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November 14, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-14

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Council Splits on Halting
Rhodesian Independence

Urges More Viet Nam Civic Action

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"Extremism n is ..:

Dissent Over
Smith Action
In Salisbury
African Countries j
Demand Penalties
In Security Council
By The Associated Press
proposed yesterday that the UN
Security Council impose an arms
embargo to stop the rebellion in
Rhodesia. But angry African
countries countered with a de-
Imand that the council invoke a
full array of penalties, including
use of military force.
In Salisbury, white senior civil
servants and army officers with
close ties to Britain were report-
ed in dissent Saturday against
Prime Minister Ian Smith's dec-
laration of independence from
Britain. Gloom fell over business
circles in Salisbury.
Smith, however, appeared con-
fident and firmly in control. He
went to the countr yfor the week-
end while the nation awaited pos-
sible new retaliatory measures
from the United Nations and per-
haps Britain.
British Foreign Secretary Mi-
chael Stewart defended his gov-
ernment's decision against using
force to compel Rhodesia's 225,-
000 whites to accept a constitu-
tion for majority rule by its 4
million blacks.
Stewart Calls for Boycott
But he called on the council to
support a tobacco and sugar boy-
cott and other economic meas-
ures takenobyBritain to compel
Prime Minister Ian Smith's
breakaway regime to return in al-
legiance to the Crown so that
majority rule could be promoted
He introduced a resolution that
would have the council ask all
countries to refrain from any ac-
tion which could give aid and
comfort to "the illegal and un-
constitutional regime in Southern
Rhodesia" and "in particular to
refrain from supplying arms,
equipment and war material to
The resolution would demand
that all countries extend every
necessary assistance and support
to Britain in making effective the
measures taken by its government,
including the economic and fi-
nancial measures, to bhing the
rebellion to an end.
Ambassador Arsene Assouan
Usher of the Ivory Coast said an
economic boycott against Rho-
desia would need two years to take
effect. He told the council:
"We do not say that force
must be used to establish a con-
stitution. We say that force should
be used if necessary in order to
put down a rebellion.
African Role Cited
"The threat to peace is cer-
tain. Great Britain must crush the
rebellion. The African countries
can serve as a starting point to
occupy the strategic points in
Rhodesia," he said.
Bitterness among Rhodesian
senior civil servants, some mili-
tary officers and businessmen was
the first sign of opposition among
Rhodesian whites to Smith's ac-

(Continued from Page 1)
termed "eextremely worthwhile."
"Generally we must be interest-
ed not only in the body count of
Viet Cong but in the rehabilita-
tion of a lot of people we are
capturing," he emphasized.
Kennedy added that the current
loose structure of civic-action and
medical-aid programs in South
Viet Nam-Marines, Army, Navy,
Agency for International Develop-
ment, Project Medical Ship HOPE
and private groups are taking part
-"should be covered and coor-
dinated by USOM (the U.S. Of-
ficial Mission in the country) ."
Hopeful for Future
He indicated some concern that,
at present, "troops are going on
patrol for ten days and then take
two days on civic-action pro-
grams," but added that he was
"not so critical of the past as I
am hopeful for the future."
Kennedy toured South Viet Nam
with a group of colleagues in Oc-
tober and November. He is chair-
man of a special subcommittee
dealing with the problems of
South Vietnamese refugees, who
number approximately 600,000 of
the country's population of about
15 million.
Kennedy said that successes un-
der the Choi Hoi, or "Open Arms"
program, devoted.towards winning
back Viet Cong and their sym-
phathizers, had "increased dra-
Popular Support Increases
He added that significantly more
Vietnamese peasants have been
paying taxes to their local gov-
ernments rather than to the Viet
Cong and are also giving govern-
ment forces more intelligence as-
But, Kennedy cautioned, while
progress has been marked, there
is "a long way to go there in many
f ields."
"It isn't just the immediate:
problem of South Viet Nam which
we must face," the Massachusetts
I senator declared.
"It is parochial to think of that
country as the only one affected
by the war," he added. He said
that the strong U.S. action in the
war in Viet Nam has a significant
effect "in a psychological sense"

in many other Southeast Asian
countries, and, he maintained, it
has also "almost completely halt-
ed Viet Minh infiltration into
Neutralist Laotian premier Sou-
vanna Phouma, in a speech at the
University in late October, praised
the United States for helping Laos
resist a communist takeover and
preserve its neutrality.
Turning to civil rights, Kennedy,
who is a member of the Senate-
judiciary committee, which' con-
siders all civil rights legislation,
said it will be "difficult to iden-
tify particular needs for new civil
rights legislation until we can
tell how the fundamental legisla-
tion already in effect is working."
He stressed that while a reform
of the jury and trial system in the
South and a "personal protection"
law making violence against civil
rights workers a federal crime
were important, "I don't like to
identify with one particular thing
because I've seen so much happen
which was totally unexpected."
Kennedy explained that some
Senate liberals in 1964 expected
that the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
which made a sixth grade educa-
" STAn ST-
z zs
a th AVE.
40h AVE.

tion sufficient proof of literacy,
would be enough to solve the prob-
lem of Negro disfranchisement.
He added that other problems,
such as public accommodations,
housing, and voting rights should
also be given careful consideration.
Jury trial and personal safety laws
are being stressed by some civil
rights leaders such as the Rev.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Poll Tax Ban Sought
"Given the tradition of the bar-
riers against opportunity to vote,"
he said, "abolition of the poll tax
seemed the next logical step to
take" after the 1964 act to extend
protection of the right to vote in
the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Kennedy came within four votes
in the Senate of putting a ban on
state and local poll taxes into the
1965 'law despite administration
opposition to the idea.
Some liberals charged that ad-
ministration leaders opposed the

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poll tax ban to avoid offending
Senate Minority Leader Everett
McKinley Dirksen (R-Ill), whose
support of many administration
policies, including Viet Nam, has
proven valuable. Dirksen and At-
torney-General Nicholas deB.
Katzenbach both felt a statutory
ban might be unconstitutional.
Kennedy, however, said that
there was a "legitimate difference
of opinion about the constitution-
ality of abolishing the poll tax
by federal statute. I was suffi-
ciently convinced that the evi-
dence of- the past was sufficient
to justify it, but others weren't."
Although the Kennedy attempt
at an outright ban on poll taxes
failed, the close Senate vote
prompted administration leaders
to insert a "finding of Congress"
clause saying that the taxes were
unconstitutional and mandating
the Attorney-General to bring suit
to end them.

Each school offers a combined program of intensive instruc-
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major European ski capitals
Approximate cost including tuition, room, board and major
ski and transportation expenses ..............$1,600.
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International Ski & Language Academy
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Report Troop Strength Rise
To 200,000 By Next Year


States forces in South Viet Nam
will increase to about 200,000 men
by the early part of next year,
sources said yesterday.
The exact numbers in the ad-
ditional buildup have not yet been
determined, but the sources said
the added troops under a new
presidential decision will total
about 40,000 men.
There now are some 160,000 U.S.
servicemen in Viet Nam, with
the bulk of them Army troops.
Westmoreland 'Calls Tune'
The sources said top U.S. offi-
cials in Washington are now let-
ting Gen. William C. Westmore-
Long's Job
Hopes May
Spark Fi ht
WASHINGTON (A') - Sen. Rus-
sell B. Long (D-La) may face op-
position to his announced inten-
tion to hang on to three impor-
tant Senate posts in the next ses-
sion of Congress.
Long has made it clear he
wants to continue as assistant ma-
jority leader and a member of the;
Foreign Relations Committee while
taking on the chairmanship of the
Finance Committee.
Thei~ latter post opened to him
wi the resignation of Sen. Harry
F. Byrd (D-Va) because of ill
health. Byrd's son, Harry F. Jr.,
was appointed Friday to fill his
father's seat.
Senate Democratic Leader Mike !
Mansfield of Montana declined
comment on Long's statement
that he wants to keep the assist-
ant's post except to say "that's
going to be up to the Democratic
caucus to decide."
Some senators, however, may
doubt that Long will have enough
time to devote to all three of his
Asked who might then become
whip, Hayden said "I've heard in-
directly that it might be Sen.
John O. Pastore of Rhode Island.
He is an able man."
World "New
By The Associated Press
KALAMAZOO-Nine Job Corps
trainees involved in a window-
, e-sa-r=~ rin+ ha+ nin +naha

land, the U.S. commander in the Vietnamese positions are scatter-
war zone, "call the tune." ed like islands throughout the
Earlier in the year, it is known, country, .reachable with supplies
Westmoreland was asking for only by air and water.
many more troops than were ap- Defeated in three major battles
proved. But after the near-dis- the past week that cost them 710
aster of last May and June and confirmed dead, the Viet Cong Fri-
the midsummer decision to pour day attacked the base camp of the
in large U.S. combat elements, U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division
Westmoreland's estimates have! at An Khe. Again they were re-
been followed more closely. pulsed.
President Johnson approved the Briefing officers said yesterday
latest increment in a conference the guerrillas fired 75 to 100 mor-
with Secretary of Defense Robert tar rounds at the camp, in the
S. McNamara at his ranch Thurs- central highlands northeast of
day. Actually, the President was Saigon, and then attempted an
ratifying tentative decisions re- assault with automatic rifles.
portedly made as far back as last Gunners Silence Mortar
summer. Cavalry machine gunners silenc-
Expect More Combat Units ed one mortar and U.S. helicopters,
More combat units, possibly in- and artillery turned back the rifle-
cluding Army brigades and Ma- men.
rines, are expected to be in- The guerrillas left three dead
cluded in the additional forces, behind. No U.S. casualties were
However, logistical troops-sup- reported.
ply, maintenance, transportation, Perhaps as a diversion, other
and similar backup forces - are guerrillas struck at a command
likely to comprise a major seg- post of 1st Cavalry troops based
ment of the reinforcements. in the Plei Me Special Forces
Arvn, ffini.lid that. an un- camp.habout 60 mil s southwest of

GROUP has started the
revitalization of S.G.C.
Help maintain the progress

Ed Robinson
Ruth Bariman



mF~y oCa UU LU ~ t
usually large support structure is
needed in Viet Nam.
This is because U.S. and South
- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

An Khe. The Americans there suf-
fered light casualties. There was
no report on Viet Cong losses.

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Mass Meeting ... Nov. 22-Union Ballroomn-7:30 P.M. 4

Lo i"1 n /"r - MAb A i t'1

tion Thursday, leaving the desti-
ises of 3.8 million Africans to
225,000 whites.
Uits " Informants said David Hall,
Unts A re Eliminated a chief of protocol and a former
uarBritish officer, had re-
signed. Many others were believ-
WASHINGTON W) - Secretary lected force" formed of National ed to be also considering resig-
of Defense Robert S. McNamara Guard and Reserve units. nation.
announced yesterday the immed- Before reaffirming the plan of This discontent was said to have
iate elimination of 751 Army Re- last September to eliminate the spread also to the armed forces.
serve. units, thus overriding a 751 units which contain 55,000 A few British officers assigned to
Senate committee resolution re- men, yesterday's announcement the Rhodesian army were said
questing him to defer action until said, McNamara, Deputy Secretary to have been withdrawn. Others
next March. of Defense Cyprus R. Vance, Sec- With strong British ties were re-
A Pentagon announcement sn saidretary of the Army Stanley R. Re- ported considering their position.
Ahi Paton innteento aid- sor and Army Chief of Staff Gen.
this action "is in the national in- Harold K. Johnson "carefully con-
terest" to hasten overall combat sidered the resolution of the Sen-
readiness. ate armed services committee. " L1UI1IV U
The announcement took cogni- The announcement added:
zance of the resolution by the "The inactivation of the un-
Senate Armed Services Committee seeded units will make available D octorsaA re
last month challenging the De- quickly additional trained man-
fense Department's plan to elimi- power for units which are required
nate the so-called surplus Guard for our contingency war plans anddi sEngourahned
divisions, but approving that por- Iwill enable them to increase comn-
tion of the plan to create a "se- bat readiness at the earliest pos-
sible date. FT. GORDON, Ga. W)-Dwight
No Merger Involved D. Eisenhower had the best night
"The inactivation does not in- yet since he had another onslaught
s R ound uvolve any merger or consolidation of heart trouble early Tuesday
of the Army Reserve into the morning. It underscored assur-
National Guard. The Army Re- ances from his doctors that he is
serve will be programmed to at- past his greatest period of danger
first papal trip to the Communist tain a fiscal year 1966 end strength and has a good chance of re-
world, a pilgrimage to Poland. of 270,000 as provided in the De- covery.
A Polish church source said the partment of Defense Appropria- An air of encouraging optimism
nnntiff in a meeting with Stefan tions Act." returned to Ft. Gordon Army Hos-



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