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November 18, 1965 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-18

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Generation: Music
Beyond the Limits

here Opinions AreFree ,420 MAYNARD ST.. ANN APBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Preval

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Situation at MSU:
Freedom Isn't Universal

A MICHIGAN STATE student walked
wearily from the Heritage, Room of
State's luxurious Kellogg Center and
slumped into a leather chair. He had just
finished witnessing in behalf of Paul
Schiff before the Faculty Committee on
Student Affairs.
"Do you have anything you'd like to
say about the hearing for The Michigan
Daily?" I asked.
"Sure," he snapped. "Tell them down
there that they ought to be damn thank-
ful for whatever freedom they have. Tell
them that they should be very grateful
they are treated like human beings
every once in a while."
The tone of his remarks resounded be-
hind much of the murmured conversa-
tion going on in the anteroom. The con-
tent of his remarks was clarified in a
statement made outside the hearing room
by Stu Dowty of the Committee for Stu-
dent Rights.
"We defend the right of the Young
Americans for Freedom to distribute cop-
ies of Non Dare Call It Treason. We de-
fend our own right to distribute copies
of Logos. In effect, what we are fighting
for is the right to freedom .of press as
guaranteed in the First Amendment. The
only problem is that up here the First
Amendment only applies to those people
the administration decides to apply it to.
YAF can distribute Stormer's book with-
out harassment. We are threatened with
police action when we distribute Logos."
PAUL SCHIFF was expelled from Michi-
gan State University because he alleg-
edly violated the university's distribution
policy. Michigan State's distribution pol-
icy has a. great deal to say about Michi-
gan State itself.
When the Daily asked Dr. Eldon Non-
namaker of the Office of Student Ac-
tivities for a clarification of State's policy
on distribution, Dr. Nonnamaker pointed
to a copy of the 1964-65 Sparta Guide.
The guide, a handbook for student or-
ganizations states specifically that, "there
shall be no door to door distribution of
any nature." Schiff distributed copies of
Logos door to door. The violation seems
to be ridiculously clear:.
Hugh Anderson, vice-chairman of the
East Lansing Branch of the American
Civil Liberties Union, had some remarks
to make, however, which put Schiff's
case in a'different light. "The univer-
sity has never denied," Anderson said,
that three weeks after the distribution,
in the May 11 issue of the State News, it
was reported that President John Han-
nah had approved the rule on door to
door distribution on May 10. "The rule
at the time of the distribution was, as
stated by Hannah in a letter to the

American Civil Liberties Union in Febru-
ary, that there was no ban or bar on
distribution of literature in dormitories
or elsewhere."
THE STORY GOES ON. Schiff had been
originally refused readmission to the
university because he violated the distri-
bution rules, because he participated in
demonstrations, and because he criticiz-
ed the mayor of East Lansing in a pub-
lic meeting. Someone evidently realized
that a student can't be expelled for exer-
cising his First Amendment rights, all of
which are involved in the charges above,
so a new charge was leveled against
Michigan State decided that Schiff,
who was admitted as a provisional stu-
dent, had failed to satisfy the stipula-
tions of his provisional acceptance. Mys-
teriously, Schiff had already been allowed
to reregister for another term when this
decision was made. Mysteriously, he had
been allowed to pay fees for another
term. Mysteriously, a copy of transcript
indicating that his status had been
changed from provisional to regular was
"corrected" to return his status to that of
a provisional student.
Schiff was not justly treated by Mich-
igan State when he was refused read-
mission for exercising his First Amend-
ment rights. Schiff ' was probably not
justly treated when Michigan State ac-
cused him of misrepresenting his status
as a student.
The wrong against Schiff will not be
righted by less than a decision of the Fac-
ulty Committee on Student Affairs offer-
ing him immediate readmission, the per-
manent removal of any slur of his char-
acter from his academic record, and an
apology from President Hannah.
WHAT LESSON can be drawn from the
case of Paul Schiff?
President Hatcher stated to a meeting
of University alumni Tuesday that, "as
citizens, students have the same freedom
of speech, peaceful assembly, and right
of petition guaranteed to all citizens by
our Constitution."
The administration of the University
has endowed the student body of this in-
stitution with an atmosphere of demo-
cratic freedom of expression: to abuse
either that freedom or its use by persons
we consider mistaken or offensive is to
invite the development of an atmosphere
like the one prevailing at Michigan
Wise students will receive this state-
ment as a challenge to both responsible
and active exercise of a freedom not
everyone enjoys.

viewer is a teaching fellow in
the psychology department.
at festivals, or even when
people get together in their own
backyards. "Events just seem to
happen in your own backyard," in
electronic studios and at the A &
P: Music can be dance, can be
theatre, can be common house-
hold objects. Music could be
"Music Beyond the Boundaries"
but it needn't be, if you don't
want it to be.
The latest Generation has pre-
sented the final part of "Music
Beyond the Boundaries" by Robert
Sheff and Mark Slobin. They're to'
be congratulated by all the people
of New York, San Francisco and
Ann Arbor, who have year-round
new music. The article is about
new music, not some sort of rev-
olutionary aesthetic, but some-
thing happening that's big enough
to encompass new forms as well
as old.
The discussion has been ably
begun, what's left is for the read-
ers. They may now have the
pleasure of attending or partici-
pating in the Once concerts
and/or other festivals, and of
watching the continued diversifi-
cation of styles, techniques and
perhaps mesages of a folksy sort.
Someday you may be in Los An-
geles and participate with the
whole city in Alymer Gladdys'
piece. Historians of the avant-

garde probably won't have as
much fun with this music, as
people who are interested in ex-
periencing new expressions or
rock 'n' roll.
would suggest you read the first
article again in the Fall issue
before you read the second in the
Winter issue. The concepts and
techniques developed in the intro-
duction contribute greatly to the
enjoyment of people's names and
music names-often the titles are
Apparently, the authors lacked
sufficient space to fully expand
their discussions of particular per-
formances. I would like to know
more about how the pieces are
performed and how one goes about
constructing the scores. Too often,
they mentioned briefly a perform-
ance when a fuller exposition
seemed appropriate.
The articles have further sig-
nificance: besides instructions on
what to expect at a new music
concert, the introduction and
finale constitute an historical
score, hopefully to be performed
in some large festival. Along with
Ive's Universal Symphony, which
is performed on hilltops and over
large expanses of land, these ar-
ticles encourage the reader to ap-
preciate his ordinary environment
with its silence, fuzzy animals,
yams and so on.
It's not important where this
music has been but where ft's
going, if anywhere.



'The Shot Heard 'Round the World'


Letters: An Invitation, to Foreign Stu dents

To the Editor:
MR. S. IMAN AZAR has in his
letter to the Daily of Novem-
ber 11 correctly identified a serious
problem of student government,
namely the lack of participation
in student governmental bodies by
foreign students.
At the present time the Grad-
uate Student Council has only one
representative of the foreign stu-
dent body, Mr. Osman Ahmed,
who is, in fact, the Council's rep-
resentative from the Department
of Nuclear Engineering and not
directly responsible to the foreign
students at all.
The reasons for this failure of
the Council, and I see it as a
failure, are two fold. First, we
have been unable to secure foreign
studentshasnrepresentatives be-
cause the International Center-
despite an agreement worked out
with them last year-has not pro-
vided us with representatives by
appointment or by election; and
secondly because a number of for-
eign students who have served on
the Council either believe that the
time required is too great or have
simply not been convinced that
the Council is an adequate or ef-
fective medium for communicat-
ing and solving the problems of
foreign students.
PERSONALLY, I should like
very much to see a far greater
representation on the Council of
foreign students; and perhaps
what is necessary is a re-evalua-
tion of our procedures of securing
As it stands now, however, I
shoud liketo extend my invitation
to any foreign student on the
campus to become a member of
the Graduate Student Council as
an auxiliary representative of his
respective department.
I should also like to encourage
the formation of an International
Student Organization much along
the lines proposed by Mr. Azar
which would be concerned not
only with the problems of the
sort outlined by him, but also with
economic issues and the like that
face both foreign and American
students in Ann Arbor.
-James McEvoy, Grad
Graduate Student Council
To the Editor:
Thursday evening performance

of Wagner's Lohengrin, I must
take issue with Linda Siegrist's
review of November 12.
There were, I agree, many things
to be criticized both vocally and
orchestrally. The leads did not al-
ways fulfill the demands of their
difficult roles, especially drama-
tically. The male chorus, it is
true, could have been better. The
orchestra, too, had not completely
mastered the complexities of the
However, after a long, dull first
act (for which one can only blame
Wagner-his idea of action is a
long discussion of Elsa's guilt or
innocence), the opera finally be-
came believable and effective in
the second and third acts. The
leads were more relaxed, and Ken-
neth Scheffel as Lohengrin per-
formed exceptionally well in his
demanding vocal role.
Secondly, the male chorus must
be excused because they never
pretended to be great voices.
About the orchestra: Wagner's
orchestral writing is notorious, es-
pecially among string players. The
passages which Miss Siegrist so
carefully criticized could only be
solved by many hours of diligent
practice. As a student at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, would you be
willing to give up three hours
every day for many weeks to re-
hearsal? It is admirable that the
students involved sacrificed five
hours every evening for a week to

make these performances possible.
FINALLY (Attention: All Daily
critics), the function of a music
critic is not only to criticize stan-e
dards of performance, but to en-
courage cultural growth in the
community.;What a wonderful op-
portunity it is for both the au-
dience and the performers to see
and present a work having the
operatic import of Lohengrin!
Wagner is difficult. An under-
taking of this scope is admirable,
for simply having been under-
taken, even if the resources of
time and talent aren't sufficient
to make possible a Metropolitan
Opera rendition.
Thus, Mr. Blatt and the or-
chestra, and Mr. Herbert and the
vocalists are to be congratulated
for the presentation of this work
to the University community. It
was a very effective performance,
and who can help being swept up
in the poignancy of another Grail
romance, and Wagner's magnifi-
cent setting of it!
-Kay Emerick, '68
To the Editor:
IN THE Saturday, November 6,
1965 issue of your paper there
is an article about the exchange
with Tuskegee Institute, and some
remarks by Mr. Feldkamp are

quoted. I would like to take this
opportunity to disagree with what
he said.
While it might be true that a
semester at Tuskegee will provide'
a "superb opportunity to under-
stand the culture of the South," it
is certainlyr not true that "the
activist would probably not find
Tuskegee as stimulating as Michi-
gan in the area of civil rights."
I must admit that I find it dif-
ficult to imagine just what Mr.
Feldkamp had in mind, since
Tuskegee, Alabama is one of the
most exciting places in the South
Tuskegee is the only city in the
deep South that has a biracial
city government. There has been
and will continue to be civil rights
activities on campus and in the
town. TIAL (Tuskegee Institute
Action League) has been active in
attempting to integrate churches
in Tuskegee, and SNCC has also
been active there. Perhaps most
important of all, spending a se-
mester at Tuskegee will help to
give the average University stu-
dent a real feeling for what it is
like to be a Negro in our South.
THE ACTIVIST would be active,
educated, and inspired at Tuskegee
Institute. One cannot understand
the culture of the South unless
you live in it, andtake an active
part in the attempts being made
by Southerners such as the stu-
dents at Tuskegee to change cer-
tain abhorrent aspects of it.
--Lawrence Caroline
Department of Philosophy
The Military
To the Editor:
TODAY, tonight, I was walking
to Angell Hall at 6:30 p.m. to
take a Psychology test. It was a
beautiful, dark, deep night, no
stars, but a moon wrapped in a
gossamer shawl. Babs and I were
discussing grades and why you
shouldn't work primarily for them.
As I looked down North Univer-
sity, I saw soldiers marching, row
upon row in tight, clean, military
precision. I heard the pounding
drums, sharp and neat on the still
air; the clang of a fire-engine,
and the bark of "-a drill master.
I felt frozen, tight within myself.
I was afraid to rub my uncon-
sciousness against my conscious,
like a burned man within has ban-
dages trying to avoid touching
the bandaging to his raw skin.
The glorious pageant of the
military that has for centuries

Sc huze 's Corner:
To Behave or Not

fascinated and delighted the
young of every nation-the drums,
the uniforms, the polished guns,
the streaming banners, passed be-
fore me.
CHILDREN crawling over the
bomb-shattered ruins of their
homes; children crying and trying
to arouse a mother who will nev-
er again hear her children's' cries;
the strafed rice paddies and the
wasteland that was once fertile
and green; Arlington and the
white, white rows of crosses; Hit-
ler's youth with raised tarms and
voices cheering in the Reichstag.
War dehumanizes, destroys not
preserves, sickens the human spir-
it while trying to cure a "diseased"
The crystalline eternity when
for a brief moment you see the
world as it really is. The moment
passes so swiftly.
-Laurie Lehne, '69
for Harriet Lefkowitz
WAR, DARLING, is like babies
noise and dirt.
Really. A great sounding
of bowels. Do your duty,
Don't cry, and wipe that
blood off your mouth.
Killers call it poetry that
the dead become .myth.
Well, I miss them too.
Before Homer got at them
(I miss you, darling),
the Greeks just buried
their victims-
Their unknown gods and
Their feathery women
sweating, their heroes
But the goyim's crazy
scientific plot!
I stare, I lick your
picture like a plate.
IT WAS when you smiled
I first saw the color
of your eyes.
Then I was scared and
And they blew me out of
"This individual," spake
the loudspeaker,
"This individual is sick."
"She's got a bod on her..
I cursed them and they
burned you anyway,
you worm-
Your succulent marrow
and the tender
smithereens of you
All wet confetti and
flies' eyes.
I AM SO OLD now, going
down all alone
With my facts and furies.
Hateful, horrible, a
I mumble and stutter a lot.
My pants are stale and
baggy, darling,
And they shine also.
Christ, I'm sorry, I
can't forget a thing.
This room has been a mess
so long,


Too Much Secrecy

COMMENTATOR Eric Sevareid, writing
in a national news magazine, has dis-
closed that Adlai E. Stevenson' told him
in London two days before he died last
August that the administration, appar-
ently on the insistence of Defense Sec-
retary Robert S. McNamara, rejected
North Vietnamese offers of negotiations
to end the war in Viet Nam-both before
and after the 1964 U.S. elections.
The State Department acknowledged
Monday that the U.S. indeed rejected
these offers-because it was convinced
they were insincere. (In a separate state-
ment, Secretary McNamara denied he
was involved.) Secretary of State Dean
Rusk has "very sensitive antennae,"
State's spokesman said.
In addition, radio commentator David
Schoenbrunn Tuesday evening disclosed
he was told by a French government of-
ficial "in the highest authority" that, in
addition to the two offers before and aft-
er the 1964 elections, the North Vietna-
mese had made another overture dur-
ing the U.S. five-day bombing morator-
ium during the spring-and were again
ignored. (Secretary Rusk said in July
that the U.S. had attempted to interest
the North Vietnamese in negotiations
during the moratorium and got a reac-
tion he said was "harsh, very harsh.")
'RT-T PPORTS. which in the latter

of "unconditional discussions."
Of course, the administration's policy
can be understood only when all the facts
are available. Given the pervasive secrecy
which such disclosures suggest, however,
no one can hope to have all the facts.
The administration's secrecy has thus
succeeded so well that it is difficult to
judge whether its Viet Nam policy is wise.
THERE ARE MANY possible explana-
tions of the U.S. refusal to consider
the North Vietnamese offers. The ad-
ministration may perhaps feel that it
can negotiate only from a position of
strength, of very great strength.
Thus, it might argue, it is essential to
wait until the new strategy in the war
has completely reversed the situation of
this past spring,
Alternatively, it might argue, as it
has before, that reported North Vietna-
mese offers of negotiations are little more
than publicity devices.
Hence, administration officials might
say, referring to specifics of spurious "of-
fers," accepting such insincere proposals
would only raise hopes for peace and mi-
tigate against the U.S. when such hopes
were found unjustified.
BOTH ARE ENTIRELY plausible argu-
ments. But both require specifics -
wprmina n c,, er.avohr he sid tn h asaint

A BRIEF CANDLE of comedy
lights the dark streets of the
Michigan State campus. Witnesses
on all sides of the Schiff hearing
controversy have consistently de-
clined to comment on any of the
proceedings of the closed hearing,
explaining quite reasonably that
the evidence being considered is
still under judicial scrutiny.
MSU President John Hannah's
attitude toward comment on the
proceedings is less inhibited. Han-
nah was quoted in a Nov. 1 issue
of the State News as believing
"The (Schiff) case represents a
real threat to this and every other
university's right to enforce and
discipline student behavior."
BEFORE Hannah's surprising
confession, few people would have

imagined that it was necessary to
enforce the behavior of even
MSU's student body. Perhaps most
of us simply assumed that they
would inevitably behave in some
manner of their own volition or by
physical necessity. Bad behavior,
good behavior, moderate or ex-
treme behavior: some behavior is
characteristic of all living en-
tities, with the apparent exception
of the State students.
If the situation is really as dire
as Hannah's statement indicates,
perhaps we could suggest a more
effective remedy. MSU's Office of
Student Affairs should adopt a
regulation stipulating that, "there
shall be no nonbehavior of any
nature." If that doesn't work,
Michigan State University Health
Service could always start distri-
buting bennies.


The Trouble with Today 's Conservatives

collegiate Press Service
FOR VARIETY, and to antagon-
ize my friends who call them-
selves conservatives (and hope-
fully, to clarify a bit this dreary
business of right, left and center),
I would like to begin this column
with a different premise.
Which means we're going to
have to define conservative. A
constrvative is, or should be, some-
one who loves the society in which
he lives and wishes to conserve it.
Today's conservatives, though,
want to conserve the way things

look and reactionary in response.
They fail to see that unless the
common good is taken care of,
eventually the good of each in-
dividual will be sacrificed. They
are so busy worrying about them-
selves that they have no time or
interest in thinking about the
progress of the community-
meaning the world.
I would say that many of what
we call liberals nowadays recog-
nize the common perdicament of
mankind more perceptively than
the conservatives. The liberals be-
lieve that for the system to endure,
it must change. else it will become

in absolutes; I am trying to point
out some broad generalities in the
hope of promoting debate on my
down the concept of globalism, or
one-worldism as it is frequently
But surely the ancient doctrine
of self interest will eventually be
seen for the failure it is. Self
interest (and its expanded doc-
trine, nationalism) leads only to
conflict when it is not tempered
with concern for fellow men. Look
at Pakistan and India right now.

Structures of government change.
Surely we make a mistake when
we accept as "inalienable" and
"god given" the practice of capi-
talism, the victory of democracy
over Communism, etc.
It is agonizing to relinquish
ideals which have been with us a
long time, such as the inherent
rightness of the American way of
life and the inherent evil of things
un-American. But the transition
would not be so cruel if a substitu-
tion of ideals were made: a belief
that all men must progress to-
gether in order that each might

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