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November 21, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-21

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Sweeping Editorial Generalizations

Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN APBOR, McH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Lditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Mayor Huleher Should Reconsider
HoUsing ComnMission Choices

appointed five commissioners to the
new housing commission. They will be
voted on by City Council tomorrow night.
There has been much discussing and
endorsing and rejecting and lamenting
over the appointments. Let's take a good
look at the situation now.
Basically three groups of Ann Arbor-
ites have been involved in first the ref-
erendum and now the appointments. It
was these three groups which the mayor
had to consider in extracting five com-
missioners from a list of over 100. He
wanted a representative commission.
One-The Chamber of Commerce, the
Board of Realtors, the Citizens Commit-
tee on Housing-all those who opposed
the establishment of the housing com-
mission. They cane within 400 votes of
it. Also included in this group are citi-
zens who didn't vote on the issue.
Two-The Federation for an Ann Arbor
Housing Commission and the leaders of
the 22 groups which supported its aims.
That is, all those who worked actively for
a yes vote on October 19. Added to these
hard core supporters are .those who may
not have worked but voted yes.
Three-The people-some 330 families
of them, both black and white-for whom
this commission was established. The
low-income group living in substandard
housing, living In crowded housing, liv-
ing in housing separate from their chil-
dren, living in St. Joe's hospital, th~e
YMCA, automobiles or nowhere because
they have,been evicted.
THE MAYOR strongly supported the es-
tablishment of the commission. He did
A New Game?
IT SEEMS, if Drew Pearson's column in
the Detroit News is to be taken serious-
ly, that President Johnson and his mili-
tary advisors are in the process of plan-
ning World War III as they meet at the
LBJ Ranch in Texas.
Everyone wants the President to do
something about the war in Viet Nam and
they aren't suggesting negotiation. The
Joint Chiefs of Staff want us to bomb
Hanoi and the important harbor of Hai-
phong where French, British and Cana-
dian ships daily unload supplies.
McNamara and the Department of De-
fense officials want to step up the air
war in both North and South Viet Nam.
As recently as yesterday, Michigan's Rep.
Gerald Ford called for the use of nu-
clear weapons to put a quick end to the
With everyone getting into the escala-
tion act we should be lucky to survive
next week. Johnson has to do something
to restore confidence in his administra-
tion after last week's debacle in which
it was revealed that peace offers from
Hanoi had been repeatedly declined by
Secretary of State Dean Rusk.
However, an extension of this already
reprehensible war at this time could only
do further damage to the President's
"public image" besides being a gross mis-
carriage of justice.
This conference at the LBJ Ranch
combined with the revelations of last
week only further illustrate what may
be incompetence, insincerity or just plain
militarism (the refusal of the peace of-
fers has never really been justified-the
administration seems to want to just for-
get the whole thing) on the part of the
President and his military advisors.

W ends, these men have a great respon-
sibility to the citizens of this country
and to the people of Viet Nam who
have suffered so much in this war. It
would be gratifying in the face of a gen-
uine threat of nuclear war, to see them
acknowledge this responsibility.

so at the risk of alienating a good portion
of his party. His efforts were important
in obtaining the slim yes verdict.
Now the mayor has made his appoint-
ments according to five criteria: 1) Be
in support of the commission, 2) Be dedi-
cated to public service and capable of
devoting necessary time, 3) Be under-
standing of and sympathetic to the needs
of low-income residents, 4) Be cognizant
of the general community attitude re-
garding low-income housing and 5) Pro-
vide as a supplementary matter the de-
gree of specialization that will enhance
the effectiveness of the commission.
He followed the criteria conscientiously.
As was his intention the mayor has
appointed a "mainstream" type commis-
sion. He has intentionally avoided ap-
pointing any person who might be identi-
fied in the public mind with one ex-
treme or the other. No "activist" type
people have been included. His intention,
of course, has been to assure support and
encourage action from the element of the
community that controls large sums of
money and wields considerable influence
in the field of housing, the Board of
Realtors, the Chamber of Commerce and
groups like these. The support of these
groups is essential, he feels.
His appointments in this respect have
been succesgful. He can point to a non-
profit housing organization set up by the
Board of Realtors as proof of that. All
three of the groups who originally op-
posed the commission-the Board, the
Chamber of Commerce and George Lem-
ble's Citizens' Committee on Housing,
have now pledged their cooperation. The
board has set up a non-profit organiza-
tion to deal with the problem within the
private sector of the community. The re-
action of the first group which I referred
to before, therefore has been an encour-
aging one.
What about the second group-the fed-
eration and the others who supported the
establishment of the commission? Their
.reaction ranges from disappointed to
very disappointed. They have their com-
mission but wonder if it will really al-
leviate the problems of Ann Arbor's low-
income group. The cooperation of private
enterprise is fine, they say, but look at
the record of the private enterprise in
the past.
A BROADLY-BASED, middle of the road
commission isn't really what the city
needs. The council, with its review powers
over the commission, will provide all the
moderation and caution necessary. Com-
mitment is what this commission needs if
the needy of Ann Arbor are to be offer-
ed decent housing. At least the majority
of the commissioners should have shown
concern and involvement in the problems
of the low-income housing in the past.
Only one has.
Now, what has been the reaction of the
third group-those people toward whom
the work of the commission is aimed?
What is their feeling about the mayor s
Unfortunately they have not been con-
sulted. Not one person from this group
-white or Negro-has been appointed to
the commission. All five of the commis-
sioners are from the rather affluent east
side of town.
Nor have any people outside this group
who have worked actively and closely
with these people been consulted. For in
some citizens' eyes they are "extremists"
or "activists."
This is the sad part of the appointment
process. While the criticisms by the fed-
eration are valid they are based on prem-
ises that Hulcher would not accept.

But this premise-representation of the
entire community-is one the mayor has
supported. Why then, such a conspicuous
The effect of the absence will be two-
fold. First, firsthand knowledge and ex-
perience with the problem will be miss-
ing. Second, the confidence of this group
in the commission and the government as
a whole will be lacking.
THEREFORE, the mayor should at least
reconsider one of the five commission
appointments. One representative from

editorialized upon in 30 inches
of print? Try.
Clarion State tied Slippery Rock
last Saturday 7-7 while North-
western beat Michigan 34-22.
Slippery Rock probably spends,
at the most, a few dollars per
student for its intercollegiate
athletic program. Michigan spends
over $2 million total, $500,000 of
it out of.its students' pockets, and
seems to have a heck of a lot
less fun at it, discounting, I sup-
pose, the alumni.
* * *
The University of Michigan Stu-
dent Economic Union held its
second "Know Your University
Day" a week ago Saturday, pre-
sumably attended, as was the last
one, by "clergymen, labor leaders,
high school principals and other
civic leaders."
* * *
A Collegiate Press Service-edi-
torial by Ed Schwartz in last
Sunday's Daily was headlined
"Student Planning for Stimula-
tion," and made the point that
student governments could be a
lot more imaginative in their de-
velopment of programs of student
participation and influence in the
It was however, anti-imagina-
tion which was responsible for the
headline in the next morning's
Daily, "SGC Members Again Keep
Viet Nam Poll from Ballot." The

possibility that students might ac-
tually say something was appar-
ently too much for them.
THE U.S. BUREAU of the Bug-
get will release its plans soon for
implementing new laws governing
government agency reimbursement
for indirect costs incurred in do-
ing government research.
There is some administrative
disagreement over how beneficial
it will be for the University, but
given the fact that the present
reimbursement percentages will
almost certainly go up, and the
fact that we already get at least
a million per year in discretionary
money from the indirect costs
account, how can we lose? Or
maybe we're just not gaining
Three students testified at the
House Ways and Meeans subcom-
mittee for higher education hear-
ings a week and a half ago. They
talked about student economic
welfare, high costs of living in
Ann Arbor, and related problems.
Four vice-presidents, present for
seven hours at the hearings, never
really said much about anything,
except how nice they thought it
was of Jack Faxon to come visit-
ing. Not much of a showing.
* * *
Ann Arbor Mayor Hulcher drew
some criticism early in the week
for his appointments to the new
housing commission. He described
his appointments as "mainstream"
or "middle-of-the-road," with no

Michigan MAD
"activists and people from either
of the extremes of though or ac-
tion" invited.
But Mayor, who do you think
got us our housing commission in
the first place?
The University is getting a new
golf course. President Hatcher
calls it "a great asset to the
faculty, the students and the Uni-
versity as a whole," which it prob-
ably is. But he adds that the ini-
tial plans called for combining
the new facility with the residen-
tial college, which may still be
Interesting combination.
* * *
THE DAILY headlined Thurs-
day, "Bodkin, Hollenshead, Good-
win Lead Voting for SGC Offices."
Research shows that The Daily
had headlined Wednesday, "SGC
Election Today Will Utilize New
IBM Ballots."
I guess that explains what hap-
The Interfraternity Council is
probing possible bias in Sigma
Chi. The best straight face of the
year award goes to the inimitable
assistant to the vice-president for
student affairs, John Feldkamp.

Commenting on the receptivity
of the house to Negroes, he said,
"From what we can see from the
evidence, that door isn't very wide
Correction: Charles Wells, edi-
tor-in-chief of the Michigan State
News, ties for that award. Com-
menting on the resignation of four
members of the News' editorial
boardwho charged administration
censorship and pressure, Wells
said, "You won't be breaking the
story till next week, will you? We
don't expect to here."
(Almost 3000 copies of The Daily
containing the story were sold the
next morning at East Lansing.)
* * *
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
newest gladiator on the state edu-
cational scene, has reportedly
reached agreement with Rep.,
Charles Petitpren (D-Inkster) on'
the relative jurisdiction of their-
committees. Faxon will handle
money problems and Petitpren
will handle policy problems.
That's good and ambiguous.
Who handles financial policy
** *
The latest editions of Genera-
tion and Gargoyle (The New
Forker) appeared last week.
Generation was fairly good and
lost money, Gargoyle was fairly,
bad and made some. What more
can you say?
* * *
Thursday's Daily, "War, darling,

is like babies: noise and dirt .
War, darling, What can I tell
He took the words right out of
President Johnson's mouth.
* * *
Ben Moore, president of Local
1583 of the American Federation
of State County and Municipal
Employes (AFL-CIO) has been
pressuring the University for
months for the right to bargain
collectively with the University.
President Hatcher and Vice-
President Pierpont are adamant
in claiming that the University is
not covered by an amendment to
the Hutchinson Act which gives
public employes the right to bar-
gain collectively. They apparently
want thir "maids, porters, jani-
tors, window and wall washers" to
consider themselves part and par-
cel of the ivory tower.
* * *
Administrators are in a panic
over the exhorbitant bids received
for the new dental school bldg.
No one knows' where the extra
money can be found.
They needn't feel bad. I just
got charged $15 by a local con-
cern for "labor" for repairs to my
hi-fi, after they kept it five weeks,
couldn't decide what was wrong,
had me show them, and then
spent 20 minutes fixing it.
* * *
Yes, Lloyd. the Navy mascot is
a goat.
* *
Answer to the original question


'Expertise, 'Morality, and War in Asia


ONE OF THE MOST pleasing
things that can happen to a
student is to find out that his stud-
ies are relevant, in more than an
idealistic way, to his contempor-
ary situation. And it is very near-
ly an act of Grace to find this
relevancy offering insight and di-
Imagine me studying the Amer-
ican Revolution, reading about a
case of customs seizure in 1768
between a certain Judge Leigh
and a South Carolina merchant,
Henry Laurens, and then reading
the current issue of Look Maga-
zine or the last few days of the
New York Times, and seeing par-
It seems Mr. Laurens' boat was
seized by greedy customs offi-
cers and when his case was
brought to be tried, he was told
the case was to be heard by
the Admiralty Court in Halifax,
Nova Scotia, without benefit of
trial by peers.
Laurens' defense was not only.
a protest against procedure but a
blow against British denial of "the
Rights of Englishmen." Said Laur-
ens: "Why are Americans so par-
ticularized, to be disfranchised
and stript of so invaluable a Priv-
elege as the Trial by Jury?"
THE GOOD JUDGE (and here
is our acidic point of parallel),
fought back with a dreary dis-
course of over 150 pages, scrupu-
lously avoiding any discussion of
the constitutional issues at stake.
Instead, like all good job-protect-
ing bureaucrats and institution-
protecting State Department of-
ficials, he focused his attack on
Laurens, whose writings demon-
strated "the evil workings of a
cruel and malignant heart."
Besides, said theahonorable
judge, holding up Laurens' "un-
lettered judgment in the law" for
all to see, the man was clearly
out of his depth in an inquiry
completely foreign to the "whole
study and labour of his life."
It was clear, then, that Henry
Laurens wasn't an "expert."
It sort of makes one feel at
ease to hear playwright Arthur
Miller, nearly 200 years later, so
neatly justified by history.
For in many ways, Henry Laur-
ens and Arthur Miller at Hill
Auditorium in Ann Arbor not so
long ago, are two quite similar
people. Both denied, quite frank-
ly, being "experts," but neither
denied being men of reason, men
capable of asking questions and
demanding answers.

For months, the public-at-large
has been soothed and bamboozled
in the best style by those honey-
tongued boys in Washington who
have cried crocodile tear after
crocodile tear, telling us how bad-
ly they felt "sending the flower
of our youth" to fight a war. "But
we've tried so hard," they said
with candor. "We've tried a dozen
times to get them to talk and
they haven't responded." And we
all sat back in our chairs and
soaked up the "facts" because we
knew, as a check, that they must
be telling the truth because some
of these "flowers" were over 21
and could vote Democratic.
I SUPPOSE the good secretary
of state thought it unnecessary
to tell us that the thirteenth try
they did get a reply or that on
the fourteenth, here was another.
After all, who isn't ready and
willing to sacrifice lives and the
fate of a nation, the world. on
the secretary's tried and true "an-
tenna?" Mr. Rusk's now-famous
antenna and equally-famous judg-
ment (remember Arthur Schles-
inger?) decided they were liars:
"They were insincere." Mr. Mc-
Namaha ("more guns, butter.
Fords, in 1966"), closed the case:
"Dean Rusk can tell." QED, even
though parts of the proposition
By now it should be clear to
the American public as its news-
papers, television and radio sta-
tions, pulpits, are straining to
make clear, that as Arthur Miller
said, "I am protesting this war
because we have not been told
the truth about Viet Nam. I am
protesting this war because I
know I have been lied to." Mr.
Miller, Rowan to the contrary,
denied his "right not to know,"
and wanted the truth.
It seems high time that the
remainder of the doubtfuls, the
armchair foreign policy analysts,
the University professors so blind-
ed by domestic policy, the wait-
ing mothers and the anxious fath-
ers, put down their American flags,
stop making excuses for Mr. John-
son's administration, deny their
local edit columns extolling Amer-
ica's commitment (by its admin-
istration) to freedom, truth, the
American way . .. etc., and start
moving in the streets to end this
war; this war we know so little
about, this war that we fight, that
we continue to enlarge, to sac-
rifice children for-but this war
concerning which we are not
thought enough about by our

In Par'enithesis
elected representatives, to be told
the truth.
AS A PURELY personal posi-
tion, I am against all wars-of-
fensive, "preventative," defensive
--because wars result when people
stop talking, when they misunder-
stand one another. But I am espe-
cially against this war in Viet
Nam that is being fought in dark-
ness and justified in darkness.
And notice how the "strategy"
has changed: we are no longer
fighting to negotiate, to end the

killing, we are fighting to "beat"
the North Vietnamese, beat the
Communists. It would seem that
we are doing fairly well just "beat-
ing" the Vietnamese and Viet
Nam, with 28,000 planes per week.
There was a time when I de-
nied the "conspiracy" theory ad-
vanced by my friends. Get smart,
they said, Washington is out to
make money, justify the label
"Imperialist." I couldn't accept
any of that, even though the evi-
dence in support continued to pile
up. But if ever there was a case
for a "plot" in Washington, I think
now, that case can be advanced
and solidly defended.
It is not only that the Ameri-
can people-the electorate, lest it
be forgotten-have been disre-
garded, lied to - but that those
people have been cleverly and

demonically manipulated, for
whatever ends I can only specu-
late. When people are treated as
ciphers, as objects to be pushed
and pulled at will, then Democra-
cy as we, have practiced it for
nearly 200 years, is being circum-
vented and perverted.
SCRIPTURE tells us that "God
is not mocked," and if the present
administration has any shred of
sense left,, it will recognize that
neither are The People. TheqAmer-
ican Revolution began not so
much because of grievances, al-
though they were important
enough, but because The People
felt, intuited from events, that
there was a "plot" afoot by the
English to deny them their rights.
It appears to be happening



new, more liberalized curfew is
that it is forcing a greater num-
ber of girls to learn how to cook
in their apartments.
As soon as the culinary cuties
have acquired their - "kitchen
legs," they feel they MUST ex-
periment on some unsuspecting
male whether he be anboyfriend,
chemistry partner or next-door
neighbor. The real test of a good
cook, they believe, is to please the
male animal.
But' males, you must take heed.
The invitation does not always
indicate that the sweet, innocent
female is just trying to discover
whether or not she is a good
cook. Many of then don't care
in the least. They have other more
crucial and devious ends in mind.
Beware. These ends can be quite
deadly or pleasant, depending on
your frame of mind.
either Sunday, Monday or, in ex-
treme cases, Tuesday, there is a
definite possibility that a date
for the next weekend is foremost
in her mind. If she is desirable,
so much the better. Just sit back
and enjoy it as long as possible.
If she isn't, watch out! Refuse
politely the second glass of wine-
after a few glasses of wine, prac'-
tically any beast will look desir-
able and worthy of your valuable
attention on Friday or Saturday
nights. If it is impossible to refuse
the glass, accept and then secretly
pour it in the flower pot, out a
nearby window, in your bookbag or
in your shoe.
It becomes a more complex,
problem if the reason for your in-
vitation is that her roommate,
sister or friend needs a date. It
is possible to follow the same
procedure :except it will be more
difficult to skip the second glass
since there will be more people
present checking that you drink
deep .and long.
In this case, you must get them
as drunk as you are and then no
one will remember a thing the
following day and everything will
be fine.
AND THEN there are those rare
instances when a girl will hide in
the kitchen for a half hour, sup-
posedly preparing her masterpiece
and then suddenly come out, sob-
bing that it is all burned and
what will she do now At this,

So What?
by sarasohn
really!) for the next weekend. I
was told of such a case-last
year, I think-in which a girl
wanted to borrow notes or to,
seminar for a course. Such invi-
tations as these are usually for
Wednesday or Thursday nights.
These are mucho desirable since
1) if she's sharp, you can cultivate
a relationship for the future, 2) if
she isn't sharp, you can eat alot
without the fear of being roped
into a date, or 3) ignoring her
completely, her roommate might
still be nice and worthy of at-
If the invitation is for Friday
or Saturday nights, be assured she
thinks that this a legitimate date
on which you are expected to "do
something" with her afterwards
such as take her to a party, to
a movie, or wherever the mood
IF YOU CAN COPE with the
reasons behind the invitation, be
certain this is only the easiest
part of the battle. The worst is
yet to come-the meal itself.

Most Of the time you just have
to accept your fate and eat it.
There are a few ways to escape,
however. Have a friend call at a
specific time when you suppose
you'll have just started dinner.
Depending whether the grub is
good or not, the call can be just
a reminder of some insigificant
information or notification of the
death of, a friend at which point
you rush off amid cries of apology.
The most unprofessional way of
escape is to feign a headache or
the stomach flu. This is quite re-
strictive since she might call to
check on your health later that
night or, much worse, insist on
taking care of you, which might
be fun in some cases.
Or, when she is .in the kitchen
getting 'some more bread which
you have devoured for fear of
your life if you eat the other food,
quickly shovel the food on your
plate into a flower pot, out a
nearby window, in your bookbag
or in your shoe. If your shoe has
wine in it from before, push the
food under the rug.
problems is to remain a member
of the Michigafi Union Supper
Club. Their pseudo-hamburgers
might be completely tasteless and
greasy-yet they are definitely


Over IQ Fucins


"We Did Shoot Onie I
It Was A

Down, But We Were Sure
Stuffed Dove"

To the Editor:
LAST WEEK Frost House started
to take action to withdraw
from Inter-Quaclrangle Council.
It seems that they have assumed
that IQC no longer functions ef-
fectively as an organization which
provides academic, athletic, so-
cial, and special events to the
houses and residents of the quad-
rangle system.
As the President of IQC, I take
strong exception to the ratibnale'
of these assumptions on a number
of grounds.
First, the actions are largely
based on untenable assumptions.
Indeed, the IQC has provided
academic, athletic, social, and
special events to the houses.
U rr th+e A.['A.8nvin dPnor+

up their constituency and mem-
bers of the IM sports department.
IQC has sponsored concerts in
the past several years by such ar-
tists as Peter, Paul, and Mary, El-
la Fitzgerald, and the Oscar Pet-
erson Trio; this year another such
concert will be held on February
5, 1966.
Further,,under IQC, the social-
special events program included
the Michigan - Michigan State
Mixer and the orientation pro-
gram, which has been under IQC
direction for the past four years.
The advent of co-educational
housing at the University resulted
from the initiation of appropriate
motion at a Board of Governors
meeting in May, 1961, by the Pres-
ident of T, an the nntinuinL'

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