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November 20, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-20

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For Stu



dent Protests

Re sume
Holds Talk,
H In Moscow
Secrecy Pervades
'Frank' Discussion : ,
Of Asian Conflict}::



MOSCOW (R)-Sen. Mike Mans-
field and four U.S. Senate col-
leagues had a frank discussion "
yPst.rdrh.v on Viet Nam with Pre-
mier Alexel N. Kosygin. It pro-
duced no surprises, Mansfield I.
Mansfield, the U.S. Senate ma-
jority leader, and the others talk-
ed to Kosygin in the Kremlin for
two hours and 20 minutes. Many
aspects of Soviet-American rela.
tions were discussed.,
Mansfield denied to a reporter,
later that he had brought any!
new proposals on Viet Nam. His
generally tight-lipped attitude
maintained the secrecy that has MACHINISTS UNION MEM
surrounded the trip to Paris, War- walked out in a strike aga
saw, Moscow and today's trip to Phantom Jet fighter planes.
Bucharest, then on to Viet Nam.
Negotiations Closer
There has been speculation here tr k
that a main purpose of the trip
is to probe the prospects for peace
in Viet Nam. In recent months,
North Vietnamese sources have
put out conflicting hints that ne-
gotiations might be closer than
the public position of Hanoi in-
dicates. ST. LOUIS, Mo. (P)-A mac
, Mansfield said the five senators ists union strike against Mc
had "a most interesting and in- nell Aircraft Corp. stoppedX
formative meeting. We exchanged duction yesterday of Phantom
views on a frank basis." . fighter planes, and threatene
A wide variety of subjects was force postponement of the Gen
discussed but "not much time" 7 launching Dec. 4 at Cape K
was spent on Viet Nam, Mansfield nedy, Fla.
said in reply to questions, "Who Seventeen thousand machir
brought up Viet Nam? We both struck the St. Louis McDon
mentioned it." plant, where the Gemini caps
Disarmament Discussed and the fighter planes are b
Other topics prominent in So- About -200 machinists walked
viet-American relations include ht Cape Kennedy, where McI
disarmament, proposals for a trea- nell technicians prepare
ty to halt the spread of nuclear spaceships for flight. The W
weapons and the related question House pushed for a quick en
of a multilateral nuclear force in the strike.
the Atlantic alliance, and pros- Space agency officials pre
pects for trade. ed a postponement of the De
There was no comment on shot if the strikers do not re
whether these were among the to work this weekend.
subjects discussed. Some of the 235 McDor
Senators with Mansfield are technicians at the Cape repo
Democrats Edmund S. Muskie of to work despite the picket1
Maine and Daniel K. Inouye of and preparation of the Gen
Hawaii; and Republicans George capsule continued on a curta
D. Aiken of Vermont and J. Caleb basis.
Boggs of Delaware. A spokesman for the Nati
Communications with Russia Aeronautics and Space Admi
Harriman's and the senators' tration said work schedules w
visits were viewed by diplomatic be arranged, but he added
observers here as efforts to keep don't see how we can go thr(
open challenges of high-level com- the whole weekend and still
munications with the Russians, on schedule."
despite Viet Nam. Fifty partly completed Phan
Leonid L. Brezhnev, the Soviet jets, the plane used in VietD
Communist party chief, said two by the Navy, Marines and
months ago that Soviet-American Force, were on McDonnell pro
relations "have been, naturally, tion lines in St. Louis. About
considerably influenced by events 000 non-union engineers
in Viet Nam." white collar workers crossed

t roops Clash
In stiffest'
Ground Fight
North Vietnamese
Suffer 1207 Deaths
During 6-Day Battle
PLEIKU, South Viet Nam (A') -
South Vietnamese paratroopers;
and Hanoi regulars clashed last
night in an action broadening the
sweep of the Ia Drang Valley bat-
tles, where U.S. cavalrymen are
waving the stiffest American
ground action of the war.
Shooting flared in the north-
west near the Cambodian fron-
tier and heavy fire flared from
North Vietnamese regulars.
Saigon is committing a regiment
to the six-day-old battle to help:
counter a general Communist of-
fensive that appears aimed at re-
moving the tarnish of a series of
mixed reverses and stalemates,
and testing the might of the U.S.
military buildup.
Communist Attack
After a night in which they beat
off four Communist attacks and
killed 21 of the enemy, elements
of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Airmobile
Division in and around the val-I
ley had a relatively quiet day.
American casualties, which have


OAKLAND, Calif. (T) - City campus in adjoining Berkeley to1
and state officials braced last De Fremery Park in Oakland. I
night for an emergency as the The federal ruling stopped the
anti-Viet Nam war marchers set VDC from advancing on the Oak-
up a demonstration for today un- land Army Terminal-target of
der conditions spelled out by a two previous abortive marches
federal judge. which ended at the Oakland city.
Police made extensive prepar- limits. Shoulder-to-shoulder po-1
ations to avoid violence despite lice lines stopped the previous at-
an announcement yesterday by tempts, on Oct. 15-16. The Army
the Hell's Angels motorcycle club terminal is the departure point
that its members would stay away for troops to Viet Nam.
from the march. During an abor- Reserves Ready
tive October march, demonstra- In Sacramento, the state capi-
tors and Hell's Angels tangled in tal, Charles A. O'Brien, chief dep-
the street. uty attorney general, said: "We
The Viet Nam Day Committee, are confident we can counter viol-]
sponsors of the demonstration ence with a large enough force.
against U.S. involvement in Viet The state is confident it will have
Nam, has estimated that 15.000 enough reserves to handle the sit-
marchers will participate today uation-a very large force." He
and another 5000 spectators will would not comment on the possi-
show up. bility that Gov. Edmund G. Brown'
Another March would call out the National Guard.'
Oakland police officials hoped Brown promised Thursday to'
that predicted rain would dampen provide adequate protection after]
spirits of the crowd. Oakland city officials declared the
There will be more than 850 city in a state of emergency.
officers along the parade route- The governor did not specify
including Oakland and Berkeley what his preparations would be but1
city policemen, Alameda County it was assumed he would fol-]
sheriff's deputies and California low the same plan as in the VietA
highway patrolmen. Nam Day Committee's two ear-
A federal judge in San Francisco lier attempts. In those instances,
overruled Wednesday refusals by he had 2000 guardsmen on readyr
Oakland officials to grant a per- reserve.
mit for the march of six to seven On Oct. 16, when marchers were
miles. The parade route stretches confronted by police at the Oak-
from the University of California ; land city limit, a handful of Hell'sI
Word NwsRoundu
01~d77 i d
W O t BE OllMlP

A n g e l s motorcyclists attacked
In an ensuing scuffle a police-
man's leg was broken.
No Angels
One Angel, 6-foot-6 Tiny Walter
of Oakland was clubbed to the
pavement. He and five other Hell's
Angels were arrested.
The notorious motorcycle club
announced later it would muster
members and other cycle clubs to
counter demonstrate against the
Yesterday the Oakland chapter
called a hurried press conference.
Ralph (Sonny) Barger, Jr., presi-
dent, announced the Angels would
not show up for the march.
Instead, he said, they would,
"go to a bar and drink a few suds
Barger said the Angels decided
against countering the VDC "in
the interest of public safety and
protection of the good name of
'I Like War"
Walter and three other Angels,
bearded and with flowing locks of
hair, stood by as Barger explain-
ed his club's plans.
Barger said he had sent a tele-
gram to President Johnson volun-
teering the Angels for action in
Viet Nam.
"We feel that a crack group of
trained guerrillas would demoral-
ize the Viet Cong and.advance the
cause of freedom," Barger's tele-
gram said.
Barger wore an "I Like War"
button on his short-sleeved black
jacket, beneath a skull and cross

--Associated Press
MBERS huddle around a fire in St. Louis after they and 17,000 others
ainst McDonnell Aircraft Corp., maker of Gemini space capsules and
Halts Production
ntom Jet Fighters

been ranging from moderate
heavy, were described as light
the overnight engagements.


n jet
d to
d to
ec. 4
, "I

small, orderly picket lines. ButE
they do not put together the
planes or the last five capsules
in the Gemini program.
Strike Sanctioned
The machinists voted Wednes-
day to reject a McDonnell con-
tract proposal offering a nine-
cent hourly wage increase in each
of the next three years. The main
objection was to the fringe bene-
fit and working conditions areas
of the contract.
The International Association of
Machinists, AFL-CIO, sanctioned
the strike, unlike the four-day
wildcat walkout at the St. Louis
McDonnell facility last week.
Director William E. Simkin of
the Federal Mediation and Con-
ciliation Service called yesterday's
meeting in Washington, but his
assistant, Walter Maggiolo, sat in
when Simkin did not return in
time from a West Coast trip.
Hope for Settlement
Maggiolo said the White House
had expressed hope for a quick
settlement, as had the Defense
Department and other government
agencies. A government spokes-
man bargaining probably would
go on around the clock.
IAM Vice-President Eugene
Glover said he hoped for an early
settlement and said the union was
taking a new look at its demands.
It was reported that one early
area of discussion might be a dis-
pensation for Cape Kennedy ma-
chinists to continue work on Ge-
mini 6 and 7.

Gemini 7, already on the launch
pad, is scheduled for a 14-day
journey beginning Dec. 4 with as-
tronauts Frank Borman and James
A. Lovell, Jr. Gemini 6, in the
hangar, is to be launched Dec. 13j
with astronauts Walter M. Schir-
ra, Jr., and Thomas P. Stafford'
aboard. The spaceships are to ma-
neuver within a few feet of each
other and fly in formation.
A final systems test scheduled,
to start on Gemini 7 was put off
until today or tomorrow in the
hope of getting more technicians
on the job.
Overall impact on work at Cape
Kennedy was small, NASA re-
ported. McDonnell employes were1
required to enter the Cape Ken-I
nedy area through the south gatei
on the neighboring Merritt Is-,
land moonport. This permitted the
union to picket that gate, allow-
ing 3000 other workers with aero-
space firms to go through four,
other gates.
Dist. 9 of the IAM, which au-
thorized the strike, is bargaining
agent for 235 McDonnell employes
at the Cape, but only about 85 are
union members.
Union members wanted modifi-
cation of a no-strike clause, loos-
ening of a wage freeze to permit
'qualified employes to advance,
better distribution of overtime,
additional paid holidays, more ac-
curate job descriptions, and bet-
ter vacations, sick leave and other'

A U.S. spokesman said the of-
ficial count of enemy dea is
B-52 jet bombers from Guam
made two more raids on suspect-
ed North Vietnamese positions inj
the mountains between the cav-
alry holdings and the Cambodian
frontier, six miles to the west.
Still unexplained was a lag in
communications concerning Amer-
ican casualties in the battle set
off Wednesday by the Communist
ambush of a cavalry battalion on
the march north of the Ia Drang
American Casualties
Brig. Gen. Richard T. Knowles,
deputy commander of the division,
told newsmen at brigade head-
quarters in Pleiku Thursday night
that his information 18 hours aft-I
er the battle began was still that1
American losses were light.
"It was only by late Thursday
that we got a better view of the
extent of the casualties and they'
were heavy," he said. "It was
hand-to-hand combat, a real in-+
fantry action. So you can expect!
these casualties.
In the field 35 miles south of
Pleiku the commander of the
American detachment, Lt. Col.
Robert A. McDade, 43, of New
York, declined to comment but he
praised his men telling a reporter
they "took on a large force and
did a great deal of damage."
"They all fought like pros,
whether they were draftees or reg-

By The Associated Press.
NEW DELHI, India-Pakistani
troops, supported by mortar fire,
launched three attacks Thursday
on Indian positions in Rajasthan
State in western India, the De-
fense Ministry said yesterday. It
claimed all the attacks were beat-
en off, with five Pakistanis killed.
VATICAN CITY-The leaders of
the Roman Catholic Church voted
final approval yesterday of a re-
ligious liberty declaration designed
to improve relations with all the
world's non-Catholics.
By a vote of 1,954 to 249, the
bishops of the Vatican Ecumenical
Council cleared the declaration
for piomulgation by Pope Paul VI
on Dec. 7. The declaration says
all men must have religious li-
berty and recognizes the right of
followers of non-Catholic faiths
to worship according to their con-
LONDON - Communist China
may be building a missile-firing
submarine, the Institute of Stra-
tegic Studies says in its defense
survey for the year ending Oct.
31, 1965.
The institute, a private interna-
tional research center, said it had
received reports the submarine un-
der construction is a Soviet-type,
G-class vessel "conventionally
powered and able to fire three
missiles with a range of about
400 miles."
* * *
NEW YORK-The copper in-
dustry yesterday rescinded its
price increase.
The action followed a govern-
ment decision Wednesday to sell
200,000 tons of copper from ^ its
Two of the biggest producers,
Anaconda Co. and Phelps Dodge
Corp., rolled back boosts of two
cents a pound for copper, puttingj
the price back to 36 cents a

pound, effective Monday.
WASHINGTON - The Justice
Department filed with the Su-
preme Court yesterday a formal
statement asking that constitu-
tionality of the 1965 Voting Rights
Act be upheld.
The statement, in highly legal
form, was an answer to a South'
Carolina suit asking that the act
be declared unconstitutional and
urging that the attorney general
be enjoined from proceeding with
steps to enforce it.

Enquire About

Featuring the "FUGITIVES"
Saturday, Nov. 20 9-1 A.M.

50c per man


s T

Find Communist Party Guilty

The union contends average Dozens of his men were killed.
wage of its members is $2.77, the Some of the wounded were captur-
company says $2.98. ed.

Crabmeat Cocktail, Relish Tray, Caesar Salad
(Tossed Before Your Eyes)
Homemade Bread and Butter, Baked Potato Duchess


Communist party was convictedE
last night for failure to registerc
with the government as an agent
of the Soviet Union.-
U.S. Dist. Judge William B.-
Jones imposed the maximum pen-t
alty-$230,000 in fines.-
Defense attorney Joseph Forer
had asked Jones to impose a'
nominal fine of $1 because, in hisC
words, "this is a test case" and
because of the prohibition against
excessive fines in the Eighth1
Amendment to the Constitution.
Jones did not even reply to theI
argument but meted out the max-:
imum $10,000 fine on each count.
A U.S. District Court jury of
eight women and four men re-
turned the verdict--guilty on all1
23 counts-after 21/2 hours of de-
liberation at the end of the third
week of the party's trial.
Party General Secretary Gus
Hall, who sat expressionless ex-
cept for a slight shrug of the
shoulders as the verdict was an-
nounced, said the party will ap-

peal-thus setting the stage for the government prosecutor, Joseph
another major constitutional test A. Lowther, and defense counsel,
of the 1950 Internal Security Act. John J. Abt.
The party now stands convicted j Abt, in a summation nearly two
Of 22 counts of failing to file a hours long, appealed to the jur-
registration statement with the ors' patriotism and urged them
attorney general and one count of to demonstrate by its verdict "that
failure to file an accompanying the people of America stand by
statement of party membership, and uphold that great and glor-
finances and publications. Each ious tradition" exemplified by the
count carries a possible maximum Pilgrim Fathers who sought a
fine of $10,000. haven for free thought here.
The jury had retired at 4:05
p.m. EST to decide whether the Lowther, shouting his rebuttal,
party violated the 1950 Internal asked, "Who's trying to kid whom
Security Act by refusing to file in this courtroom?" Then he ac-
registration forms with the attor- cused the party' of "wrapping it-
ney general, self in the American flag" and

U.S. Dist. Judge William B.
Jones, who has presided over the
three-week trial, stressed to the
jurors that the government had
to prove that a volunteer, unafraid
of possible self-incrimination, was
available to the party to register
for it.
Most of the trial's last day was
taken up by closing arguments by

attempting to obscure the real is-
The party leaders argued that if
they registered under the 1950 law,
known as the McCarran Act,
they would make themselves sub-
ject to prosecution under the
Smith Act, which makes it a crime
to belong, to an organization ad-
vocating the violent overthrow of
the government.



Flying Home Thanksgiving?





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