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November 21, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-21

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Michigan State 12 UCLA ........ 20Arkansas . .... 42 Illinois..,.....20 Purdue ..,....26 Minnesota ....42IN.Carolina St..
Notre Dame ... 3 | Southern Cal ..16 Texas Tech .... 24 Northwestern .. 6 Indiana . . .... .21 Wisconsin ..... 7 Iowa .........

28 Dartmouth .... 28
20 Princeton .....14

See Editorial Page




High-4 s
Light, Gradually
Fading into Darkness

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom










By LLOYD GRAFF Michigan rooters would have de-I
Acting Sports Editor jectedly predicted "he'll make itI
if he has to dropkick with his left
"The kick was good as gold, as foot."
good as gold," huffed chubby It was that kind of season. Stay
Woody with a grin stretching from close and lose. Play well and lose.
shirtsleeve to shirtsleeve.sel
"I peeked up on the kick and Get the breaks and lose. Miss the
it looked real close, too close," breaks and lose. But you don't
pledged a moonfaced Bob Funk, want to hear verbhl sobs and
clutching the game ball in one wordy sighs. So let's delve into
hand, autographing crumpled pro- the Ohio State anguish and re-
grams with the other. construct it with the 20-20 vision
"He'd have missed it last year,"j called hindsight.
slobbered the alum boozily making Michigan held a 7-6 lead thanks
his way out of the Stadium for to a muffed kick by none other
the last time this season. than Funk, himself. Midway into
Three opinions about a. field the fourth quarter the Wolverines'
goal that slugged Michigan down punter, Stan Kemp, daintily plac-
into the slagheap of defeat for the ed the ball in the OSU coffin cor-
sixth and final time, 9-7. ner, and John Fill managed to
If you'd taken a poll of the saunter to the nine before getting
77,734 fans prior to Funk's 28-yard jumped. From this rather un-
plunk a preponderance of the promising field position the Buck-a

eyes began their debilitating An-1
Now normally Woody Hayes re-
gards passing as a strain of the
Bubonic plague to be avoided at
all cost, but he's embraced the
scourge himself this season. Don
Unverferth, his quarterback, is no
Unitas or even a Sammy Baugh,
but he's one of the better throwers
in the conference. Prior to the
fourth quarter he'd unloaded on
an average of one out of every two
plays. But when things were get-
ting a bit queasy in that last
quarter Woody "went back home"
to the running game.
Willard Sander, who looks like
a large imitation of Dave Fisher,
began pommeling the Michigan
line. It was grunt football, with
all the finesse of a rhinocerous
herd in a lettuce patch.

If there Was a gamebuster in:I
the drive you would have to callG
it Sander's smash for two yards1
on a fourth down situation. Ohio1
State was mired in its own divots
on the Michigan 17. A punt was
plausible because if the Bucks
failed, Michigan could have crawl-x
ed in, but Hayes played aggres-
sively and directed Sander to,
charge. And it was Hayes who was
in complete control of his team's,
offense, calling every play from
the bench.
Sander took the handoff from$
Unverferth, butted, stomped, wrig-
gled, and careened to the 19. ItE
was the kind of headbasher that
Ohio State has -immortalized. It
was a dull, squalid play, no dust,
was raised, and a first down was
grabbed by a measly foot. It was
a most forgettable play, a highly

unromantic call, and not particu-
larly well executed, either. The
blocking was practically non-
What it lacked in beauty it
made up in significance, because
the Buckeyes started mowing down
the Michigan front line like
Northwestern did last week. Bo
Rein gobbled 20 yards on a cutie
of a reverse. Then, old Will Sander
mangled the Wolverines on three
straight attacks for 21 yards.
Three plays later Sander nimbly
crunched for a baker's dozen more.
But with Ohio on the Michigan
16, the Wolverines held on. Three
Sander thrusts netted only five
yards, setting the situation for
Funk's lethal field goal with 1:15
left in the game.
See 'M,' Page 9










-Daily-Gerry Ahronheim
SOPHOMORE DENNIS MORGAN smashes OSU fullback Willard Sander from behind with a jar-
ring tackle forcing him to cough up the ball. Rick Volk recovered the fumble.

To Consider
0Cty Council To Vote
On Proposed Housing
Committee Members
The City Council will consider
tomorrow night Mayor Wendell
E. Hulcher's appointments to the
newly-created Housing Commis-
sion. Since the mayor's announce-
ment of his appointments two
weeks ago a controversy has been
raging over the acceptability of his
The controversy centers around
the facts that only one of the ap-
pointees actively supported the
passage of the referendum Oct. 191
to set up the commission, and
that two of them are members of
the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com-I
merce-one of the three groups
that opposed the establishment of
the commission.
Henry Aquinto, former member
of the City Council and Human
Relations Commission, has been
recommended for a three year
term, and also for the chairman-
ship of the commission. He feels
that the commission should try
to utilize the help of private en-
terprise as much as possible, us-
ing long term federal loans if nec-
William Conlin, recommended
for a one-year term, is a local
attorney and a member of the
Chamber of Commerce. He pro-
poses that the commission have
a well qualified full time staff,
work with other community or-_
ganizations, consult with private
industry and set up a survey fi-
nanced by a federal grant of the
need for low-cost housing in the
He also advocates temporary
emergency housing and a pilot
program, to test how well the
n; eas of a ieN w income famna
ies are satisfied by a low-cost
housing program.
Recommended for - a five-year
term is Joseph W. Edwards, a:
member of the City Planning
Commission and the Chamber of
Commerce. He also advocates the
use of private enterprise, a fed-
erally subsidized study, and a full
time professional to work with the
Robert L. Powell is the only
Negro recommended for appoint-
ment. He has worked for several
years against discrimination in
housing and has been active in

State Board

What's New at 764-1817 Backs MSU
-Med School

Inter-Cooperative Council will officially open its tenth unit
today. The new co-op, Pickerill House, is named in honor of
Rev. Katherine G. Pickerill, who managed Guild House from 1934
to 1957.
Pickerill House was purchased in 1964, renovated,and united
to the adjacent Mark VIII co-op by a dining room seating 100
people. A third co-op joins the two units for meals. The new
facility, costing $85,000, increases the capacity of the system
by 28 rooms and 14 boarders.
University President Harlan Hatcher will publicly unveil the
report of his special task force on housing this Tuesday at a
luncheon with the student-faculty-citizen committee that frame
the report
* * * *
In the national moot court competition yesterday Michigan's
appellee team lost to Wayne State in the first round, and the
appellant team lost to Ohio State. Wayne and Ohio State will
go on to the final championship in New York.
* * * *
The University's sesquicentennial conferences and programs for
1967 have already reached 201 in number.
Five major ceremonies will highlight the programs which
are being coordinated by the Conference Department in the
Extension Service Bldg. In March there will be an alumni pro-
gram. Presidents of 400 institutions of higher learning through-
out the world will be invited to attend the April Commencement.
In July there will be a three-day program on "The University
and the Body Politic." A fo'urth program will be dedicated to the
theme of the sesquicentennial, "Knowledge, Wisdom, and the
Courage to Serve." A mid-November ceremony will consider popu-
lation control in developing' nations..
The University's "Operation Michigan" program will be
continued next year, with three conferences already planned for
the spring, Don Morris, special programs manager for the Office
of University Relations, said yesterday. Under the series of day-
aind-a-half conferences, the office brings leading businessmen,
industrialists and educational and labor leaders to the University
for a "person to person" information program.
Two grants given by the National Science Foundation and
one given by the Atomic Energy Commission will provide support
for research and equipment for a program in nuclear reactor
One NSF grant of $17,920 was awarded to 16 University un-
dergraduates in mathematics. The other grant of $14,000 was
awarded to 10 undergraduates in botany,
The Atomic Energy Commission grant of $38,900 went to the
depart;ment of nuclear engineering to provide equipment for a
teaching and research program,
The physics department has announced that this year's re-
search appropriation from the Atomic Energy Commission is
approximately $1.5 million. The AEC program in which the Uni-
versity participates annually extends funds for research to most
colleges and universities in the country. The money will be
available for experimental grants in high energy, nuclear and
atomic physics.
The Tutorial Bucket Drive, originally scheduled for Wednes-
day and Thursday of this week, failed to materialize. This was
evidently due to a lack of coordination and communication
between IFC, Panhel and UAC, co-sponsors of the project, and
the Ann Arbor Tutorial Drive itself, which is responsible for

Two-Year Program ..
Starts Next Autumn
With Twenty Students
The State Board of Educationr
this week gave its formal approval $
to Michigan State University's
College of Human Medicine, a
two-year medical program sched-
uled to open with a class of twenty
next fall.-
The board had expressed its
intent to rule on the controversial
program and held a public hear-
ing for this purpose three weeks
ago. However, at that time board
member unexpectedly sidestepped >
the issue, asserting that the pro-f
gram was outside of the board's "
jurisdiction because the Legisla-
ture had already approved it.
This week's resolution simply
officially accepted the present
status of the MSU college without
commenting on the program's
merits. It went on to emphasize, ARCHITECT'S N
however, that the board will play ran nearly $4 mil
an active part in determining work is at lower1
whether the college should be ex-
panded to a full four-year medi-
cal school, if and when this ques-
tion arises in the future.
The MSU Medical School con-
troversy developed out of a pro- N
gram to increase medical schooll
facilities in Michigan in order to
increase the number of practicing
physicians in the state. Officials By LAURENCE K
had been aware of a great gap ; Managingr
in doctors for several years.
The State Board of Education The painfully-d
has envisioned a four-year medical to build a new der
school in the state, but stressed cility here have
that the two-year program at shocking and poss
MSU not proceed creation of a blow by the peren
four-year program. Thus, the the University's co
board expanded its resolution to gram--inflation.
state that expansion of the MSU
school must be approved by the; When the contra
board. the proposed $141
Board President Thomas J. were opened thist
Brennan'was unavailable for com- est offer totaled app
ment. million. More prec

MODEL OF PROPOSED dental school building which faces reassessment after bids
lion above fund levels available. Kellogg institute for post-graduate and graduate
left. North University Ave. is at bottom of picture. Fletcher St. is at left.
!,h Bids JeopardizeVU
Dental Schtool Plan
KIRSHBAUM The urgency of their task par- ing flexibility that would loosen
Editor allels the urgency of the school's up the curriculum requirements.
need for a complete plant and 0 Research activity has been
eveloped plans equipment overhaul. As Doerr said severely hampered by equipment
ntal school fa- yesterda:: "We have been making and space shortages. The new
been dealt a due and temporizing" with inade- building would include some clin-
ibly shattering quate facilities practically since ical space for graduate work pro-
nial menace to the end of the Second World grams that dovetails with existing
nstruction pro- War, work programs undertaken in the
Classes Expanded W. K. Kellogg Institute for Post-
actor bids for Following the war, classes were Graduate and Graduate Dentistry,
million project expanded from a range of 35-50 which is contiguous to the dental
week, the low- to the present level of 97 students school.
proximately $18 per class. Since that time, the " The construction of- a new
isely, the bids main operating clinic has been re- building would provide a psychol-
igher than the, habilitated at a cost of $300,000, ogical incentive to "affect changes
available from but no space additions have been gracefully" that need the justifi-
ources that the possible. cation-and the space-provided
carefully nur- Doerr explained yesterday that by new surroundings. Among those
of its $14 mil- the new structure is imperative changes, Doerr cited the possibil-
to the school for the following ity of providing clinical experience
a reasons:(now limited to juniors and sen-
e Dean Robert e Separate clinical facilities are ors) for freshmen and sopho-
needed for junior and senior stu- mores also.
J school declar- dents in order to permit schedul- See BIDS, Page 6

U.S. Actions
In Viet Nam
Peace Prevails as
Police and Marchers
Crowd Public Parks
More than 10,000 people parti-
cipated yesterday in a well-or-
ganized march from the University
of California at Berkeley to pro-
test the United States military
action in Viet Nam. There were
no incidents of violence as in the
Berkeley march of Oct. 16 to the
Oakland Army Terminal when
some Hell's Angels attacked
Participants lined in extensive
columns headed by monitors from
the Viet Nam Day Committee
were led some five miles to DeFre-
mery Park in the heart of a West
Oakland Negro slum district where
the demonstration evolved into a
massive rally in a picnic atmos-
The VDC had originally in-
tended to march on the Oakland
Army Terminal but city officials
refused to grant them a permit to
hold any demonstration.
A federal judge, however, over-
ruled the officials and let the VDC
march to specified sites but not
to the army terminal. DeFremery
Park was selected as the desti-
nation since it was the closest
location to the terminal and, was
in accordance with the judge's
At the rally, which lasted some
five hours, there were young Ne-
gro men from the neighborhood,
the marchers, observers, and anti-
VDC groups mingling and discuss-
ing issues and principles. Several
groups of 10 to 15 policemen mix-
ed with the crowd but there were
no incidents, explained Christine
Cudiamat, a night editor on The
Daily Californian-the Berkeley
student paper.
Speakers denounced United
States policy in Viet Nam and
demanded withdrawal of U.S.
troops. One speaker, Don Duncan
who was a member of the special
forces in Viet Nam for 18 months,
explained the cynical attitude of
Americans in Viet Nam.
While the VDC estimated that
there were 18,000 marchers, staff
members of The Daily Californian
who were present said last night
that there were at most perhaps
14,000. The Associated Press re-
ported there were no more than
10,000 participants. The VDC ex-
pected 15,000 marchers.
State af Emergene

Current Plans
Current plans call for an en-
rollment of 20 students in thej
freshman class this fall, according
to MSU Medical School authori-.
ties. The program would be ex-I
oanried to take a class of 64 with-
in three years. Wayne State Uni-
versity officials have stated that
their medical school would be will-
ing to take MSU medical school,
graduates wishing to complete
their education, toward a M.D.

were $3.8 million h
amount of funds;
federal and state sc
University has been
turing on the basis
lion estimate.


"We are absolut
of shock," Associat
Doerr of the dental

ed yesterday. "We had expected
that there would be some increase
in the bids over the estimates, but City
certainly not THAT much."

'U' Officials Resign

Very Disappointed


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