an expanded off-campus housing school's own hosilital, the faculty By BOB CARNEY less rooms in a single dwelling unit appropriateness and extent to University Affairs who have tone
and students will use the 60-bed.
program."county hospital, the City Council strengthened Ann occupied by owner and family. which the city can legislate fair or two years left on their terms
Sacramentoergy o spitn'thB i ty oFilr ngh rdnn For this reason, the five Demo- housing." will be members of the assembly,
The National Science Foundation has awarded a total of oic Eer o o As i u s i e crats all voted against the mo- Councilman H. C. Curry, the and 51 more will be nominated
Th aioa ceneFunainha wrddatta f~logical Research Laboratory and last night, but at the same time tion. only Negro on the council, at- and 'electedbyteresciv
$88,890 in grants to the University for research projects in the the United States' only national rejected the more forceful rec- Th na. non tac e Balzhe raoni coldlee bytheirrespective
departments of chemical and metallurgical engineering and primate center. The Davis campus The amended ordmance will now tacked Balzhisers reasoning. colleges.
mathematics, and for a summer institute for college teachers already has an internationally lations Commission. undergo a public hearing, and The majority has been protect- The chairman of the present
knahmtisonworasmenisiue o olgetahr already a nitrntoal tosComsin then be voted on in final form. ed for 500 years or mre," he SACUA will call the first meeting
sponsored by the department of nuclear engineering. known veterinary school. In a 6-5 vote the council adopt- Bhser'si oosal fore sdy of the Assembly where a new
Medical Experience ed on first reading the substi- rules out application of the oidi. Sure, there's been progress, but nine-member SACUA will be
D Dr. Tupper, 45, an Arizona na- tute proposal of Councilman Rich- nance to the sale of home by look at all those still suffering. No elected.
OL~ ive, was graduated from San ar .Blhsr.Tepooa
Diego State College and the Uni- .a h rproposa private homeowner. It also adds matter what the law, someone will. Opposition
launching of four small rockets from the University- versity of Nebraska College of d the. fromeny d fexemptions for duplex type units object. We either want complete Prof. Philip Wernette of the
owned rocket range in the Upper Peninsula to - determine their Medicine before coming to Mich- welling in which the owner and his fam- coverage or we don't. Let's not business school, former chairman
ownedrocktorageoirtheUppetPennsulatoydtermneoteiieedicne.bforecomigUto-ich-ofsfveho morlunismtoanyr
feasibility in collecting weather data has been postponed pending igan in 1948. He has been an as- dwelling of two or more units n ily live, and homesteads leased kid ourselves." of SACUA- was the only member
better atmospheric conditions. sociate professor of internal medi- by the owner for a portion of the to express opposition to the pro-
The tests, headed by Prof. Harold Allen of the aerospace cine since 1959 and associate dean, The council rejected, however, year. posal.
engineering department, are cleared for any day in which the school's second-ranking offi- missiecommendations o ite aco Burns resolution b ttn t rkngat the present s
conditions are suitable. So far the project has been stifled by. cer, since 1961. real estate transactions with the byAnotherrelution submie Bs he maintainred. radon't see any
sn w anevrc sasislSePa e2e et nof rental wof t e b orcl o an E n c B r s.h*ant i e ."I d ntue n
TUPPER, ag called for more extensive coverage particular need for a change.
s n w avr a tke .S e__ _ _P g e 2 _ _ f r naf t r e o th a n d id th e h u m a n rela tio n s B e a ii Hs "T h e resp ects in w h ich it is n o t
V thn dd te huan elaion working well," he added, are due
UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CLUB commission recommendation, andtothe sht"nofanan
_____________________________________________was also rejected. Mrs. Burns', 1)1 e at 4TT otesot'mnso a n
motion deleted the one exemption Piace at U the subtle complexities of a uni-
suggested by the commission. versity."
The council also approved by a Since it appeared that the pro-
6-5 vote changes in .the procedure The beatnik deserves his place posal would pass, Wernette did
of commission in handling cases at today's university just as his not carry the point any further.
Sunder the law. The procedural goldfish - swallowing counterpart Instead he made an appeal to
changes were also recommended did in the past, Richard L, Cutler, give the plan a good try.
by the human relations commis- vice-president for student affairs, "It will be important," he urged,
sion to the council after sugges- said in a recent WUOM radio "for those, who like me are skep-
By BOB BENDELOW research in his field of population of Science, and has also been tions b Circut Court Judge program, "The Barefoot Boy with ticals to ac it fulbly even more
genetics. His work has taken him named the recipient of the Allani James Breake last year.Ber."Asiispsblevnme
Prof. James V. Neel, M.D., to Japan many times since 1947, award given for outstanding re- Fierce debate ragedaover the Among some students, he went important," he continued, "that
chairman of the department of where he has stu d ts gc earch in era sfahdng Balzhiser and Burns proposals on, the bearded, stringy-haired the majority who approve of it
human genetics of the Medical characteristics of survivors of the'genetics with the'Democrats all calling for look is "evidence of a kind of sen- should avoid falling into the trap
School, has been named to deliver atomic blasts at Hiroshima and The Russel Lecture award is de- complete coverage and the Repub- sitivity to the things wrong in of thinking that mere changes in
the Henry Russel Lecture. The Nagasaki. cided upon, and given by, the licans expressing more divided the society or mstitution. This is structure will effect a substantial
Russel Lecture, said Prof. Frank Another aspect of Japan, con- faculty, with the approval of the opinion. their way of protesting them." improvement. All should partici-
L. Huntley of the English depart- Decisive Vote * In an earlier WUOM program, pate fully and properly."
ousfh sanguinity, has also interested Regents. It is a faculty award, as ,, r,,.